Cost Date - Transaction Date - Accounting Date

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Fusion CST: FAQ Cost Cutoff Date - Cost Date - Transaction Date- Accounting Date (Doc ID To Bottom

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What are various "dates" in costing and what is the significance of each of these ?
What is the Cost Cutoff Date? Document Details
How to use cost cutoff date options?
What are backdated transactions? Type:
Status: FAQ
Why did my transaction costing date move to a future date from the transaction date in inventory ? PUBLISHED
Last Major
Backdating of Transactions: Examples Update: 07-May-2020
Last 06-Jul-2023
Why is my cost date not same as my Accounting Date in GL for the journals and cost distributions displayed on Review Cost Update: English
Accounting Distributions? Language:

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Information Centers

This FAQ is intended to address the cost cutoff date option, backdated transactions, and the costing date of transactions. Information Center:
Fusion Applications
Supply Chain
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Management [108.2]

Fusion CST: Information

What are various "dates" in costing and what is the significance of each of these ? Center- Overview for
Fusion Cost Management
The following dates are frequently discussed in Fusion Costing . [1360152.2]
1) Transaction Date

2) Cost Cut Off date Document References

No References available
3) Costing Date
for this document.
4) Accounted Date /GL date
Recently Viewed

What Is The Accounting

Transaction date : Businesses are usually concerned with the transaction date and the corresponding accounting date in the Date (GL DATE) In
GL ledger for the transaction. The Transaction dates are usually entered by the end users entering transactions in either Fusion Assets Based
inventory or other modules that interface transaction data to costing. This date can be <= current system date (this is calculated On? [2026648.1]
based on Server timezone date for less than R13 version of apps, there are changes planned for timezone derivation
functionality from release 13) Transaction Account
Builder And Defaulting
Cost Cut Off date : This option allows businesses to control transactions that to flow to costing. By using this option , one can Of Accounts In
process transactions untill the cut off date chosen. Cut off dates are not advanced until all old transactions are successfully Purchasing Documents
GL Date /and Accounted
the corresponding
Date : Accounted
Costing period
date/GLis closed.
date is This
the date
is thewhen
transactions approach
that are cost
, costing successfully
does not [1274985.1]
will beany
to SLA and to be
ledger after once
a future
the dated
date is derived
Hence based
to have
on cost
the flexibility
date and to PRC:PO My Receipts -
account back
available opendatedGL period
during the
in correct
cost processor
costing and
run.GL If at
the timeit isofimportant
to closely
a cost date
watch is the
to be in a closed
of theGL cost Unable to find PO
cut off date
period, costingandwill
this option
the GLwell.
date based on current open GL period so transactions can be processed in SLA and [2357669.1]
posted in GL without any issues. If the gl period is closed after the cost processor is run , but before the transactions were
Costing How to Correct Receipts
moved toDate:SLA byThis is thecreate
running date on which a transaction
accounting program, the is pegged to be
transaction processed
will error within closed
costing. GLOnce
Hence isis itfully
processed [1332388.1]
to close GLthe costonly
period dateafter
cannot be changed.
processing all theAny subsequent
period transactions
end validations thatbycome
thrown in will
costing, be costed
close costingsequentialy
period andafter
only thethenlast
cost processed
close date for aGL
the corresponding given valuation
period. unit.
Also, for the cost processor to successfully process transactions it is important that atleast Fusion RCV: Unable To
one GL period is open ( current , future or past). Receive the PO From My
The costing date of transactions is normally the same as the transaction date, except for backdated transactions or transactions Receipt Receive Items
Oncedrive inventory
the cost date isonhand to negative.
established, If there performs
the processor are any previously costedcalculations
cost accounting transactions, forthat
theis; the cost processor
transaction, creates has Search [2457568.1]
distributions,whose datethe
and sets is earlier than date
accounting the date
based of on
a backdated
the following transaction,
logic: then the costing date of the backdated
Show More
If the costisdate
set after the
falls in latest cost
a Never Openeddateperiod,
for a given valuation unit.
the accounting date becomes the same as the cost date when
that period status is Open. In the rare case where the transaction date is in a period that precedes the first
usedcost dateapplication,
affects thetheaccounted datedate
of the transaction
to a dateand thefirst
inventory valuation. It does
that isnot affect the inventory
in the accounting is set in the subsequent period Open.  
• If the costdate,
date or theininventory
falls a Pendingquantity
Close orreported for a given
Closed period, datealerted
you are in inventory
by an UIs.
message.will Yougocanbyreopen
transaction date and
the periodwilland
go bythethe costed/accounted
processor will attemptdate.
to set the accounting date to a date in that period; or you can
permanently close the period to let the transaction accounting date move into the next Open period.
Cost Date Derivation: Cost Date derivation logic does not look at any period status. The cost date for backdated transactions
• If the cost date falls in a period that is Permanently Closed and the next period is not Open, an error message
inherits the greater of: the backdated transaction date, the date of the last processed transaction. The date is simply based on
warns you that the transaction will remain unaccounted until a subsequent period is opened. Once the
latest processed transaction for the particular item and valuation unit.
subsequent period is Open, the accounting date of the transaction will move into that Open period.
When accounting distributions are staged within the costing subledger, the accounting distribution accounting
GL Date /and
processed Accounted
the corresponding
Date : Accounted
Costing period
date/GLis closed.
date is This
the date
is thewhen
transactions approach
that are cost
, costing successfully
does not [1274985.1]
will beany
to SLA and to be
ledger after once
a future
the dated
date is derived
Hence based
to have
on cost
the flexibility
date and to PRC:PO My Receipts -
account back
available opendatedGL period
during the
in correct
cost processor
costing and
run.GL If at
the timeit isofimportant
to closely
a cost date
watch is the
to be in a closed
of theGL cost Unable to find PO
cut off date
period, costingandwill
this option
the GLwell.
date based on current open GL period so transactions can be processed in SLA and [2357669.1]
posted in GL without any issues. If the gl period is closed after the cost processor is run , but before the transactions were
Costing How to Correct Receipts
moved toDate:
SLA byThis is thecreate
running date on which a transaction
accounting program, the is pegged to be
transaction processed
will error within closed
costing. GLOnce
Hence isis itfully
processed [1332388.1]
to close GLthe costonly
period dateafter
cannot be changed.
processing all theAny subsequent
period transactions
end validations thatbycome
thrown in will
costing, be costed
close costingsequentialy
period andafter
only thethenlast
cost processed
close date for aGL
the corresponding given valuation
period. unit.
Also, for the cost processor to successfully process transactions it is important that atleast Fusion RCV: Unable To
one GL period is open ( current , future or past). Receive the PO From My
The costing date of transactions is normally the same as the transaction date, except for backdated transactions or transactions Receipt Receive Items
that drive
Once inventory
the cost date isonhand to negative.
established, If there performs
the processor are any previously costedcalculations
cost accounting transactions, forthat
theis; the cost processor
transaction, creates has Search [2457568.1]
distributions,whose datethe
and sets is earlier than date
accounting the date
based of on
a backdated
the following transaction,
logic: then the costing date of the backdated
Show More
• If the costisdate
set after the
falls in latest cost
a Never Openeddateperiod,
for a given valuation unit.
the accounting date becomes the same as the cost date when
that period status is Open. In the rare case where the transaction date is in a period that precedes the first
Note: The
usedcost dateapplication,
affects thetheaccounted datedate
of the transaction
to a dateand thefirst
inventory valuation. It does
that isnot affect the inventory
in the accounting is set in the subsequent period Open.  
• If the costdate,
date or theininventory
falls a Pendingquantity
Close orreported for a given
Closed period, datealerted
you are in inventory
by an UIs.
message.will Yougocanbyreopen
transaction date and
the periodwilland
go bythethe costed/accounted
processor will attemptdate.
to set the accounting date to a date in that period; or you can
permanently close the period to let the transaction accounting date move into the next Open period.
Cost Date Derivation: Cost Date derivation logic does not look at any period status. The cost date for backdated transactions
• If the cost date falls in a period that is Permanently Closed and the next period is not Open, an error message
inherits the greater of: the backdated transaction date, the date of the last processed transaction. The date is simply based on
warns you that the transaction will remain unaccounted until a subsequent period is opened. Once the
latest processed transaction for the particular item and valuation unit.
subsequent period is Open, the accounting date of the transaction will move into that Open period.
When accounting distributions are staged within the costing subledger, the accounting distribution accounting

What is the Cost Cutoff Date?

When the cost processors are run, users specify the cost cutoff date option and the cutoff date for all cost organization books
that are being processed. The cost cutoff date is the last day on which the cost processor will process transactions for an
accounting period. If you are consistently getting cost processor runs without any records, please check to see if the cost cutoff
date is in the past.

How to use cost cutoff date options?

You can set the cutoff date option to User-Defined or Auto. The User-Defined option requires you to specify the cutoff date;
while the Auto option saves you the effort of redefining the cutoff date which is automatically moved forward by the cost
processor. Under the Auto option, the cost processor moves the cutoff date forward up to the last date of the earliest open cost
period, and then it stops until the period is closed. After the period is closed, the cost processor advances the cutoff date into
the next open period, and so on. However if a transaction is successfully preprocessed after the cutoff date, then the cutoff date
for that cost organization book moves forward to the date of the last successfully preprocessed transaction; this could happen,
for example, if the cutoff date option was originally set to User-Defined and subsequently changed to Auto.

What are backdated transactions?

One of the purposes of the cost cutoff date is to allow backdating of transactions. For example, if you set the cost cutoff date to
October 31, you can still process October transactions that were entered in November for the period ending October 31 by
backdating them to October 31 or earlier. However, when the cost cutoff date advances forward to a date past October 31, the
transactions can no longer be backdated to October 31 or earlier, and they are processed with the forward date. If you set a cost
cutoff date at October 31, the cost processor will queue up but not process any transactions with a date after October 31. If you
subsequently need to backdate transactions to a date before October 31, you can process these transactions before any
transactions with dates of November 1 and beyond. You can also backdate transactions to any date after October 31, with the
assurance that these transactions will be processed in the correct order when the cost cutoff date moves forward.

Why did my transaction costing date move to a future date from the transaction date in inventory ?

SCENARIO 1 The cost date can be different from the transaction date and moved to a future date, if there is no onhand in the
valuation unit and the transaction is a issue transaction and the cost profile setup allows "negative onhand inventory" to Always.
For example you are processing a sales order issue transaction before you have onhand in the inventory, then this transaction
costing will be put on hold and once the onhand is received later , the transaction will be cost processed and the costing date of
the transaction will be equal to the receipt leg of the arriving onhand. In these cases the cost processor will show a warning
message with "Issue transaction is fully costed but not yet fully depleted due to unresolved negative inventory quantities". If the
cost profile is set to never enable negative onhand , then the transaction will error in cost processing with message : "Issue
transaction was put on hold to avoid generating negative inventory"
After costing processes it and posts the transactions to GL, the Accounting date will be in UTC ( on display UI as well as in db)
and the period
SCENARIO wll be July
2 Inventory and not August.
transaction date will consider the user preferred timezone and will display all dates in User timezone .
however , costing does not consider this since these are accounting data, this will show only in the server timezone. This gives a
In future, release 13date
of transaction and being
it is planned
from to provide
costed a option
date, to pick
however this
in the preferred
database bothtimezone at thewill
these dates legal
be entitiy
stored level
in theand
period start and end
server timezone. Thedates alongiswith
difference costing
merely onlydate andUI.
on the accounting date
This might will consider
mislead the userthis
intowhen displaying
thinking dates] accounted
the transaction
with a different date than what was expected.

Transaction date in inventory was created as back dated transaction with expectation that costing will process these transactions
with the
User transaction
timezone date entered
is in CHINA. in Inventory.
User Preferred timezone is set to Beijing time. Server timezone is UTC.
however, before
User creates the creation
a transaction at of this AM
05:00 transaction
August 1stcosting already
Beijing time, processed
for user thea transaction
expectationwith date
is that thelater to the entered
transaction is created in the
new Augustdate. Due
period. to this
After reason and
transaction becasue
is saved, thecosting can only
transaction dateprocesses
shows thetransactions
time in usersequentially and in layers,
preferred timezone though
and shows thethe
transaction date
date is
the past, 5
August the costing
AM. Howeverwill give it adatabase,
on the cost dateinventory
that is later to the
stores thetransaction
as 9 all
after existing
cost dates for
converting the item/valuation
to UTC, unit related
which is techincally cost
still July layers.
The userItem Costs Ui
preferred will givedisplay
timezone this "last
for use cost date"
transaction information
date whichinto
confuses users might help users
believing understandiswhat
the transaction mightinbenew
recorded theperiod
date for a given back dated
however this is not the case. transaction date in inventory.

Review below section ofr Backdating of transactions and cost date derivation logic in more detail.
transaction was put on hold to avoid generating negative inventory
After costing processes it and posts the transactions to GL, the Accounting date will be in UTC ( on display UI as well as in db)
and the period
SCENARIO wll be July
2 Inventory and not August.
transaction date will consider the user preferred timezone and will display all dates in User timezone .
however , costing does not consider this since these are accounting data, this will show only in the server timezone. This gives a
In future, release 13date
of transaction and being
it is planned
from to provide
costed a option
date, to pick
however this
in the preferred
database bothtimezone at thewill
these dates legal
be entitiy
stored level
in theand
period start and end
server timezone. Thedates alongiswith
difference costing
merely onlydate andUI.
on the accounting date
This might will consider
mislead the userthis
intowhen displaying
thinking dates] accounted
the transaction
with a different date than what was expected.

Transaction date in inventory was created as back dated transaction with expectation that costing will process these transactions
User the transaction
timezone date entered
is in CHINA. in Inventory.
User Preferred timezone is set to Beijing time. Server timezone is UTC.
however, before
User creates the creation
a transaction at of this AM
05:00 transaction
August 1stcosting already
Beijing time, processed
for user thea transaction
expectationwith date
is that thelater to the entered
transaction is created in the
transaction date. Due to this reason and becasue costing can only processes transactions sequentially
new August period. After transaction is saved, the transaction date shows the time in user preferred timezone and in layers, though
and shows thethe
transaction date
date is
the past, 5
August the costing
AM. will give
However it adatabase,
on the cost dateinventory
that is later to the
stores thetransaction
as 9 all
PMthe current
July after existing
cost dates for
converting the item/valuation
to UTC, unit related
which is techincally cost
still July layers.
The userItem Costs Ui
preferred will givedisplay
timezone this "last
for use cost date"
transaction information
date whichinto
confuses users might help users
believing understandiswhat
the transaction mightinbenew
recorded theperiod
date for athis
however given back
is not thedated
case.transaction date in inventory.
Review below section ofr Backdating of transactions and cost date derivation logic in more detail.

Backdating of Transactions: Examples

By setting the cost cutoff date for a cost accounting period, you can manage which transactions are processed in that period,
including backdated transactions. The following examples illustrate how the cost processor sets the accounted date for
backdated transactions.Assume that the current date is November 2, the cost cutoff date is October 31, and the following costed
and uncosted transactions are in process:

Below, the inventory transaction is backdated to position A. The transaction will be costed with accounting date B before the
transactions 2 and 3 are processed.

Below, the inventory transaction is backdated to position C. The transaction will be costed with accounting date C after the
transactions 2 and 3 are processed.
Below, the inventory transaction is backdated to position C. The transaction will be costed with accounting date C after the
transactions 2 and 3 are processed.

Below, the inventory transaction is backdated to position D. The transaction will be costed with accounting date D after the cost
cutoff is moved past October 31.

Why is my cost date not same as my Accounting Date in GL for the journals and cost distributions displayed on
Review Cost Accounting Distributions?

Cost date does not consider the period status of GL periods.

Cost date derivation logic is independent on current cost period status. However the accounted date is dependent on the GL
period status. The current open GL period and the current open Costing period need not be the same.

If the current GL period is closed, then cost processor will simply move the GL_date on the distribution to a open GL period. This
can be a past period or a future period for give transaction date.

Costing only requires that atleast one open Costing and GL period exist when ever distributions are processed and posted.

So if the current
OracleGL period
Cloud is closed
> Oracle and futureGL
Software Cloud >period
open, costing will sweep
Resource the distribution
Planning GL date
Cloud > Oracle to Cost
Fusion first day of this
Management Cloud Service > Cost
open period.
Management > Costing UI and Dashboard

to this there will be a mismatch between Cost Date and GL date which is nothing but the Accounted date when SLA
these transactions
the GL date
passed by Cost
Hence it is important
SWEEP; that any
TRANSACTION; GL and Costing Period be open when cost processes processes a transaction. This will help the
processesor to derive a GL date. Else the records will remain unprocessed and in error state with specific errors messages on the
processor log reporting that GL period is closed. or Costing period is closed.
English Source Japanese 日本語
If no open period exist, processor will error with

Cost period
Back not open - if no costing period can be found
to Top
and GL period not open - if no GL period can (c) 2023, Oracle. All rights reserved.
be found. Legal Notices and Terms of Use Privacy Statement
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Oracle Fusion Applications > Supply Chain Management > Cost Management > Oracle Fusion Cost Management > Cost Processing > Create Cost
Accounting Distributions
So if the current
OracleGL period
Cloud is closed
> Oracle and futureGL
Software Cloud >period
open, costing will sweep
Resource the distribution
Planning GL date
Cloud > Oracle to Cost
Fusion first day of this
Management Cloud Service > Cost
open period.
Management > Costing UI and Dashboard

to this there will be a mismatch between Cost Date and GL date which is nothing but the Accounted date when SLA
these transactions
the GL date
passed by Cost
Hence it is important
SWEEP; that any
TRANSACTION; GL and Costing Period be open when cost processes processes a transaction. This will help the
processesor to derive a GL date. Else the records will remain unprocessed and in error state with specific errors messages on the
processor log reporting that GL period is closed. or Costing period is closed.
English Source Japanese 日本語
If no open period exist, processor will error with

Cost period
Back not open - if no costing period can be found
to Top
and GL period not open - if no GL period can (c) 2023, Oracle. All rights reserved.
be found. Legal Notices and Terms of Use Privacy Statement
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Oracle Fusion Applications > Supply Chain Management > Cost Management > Oracle Fusion Cost Management > Cost Processing > Create Cost
Accounting Distributions

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