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The history of nursing in the world began in ancient times (primitive culture) until the
emergence of Florence Nightingale as a nursing pioneer from England. The development of nursing
was greatly influenced by the development of the structure and progress of human civilization
because nursing was born at the same time as the creation of humans, namely Adam and Eve. Its
existence has never been denied. Therefore, the development of nursing cannot be separated and is
greatly influenced by the development of structures and the progress of human civilization. Nursing
professionalism is a dynamic process in which the nursing profession that has been formed
experiences changes and developments in characteristics in accordance with the demands of the
profession and the needs of society. The professionalization process is a process of recognition of
something that is felt, assessed and accepted spontaneously by society. Method: in this study the
literature review method was used to explain the history of nursing and the nursing process through
understanding taken from journals, text books, and trusted articles that are related to the history of
nursing and the nursing process. Results: can be used as a reference for understanding the history
and process of nursing.

According to history, the development of nursing was greatly influenced by the
development of structures and the progress of human civilization. Belief in animism spread to major
religions in the world as well as reform movements. In ancient times, nursing care was provided
based on instinct as an expression of a mother's love for her sick family. However, now the
development of nursing continues to experience changes in nursing services which used to be
vocational or traditional services, but are now starting to be studied, studied and developed on the
basis of the scientific principles that underlie nursing science, because nursing science is an applied
science and a synthesis of basic science and nursing science. Nurses are those who have the ability
and authority to carry out nursing actions based on the knowledge they have obtained through
nursing education (Health Law No. 23, 1992). Nursing is an essential service provided by nurses to
individuals, families and communities. The services provided are an effort to achieve the maximum
possible level of health in accordance with the potential possessed in carrying out activities in the
promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative fields. In carrying out nursing practice, nurses
must have the same understanding of the nature of nursing as a profession, professional nursing
practice and the role and function of professional nurses. In this case, nurses are required to carry
out their roles and functions in accordance with the expectations of the nursing profession and
society as users of nursing services through nursing care and the nursing process. The nursing
process is a method by which a concept is applied in nursing practice. This is referred to as a
problem-solving approach, which is a problem-solving modality based on the scientific method,
namely a method that requires knowledge, techniques and interpersonal skills and is aimed at
meeting the patient's needs. The nursing process consists of five stages, namely nursing assessment,
nursing diagnosis, nursing planning, nursing implementation and evaluation.
The literature review method used in this study is a research method that uses skills and
understanding in the history of nursing and the nursing process so that it is able to explain the
history of nursing from ancient times to the present and how the nursing process takes place so that
it is able to understand the historical development of nursing and implement the nursing process.
correctly according to procedure. In the nursing process, the development of nursing has been seen
starting from ancient times until now, in ancient times there have been many methods used to carry
out the nursing process. So by using the literature review method you can understand the history of
nursing and the nursing process.

The results of studying the history of nursing and the nursing process in the development of
nursing produce learning to increase understanding of the history of nursing development from
ancient times to the present and make history a benchmark and nursing action for a faster healing
process and can be used as a comparison regarding developments. nursing in the past and present.
and through understanding the nursing process it can be used as a reference for a nurse in providing
good and correct nursing care in accordance with nursing procedures

The development of nursing cannot be separated from the development of nursing education
and the development of nursing services. The development of nursing cannot be separated and is
greatly influenced by the development of the structure and progress of human civilization, belief in
animism, the spread of major world religions and the economic conditions of society. The history of
the development of nursing has experienced very rapid changes in response to developments in
human needs. Various aspects of events can influence the historical development and practice of
nursing, such as roles and attitudes, the status of women, religious values and beliefs, war and
leadership in future-oriented nursing. Various factors influenced the development of care in ancient

Ancient Times, In this era, the development of nursing is influenced by religion or belief. Belief
in supernatural or mystical powers that can influence human life. They still believe that someone is
sick because of supernatural powers, such as believing in trees and large rocks. At this time,
treatment was not very developed, so people trusted shamans to treat and treat illnesses. Shamans
are considered more capable of finding, knowing and dealing with spirits that enter the bodies of
sick people. The role of nurses at this time is still developing, as seen in the history of Egypt and

Early AD, The progress of human civilization began when humans began to recognize religion.
The spread of religion greatly influenced the development of human civilization so that it had a
positive impact on the development of nursing. This era was influenced by the development and
spread of two religions, namely Christianity and Islam. During the development of nursing during
the spread of Christianity at that time, nursing experienced significant progress along with the rapid
development of Christianity. At the time of Lord Constantine who founded xenodhoerun or hospes,
namely a place to shelter people who needed help, especially for people who were sick and needed
care. Furthermore, during the spread of Islam during the Ionian period in the Arabian Peninsula,
scientific knowledge such as science, chemistry, hygiene and medicine developed rapidly. The
basic principles of health care, such as the importance of maintaining food, water and
environmental hygiene, are developing rapidly.

Middle Ages, In this era there was a major war between religions known as the Crusades. This
war brought a lot of suffering to the people, wounded and killed, starvation and various other
diseases. To overcome this condition, a number of hospitals began to be established to provide aid
and care for war victims. Finally, the science of medicine and care continues to progress.

New age ( Renaisans) , The influence of Renaissance also spread to nursing science. The
management of the hospital which was originally carried out by the church at that time was taken
over by civilians. Finally, care for sick people experienced a setback. The influence of science also
spread to nursing science. The management of the hospital which was originally carried out by the
church at that time was taken over by civilians. Finally, care for sick people experienced a setback
because the role of nurses was replaced by lay people who did not understand nursing.

In 1950-1967, The nursing process that began in 1950 is considered the embryonic stage. At that
time the nursing process was not yet understood nor accepted, but it was carried out every day. It
wasn't until 1955 that Lydia Hall gave her presentation on "Care is a process". In essence, nursing
involves four main things, namely: a). Nursing at the patient b) Nursing to the patient c). Nursing
for the patient d). Nursing with the patient The phases in the nursing process identified by nursing
lecturers at the Catholic University of America in 1967 include: assessment, planning,
implementation, and evaluation.

Time Modern, In England, rapid progress in the field of nursing included the construction of
nursing schools, the establishment of the British Nurses Association by Erenwick in 1887. This
association aimed to unite nurses in England. Then on July 1 1889 Erenwick also founded an
institution called the International Council of Nurses (ICN). After that era, the world of nursing
continued to develop rapidly, this condition encouraged the emergence of figures in nursing.

Nursing in the Present, Professional nurses provide care with compassion, attention, and
respect for the client's dignity. As time goes by, science continues to develop along with new
discoveries and innovations. Nursing protects, promotes, optimizes health and the ability to prevent
disease, injury, relieve sufferers through nursing diagnosis and handling of human responses and
advocacy in the treatment of individuals, families, communities and populations (ANA, 2003) The
Nursing Process is a systematic and organized method of providing Nursing care, which is focused
on reactions and responses for individuals in a group or individual to health problems experienced,
both actual and potential. The nursing process can also be interpreted as the approach used by
nurses in providing nursing care, so that the client's basic needs can be met. The nursing process
consists of five stages, namely nursing assessment, nursing diagnosis, nursing planning, nursing
implementation and evaluation.

Assessment Stage, Basically the purpose of the assessment is to collect objective and subjective
data from clients. The data collected includes information on the client, family, community,
environment, or culture (McFarlanf and McFarlane, 1997). Things that need to be considered during
the assessment are, Understanding the overall situation being faced by the client by paying attention
to the physical, psychological, emotional, sociocultural and spiritual which can influence the client's
health status and collect all information related to the past and present, even something that has the
potential to be a problem for the client, to create a complete database. The data collected comes
from nurses and clients during interactions as well as other sources (Gordon, 1987, 1994). And
understand that the client is the primary source of information and secondary sources of information
include family members, people who play important roles, and the client's health records.

Nursing Diagnosis, is the process of analyzing subjective and objective data that has been
obtained at the assessment stage to establish a nursing diagnosis. Nursing diagnosis involves a
complex thought process about data collected from the client, family, medical records and other
health care providers. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) (1992)
defines nursing diagnosis as a kind of clinical decision that includes the response of clients, families
and communities to something that has the potential to be a health problem in the life process. The
nursing diagnosis process is divided into two, namely the intervention process and the process of
ensuring the accuracy of the diagnosis itself. The formulation of a nursing diagnosis statement has
several requirements, namely being able to distinguish between actual, risk and potential.

Planning Stage, is a guide to specific behaviors expected of the client, and actions that the nurse
should take. Interventions are carried out to help clients achieve the expected results. Nursing
interventions must be specific and clearly stated. Groupings such as how, when, where, frequency
and magnitude indicate the content of planned activities. Nursing interventions can be divided into
two, namely independent (carried out by nurses) and collaborative (carried out together with other
care providers). The planning stage focuses on prioritizing problems, formulating goals and
outcome criteria, creating nursing instructions and documenting the nursing care plan. The aim of
planning nursing care is to improve communication between nursing care providers and provide
direct and documented nursing care

Implementation Stage, is the stage of carrying out the plan that has been made to the client.
The activities in the implementation stage include; reassessment, update basic data, review and
revise the care plan that has been made, and carry out planned nursing interventions. Before
carrying out nursing implementation, it is necessary to carry out implementation which includes
preparation of equipment, clients, and reassessment. And must also receive a report from the
previous shift nurse. This is done in order to create continuous and sustainable nursing care.

Evaluation Stage, Evaluation is the final stage of the nursing process but evaluation can be
carried out at any stage of the nursing process. Evaluation refers to assessments, stages and
improvements. At this stage the nurse finds the reasons why a nursing process can succeed or fail
(Alfaro-Lefvre, 1994). At the evaluation stage, the nurse can find the client's reaction to the nursing
intervention that has been given and determine whether the targets of the nursing plan have been
provided and determine whether the targets of the nursing plan have been accepted. Planning is the
basis that supports the evaluation process. Evaluation focuses on the client, whether individual or
group. The evaluation process requires several skills, including the ability to determine a nursing
care plan, knowledge of nursing care standards, normal client responses to nursing actions and
knowledge of nursing concepts.

The history of the development of nursing has experienced very rapid changes in response to
developments in human needs. Various aspects of events can influence the historical development
and practice of nursing, such as roles and attitudes, religious values and beliefs, war and leadership
in future-oriented nursing. Various factors influenced the development of nursing in ancient times,
but as time goes by and advances in technology, nursing development and innovation in nursing
development are increasing, making the current nursing process run well.

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