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Total No. or Printed Peges--12

23E-CHEM 1 . Answer the following quMtioni, (nny eigltl l :
1?lf! ~ ~ ~ 11"11 (~ ~ 'a'llltt);
• \ ·8 g o!
(aJ Determine the number of moles present in

CHEMISTRY (b) Find out the isoelcctronic s pecies among I.he following :

I Theory) '!"f! filllITTm ~ 1111-~ ~ ~ ~~ 11111. ';li\611 :

F\dl Marks : 70 K", Mg2 • , Ca2 ' , Ar
Pass Marks : 2 I

Time : 3 hours (c) Write the IUPAC name of the follo\\ing compound :
The figures in the margin indicate fall marks for the questions
~ fil1I ell\~ !UPAC ~ ~ :


Q. No. 1 carries J mark each (any eight) : 1><8 • 8

(d) Arrange the follo,,ing species m increasing order of
Q. No. 2 carries 2 marks each (any ten) : 2 >< 10 • 20 ionic radii :

Q. No. 3 carries 3 marks each {any nine} : 3x9 = '2:7

Q. No. 4 carries 5 marks each (any three) : 5><3 • 15 0 2 -, Na", Mg2 •
Total• 70
(e) Fill in the blank :

~~~~ :
The shape of BF3 molecule is _ _.
BF3 ~ ~ ~'oj _ _ l
/ 1315 I Contd.

I 4 )
( 3 )
. f I.he follo'-'ing i,i a peroxide?
(/) Define buffe r solution. (k) Which o
~ ,~ · ..alil ,~ •~ 1
~W◄ '!Ull~ I
1(02 , Na 20 2, U 20
(g) Whal d o you mean by c ritical temperature (T,1 of a ga s?
(I) What is the basicity of H3B03?
,~ ~ ~ (Tr ) ~ ~ ~ ?
H3B03'I ~ 1 ~.A?
(h) Identify the state functions among the follo""ing :

~ ~ r-4◄-:i ~~~- =
Work , Volume. Enthalpy, Pressure, Temperature 2 • Answer the following questions (any ten) :

,:.r,f, ~w-=i. -<rt'll'tf-l,. ~ "I, ~ ~~~~f.l~ (1il~'ffil) :

(1J Which one of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

(a) Determine the four quantum numbers for the valence
electron of sodium atom.
~ ~ IC~411 ~ ~ C~ ,roi 7

Methane, Carbon diox:ide, Ozone, Nitrogen

(b) Calculate the amount of water produced (in gram) on

complete combustion of l ·6 g of methane.
(j) Choose the correct option :
l ·6 .!Ill! ~"R<! -r=9!.<f ~ lfo1i3 ~91il ~ ~ fl'1 (WRi)
~'Ii ~ '1ft ':.Tit~ : TI' I
A suitable method for separation of a rnixlure of
chloroform and aniline is-
(c) A radio centre broadcasts its programmes at a
su blimation, distillation, difi'erential extraction frequency of 100·8 MHz. Calculate the wavelength
1'~'11':f ~ ~ fe'I .iitJ "J't"~~'I◄ ~ l.!llil '\S~,c, ~ (in metre) of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the
~..,_ transmitter.

~ ~ cm
100·8 MHz ~ ~ ~ . ~
"ffl I ~ f.l'lfi5 ~ ~ 1/'3~~\I ~~ ~,~ ( ~ ) ~'RI
135 [ Contd. ~ I
I ::, J
( 6 )
(d) In general, electron galn enthalpy or e1emenLB becomes
less negative down a group. However, electron gain (j) Find out the covalent and melo.llic hydrirles among the
enlhalpy of F is less negative t han that of the following :
succeeding element. Explain why. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~1+ -nn !,~~i,,:~ ~ ~6'41 :
>flffl'!tl5, ~~ ~ !rf'I ~~ 'll'I( ~ 6 <1ll'I "AT ~
~ •'llfl ~ • ~ ~~~~'I '"l~ ~ 15"1'1 c'11~ ~
-,~ I t.v, <111"111 "flt I

(k) Alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia giving deep

(e) Write the chemical reactions involved in lhe detection blue solutions. Explain why.
of Cl in an organic compound by Lassaigne's test.
'ffl ~ 15◄ij llfll'~ fy ~ ~ ~ ~'fil '!j<I ~~"fil ~ I
C-1~ ~ ~ ~ ~'I .ai~ Cl11 ~'111 -1~ 'lift-5
'4P1~ ~ I { ~ •

(/) What are the significances of van der Waals' constants (l) Explain why lithium and magnesium have similar
a and b?
properties.'ll ~ O l ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I < ! ~ , ~ f l I

(g) Slate and explain the first law of thermodynamics.

(m) What is the repeating unit present in silicones?
'51°1~!~R•H◄ ~Ills ~ ~ ~ ~ "11 I
Mention one use of silicones.
~~~Id~,~ ~ 1 ~~~ J:"Jl ~ ~
(h) Determine the pH of 0·05 M ammonia solution.
0·05 M .Q11'~ 1m pH f.l-fv ~ I

(i) What is disproportionation reaction? Give an example. (n) •classical smog occurs in warm, dry ~d sunny
climate.• Mention whether this statement 1s true or
-!:l'illq,! ~Ff ? IIIUT ~ ' I 1im I
false. Wh at are the components of classical smog?

135 I Contd. ,,_ - ~,.....,.=rx=~JPPil~';ffi~1•· ~~~

t 7 l
(c) Draw the most s table structure of CIF3 molecule
3 , Answer the following quesl.lons (any nine) : mentioning th e hybridization state of the central atom.

~ ~ !lmA◄ ~ ~ (~ m:11 -!Ct) : ('fslt/ ~~ "'!~'I ~(I~~ ClF3 ~~ ~ ~

fa) A compound cont.a.ins 52·14% C, 13·13% H and
34·73% 0 . Its molecular mass is 46·068 g. Determine
the empirical and molecular formula of the compound.
(d) 500 L of a gas at 1 bar pressure is compressed to
<!ti £ln'i1'3 52·14% C, 13·13% H ~ 34·73% 0 ~ I ~
200 L at 30 •c. What is the applied pressure on
~~ ~~'ii 46'068g. ~~ ~ ~·~
f.l~~ I the gas?
30 °c ~ 1 bar 6'f9fl:!l om 500 fii'GR ,~ ..qtJ 200 ~
" I ~ ~ '1{1i! I { ~ ' 9 ~ !mil~ "flt ffl ~ . f.lcfq ~ I

(b) In general, ionization energy (IE) of clements increases

from left to right across a period. But the actual order
of ionization energy of the second period clements is (e) The threshold frequency for a metal is 7 ·0 • 10 14 Hz. If a
Li < B < Be < C < 0 < N < F < Ne radiation of frequency l ·0 xl 0 15 Hz strikes the metal
and results emission of an electron, then calculate the
Explain why- kinetic energy of the emitted electron .
(iJ Be has higher IE than B;
(ii) 0 has lower IE than N and F.

'i1~'1'3, ~ ~ " Im (IE) ~ .iim ~~ °1111

~~I ffl M1J 'flm ~~'I~
mJiltif ffl

Li< B < Be< C < 0 < N < F < Ne (f) Defin~ co~fficient of viscosity. Mention the factors
affecting VJscosity of a liquid.
I 9 I I -- I

(g) r o r 1hc ICUC'IIOtl Ul 2 1)1{ ,,

{k) What ;., h y dratio n e nthalpy? Arrange the fo~
inc reasing order of hydreonn enthalP. •
rea.s on bchmd th'JS o r d er :
'.l J\ I L) •( '

~,w;t ~-~ ~(ii f'1 ~? ~ ~ ~~ ~
.\II ,. -100 k,I mol nnd /18 O .l k,JK 1 111111 I ~ .a.t~'l'I llll':l>~ ,roi;m I ~~ .n'l '1llT'lll "R1 '
Determine whclher the rcuct1011 will he ,;p1111111nro1111 111
not ut this Lcmperuturc. ee2 •• Mg2 ·, ca1 •, s r2 •
2A ➔ 8 -+ C ~vm.11 (1,1 298 K ':t.'111!.N, /\/ / '100 k , 1mul 1

~ as : 0 •2 kJK I mo! 1. ,11) l'll~Wi f.lfndi, •~l!J:"1f11 0'1 , ., .

(/) Define electroprules and nucleophtle s . Find out. the
ffl, f.l<fll"fllt elec trophiles a11d nucleophiles among the Collov.,ng :
~•~ ~ ~•~ ~ f,in I ~ ~ ~
(h) Deduce the relationship between K 1, ond Kr for !he ~·~~~~·~~~~ :
reaction aA + bB - cC + dD.
CN , BF3 , ROH, RO- , ' CH3, H ~, H20
aA + bB "" cC + dD ~ 11W1 K , ~ K ,. 'I ~,..,. '>f""t.+i;t1
15~'"1 I
(m) S tate HOckel's rule of aromaticity. Applying this ru.l~,
determine whether the follo,,ing species arc aromauc
(i) Determine the oxida tion number of Cr in dic hromatc
ion . In the following reaction, identify the oxidation or not :
and reduction pairs : ~ ~~ ~ f.r,n I .a\~~~~ f.rol ,:l:'~
~ •ro ~ c~ IIA'l "Jlro ~cfll "fl\ , ~ fin!, f.if.lAlltllRi a.w, ~~ •!~¢,;ii l/r◄I~ ~Col~, f.l~ ~ :
~ ~ ' 1 C1IR 1U1 ~ 'fll :

Cr20 ~- (aqJ + soi- (aq) ➔ Cr3 ' taq) + so~- (aq)

0.0 0 ' +

(j) What is syn-gas? Give one method for preparation o r

sy n-gas.
(n) What is borax bead test? Write the chemical reactions


~ c~ (syn-gas) f<t ? >n~ ,~ ~ Jltl ~ \Sr.1t'I

I Contd.
'ii!'l11 ~ ~ ~ '/ ~ if'lf! ~ ~ j<;\},•\i'~~':il il ffl I
' -- ,
( 12 l
5x3~ 15
4 . Answer the following questions (any wee) :
(d) (tJ State Markowm o
'k ff rue.
I Using
. th·s • .rule • write
. the
~~ fi,v, ~ \TI fit,n (ti: "'1t:n ~ ) :
major product Conned in the following reacuon ·,. _
1 1 2
(o.J Draw the molecular orbital energy d iagram or N2
molecule. Calculate the bond order of N2 molec ule. l t ~ ~ ~ tml,r TI] .ii\ ffi ~ '511'◄ ~
4+ 1• 5
iwm C'-141-r,ii ~ ~ ~ ,:
N2 '31~ ~ 'lfff ~t~ .,ftj fh ~~ 'iFl1 I N 2 ~~ ,w;r;f.i 'Jf'-
f.lcflt 'RI I
1><3• 3
M Complete the follo"fog reactions :
(b) Which quantum numbers are associated with shape
and orientation of orbital? Arrange the following
~ ~,ti 'l"'"!tf ~ :
Fe/ t:.
orbitals in increasing order of energy :
11) HCmCH -~L
--- H- - - --+• ?
3s, 4/ , 6d . Sp 2
Lmdlar's c:italyst
What is the number of nodes present in 3s o rbital?
2 ... 2 , 1-s ~o-m~
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,~ ~ 7
~ ~ ~~ 'l!'fim : (2) 6 +Zn->?

3s, 4/ , 6d, Sp

(eJ State Le Chatelier's principle. Applying Le Chatclier's

(c) What is an ideal gas? Can oxygen gas behave as an principle, explain the effect of temperature and
ideal gas in certain conditions? Derive the ideal gas pressure in the producbon of ammonia by Haber's
equation. 1... 1+3• 5 process starting from N2 and H2 gases. 1+4•5
~ ,~ .. ~ ~ w;! ~ ~ ~ ,-m. ~ w( , ~ W.'1 l'J1 ~~~ ,~ ~~~~~
~'I~ ~ 7 ~ "l'f. ~ 'liGT l "f"fllR "'11 1
N2 ~ H2 C~ 'Al Jl,l'f.1111 t'-"fllffl ~ ~ ~ ~OR ~
1135 ( Contd.

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