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17.1 : Introduction
So far we have considered functions of the form z = f{x, y) where x and y are independent variables.
We now consider the function z=f(_x,y), where x and y are not independent variables, but are
themselves functions of other independent variables u, v so that
y = \/f(U, v).
Then z is said to be composite function of u and v. If z=f{x,y) where x = <j>(t),y = \jl(t), then z is
said to be a composite function oft. In this case z can be expressed as a function of one parameter t by
substituting the values of x and y in terms oft. Then we can obtain the the ordinary differential coefficient
dz which is called the total differential coefficient of z with respect to t.
dt '
But very often it becomes difficult to express z as a function oft. Now, we shall discuss how to
deal with such difficult situations. The required formula is derived in the following section.
17.2: Differentiation of Composite Functions
If z = f(x, y) where x = </>(t), y = w(t)
oz dx oz dy
= ox dt + oy dt .
th en dt

Proof : Let 8t be a small increment in t.

The corresponding increments in x, y , z be 8x, 8y, 8z respectively.
Therefore, z + bz = j(x + bx, y + 8y)
⇒ bz = j(x + bx, y + 8y) -j(x, y)
By definition,

-dz = hm
. -8z . {f(x+8x ,y+8y)- f(x ,y)}
= hm ..l:._.2__ _ _ _.:....___ _---'-
dt 5t➔ O 8f 5t➔ O 8f

. {f(x+8x ,y+8y)- f(x,y+8 y)+ f( x,y+8y) - f(x,y)}

= hm
5t➔ O ◊f
17.2 Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
Derivatives of Composite Fu .
~ •nctions and C""'"1e of Va,iables
. {f(x+8x, y +8y)-f(x, ·y +8y ) + f(x,y+8y)- f (x,y)}
= I1m ~ - -- - 0/ Of
OHO dz
mple-17.2.2 .: Ifz= ry+x_y2 h r
. { f(x,y +8y ) -f(x, y )}
- f(x, v +8y)} + 1!Ill • w ere + xy + y- = s, find~_
. . {f(x+ 8x,y +8v)
= &➔
' '
Of &➔O Of Solution : Here z =ft..x, y) where Y = ~ x)
when iSt ➔ 0, then iSx, iSy, iSz all tend to zero. :!!_=~~+ &dy
Now lim{f( x+ ox,y + 8y ) - f(x,y + 8y) } So, dx Bx dx ay~
11,➔ o of
= lim{[f(x+iS x, y +iSy)- f(x ,y + 8y )] _~ } ax 8y dx .. .(l )
S1 ➔ 0 OX Of
az a y + X)r ) -= 2xy + y2 ,
Now, fu =a_;(x

f( x+ 8x,y +15y) - f (x, y +15y) _lim~

= Jim =g[_ -~ ... (2)
fa ➔O ox St➔O Of ax dt
oz a , 2
lim{f(x ,y +oy)- f(x , y)} ay =ay(x· y+xy ) = X-,..+ 2xy ...(3)
Also, s,➔0 iSt
Further x 2 + xy + -:/'=-5"
=lim { [f(x,y+oy) -f(x,y)] -~}
&➔O 8y 8t ⇒ 1Jx2 +xy+ l ]=¼s
= lim f(x, y+ 8y) - f(x,y ) _1im__§[ =g[_:!x_
➔O 8y [,r➔O 8t 0' dt ⇒ .!!.._x2 +.!!....(xy)+.!!.... y2 =0
~· dx dx dx
_._:!!_= of dx + lf dy ⇒ 2x+x~+ y+2y~=O
dt &: cit 0' dt dx dx
oz dx oz dy ⇒ (x+2y)~=-(2x+ y)
=a; dt + 01 dt as z =f(x,y) dx
In general, if z = f(xl'x 2 , •• • .xn) and xl' x 2 , • •• .xn are all functions oft, then we can prove that ⇒ ~= -(2x+y) ...(4)
dx (x+2y)
:!!_ =!!_ cfx + 1 OZ dx, + + OZ dxn
dt ax,
dt dt .... ax, dt · axn Putting the above values in (1), we get
This formula is known as chain rule for function of several variables.
~ = (2xy+ y2)- (2x+ y) (x2 + 2.xy)
dz dx (x+2y)
pie - 17.2.1 : Find di
if z = x3 y where ,r- t 2 , y = t3.
av av av
Solution: Method-I: z =x / = (t2)3(1 ) =t6i
3 4 2 18
3 =t Example- 17.2.3: lfv = f(y-z ,z- x, x-y) then prove that &+a;/az= O -

dz = 1811 7 Solution: v = f(y-z,z -x,x - y)

Let y-z=xl'z-x = x2 ,x - y =x3
Method -II : Here z = fix, y) where x = ~(t ),y = ljl(t).
Then v =ft...x 1, x 2, x 3) where x 1, x2, x 3 are functions of x, y, z.
dz oz dx oz dy
= ox di + oy di a _:r,,x3)
av =a_;f(xp
Hence dt &
2 4
= (3x y )(21) + ( 4x y3 )(312 ) 3

2 3 2
= of ax! + aJ ax2+ af 8x3
= 3(1: / (1 )4(21) + 4(1 )3 (t )3 (3t )
ax ax ax ax ax3ax
1 2
=6 11• +l2t 1• =1 81
. . ! . ~ - - - - - - - ----~c-3:.a~lcu~lu~s:._::a:::n::d~O:..:.rdi
.::.:!. ation.s
~7.4 --- Derivatives of Composite Functions and Change of Variables '\7.5

=aJ (0)+ aJ (-1) + aJ (I) Example - 17.3.1. Find~ if xY+ y' = c.

ax1 ax2 ful
... (!) Solution: Hereflx, y) = c
=- aJ + aJ
ax2 ax] So, :!x_= _L_
av a dx f,
By=8yf(XpX2, Xi )
f , =iJ[_ =~ (x' + y') =~x' +~ y'
= aJ axl aJ ax2+ aJ axl
ax ax ax ax
8X1 8y ax2 0' axl ay = y.x'-1 + y' ln y
aJ a
f =-=-(x' + y'):.c-x' + -y'
a a
= aJ (I)+ aJ (0)+ aJ c-1) ' a y ay ay ay
axl ax2 ax3 = x' lnx + xy-1
... (2)
= aJ _ aJ . c!l._ _ - f, -(y.x' -1 + y' In y)
ax1 ax1 _ / ·· dx - f , (x'. ln x+xy'-1) •
.._}'Xampe-17.3.2: lfthe curvesfl.x, y) = 0, and g(x, y) = 0 touch each other, show that at the point of
!!!:_ = j_ /(X1,X2,X1)
az az contact.
= aJ axl + af OX2 + af ax] iJL}LiJL_~=O.
axl OZ ax2 OZ OX3 OZ ax 0' ay ax
= of (-l)+_g[_(l)+ of (0) Solution: f(x,y)=0 ⇒ c!l._= -f, ...(\)
ax1 ax2 ax1 dx f,
... (3) dy g
=-af +af g(x,y)=0 ⇒ ~=--2- ...(2)
ax1 ax2 g,
Adding respective sides of (I), (2), (3) we can get From (l) and (2), we get

ax oy oz
-1, =-t ⇒ f,g , =f ,g,
aJ ag af ag
17.3: Derivatives of lmplicity functions ⇒ f,g,- f ,g, =0 ⇒ & 0' -By ax =0 ·
. . . f . hdy f, dy
lfj{x, y) = c where c 1s a constant andy 1s a function o x, t en dx =- f Y ·
Example- 17.3.3: lfx, y, z are connected by the equation $(x,y,z) =0 and l\l(x,y,z)=O then find~ •
Proof: ./{x, y)= c where y = y(x).
Solution: $(x,y,z)=0
d d
⇒ -;f;f(x,y)= dx C ⇒ d$ =!!._0
dx dx
⇒ of !3!..+ of dy =0
ox dx oy dx ⇒ ~~+~:Q'..+~~=0
ax dx ay dx az dx
⇒ J, X
+/,y dx
dy =0 ⇒ 't'x
,f· +,I,.'t' y :Q'..+,1,. ~=0
dx 't'z dx
⇒ dy =-l_ (fy ;t:O).
dx I;,
Calculus an d Ordinary Different ial Equation s
,,__=::.:.:,._:::__ _:.c.---- ..;;._-..: :._

Derivativ es of Composit e Function s and Change of Variabl

⇒ cp, 1 +cp,~ =-(pr es
17 .7
Similarly, we can get Equation ( l) will be reduced to f , dp + f,dt = O .
dv ... (2)
ljl , ~+ ljl, ~=-ljlr ⇒ f,dp =-f,dt ⇒ ~=_L__
dt -f,
tracting and solving, we can get ~=G>,'l' r -\\1~
Multiplying ( I ) by 'I', and (2) by cp, and then sub dx G>,'V , -tl>,'V , So ( ~ \ =-_L
'( dt ),.con,i. f, ...(2)
17.4 : Differential When p = const
. b df and is defined by df = J/ u + J, '6y .
The differentia l of a functionft x, y) is denoted y Thendp = O

Let z = f (x ,y) . Equation ( l) will be reduced to J,dt + J,dv = O.

Then by definition of differential,
⇒ f,dt= -J..dv ⇒ !!!_ = -J,
dz= f, '6x + f, 8y. • dv f,
of _ & _I So ( !!!_'\ = - J,
Ifz= x, then f ,= &- & - • ' ( dv) """""' f, ...(3)
when t = const.
and /,,,-- ~oy = i!!_
oy =O . Thendt= 0
Equation ( l) will be reduced to f "dp + J,dv = 0 .
Hence dT = '6x •
Similary, if z = y, then dy = 8y . ⇒ f. .dv= - f dp ⇒ !!:::!_=_fL
• " dp f,
:. df = f,dx + f / iy .
( dv \ -JP
Note: If u = f (x,y ,z), then du= J, dx+ f , dy+ f/iz · So, ( dp )r•com, f, .. .(.4)
Definition (Exact or perfect differential) : . Multiplyin g respective sides of (2) , (3) and (4), we can get
t differenti al if there exists a function
The expressio n M(x, y) dx + N (x. y) dy is an exac
u(x. y ) such that M( x ,y)dx + N(x,y) dy = du (x,y) · ( -dp j
dt •= 1.
l -dt ~
dv p•com1 .
X (dv~
dp 1•consl
aM aN
Note : M(x, y) dx + N (x, y) dy is an ex act differenti al <=> ay == & ·
e have already discussed in this chapter how the variables
x, y in the function z=}\.x, y) are
Example _ 17_4_1: If / (p,t, v) == 0 show that ged to the variables u, v, when x and y both are function
of u, v. 1n such cases. i.t i.s frequently
required to transform a particular expressio n involving derivative
s with respect to a set of variables in
dp )
( dt ,~const X
dv p=consr.
dp r=const
==-1 .
terms of derivative s with respect to the other set of variables.
called the intermedi ate variables while u, v are independent
Here x, y which are functions of u, v are
We shall demostrat e the method of transform ation through
illustrativ e examples. The algebra of
Solution : f( p ,t, v) == 0 transform ation is tedius, but the method is simple. The following
results shall be frequently used in such
problems .
⇒ df(p, t ,v) ==O
... (1) az az ax az
-= - -+ - -
⇒ f pdp + f, dt + f., dv = 0 ·
au ax au ay au
when v = canst
Then dv = 0
az az ax az ay
- == - - + - - ·
av ax av ay av
d Ordinary Differential Equations
Calculus an ~_,;;;.--------- Derivatives of Composite Functions· and Change of Variables 17 .9
17.8 ·
= r sin 0 prove that the equation
/( ) where x = r cos 0,y ch a(az,
Example - 17.5.1: If z= x,y aiz J 8z __!_ 8 2z =O Hence ax =&\&)

a2z + aiz =0 can betransfonned into a,-2 +;y,:-+ r2 802 .

iJx2 ayi

Solution: x=rcos 0,y=rsin0

x2 +Yi= r2 cos2 e+ r2 sin20=r2

⇒ !_ ,.2 =!_(x2 + y2)

ax iJx

⇒ 2r!!!:_=2x =cosel cose~.J ~\ -sine~ l r- 1 ~f\

iJx L Br\8r) ar\ oo f1
⇒ !!!:_=!_ = rcose =cose I
sine a ( az \ l a ( . az \"\
iJx r r --r-Loo(cosea,: r-;:oo(smeooJ1
or_ y - rsine =sine 2
Similarly, ay--;- r 1 az . L 2
-2az -1 a z \1
=cos\cose ar2 -sm0\(-l)r ·oo+r arOO )j
y _ rsin0 =tane
~- rcose
sine fJ az a2z \ q. az . a2z\ 1
- -,.-n-si.n0a,:+cos0 ooa, i --;:\..cos000 +sm0 002 J J
⇒ 0 =tan-1 l a2z sine az sine a2z
X 1
=coselcose ar2 +7 oo --,.-a,oo
ae a (Y) 1 ~(r)
a;=a;tan ; = (i+fi)m a2z l I

sin0\ . az az sine a2z
--,-L-smea,:+cose ooa,. --;:cose - -,.- 2
00 00 1
, a 2 2 az sin0cos0 az sin0cos0 a2z
_x_·_ -x-1 =--x-2- .y(-IV2 = cos 0 ar2 + --,.-2-00- --,.-- ar r0
= cx2 + l / ·ax (x2 + Y )
sin2eaz sinecos0 a2z sinecos0az sin20a 2 z
_--1._= -rsin0 = -sin0 2- 00 + 7
+ - , - a , : - - - - 00 ar +--,.- 002
- x2+ y2 r ,2
a2z 2 a2z 2sinecose a2z sin20 a2z
80 cos0 ⇒ ax2 = cos e a,2
Similarly, oy = - ,-
ooar + 7 002
sin 2 e az 2sinecose az
oz oz a, oz 80 az sin 0 oz + -,-a,:+ ,.2 00
Now, ox =a;a;+ae ax =cos08r--,-ae 2
8z 8 z 2sinecose a2 z COS2e a z

. '\ \ -=sin2 0 - + - - - -
=( cose¾- si~0 !} Slffil ar y, ay2 8r2 r 8r80
+--2- =2
cos2 e az 2sin0cos0 az
a a sin0 a
⇒ - =COS8- - - - -
+ -,-a,: ,2 ae
0X a, rae
() Y Differe ntial Equatio ns e of Varia.b le s
verivat ives of Compo site Functio ns and Chang
7 ~.1~0_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
_21!._ \ du x
I\ d' u \ d u~
Adding respective sides of (I) and (2). we get =-;: ~ +~\._-;:~ - -;:,~ 1
• , I o'z (sin ' e+cos' 8)
ae' 1
\ du x ' d u - - x 1 du
o'z + er:= ~(cos" 8 + sin ' 8) + 7 - - - ,· + - - ,., - dr
&-' ~r · ar ,. d ,., d r '
S imila rly
+ .!.~ (sin" 8 + cos' 8) a1 u 1 2
_ \du +y d u _ y d u
r or

=:~+;!, : ~+;~ ~v 1 , . d,· ,-1 d ,· 1 ,., dr

and a ' u =~du + ~ ~ - ~,·' dud,·

Hence the tran5fom1ed <!qus tion is B=' ,. d,· ,., d,·'
Adding . ( \ ). (2) und (3). we get
a"= +~ 0 '= + .!..~"~· =o . a ' u a" u a ' u 3du x' + v" +:: d ' u
1 1
x 1 + ~? + :: du
er' r' ae= r er . . .: + ...: then sh ow th a t
cl,·' dr
Example - 17.5.1.. If " = f (r) w he re ,- = .,- +
·' - . ax' + By 1 + m: 1 = -;:-;T.: + ·,.,

0 =11 a' 11 + c ' 11 = d'11 + '!._!!!_I_ 3 du d1u \ cl u

a' + ~r' c=' dr' r dr = -;:-;;. + cl,·' - -;: ~
cl ' u 2 du
Solution :
Here r = .\
+ _1 -= + == =rl-;:,+-;:~
or xor yaz_= E x ample - li.5.3: \ f x = ,. cosG.y = r sinG. -prove that
& =-;:·a; =-;·-;;;--;:
Given tha t 11 = f( r ).
rJ,1 !!!!._ ~ =!_dll
~~:> ~~~ =~~(~) +(:~\
= r sin G.
ax dr ax rdr Solutio n: G iven that x = ,. cosG a nd y
o xd :. ,· = ✓ x' + y'
⇒ -= - ­
ax r dr
d a 01" X X

( 11 being a function of one paramet er r, dr =8r) ox = .J x" + y" = -;

=~(~) = i.(.::
ax ax ax
r dr
01· -
oy -
✓ x' + y1 =-;

=.!.~+ xi.(.!. du) o"r

\ X or \ X X \ x'
r dr ax r dr ax' =- -7 ax =-;-7 ·- =-; - 7
S i.mi\a r\y
=.!_ du +xi.(.!. du)!!!:_ =--Lr1
r dr ar r dr ax a1,.
Dyl r
0 r or
1 1
\ x1 \ 1
LHS = - +Dyl - +--L
- = - -r1 r1
axl r r

=~- Xl + y1
r ,.1
C l lus and Ordina ry Dljfurc ,ttial IJ:
2 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _
7 :..:.1..::
~ ~
...()) Deri11atlves of Co, 1 Vuriablet1:...__ _ __
of '.~~~
,: :~ ;:~~n,~.p~o~s~t<:~/1'~•u ' ~t~wri,gc
, ~r~ic:~;ti~or~is:;'a~rt~d~C
_ 17.13
~ : We huvc x • , .
a II I J 1.11P. und y- v' I J,i'v

ar ., arJl] [ ,l + Ll] I ,\ )
=- ... (2) N )J iJ/ Dx iJf "Y
ow /I ll - Dx . ,i ; ➔ ·a_;; .Du
[(a;) +(-fy =-; 7-" ,.2
R.H.S.= -; r

1. .
.• HS . t'on 11 = x - r t , v = 'r + cl reduces the <liffei·e111111
= )(,/ 1 v1 )!][_ I· 6uv9£..
From ( I) nnd (2). we sec LHS = R Dx Dy
I I equution .
Exnmplc - 17.5.4. Prove that the trnns onna
!JL =9L.~ +PL .!!l
ax Dv Dy · Dv
aiz = c2 a2: ,oA= O·
. . 1·
a, 2 ar- . 811 ·av
Solutio n : Here z is a function of u and v where '
·ind v are linear tunclton o x and ,.
= 6uv?f..
+3(,i +v2 )9f.Dy
av _I ~ _ DJ 3(u+v)2 -o)f
Bf 3(u+v) -+
Bf -=
au 8 11
8x = 1,8( = -c,a_; - '81 - C ... a+
u av ax OJI

az - az .au+ az av - az +~=(~+~)z and ---=

aJ 3(u - v) Jl
aJ aJ 3(u - v}2 --

Now ax - au ax av .ax au av au av au av ax
So we have the operator
a a a
⇒ -=- +­
ax au av .3-+~ = 3(u+v)2(~+~ \
au ay ax OJ1)
a2z a (az) ( a a )(az oz) -~\
So i3x = ox & = i)u+av iJu+av
2 and ~-~= 3(u - v)2(~
ax Dy)
au ay
i3 z +2~ + i3 z2
i)uiJv av :.(u+ v)(~+ ~)=3( u+v)3(~ax +~OJI)\

i3u 2 au av
i)z au i)z av i)z
- + - -=-ci)u-+c-
=3(x+ yl~ax ay)
81 au . a, av .a, av
a a a ~-~
and (u-v)(~-~)=3(u-vi(ax \
⇒ -=-c-+c-
81 i)u av au avOJI)

82 iJz +c~) =3(x-i(~-~\

z =~(~)=(-c~+c~
2 i)/ av)(-c au av
i)/ Oll ax ay)
-8i3vz2 :. (u+v{! +¾}{<u-v{!-!J}
8z 2
2 2
=c --2c



- ⇒ --=0
i3x au.av

a2z =3(x +y{¾+¾J{3(x-y{ i-iJ}
17.5.5. Jfx + y = (u+v)3, x - y = (u- v)3, show that
Example -
{ - 82{) .
·:(! +¾}u-v)=O.
9(x2 - l )(aif - a2/)=(u2- v2 )(82 2
2 2(a J2- -aaviJ)=9(x2- y) (a-J a.JJ
2 2
8x al 2 Oll 8v 2

2 .

of the first two orders.

Or, (u -v) -
It being given that/(x, y ) has continous partial derivatives
calculus an Ordinary Differential Equa tions
17.14 Derivatives of Composite Functions
. rfal . and Change of Variables
Exampe - 17.5.6. If u be a function of h · g contmous pa 1 derivatives up to the 2nd order and 17.15
x, Y a: to " Tl by the transformat .
the variables x, Y are chang ion.
(x + y )= (/;+T])" ,(x - y) =(1;-1'])"
then prove that

cx2 -l >!x2 - al
1 2
=7c1 ; - T]
2 {flu-~ ·
2 }

01'] 2

Solution : Solving the given relations

x =¾{(/; +T])" +(l; -T])" },Y=z{

(/; + T])" -(/; -T] )"} '
.-. ~ = !!..{1; + TJY-1 + c1; -T]r-1}
81; 2
OX=!!..{(/;+ y-1- (/;-TJ Y-I}
and OT] Tl
.-. a2x = n(n - 1){/; + TJf-2+(l;-TJY-2} ... (!)
81; 2 2

a x = n(n-1 ){~+ y-2 +(l;-TJY-2} .. .(2)
2 TJ
811 2

So from (I) and (2)

ox ax
2 2

... (3)
8~2 = 01]2

Also ~L !!..{~ + TJY-1 -(~-11r-1}

a~ 2
( EXERCISES - 17)~~~~~~~­
and 8y =!!..{(~+TJY- 1+ (~-TJY- 1}
OT] 2 If z = x In( xy) , when x3 + y3 + 3xy = 1, dz
then find -;f;; .
:. fly = n(n-l){~+TJY-2-(~ - TJ>"-2}
a~ 2 ... (4) If z = (x 2+ i t andx3+ y3 + 3axy= 5a2, then find the
2 value of ~ , when x = a,y = a.
8 y n( n - l) {("
and OTJ2 =- - ..,+TJ )n-2- ("..,- TJ)n-2} ... (5) A. If v = x 2 - dv
y2 + sin y z where y = e" , z = lnx, find -;f;;
2 .
a2y a2y y. If~(x ,y)=O and \jl(x,z)=O then show
that Oljl~ ~=~ Oljl .
So from (4) and (5) ~2 = 01]2
0 ... (6) ox 8y dz ax az
au au ax au ay y If ax2 + by2 + cz2 = 1 and fr + my + nz
Now a~= ax ·at 8y •~
= p, then find and:!!_ •
dx dx

au au ax au ay
and Gr) = & ·Gr) + 8y · Oil
6. Find 1, if@xY+ y' = (x + y}' +y ( ~os xY = (sin y)'.
,. .

17 .16
Calculus an d Ordinary Differentia
l Equations
~ If z =j{ u, v), wh ere u = x2 - 2x y-y

Sho w tha t (x + y) az + (x - y) az
2, v = y,
=o is equivalent to av= 0 ·
ax oy
@}' If z = f (x, y) , wh ere x = u cos a - v sin a, y = u sin a + v cos a the n sho w tha t
a 2z
8 2z 8 2z 82z
00 2 av2 ·

If u = .f{x, y) wh ere X = rco s0, y = rsi n e, 82 82 2

then show tha t
ax ~+
~ = ~\ r~ ( r au~+ a u
r L ar ( ar J 002
If z = .f{x, y) wh ere x = u 2 v and y
= uv2, the n sho w tha t
28 z
2x -+
2 2
oy 2
5x y -8 z-+ 2 y 2-8 z = u.8v-
z 2 ( az
ouav-- 3- u-
+ v-
ou av

dz =[I+ ln(xy)] -~ . (x 2 +y)
dx y (y 2 +x )
2. 0

3. 2x + (-2 y + zco syz )ex +..!._ yco syz

dy clz - anx dz am x-b ly
bny - crni. dx = bn y-c mz

yx log y+ y xy- i -(x + yy x+y) {log(x +

6. (i) - y) + l}
xYlog x + xyx-l -(x + yyx+y){log(x + y)
+ l}
yta nx + log sin y
log co sx -xc oty

□ • □

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