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COVER……………..……………..……………..…………….. -
…………….................... 2
CONTENTS………………………………………………………………... 3
APPROVAL…………………………………………... 5
1.1. Background of the Research..……………………….. 6
………………………......... 7
1.2. Research 8
Questions………………………………………………………............... 1
1.3. Objectives of the Research..…………………….…………………. 1
……………… 1
1.4. Significances of the 1
research………………………………………………………. 1
1.5. Scopes of the Research…………………………………. 2
………………………….. 1
1.6. Definition of the Key Terms 6
…………………………………………………........ 1
2.1 Previous Studies on Linguistic Landscape of 2
Transportation……………………... 9
2.2 Language Diversities 2
……………………………………………………………… 9
2.3 The Conceptual Framework of Linguistic Landscape 2
……………………………. 9
2.4 The Variety of Linguistic Landscape 2
……………………………………………... 9
3.1. Research Design ………………... 1
…………………………………………............ 3

3.2. Object of the Research………... 2
…………………………………………………… 3
3.3. Instruments of the 4
3.4. Method of Data
3.5. Method of Data


This Proposal entitled: Exploring the Language Diversity of the Linguistic Landscape of

Transportation in Kota Mataram

Has been approved by the board of supervisors.

Supervisors Signature

1. M. RAJABUL GUFRON, S.Pd., MA. _____________________

NIDN. 0816019302

2. MARHAM JURPI HADI, S.Pd., M.Ed. _____________________

NIDN. 0820038401

Mataram, 25 July 2023

English Language Education Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram


Muh Junaidi, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0813078401


This Proposal entitled: Exploring the Language Diversity of the Linguistic Landscape of

Transportation in Kota Mataram

Has been approved by the board of supervisors.

Supervisors Signature

1. M. RAJABUL GUFRON, S.Pd., MA. _____________________

NIDN. 0816019302

2. MARHAM JURPI HADI, S.Pd., M.Ed. _____________________

NIDN. 0820038401

Mataram, 25 July 2023

English Language Education Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

University of Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram


Muh Junaidi, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0813078401



1.1 Background of the Research

Interacting with other people is one of the activity that we can not be

separated to us, and it can be done by language. The "Background of the

Research" section of a research paper or thesis is crucial as it lays the

foundation for understanding the research problem and its significance.

Begin the background section with a broad introduction to the field of

study. This part should provide an overview that helps orient any reader who

might not be familiar with the area. For instance, if your research pertains to

climate change, you might start by discussing the global concern about

increasing temperatures and its impacts on natural and human systems. This

sets the stage for a more focused discussion on your specific topic.

After the general introduction, narrow the focus to more specific issues

within the broader context. Continuing with the climate change example, you

could discuss specific phenomena such as rising sea levels or extreme weather

events. This section should start to hint at the niche that your research aims to

address, providing a segue into the next part where you will detail the


The heart of the background section addresses the specific problem

that your study aims to solve or shed light on. Here, it’s important to articulate

clearly what is missing in the current understanding or what has been

inadequately addressed by previous research. For example, perhaps there is

insufficient research on the economic impacts of sea level rise on coastal

communities. Detailing the problem involves discussing existing studies,

highlighting their findings, and pointing out their limitations or gaps.

Following the problem description, justify the necessity of your study.

Explain why filling the identified gaps or addressing the limitations of

previous research is important. This could involve the potential implications of

your research for policy, practice, or further scientific investigation. For

instance, understanding the economic impacts of sea level rise could help in

formulating better coastal management policies.

Conclude the background by clearly stating the objectives or research

questions your study aims to tackle. This part should logically flow from the

gaps identified earlier in the background section. Objectives should be

specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This

not only clarifies the direction of your research but also sets the stage for

discussing the methodology and potential impact.

Each of these steps should be seamlessly connected, creating a

narrative that leads logically from a broad topic to specific research questions,

thereby illustrating the natural progression of thought and research in the field.

This detailed background not only positions your study within the existing

literature but also highlights its uniqueness and necessity.

1.2 Research Questions

The objective of the research is to address the following questions;

1.2.1 What are the types of directive speech acts found in surah al-a’raf ?

1.2.2 What is direct or indirect of directive speech acts found in surah al-


1.2.3 What are the reasons of directive speech acts found in surah al-a’raf

1.3 Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are to address the research questions


1.3.1 To identify the forms and grammatical units used in the linguistic

landscape of transportation in Kota Mataram.

1.3.2 To discover the symbolic functions of the quote and the dominant-

minority of the language diversity of the linguistic landscape of

transportation in Kota Mataram.

1.3.3 To find out the people’s attitude toward the linguistic landscape of

transportation in Kota Mataram.

1.4 Significances of the Research

In academic or scientific research, the "Significance of the Research"

section is a critical part of any study or proposal. This section demonstrates the

relevance and potential impact of the research, emphasizing why the study is

worth conducting.

1.4.1 Theoretical Significance

The theoretical significance of a research study illuminates its

impact on the conceptual or foundational frameworks within a

particular academic discipline. This section explicates how the study

contributes to, challenges, or refines existing theories and models.

1.4.2 Pratical Significances

The practical significance of a research study pertains to its

implications for real-world applications, emphasizing how the findings

can directly benefit or impact society, industry, policy, or everyday

practices. This section should clearly articulate how the research

addresses practical problems and proposes solutions that are

implementable and beneficial outside of an academic context.

1.5 Scope of the Research

The "Scope of the Research" section of a study, proposal, or report

outlines the boundaries and focus of the investigation. It describes what the

research will cover and, importantly, what it will not. This section defines the

extent of the study, helping to manage expectations and clarify the limitations

of the research.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

1.6.1 Linguistic Landscape

The linguistic landscape according to (Shohamy et al., 2010)

refers to the visual representation of languages in public spaces,

including street signs, advertisements, public notices, shop names, and

other written texts.

1.6.2 Language Diversity

Language diversity refers to the existence and coexistence of

multiple languages within a specific geographical area or community

(Matthews, 2007).

1.6.3 Transportation

In the context of this research, transportation refers to the

movement of people and goods from one place to another using

various modes of transportation, such as buses, trains, taxis,

motorcycles, and other public and private vehicles (Pei & Gaynor,


1.6.4 Kota Mataram

Kota Mataram is a specific location or city being studied in the

research. It may refer to a city, municipality, or urban area with its

unique linguistic and cultural characteristics.

1.6.5 Multilingualism

Multilingualism refers to the ability of individuals or a

community to use and understand multiple languages for

communication (Matthews, 2007).

1.6.6 Language Policy

Language policy refers to the set of guidelines, rules, and

regulations adopted by authorities or institutions concerning language

use, language education, and language planning within a particular

region or community (Matthews, 2007).

1.6.7 Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between

language and society (Matthews, 2007).

1.6.8 Code-switching

Code-switching is the practice of switching between two or

more languages or dialects within a conversation or speech (Matthews,


1.6.9 Language Attitudes

Language attitudes refer to individuals' feelings, beliefs, and

perceptions about different languages and language varieties

(Matthews, 2007). Positive or negative language attitudes can

influence language choices and interactions.

1.6.10 Language Identity

Language identity is the way individuals or communities

perceive and express their connection to a particular language or

language community (Matthews, 2007).

1.6.11 Language Proficiency

Language proficiency denotes a person's level of competence

and fluency in a specific language (Matthews, 2007).

1.6.12 Language Services

Language services encompass the provision of translation,

interpretation, and other language-related support to facilitate

communication between speakers of different languages, especially in

public services and settings (Matthews, 2007).



2.1 Previous Studies on Directive Speech Acts in The Al-Qur’an

The "Previous Research" section of a study or a research proposal is

critical for situating the current investigation within the broader academic and

scientific context. It reviews and synthesizes the existing literature relevant to

the research question, identifies gaps in the current knowledge base, and

establishes how the proposed research will build upon or deviate from prior

studies. This section not only showcases the researcher's comprehensive

understanding of the topic but also justifies the necessity of the new study.

2.2 Literature Review 1

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly sources on

a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth evaluation of previous

research, and it is a synopsis of current knowledge, allowing the researcher to

identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing

an effective literature review involves several key steps, which not only help

in understanding the past and current dialogue in the field but also establish

the foundation for the forthcoming research.

2.2.1 Literature Review 1A

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant theories,

methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an effective

literature review involves several key steps, which not only help in

understanding the past and current dialogue in the field but also

establish the foundation for the forthcoming research.

2.3 Literature Review 2

2.3.1 Literature Review 2A

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant theories,

methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an effective

literature review involves several key steps, which not only help in

understanding the past and current dialogue in the field but also

establish the foundation for the forthcoming research.

2.3.2 Literature Review 2B

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant theories,

methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an effective

literature review involves several key steps, which not only help in

understanding the past and current dialogue in the field but also

establish the foundation for the forthcoming research. Literature Review 2B1

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 2B2

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 2B3

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 2B4

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 2B5

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming


2.4 Literature Review 3

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly sources on

a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth evaluation of previous

research, and it is a synopsis of current knowledge, allowing the researcher to

identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing

an effective literature review involves several key steps, which not only help

in understanding the past and current dialogue in the field but also establish

the foundation for the forthcoming research.

2.4.1 Literature Review 3A

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant theories,

methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an effective

literature review involves several key steps, which not only help in

understanding the past and current dialogue in the field but also

establish the foundation for the forthcoming research. Literature Review 3A1

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 3A2

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 3A3

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 3A4

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 3A5

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming


2.4.2 Literature Review 3B

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant theories,

methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an effective

literature review involves several key steps, which not only help in

understanding the past and current dialogue in the field but also

establish the foundation for the forthcoming research.

Here are some of the key grammatical units in the linguistic

landscape based on the description of (Garvin, 2019): Literature Review 3B1

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 3B2

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming

research. Literature Review 3B3

A Literature Review is a comprehensive survey of scholarly

sources on a specific topic. It provides a critical and in-depth

evaluation of previous research, and it is a synopsis of current

knowledge, allowing the researcher to identify relevant

theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. Writing an

effective literature review involves several key steps, which not

only help in understanding the past and current dialogue in the

field but also establish the foundation for the forthcoming


2.5 Al-Qur’an Surah Al-A’raf

Surah al-a’raf, the 9th surah in the alquran, consists of 110 verses
which contain the important aspects in Islamic religion, those are; in verses 1-
10 contains about the al-quran as guidance and mercy for those who believe,
and also contain warning for them who don’t believe about the quran, verses
11-18 contain the life story of prophet adam a.s, 26-40 contain that human as
the perfect creation and also warning for them not to follow satan, verses 41-
177 contains story life of prophet nuh a.s, the society of tsamud, the life story
moses a.s. pharoh and his society and the the life story of people in the past
who disobedience to his messengers, and in verses178-206 contain warning
about the last day and how we prepare to face it ., the name of surah al a’raf is
taken from one of the ayah from surah ala-raf itself, that is:



3.1 Research Design

The Research Design section of a research paper or proposal outlines

the blueprint for collecting, measuring, and analyzing data. It serves as a

detailed plan that specifies the type of research to be conducted, the methods

used, and the rationale behind choosing these methods. This section is crucial

because it ensures the reliability and validity of the study's results, providing a

systematic approach to address the research questions or hypotheses.

3.2 Object of the Research

The "Object of the Research" section articulates the specific focus and

goals of the study. It defines the purpose and scope of the research, outlining

what the study aims to achieve, investigate, or contribute to the existing body

of knowledge. This section is essential for providing clarity and direction to

the research, ensuring that all aspects of the study are aligned with its

overarching objectives.

3.3 Research Instruments

Research instruments refer to the tools, techniques, or methods used to

collect data in a research study. Research instruments used to gather

information that is relevant to the research objectives and questions. A

researcher must select an appropriate research instruments to ensure the

validity and reliability of the data collected.

Here are some research instruments used in this research. Here are

some research instruments used in this research. Here are some research

instruments used in this research.

3.3.1 Observation Checklist

The observation checklist is a tool used during field

observations to systematically record and document the linguistic

landscape of transportation in Kota Mataram.

3.3.2 Camera or Smartphone

A camera or smartphone with a high-quality camera function

will be used to capture photographs of the linguistic landscape during

field observations.

3.3.3 Questionnaire

The questionnaire provides valuable data on the social and

cultural aspects of linguistic diversity within the transportation

landscape, complementing the visual and textual data collected through

other methods.

3.4 Method of Data Collection

The method of data collection outlines the procedures and techniques

used to gather information relevant to the research objectives. Selecting an

appropriate method is crucial in ensuring the validity, reliability, and ethical

integrity of the data collected.

3.5 Method of Data Analysis

The method of data analysis outlines the procedures and techniques

used to analyze the data collected in a research study. Selecting appropriate

data analysis methods is crucial for deriving meaningful insights and

conclusions from the data.



4.1 Findings

Summarize the key findings of the study and reiterate their significance

in relation to the research objectives. Reflect on the implications of the

findings for future research directions, highlighting areas for further

investigation or refinement. Conclude with a closing statement that reinforces

the importance of the study's contributions to the field.

4.1.1 The Forms of Linguistic Landscape of Transportation in Kota Mataram

Chart 1 : The Forms of Linguistic Landscape

Mural Business
9% Name
6% Public No-
Public Art 8%


Transportation Signage 18%

There were 152 data were collected and categorized based on

the forms of linguistic landscape as proposed by Malinowski (2015).

The data was gathered in Kota Mataram, specifically in Terminal

Mandalika (Bertais), Turide, Bengkel, Ds. Cermen, Gomong,

Rembiga, Cakranegara, Pejanggik, Cilinaya, Karangbaru, Monjok,

Punie, and Mayura.

4.1.2 The Grammatical Units of Linguistic Landscape of Transportation in

Kota Mataram

Chart 2 : The Grammatical Units of Linguistic Landscape

tions Icons and
and Emoticons
Acronyms5% 2% Words
8% 18%


37% Phrases

Based on the data presented, the linguistic landscape has a

collective of 107 grammatical units. Different types of written

communication are made up of these parts. The different types of

written communication show the complex language used in a certain

group or place. The dataset consists of a varied assortment of

grammatical elements, each fulfilling a distinct function in the

communication of information, messages, and identity.

4.1.3 The Symbolic Functions of Linguistic Landscape of Transportation in

Kota Mataram

Chart 3 : The Symbolic Functions of Linguistic


Encourage Culture
Create a Heritage
Sense of Inspire Evoke Identity
Share 5% 3%
Values 4%
Engage and4% Inspire
Create a Sense of

Add Aesthetic and

Convey Social Mes- Artistic Value
sage 56%

The linguistic landscape of transportation in Kota Mataram is

characterized by a rich diversity of symbolic functions. Aesthetic and

artistic value dominates the landscape, accounting for approximately

42.74% of the total expressions. This category is centered around 53

items, which are devoted to visual appeal and creativity, enhancing the

overall aesthetics and artistic value of the area.

4.1.4 The Dominant-Minority Language Diversity of Linguistic Landscape

of Transportation in Kota Mataram

Chart 4: The Dominant-Minority Language Diversity of Linguis-

tic Landscape




The data provided describes the linguistic diversity in the

linguistic landscape of transportation in Kota Mataram, and categorizes

the population into three main language proficiency groups:

monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual. The numbers in each

category represent the percentage or number of transportation vehicles

in the population who fall into these language groups.

4.2 Discussions

Conclude the discussion by summarizing the key points and

overarching implications of the research findings. Emphasize the significance

of the study's contributions to the field and reiterate its relevance for future

research and practice. Conclude the discussion by summarizing the key points

and overarching implications of the research findings. Emphasize the

significance of the study's contributions to the field and reiterate its relevance

for future research and practice.

4.2.1 The Forms of Linguistic Landscape of Transportation in Kota Mataram Public Notices

The linguistic landscape of transportation in Kota

Mataram includes various forms of text and language, with

"Public Notice" being one of the prominent categories. Murals

In the linguistic landscape of Kota Mataram, the

category "Mural" represents a significant mode of visual

expression. Business Names

The category "Business Names" is an essential element

of Kota Mataram's linguistic landscape, reflecting the

commercial activities and economic vitality of the city as

displayed on the vehicles. Advertisements

Advertisements have an important part in affecting the

linguistic landscape of Kota Mataram's transportation, hence

enhancing the city's liveliness and commercial nature. The data

analysis, conducted within the framework of Malinowski's

(2015) theory on The Forms of Linguistic Landscape, reveals

that ads fulfill a diverse range of roles, including both

economic and cultural functions within the urban setting.

4.2.2 The Grammatical Units of Linguistic Landscape of Transportation in

Kota Mataram Words

The data consists of various words, which are

fundamental grammatical units used to convey meaning. These

words are essential in the linguistic landscape of transportation,

serving as the building blocks of language. Phrases

In the linguistic landscape of transportation, phrases are

used to express whole ideas and information. The provided data

contains various phrases that are crucial for expressing specific

information and creating a distinct identity for transportation-

related entities Numerals

Numerals are an integral part of the linguistic landscape

in transportation, and the provided data includes several

instances of these symbolic representations of numbers.

Numerals serve various functions, particularly in indicating

measurements, quantities, or time, which are crucial aspects of

the transportation industry.

23 Sentences

Sentences are critical to transportation, as shown by the

data. Transportation signs, public announcements, ads, and

other communication products prominently show these terms,

which are entire grammatical units with subjects and

predicates. Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms are prominent features in

the linguistic landscape of transportation, serving a variety of

purposes as evident in the provided data. These shortened

forms of words and phrases are strategically utilized to enhance

efficiency, save space, and facilitate clear communication

within the transportation context.

4.2.3 The Symbolic Functions of Linguistic Landscape of Transportation in

Kota Mataram To Evoke Identity

The data provided reveals some interesting insights

within the linguistic landscape of transportation in Kota

Mataram. 'To Evoke Identity' can be inferred from various

expressions that contribute to establishing a sense of identity

within the transportation landscape. To Add Aesthetic and Artistic Value

'To Add Aesthetic and Artistic Value' within the

linguistic landscape of transportation in Kota Mataram

encompasses a significant number of expressions, reflecting the

commitment to enhancing the visual appeal and creativity

within this domain. This symbolic function can be deduced

from the numerous expressions that focus on artistic and

aesthetic elements in the transportation environment. To Convey Social Message

The symbolic function of conveying social messages

within the linguistic landscape of transportation in Kota

Mataram reflects a significant effort to communicate and

impart important social messages through various expressions

and signs. These messages are designed to engage with the

community and create awareness about specific issues or

encourage certain behaviors.

4.2.4 The Dominant-Minority Language Diversity of Linguistic Landscape

of Transportation in Kota Mataram

The data reveals the linguistic diversity in Kota Mataram,

specifically in the transportation sector, and categorizes the population

into three main language groups: monolingual, bilingual, and

multilingual. The majority language is Indonesian, used by 49

monolingual individuals in the transportational vehicles, making it the

most widely used language in transportation-related activities. English

is the second most common language among monolinguals, with 11

cases, making it a minority language. Other languages like Javanese

(Jawa) also contribute to the linguistic diversity.


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Forms of Ling. Language Diversities

No Data Code Location Grammatical Units Symbolic Functions Notes
Landscape (Mono; Bili; Multi)

1 001/08/ST Bertais Public Notice; Word; Phrase; Convey social Bili (Indo-English)

Transportation Sentence; Numerals; message

Signage (Warning); Icons;



Demographic Information

 Age :
 Gender : [ ] Male [ ] Female
 Education Level : [ ] Primary [ ] Secondary [ ] High [ ] Bachelor's [ ] Postgraduate Degree [ ] Other – Specify: __________
 Ethnicity :
 Years in Kota Mataram :

Language Usage in Transportation

1. Which languages are you comfortable communicating in?
a. [ ] Indonesian
b. [ ] Local Languages (Specify: ___________________________)
c. [ ] Foreign Languages (Specify: ___________________________)
2. In what language(s) do you typically communicate with transportation staff (e.g., drivers, ticket sellers)?
a. [ ] Indonesian
b. [ ] Local Languages (Specify: ___________________________)
c. [ ] Foreign Languages (Specify: ___________________________)
3. Do you notice differences in language use (e.g., signage, announcements) when using different modes of transportation in Kota
Mataram? Please describe.
Language Attitudes
4. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being very negative and 5 being very positive, please rate your attitudes toward the use of the local language
in transportation in Kota Mataram.
a. [ ] 1
b. [ ] 2
c. [ ] 3
d. [ ] 4
e. [ ] 5

5. What factors influence your attitudes toward the use of different languages in transportation settings? Please select all that apply:
a. [ ] Familiarity with the language
b. [ ] Perceived cultural significance
c. [ ] Clarity and understandable
d. [ ] Personal identity and pride
e. [ ] Social pressure
f. Other (please specify): ______
6. Do you think it is important for transportation to include multiple languages (multilingual) in Kota Mataram? Why or why not?
Language Preferences
7. In which language(s) would you prefer to see transportation landscape in Kota Mataram? Please rank your preferences from 1 (most
preferred) to 3 (least preferred).
a. [ ] Indonesian
b. [ ] Local Languages (Specify: ___________________________)
c. [ ] Foreign Languages (Specify: ___________________________)
Cultural Significance
8. Do you believe that the use of the local language in transportation signage and communication contributes to the preservation of local
culture and heritage? Why or why not?
Language and Identity
9. How strongly do you identify with the local language(s) spoken in Kota Mataram?
a. [ ] Very strongly
b. [ ] Moderately
c. [ ] Not very strongly
d. [ ] Not at all
Additional Comments
10. Is there anything else you would like to share or comment on regarding language use in transportation settings in Kota Mataram?


No Questions Responses Notes

I Demographic Information



Education Level


Years in Kota Mataram

II Language Usage in Transportation

Daily Language

Language Usage in Transportation

Notices in Any Different


III Language Attitudes

Attitude towards Local Languages

Facators Influencing Attitude

towards the Use of Different


The Importance of Multilingual

Usage in Transportation

IV Language Preferences

Language Preferences to Use in


V Cultural Significance

The Preservation of Local Culture

and Heritage on the Use of Local

Languages in Transportation

VI Language and Identity

Local Language Identity

VII Additional Comments

Comments on Linguistic

Landscape of Transportation in

Kota Mataram


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