sk01 Exp

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TASK 1: TheOcean

Configure Word ActiveX Settings to enable all controls without restrictions

and without prompting.
TASK 2: TheOcean
Disable the Paste Options button so that it does not display when content is
TASK 3: ApplesLinked
Restrict editing on this document to allow only comments. Enter 7788 as the
password. (Note: Accept all other default settings.)
TASK 4: ApplesLinked
Restrict editing on this document to limit formatting to the Recommended
Miniumum styles. Remove formatting and styles that are not allowed.
Enforce protection without a password. (Note: Accept all other default
TASK 5: TheOcean
Remove the Contact Info style from the template CompanyDescription.dotx,
located in the GMetrixTemplates folder. Save the file.
TASK 6: StyleGuide_Revised
Apply the styles from the template CompanyDescription.dotx, located in the
Documents folder, to the document currently open.
TASK 7: TheOcean
Change the character spacing of the table on page 1 to an 80% scale that is
condensed by 0.3 pt.
TASK 8: TheOcean
Format the first two paragraphs below the heading The Ocean Is A Water
World so the first line is indented 0.4 (1.0 cm) and the line spacing is set to exactly
12 pt.
TASK 9: ApplesLinked
Insert a Microsoft Graph Chart below the third table on the first page (fruit
table). Display the Fruits column as a legend and the Percent column as the
data series.
TASK 10: ApplesLinked
Insert a clustered column chart below the third table on the first page (fruit
table). Display the Fruits column as Categories and the Percent column as the
data Series. Change the chart layout to Layout 11.
TASK 11: ApplesLinked
Add the title Fruit Analysis of the Midwest as Alt Text to the third table on the
first page (fruit table). Set the Preferred Width for the table to 97% and add a
Tan, Background 2, Darker 25% colored Box border with a width of 1.5 pt.
around the perimeter of the table.
TASK 12: TheOcean
In the Header of the document, replace [Type text] with the Author Document
TASK 13: TheOcean
Save the Rain Cloud graphic on page 2 as a building block. Name the building
block Rain Cloud. Create a new category named Graphics, save in Building
Blocks, and configure the option to insert content in its own paragraph.
TASK 14: ApplesLinked
Break the link between the two text boxes.
TASK 15: Apples
Create a link between the two text boxes, cut the list from the bottom of the
page, and paste it into the text boxes.
TASK 16: FILE 01
Perform a comparison of StyleGuide.docx and StyleGuide_Revised.docx
located in the GMetrixTemplates folder. Use StyleGuide.docx as the original
document. Display the changes at the Character Level in a new document.
Accept all of the changes and save the new document to the GMetrixTemplates
folder as Final.docx.
TASK 17: ApplesLinked
At the end of the last paragraph, add a web site source with the following settings:
Author = Stronin, Craig; Year = 2011; Tag name = Str11Web.
TASK 18: ApplesLinked
Use the Source Manager to import NewSources.xml, located in the Documents
folder, as available sources.
TASK 19: SupremeCourt-Add
Mark all instances of State v. Salter, 2008J230, 758 N.W.2d 702 as a citation in
the Cases category of the Table of Authorities. Update the Table of Authorities.
TASK 20: SupremeCourt-Add
Remove the citation associated with State v. Avila and then update the Table of
TASK 21: TheOcean
Mark all occurrences of cyclones, typhoons, and hurricanes as Index Citations.
Update the index at the end of the document. (Note: Accept all other default
TASK 22: Newsletter
Create a Letter Merge using the current document. Use Participants.xlsx,
located in the GMetrixTemplates folder, to populate the recipients list. Add a
First_Name field so that it replaces the note Insert First Name Here. (Note:
Accept all other default settings.) Create a rule that inserts the text Supporter
whenever the First_Name field is blank. Finish the merge by editing the
individual documents.
TASK 23: Survey
Without starting a new merge, add the appropriate fields to replace the text First
Name and Company. Use Attendees.docx, located in the GMetrixTemplates
folder, to populate the recipients list. Finish the merge by Editing Individual
Documents. (Note: Do not print or email the merge.)
TASK 24: Newsletter
Without starting a new merge, add the appropriate field to the envelope merge
to replace the text Insert Address Block Here. Use Customers.xlsx, located in
the GMetrixTemplates folder, to populate the recipients list. Use the address block
format Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. and accept all other defaults. Finish the merge
by Editing Individual Documents, and save the merge as BatchMail to the
Documents folder.
TASK 25: TheOcean
Enable all macros for this document.
TASK 26: Oranges
Copy the NewMacros, located in Oranges.docm, to the Apples.docx, located in
the GMetrixTemplates folder. Save Apples.docx as a macro-enabled document.
TASK 27: Oranges
Assign the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+5 to the LinkedText macro, located
in Oranges.docm.
TASK 28: Survey
Add Help Key text to the Text Form Field that displays the following text in the
Status Bar: Type in your feedback up to 400 characters. Restrict editing
without a password to allow only filling in forms so you can test your help.
TASK 29: Survey
Change the Text Form Field so that the field accepts a maximum of 400
TASK 30: Survey
Add First Time to the Combo Box control and list it as the first option.

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