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The success and the final outcome of this report required a lot of guidance
and assistance from a lot of people and I extremely fortunate to get his all.
First of all I feel greatly indebted to Mr Manish Kumar(Marketing and sales
Manager) of leader Auto Sales who helped me to accomplish this project. A
special thanks to Prof.Jyoti saxena (Head of Department, Mba, Avviare
Educational Hub),for her constant support ,cooperation and motivation

I would like to thank all my fellow intern and employee, without whose
company this project would ever have ended in a fruitful way.

Pranit Kumar Jha

Mba 3rd Sem

Chapters Topics Page No.

Chapter 1 Overview of industry ….. .…. .……….1

Chapter 2 Assigned work during internship ….. .…. .……….10

Chapter 3 Skills learned in internship ….. .…. .……….17

Chapter 4 Theoretical approach to marketing ….. .…. .……….20

Chapter 5 Research methodology ….. .…. .……….34

Chapter 6 Data analysis and interpretation ….. .…. .……….39

Chapter 7 Recommendation and findings ….. .…. .……….46

Chapter 8 Conclusion ….. .…. .……….47

Bibliography ….. .…. .……….48
Annexures ….. .…. .……….49

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