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According to Meyer et al (2007), management” is process of achieving organization goals

through planning, organizing, leading, staffing and controlling the human, physical, financial and
information resources of organization in an effective and efficiency. Therefore Management is
the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals.
Management principle; are statement of general truth providing guides to thought and best
practice for management action or management decision. Management perming in both
individual and group of people, there are several importance of management principles which
are; principle management help to acquire knowledge and competence skills in making decision,
to understand the nature of organization in order to determine the best way of performing task, to
understand the organization environment, socially, legally, politically, economically and
technology and to understand concepts which can be applied to practice for excellence purpose.
There are some nature of principle management as following
The following are nature of principle management
Universal application; The principles of management are universal in nature that means they
can be applied to all type of organization irrespective of their size and nature. Their results may
be vary and application may be modified but these are suitable for all kind of organization
similarly they are applicable to all level of organization, it is not for business and economic only
it all about daily lives
Example: The whole work of an organization is divided into smaller tasks and such tasks are
assigned to different departments, groups and individuals. Such a system of division of work is
applicable in all types of organizations
Management is general guidelines; management provides general guidelines in tackling the
organizational situations as well as solving problems which management principles are to be
applied depends upon the situation, size, and nature of organization, the knowledge of
management is used to achieve the organization goals, in the absence of this goal might be less
efficient of work in organization
Example: During the period of recession, the general manager may allow marketing departments
to give a heavy discount to the customers without giving due attention to financial losses being
raised by the financing department because the primacy of overall goals of the organization is
Management principle is flexibility; management principle are flexible in nature means that
can be changed or modified according to the situation. Managers can be flexible while
implementing principle to suit the requirement of organization .this may occur due to change of
workers especially manager which every manager have principle which believe on each ,so there
some changes for the better result and to archive the goal of organization according to its need

Example: Application of the principle of centralization or decentralization i.e. concentration or
dispersal of authority to be delegated to employees depends upon the need, ability and
competency of the employees. It also depends upon the nature of the organization.

Management is profession; profession is an occupation for which specialized knowledge, skills

and training are required and used for general interest of the society. it is profession because it
meets the following basic characteristics ,it is occupation that requires specialized knowledge
which is transferable ,it follows a scientific knowledge approach which enable in achieving the
goal ,demand specific skills to perform specific managerial duties and responsibilities and
acquire discipline in making decision among group of people and individual
Management is profession due to the following reasons
Specialized knowledge; management profession need specialized knowledge to work in their
knowledge from books and other study materials that are carefully curated. Therefore, in this
light one can say that management is profession.
Training and education; modern management science allows aspirants to gain their necessary
knowledge and training. There are many management education and training institution in this
country that can help an individual in this process. For example in the current market, companies
prefer to hire individuals who have a degree to management certain positions. Thus management
of professional meaning refers to individuals with appropriate training and education, which
qualifies them as a profession.
Code of conduct; every profession working in this domain needs to abide by specific rules and
regulations or code of the organization they are working for, and it alters from time to
time .however, professional morality, integrity, and honesty are some fundamentals that
individuals must abide by irrespective of their role. Keeping this into consideration, one can
quickly identify management as a profession.
Social obligations; this social obligation of any job prevails in management as well. Even though
there are no such written norms, but in reality, the focus on social responsibility exists.
Therefore, it is not hard to consider management as a profession.
Associations; there are professional management association in almost every country and their
job is
 To regulate the behavior of members
 Creating norms for professionals
 To study and develop new ideals for the betterment of management as a profession

For instance, in India, the all India management association works in tandem with the local
association to improve this sector via research and analysis.
Management principle is cause and effective relationship, principle management are the base
for talking decision. They determine the cause or reason for a particular effect. For example

payment of good wages and incentives helps in increasing the output of workers or making
effective advertisement increases the sale of product also in make good relationship to the other
organization due to the selling and innovation exchange of knowledge between different
For example, if according to the principle of division of work, the work is divided into different
parts, each part being assigned to a particular person according to his interests and capability,
then it will result in an increase in overall efficiency
Management principle is behavioral in nature; management is group activity, management
aims at achieving a certain goal though a group of human beings .management principles are
designed to influence human beings. These principles control a group of persons and direct them
to archive the objectives
Management is both science and art; as it incorporates the systematic knowledge and
principles of science along with the creativity and intuition of art to effectively lead and make
decisions within organizations, let’s understand why we can say that management consists of
both art and science features. Management is science with many principles and universally
accepted truths. It is a systematic body of knowledge that deals with observation and
Science consists of the following parameters
Application of principles; scientific methods show the truth about a particular field of study.
These principles are applied worldwide in all place and times. Like science, management is
systematic body of knowledge available in management principles and concepts.
Cause and effected relationship; just like science has affected relationships between theories
and principles, the same is true in the case of management. For instance a dual boss system will
lead to confusion. Similarly, when the efforts of the workers and subordinates are recognized.
They feel motivated and give extra effort to achieve their goals. Hence management as a science
shows cause and effort relationships for various theories and principles
Validity and predictability testing; when we test valid and predicted principles, the result
remains the same. Despite the place and time you will get the same results every time you test
these principles .for instance, you will get water when you add hydrogen to oxygen. Similarly,
principles of management can be tested for validity
Art involves using this knowledge in real life using a person’s own creativity and
innovation. Management as art have the following characteristics;
Practical knowledge; art requires its implementation in practical terms. For instance if you want
to be good cricket player, only theoretical knowledge about its related terms is insufficient ,the
skills that make a good manager go beyond theoretical knowledge and degrees. One needs to
practice management principle in real-life situations and analyze the outputs.
Based on personal experiences; the implementation of art by individual differs from person to
person to person. For example, many students learn music from the same institute, but the way

they implement and present it differs .similarly, the books and courses teaching management are
the same, but how one practice is different. Everyone has their way of doing their job and
practicing it. Management as an art involves personalization as well
Perfection through practice; the more your art, the better artist you become. This general
statement is also true in the case of management. It becomes easier to manage your things the
more time you invest in them. Managers learn from strategies and approaches they are
implement. One method may or may not work or show the desired results, so they may try
another method to see if it works. Thus, management is an art that tests the individual’s creativity
and innovation

Analytical Tool: Management principles serve as an analytical tool to analyze and diagnose
business situations. They provide a framework for understanding the fundamental concepts,
processes, and functions of management, enabling managers to assess and evaluate their
organizational context effectively.
Contextual Application: The application of management principles is context-specific. Managers
need to consider the social, economic, political, and cultural factors specific to their organization
when applying these principles. The principles provide a framework, but their implementation
requires contextual understanding and adaptation.
Provide a Common Language: Management principles create a common language and
understanding among managers within an organization. By adhering to these principles,
managers can communicate effectively, collaborate efficiently, and work towards common
objectives. A manager should provide a common language which will distinguish organizational
and other company.
Coordination. Through principles of management various department are brought together so as
to ensure the organisation achieve their stated goals. Due to coordination of employees with their
managers the organisation can share various ideas and making right decision so as to meet their
Developed through experience and experimentation. Management principles are formed through
experiments and experience from various managers from different places so as to achieve the
goals .Since involve experiments the correct measures are taken into consideration so this will
help the managers to obtain profitable measures that will meet their objectives .For example
through experience managers can influence the employees to be creative so as to meet their goals
Example: Through collective practice, we can see that Fayol’s Principle-Discipline helps in
increasing productivity.
Contingent in nature. The application and outcomes of management principles depend on the
existing circumstances and needs so sometimes the result may not occur as the management
expected to be. For example when the managers increase incentives to employees assuming that
they may increase working capacity but employees may not do as the wishes of managers.

Example: Remuneration of employees should be just and equitable yet it may vary from person
to person depending upon various situations.
Remuneration can be dependent on
Industrial standard.
Employer’s paying capacity
Contribution of employee

Adaptability to Cultural Diversity; Management principles can be adapted to accommodate

diverse cultural contexts. For example, while the principle of 'unity of command' emphasizes a
clear reporting structure, it can be adjusted to respect cultural hierarchies and communication
norms in different regions.
Influence on Organizational Structure: Management principles influence the design of
organizational structures. For example, the principle of 'span of control' guides decisions about
the optimal number of subordinates a manager can effectively supervise, leading to the creation
of flat or hierarchical structures accordingly.
Problem-Solving Framework: Management principles provide a framework for problem-
solving. When faced with a production bottleneck, the principle of 'equity' may guide managers
in devising fair and effective strategies for reallocating resources and redistributing workload
among team members.
Support for Strategic Planning: Principles of management inform strategic planning processes.
For instance, the principle of 'unity of direction' underscores the importance of aligning
organizational goals with departmental objectives, guiding managers in formulating cohesive
strategies that drive the entire organization towards a common purpose.
Ethical Considerations; Management principles incorporate ethical considerations into
decision-making. When confronting an ethical dilemma, such as whether to prioritize short-term
profits over long-term sustainability, the principle of 'social responsibility' prompts managers to
consider the broader impact of their actions on stakeholders and society.
Facilitation of Continuous Improvement: Management principles facilitate continuous
improvement efforts. Through the application of principles such as 'continuous learning and
adaptation,' organizations can foster a culture of innovation and experimentation, encouraging
employees to seek new ways of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in their work processes.
Therefore, due to nature of principle of management explained above we see that principles of
management is the way which helps a certain management to increase their performance, acquire
knowledge and skills, to understand the nature of management by considering such principles of


1. Thomas S. Bateman ,The University of North Carolina and Scott A. Snell, Pennsylvania State
2. John M. Ivancevich , (2016)University of Houston , Management Principles.
3. Muldoon, J., & Marin, D. B. (2012). John Florio, Principles Management and practices.


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