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My warmest greetings to the teachers, parents, and seeking and embracing quality education wholeheartedly.

guardians of the graduates of the school year 2023-2024 with Let me tell you, the road ahead is not easy. It may be bumpy
the theme “Kabataang Pilipino Para sa Matatag na at times. The road you may travel will be a mixture of
Kinabukasan ng Bagong Pilipinas”. different tastes, but its fruit is sweet.
May 29, 2024. A mark in our histories that Once again, congratulations on your graduation. I wish
commemorates the hard work…of not just the graduates but you all the best in your future endeavors. The journey ahead
also the teachers and parents. is yours to forge!
What an incredible journey it has been, and I would
like to extend my warmest congratulations to the cohort!
Today, we celebrate not only your academic achievements
but also the friendships and memories that you have made
at Bato Elementary School.
Dear graduates, you’re now stepping onto bridges that
lead to your futures, bridges that you’ve been building over
these past years. You stand at the threshold of a new era,
your elementary days a vibrant tapestry behind you, and a
sky full of stars waiting to be lit by your dreams and
ambitions. You’re like eagles at the edge of a cliff, ready to
spread your wings and soar beyond the horizon into new
chapters of your lives.
As you all stand proudly as graduates, may your
thoughts turn to the most influential people in your lives.
This achievement of yours is not just a reflection of your hard
work but a testament to their enduring love, guidance, and
Continue aspiring and focusing on your goals and
ambitions, and these can only be done when you continue

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