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MBA 705 Organizational Strategy and Policies

Summer 2024, AP1
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

MBA 705-51432 Organizational Strategy and Policies (Summer 2024, AP1)

An analytic approach to strategic decision-making pursued through lecture, readings, continuous participation
in case analysis, problem-solving and business opportunity recognition experiences. The course emphasizes
the formulation and implementation of basic strategy and policy decisions.

• Professor: Dr. David Fowler
• Class Meetings: Asynchronous
• Office Hours: Office BE 318 and virtual/remote by appointment.
o Monday: 900-1200 – Virtual
o Tuesday: 900-1200 – Virtual
o Wednesday: 1300-1600 – Virtual
o Thursday: Virtual by appointment
o Friday: Virtual by appointment
Click the URL or use the QR code to schedule an appointment:

• Email:
• Phone: (318) 797-5106
• Professor: David S. Fowler, Ph.D.
Email is the primary mode of communicating in this class. You will get a response within
24 hours under normal circumstances. Feel free to contact your assigned academic
coach or me (especially regarding the course contents) at any time I care about you and
care about your learning. However, please follow the guidelines below when contacting
me or your academic coach by e-mail.
1. Before sending an email, please read “Who to Ask?” in this syllabus and
make sure to apply this policy.
2. Indicate Your First and Last Name-MBA 705 in the subject line, otherwise
normal response times cannot be guaranteed.
3. Be clear and specific. For example, if you are asking a question about a
quiz, you need to indicate the name of the quiz (e.g., Quiz 1 or Quiz 2).
4. Be courteous and respectful. Messages that are demanding, rude, or
otherwise inappropriate will NOT receive a response.
5. Use professional email protocol. See the Netiquette Policy for details.
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

There is no textbook charge for MBA 705. For the course, chapters will be assigned from a Strategic
Management textbook, which is licensed by our library and free for students to use. Link to the assigned
textbook is located below. Suplemental readings, videos, and lecture PPT presentations will be provided in
each module.

Selected Course Materials

Text: (Free Access through LSUS Library)
Strategic Management: Theory and Practice (SMTP), Chapters 1-12
Parnell, J. A. Strategic Management: Theory and Practice, the 4th ed., Sage Publications.
Print ISBN:9781452234984 Online ISBN:9781506374598

Click for free access:


MBA 705 is a 100% online course delivered via Moodle. The Module Objectives & Weekly To-Do Lists for
each week describe required assignments and tasks (e.g., readings, quizzes, forums, etc.) and designated
due dates. Remember to check the MBA 705 Moodle course daily for announcements. Online interactions in
MBA 705 occur asynchronously. Each course module covers a specific time period, and assignments must be
uploaded by the due date.

• Modules 1-6 begin on Monday at 12:01 a.m. CST and end on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. CST.
• Module 7 begins on Monday at 12:01 a.m. CST and ends on Saturday at 11:59 p.m. CST.
• Mandatory Accreditation Day on the Monday of the 8th week.
• Due dates may not correspond with the end of each module. See class schedule.

At the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
▪ Analyze, explain, and illustrate a range of organizational strategy theories, organizational policies, and
▪ Analyze an organization’s internal and external strategically relevant environment through the
appropriate theories, models and applications.
▪ Practically apply the insights gained from strategy formulation and strategy execution within an
organization through a qualitative analysis.
▪ Describe and discuss corporate-level strategies, business unit strategies and functional strategies
within an organization.
▪ Demonstrate a critical understanding of organizational strategy concepts and business policy decisions
in the workplace, by applying them to current academic and professional literature.

This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Discussion Forums: Instructor-to-Student and Student-to-Student interaction are part of best practices in
online education. Thus, the professor requires all students to participate in all assigned discussions. Six
discussions will be facilitated during the course of the term. Each discussion forum will require the student to
make an initial post regarding the question(s) provided and respond to at least one peer before the due date.
Please see the class schedule for dates. Rubrics are provided in Moodle. Expectations for discussions are as

Discussion Answers: This category reflects the quality of a student's Answers that
contribute in a meaningful way to producing an effective learning environment for all
participants. The criteria for grading answers can vary based upon the nature of the
question, but the following are helpful tips:

1. Ensure that you answer your assigned question(s) and all parts of the question.
Please read the question carefully.
2. Explicitly cite relevant concepts from the reading. Use at least one resource to
ensure rigor.
3. Apply concepts to offer an in-depth explanation, i.e., state why your answer makes
4. Cite examples from real-life cases, your experience, or things you've read.
5. Compare and contrast varying views on an issue.
6. Pose answers that are superior to the average answers you read in the discussion

Discussion Replies: This category reflects the quality and quantity of a student's Replies to
the answers that others have given. To receive any credit, replies must be substantive and
relevant to the corresponding answer. Effective replies offer some reflection upon the
specific ideas in the answers posted by others. See items 1-5 in Discussion Answer
Postings above for ideas when you are unsure how to reply to an answer. There is no credit
earned for replies that simply state things like the following: I agree, nice job, well done, and
the like, i.e., if a particular reply could apply to any answer, anywhere, then it is inadequate.
Your reply should have information that relates to the answer to which it pertains.

Discussion Post Grading Criteria Earned Maximum

(Rubric) Points Points

Significantly explained the answer to the

question/scenario given and property contributed to
the discussion with an initial post. Met necessary
academic rigor and followed current APA 0 7
guidelines for writing style, word count,
citations/references (use at least one), spelling, and

Make a significant response to at least one peer to

show comprehension of the issues being
discussed, respect for the points of view of others,
0 3
and an ability to build on ideas and opinions
presented. Usage of proper writing style, spelling,
and grammar.
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Total 0 10

Module Quizzes: Over the course of the semester, you will take quizzes on a bi-weekly basis. The quizzes
are open-note/open-book in nature and are each available for at least two weeks each in Moodle. The format
is multiple choice, matching, and true/false. The quizzes are timed for one hour, are 15 questions each, and
you have two attempts at the quiz. If you are not satisfied with your first attempt’s grade, you are able to
make a second attempt. An average of the two attempts will be recorded in the gradebook. Each quiz is
worth 30 points. No make-up quizzes are available.

These quizzes assess student knowledge regarding module text and supplemental readings, videos, and
lecture PPT files. Quizzes are independent student assignments that will be proctored (see Proctoring
section below) During a proctored quiz, your activity is recorded with the Proctorio Google Chrome extension.
While you may use notes, class lecture files, texts, and supplemental reading materials for quizzes,
outside assistance of any kind and copying/sharing questions in any format are strictly prohibited and will be
considered a violation of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct, MBA Honor Code, and copyright law. See Class
Schedule for quiz dates.

Semester Project - Literature Review with Qualitative Analysis/Application Assignments: Students are
required to complete a research project during the course. This assignment will consist of a systematic
literature review with qualitative analysis. Students are required to submit a final paper that analyzes a
problem, issue, trend, and/or interest in organizational strategy and/or policies. To coincide with the final
paper, the student will be required to submit two assignments (a research proposal summary and reference
list) that lead up to the final paper. For the proposal and final paper, students should meet the Turnitin
threshold of 30% or less. Detailed instructions and a grading rubric are provided in Moodle in the assignment
links. Copying/sharing questions or answers in any format is strictly prohibited and will be considered a
violation of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct, MBA Honor Code, and copyright law. See Class Schedule for
application assignment due dates.


The course grading scale is: 269-300 points A; 239-268 points B; 209-238 points C; 179-208 points D; below
179 points F. Grades are based on a total of 300 points from the following items:

Module Quizzes (Modules 1-2, 3-4 5-6: 30 points each) 90 points

Discussion Forums (6 forums, 10 points each) 60 points
Project: Application Assignments (2 assignments, 25 points each) 50 points
Project: Final Literature Review Paper 100 points
Total 300 points

• Grades will NOT be curved NOR will grades be adjusted (e.g. a student earning 208 points will earn
a letter grade of "D"). All assignment grades are posted to a student’s Moodle grade book. The grades
posted on Moodle only represent the points earned for specific assignments and do not accurately
represent a student’s percentage grade for the course. Students are responsible for calculating their
overall course grade.

• Report grade errors or missing grades within one week of posting. Need to show the graded
assignment for proof. No grade changes will be made afterwards.
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

• All grades in the course are final and non-negotiable. A student’s request for a higher grade in
violation of the policies spelled out in this syllabus (e.g., you ask me to curve, round, or raise your
individual grade above what you eared numerically in this course at the end of semester) will NOT be

• For grade appeal, students shall provide a carefully reasoned appeal, detailing why they think that the
original grade is unfair or incorrect; indicating what grade they believe they earned. All re-graded
assignments are subject to an increase or decrease in score. When a student uses another student’s
assignment as an argument for a higher grade, the assignments from both students will be regarded,
and are thus subject to a grade adjustment.

There are 3 steps to follow:
• Step 1: Carefully search the syllabus and Moodle (including Course FAQs and Technical Support)
regarding any questions you have.

For questions related to proctoring,

▪ Contact with technical support first.
▪ Use a different laptop/PC if your current device has an issue.

• Step 2: Ask your assigned Academic Coach for all questions related to the Discussion Post and
Assignment grading. Your assigned academic coach will respond to you within 24 hours.

Candace Daniels
Group A

Jason Gekombe
Group B

Wayne Baird
Group C

Brenda Ricketts
Group D

▪ Step 3: If you still do not find the information in the syllabus and Moodle (including Course FAQs and
Technical Support) or by your Academic Coach, feel free to ask me at any time. Particularly, for the
questions related to the course contents, you can ask me any questions at any time. I am
available to you. I care about you and care about your learning.

o However, I have a high expectation from you. I may not give you the answer right away. I want
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

you to think about the answers yourself first and then we compare our answers.

▪ Do not ask me with a blank paper. You must show me what you have been done to
understand them first. Ask specific questions based on your work.
▪ Ask questions in advance. For example, when the deadline is Sunday night 11:00 p.m.,
asking questions on Saturday night or Sunday morning may not be enough time. I post
assignments at least a week before.


Late submissions continue to be a serious problem with students. Not fully enforcing deadlines is unfair to
those students who sacrifice to meet deadlines. Because unexpected personal emergencies arise, technology
fails, and other delays occur, students should make every effort to submit their work well in advance of any
deadline. Late work will be NOT accepted. All forum postings and assignment submissions must be
submitted to the designated area. To reiterate, late postings and submissions will NOT be accepted.
Internet or other technology failure, work issues, car accidents, last minute illnesses, family emergency, and
other such reasons do not qualify as valid excuses.

Quizzes and assessments are delivered online using Moodle and involve a defined completion/submission
window. As such, makeups are not permitted unless the student can document a personal medical
emergency incapacitating oneself for the ENTIRE DURATION of the noted completion/submission window.
This documentation is often forwarded to the MBA Director and/or the College of Business Dean for review.
Makeups are not permitted for any other reason.

Please do not wait until the last minute to complete your assignments and quizzes as technical issues are
more likely to occur close to the deadline.


At LSUS, a major value associated with our MBA Program is AACSB accreditation, which means that we
exhibit the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity. Professors will not provide review options
for individual quizzes or assessments. Professors may share general results, but graded tests will not be
returned. In addition, professors will review assessment results to ensure question quality and overall question

As this is an online course, weekly contribution takes the place of attendance and will be monitored closely by
the instructor. Students are expected to participate each week. A student who does not participate in the
class and complete requirements on time will find it difficult to fulfill his/her course obligations.

Student online activity is monitored. Moodle automatically maintains a log of when students open
documents and when they post to discussion boards. It maintains the full text of all postings.

All quizzes in the MBA 705 course will be proctored using Proctorio.
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Proctorio Chrome Plugin: You will be required to use the Google Chrome web browser and the Proctorio
plugin. You will not be able to take the quizzes unless this is installed. A link is available in Moodle to direct you
to the plugin before you begin your first quiz. Please refer to the quiz section of this document for additional
information on what will be provided by Proctorio for your quizzes.

Students are strongly encouraged to begin their assessments well in advance of the time desired as technical
issues always seem to “happen” closer to due dates and times.

Close Time: Close time for the quiz indicates a final time the quiz must be completed in Moodle. The close
time is NOT the same as the last access time. At the designated close time for the quiz (final time to
complete the quiz), Moodle will submit any open assessments and close at that point in time. Students are
responsible for understanding the difference between the last access time and the close time of each
assessment in the MBA program.

MBA 705 will use Turnitin, an authenticity/originality checker. This service is free for students. The Project
Proposal/Abstract and the Literature Review Qualitative Analysis Project should meet a 30% or less similarity
threshold; assignments not meeting this threshold will be not accepted. Further information is provided on
Moodle. As a reminder, students are required to abide by the LSUS Code of Student Conduct, MBA Honor
Code, and copyright law.

This course will require a personal computer (PC or Mac, no Chromebook, no phone), webcam with
microphone (internal or USB), Internet connectivity, knowledge of the internet, Google Chrome web browser,
Proctorio plugin, and knowledge of email. Some students have chosen to purchase a computer which meets
these requirements, specifically for quizzes. For non-PC users, it is your responsibility to ensure that all files
submitted are PC compatible so that they can be accessed for grading. Computer, power, ISP, or related
failures not directly caused by Moodle campus wide outage will not be accepted as excuses for missed
quizzes, late assignments, or other neglected activities. Because technology failures are not
uncommon, it is strongly recommended that you submit assignments well in advance of the deadline,
allowing yourself time to correct technology and other failures without missing a deadline. Technical
support issues with Moodle should be directed to Information Technology Services. ITS can be reached by
phone at 318-797-5221 or by email at

This graduate course will require you to conduct research. LSU Shreveport’s Noel Memorial Library offers
numerous electronic databases, permitting students to conduct searches and read journal articles remotely.
These databases are available to students, but access requires a username and password. If you encounter
difficulties gaining access or have other questions concerning resources, forward these inquiries directly to the
Noel Memorial Library's Help Desk at 318-797-5069 or at

Students are responsible for everything presented and discussed online. Therefore, each student should follow
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

these guidelines:
• Adhere to the MBA Honor Code, which specifically addresses netiquette in the following section:
• Ethical standards extend to matters of academic integrity and behavioral conduct. In particular,
students are expected to demonstrate the highest level of respect for fellow students and
instructors in emails, forum posts, and group interactions. Disrespectful comments, inciting
language, or cyberbullying of anyone in an MBA course is a violation of the MBA Honor Code.
• Pay attention to what is said and how it is said; be courteous and respectful to everyone.
• Adhere to formal spelling, punctuation, and grammar rules and avoid writing in "text language‟.
• Utilize complete sentence; avoid the use of all upper-case letters as it indicates "shouting‟.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other related laws protect the rights of individuals with
disabilities in work, educational, and other settings. Students are responsible for making their needs known
and must contact the LSUS Office of Disability Services for accommodation requests. For the request form, the
Pilot Your Ability Student Manual, and more information, visit the LSUS Disability Services webpage.

LSUS has the responsibility to protect its educational purposes and the health and safety of the university
community through the setting of standards of scholarship and conduct for its students. Students are
responsible for knowing and complying with the provisions of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct, particularly
those pertaining to plagiarism and academic dishonesty. (Refer to the LSUS Student Handbook.)

All instances of academic misconduct (e.g., cheating, plagiarism) must be reported to the Office of Student
Affairs. If a student is found guilty of academic misconduct, he or she could face loss of credit for the work
and/or the course involved, probation, and/or separation from the university as determined by the Student
Conduct Board. See the current Student Handbook for the complete LSUS Code of Student Conduct. All
students at LSUS are required to have a copy of Understanding Plagiarism, the university guide to defining,
understanding, and avoiding plagiarism. This booklet is available at the LSUS Bookstore.


Please be mindful not only of the important dates associated with this particular course but also of the
important dates associated with related academic matters, such as registration dates, drop dates, etc. These
can be found at the LSUS Office of Records and Registration site. See
of-records-and-registration and click on the semester links under important dates.


It is in every student's best interest to utilize the Student Success Center (BE 103) and its various services.
One-on-one, online tutoring is available on ThinkingStorm for many Business-related subjects including
Accounting, Finance, Micro- and Macroeconomics. Academic coaching is also available to help students
achieve their higher education goals through the development of research-based learning skills and increased
competency through a metacognitive approach. Additionally, the SSC offers workshops that cover a variety of
topics to promote all aspects of learning. These services can be accessed via Moodle by enrolling in the
Student Success Center. From here, students can make appointments and receive important updates. Hours
of operation are as follows:
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

• LSUS tutoring: Monday through Thursday from 9am to 2pm and Friday from 9am to 12pm
• ThinkingStorm's online tutoring: every day from 9am to 3am
• Success office: Monday through Friday from 8am to 4:30pm


Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a U.S. federal law that provides various sex-based
discrimination protections under educational programs that receive federal-level financial assistance. Such
protections include, but are not limited to, pregnancy/parenting and gender-based harassment. For LSUS’s
Title IX policy (PM-73) and informational brochure as well as contact information and forms for emergency and
non-emergency incident reporting, visit the LSUS Title IX webpage.


LSUS provides many support resources that address not only students’ academic needs but also various
aspects of students’ nonacademic needs. Information about and website links for such resources are available
in the syllabus supplement posted in Moodle. Some resources such as the Student Success Center (tutoring
and coaching) and IT support are also available from the Student, Technical, or Web Links drop-down menus
available at the top of the Moodle screen.


This syllabus is subject to change. Changes will be announced via email and/or Moodle. Each student should
check his/her LSUS email/Moodle for updates, as he/she is held responsible for all changes. Additional
communications, if any, at the University or the College of Business levels are posted in the announcements
section of Moodle.


Module Literature
Topics & Textbook Readings Materials Module Quizzes Discussions
Dates Review Project
Syllabus Proposal
Ch. 1: Fundamentals of Strategic Module 1-2 (Ch. 1-4) Quiz Discussion
PPT Summary
5/6- Management Open time: 5/6,12:01am. Forum
1 Supplemental Open time:
5/12 Close time: 5/19, 11:59 pm. Open Time: 5/6,
Ch. 2: Industry Competition Readings 5/6,12:01am.
12:01 am.
Videos Close time:
Close time 5/12,
5/26, 11:59 pm
11:59 pm
Ch. 3: The External Environment: Proposal
PPT Forum 1
Political-Legal and Economic Forces Module 1-2 (Ch. 1-4) Quiz Summary
5/13- Supplemental Open time:
2 Open time: 5/6,12:01am. Open time:
5/19 Ch. 4: The External Environment: Readings 5/13,12:01am.
Close time: 5/19, 11:59 pm 5/6,12:01am.
Social and Technological Forces Videos Close time:
Close time:
5/19, 11:59 pm
5/26, 11:59 pm
PPT Research
Supplemental Proposal
Forum 2
Readings Module 3-4 (Ch. 5-7) Quiz Summary
5/20- Ch. 5: The Organization: Ethics and Open time:
3 Videos Open time: 5/20,12:01am. Open time:
5/26 Corporate Social Responsibility 5/20,12:01am.
Synchronous Close time 6/2, 11:59 pm 5/6,12:01am.
Close time:
Zoom Close time:
5/26, 11:59 pm
Session 5/26, 11:59 pm
This information is proprietary to Dr. David Fowler. Scanning, copying, website posting, or reproducing and
sharing in any form is strictly prohibited.

Discussion Project
PPT Forum 3 Reference List
Ch. 6: Corporate-Level Strategies Module 3-4 (Ch. 5-7) Quiz
5/27- Supplemental Open time: Open time:
4 Open time: 5/20,12:01am.
6/2 Readings 5/27,12:01am. 5/27,12:01am.
Ch. 7: Business Unit Strategies Close time 6/2, 11:59 pm
Videos Close time: 6/2, Close time: 6/9,
11:59 pm 11:59 pm
Discussion Project
Forum 4 Reference List
Readings Module 5-6 (Ch. 8-11) Quiz
6/3- Ch. 8: Functional Strategies Open time: Open time:
5 Videos Open time: 6/3,12:01am.
6/9 6/3,12:01am. 5/27,12:01am.
Synchronous Close time: 6/16, 11:59 pm
Ch. 9 Strategy Formulation Close time: 6/9, Close time: 6/9,
11:59 pm 11:59 pm
Discussion Project Lit
Ch. 10: Strategy Execution and Structure PPT Forum 5 Review Paper
Module 5-6 (Ch. 8-11) Quiz
6/10- Supplemental Open time: Open time:
6 Open time: 6/3,12:01am.
6/16 Ch. 11: Strategic Change, Culture, and Readings 6/10,12:01am. 6/10,12:01am.
Close time: 6/16, 11:59 pm
Leadership Videos Close time: Close time:
6/16, 11:59 pm 6/22, 11:59 pm
Project Lit
No quiz for the final full week. Review Paper
Readings No Discussion
6/17- Prepare for your final project Open time:
7 Ch. 12: Strategic Control and Crisis Videos for the Final
6/22 submission. 6/10,12:01am.
Management Synchronous Week
Close time:
6/22, 11:59 pm
8 6/24 Mandatory Accreditation Day

Mandatory Accreditation Day

All accelerated online programs in the College of Business at LSUS now include an 8th module to collect
required assurance of learning data. This module is set aside specifically for assurance of learning, and no
course-related activities are allowed to be performed after the closing time on Saturday, as set by your
Professor. This day of data collection will not influence your grade in the course and must be administered
after the conclusion of the course content. Therefore, an online assessment will be available on the Monday of
the 8th week. Your participation is necessary for us to maintain our top tier business accreditation. This does
not affect the structure of your course, and your only action item is to login to Moodle on Monday of the
8th week and complete the 30-minute assurance of learning assessment.

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