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Gender Questions Latest Gender MCQ Objective Questions Re ean tana) eer nen Start Complete Exam Preparation road raed Daa) i sererg ieee Paez D> Download App Question t Being a teacher, how should Ramesh teach the students in hiv class? 1. Making unsolicitedsomments about girls 20 that they do not consider themselves specific. 2. Making similar arrangomentsfor boys students anil gints studeres 2. Separating girls from the students of the clave and giving them information about household work +. Nore thanoneof the above teers] India's Super Teachers for all govt. exams Under aa (BR om claves ontaier Aaswer a Gender Question } Detailed Solution Gender 1s a social construct 1c refers to the soctallyand eulturailyconstructedsystem shacacribuces meaningto what tt means tobe a naleor a female ina particularsociety. A society comprises malesand females * Gender inequality, genderbiases, gender stereotypes are the sommon il practices in a society chat should be discouraged in a classroom + Theteackershould encourage the equality of all gendersmang the childrento make then free from any tape of gender © Rey Points fective practices that should be adopted by a ceackerin the classroom: + Setting tasksthat have to be done together by both girls and boys. * Making similar arrangementsfor boys students and girls rtudents + Using examples that showboys and girls in non-conformist roles + Prosiding equal apportunities in the classroom related to asking questions, and responding in theclas? + Developing the habit of respecting eackother's gender in studenteand assigning equal opportenitios to every studentin the lass + Involving studenisin discussing gonderissues and countering gendewias by engaging them in solving gender-related issues in society ‘Hence, it can be concludedthat itis important to make similar arrangomentsfor boys and girls in the classroom by the teacher. x € eS eee ate rt Deer res Start Complete Exam Preparation Teo Pa eas { Doe cole resinous ces Download App Question 2. iow this Question Online Which of the following is a learned behavior or acquired: identity? 1. Biologroal age ak 2 Gender € Ay 4 More :hanone of the above 5 None of the above Answer (Detailed elution Below) Option 2 = Gender Gender Question 2 Detailed Solution a Gendoris a multifacotedrealtythac x eulturallyconstractedand socially detypminbsi society. @ Rey Points * Gonder portrays culturallyand socially eonstridctedrales, responsibilities, privileges, relations, and expectationsof women and ‘men. Because there are socially constructed, the caichange ver time and differ from one place to another. + Gender refers to those attrib ind fanctions expected of menand women in a given society + Gender refers to behavioral di shetwoen males and femalesthat are culturallybared and socially learned Hence,wwe concladethat yonder is a learnedbchavier or acquiredidentity (; Additional information * Patriarchy, from the ancient Greek word patriarches, is a society where power tz held by and passed down through the elder mates, © Macriarchyts-a form of soctalorgantzacionwhereininkeritanceand ancestryare tracedthrough che female line ae Pearcy = Start Complete Exam Preparation (ga) Dally Live pe ea Pcl Cres eair poor Download App Question 9 t View ehis Question Online Whac are che root causezof gender disertmination? 1 Preconoeivedsocistaland individual beliefs about gender I. Income level 1 Only? /. 2. Gk )and” 4. Nore thanone of the above 5. Wone of the above Answer (Detailed Seliction Below) Option 1 < Only) Gender Question 3 Detailed Solution Gondor discrimination is when. person is treated unequallyar unfairlybecauze of their gonder, but not necessarilybocauss of their serualorientation. x @ Rey Points about gender are frequently the root of gender discrimination 7 fulidear about what gender is, how gender should look, or how gender is performed. rentlyweaker than mon, or that men should not display emotions, can lead to as unequalpay, sexual harassment,or limiting job opportenities based on gender cd change these societal and individual beliefs to eliminategender discrimination + Preconceivedsocistaland indisi dual be * There eliefscan include f + For example, the belie tha ‘gonder discrimination in various. «Thue, iis important to challes Henoe,it is cancludedthat Only is correct. Income inequality is a serious issue that affects people of all genders. However, itis also different from gender discrimination. Income inequalityrefer: to the unequal distribution of income or wealthwithin a society or betweendifferent ‘groups, wheroas gender discrimination refers to treating someone unfairly based on their gender. ca RA eee an arc) PS lamer (ee Cet Ted) Cee DAR ec a rear Fae iad aad eros Creer Paes Download App Question Viow thie Question Online Jn order to maintain gender equality in the classroom, 1. provide the same opportunity KOe discourage the girls t icularactivities : a 4. Mere thanone of the above 5. None of the above Answer (Detailed Salution Below) Option J: provide the same opportunity to both theboys and girls Gender Question + Detailed Solution C Oo Inorder to maintaingender equality in the classroom, 1 is very important for a tea the same opportunity to both the boye and girls: © Rey Points + As young children begin to notice the di Cr: gender rele, the ways teachertinteractwith students stand to havea great impact on 0 participate in ther education. « Thove interactions also oreatdlllialasting ffaciztn other arans of ther lives, at times limiting their selPimage and their perception of the oppor 5 aoailableor appropriate for them. Followingarea few ways by whicke teackershould be able to maincoingende! classroom: Be reflective and o}votve Use gender-nextrallansuagewken appropriate Use project-based learning. Provide equal opportunity to botk boys and girls. © Seat and group students intentionally. Thus, itis concludedthat in order to maintaingender equality in the classroom. a teacher should provide the same opportunity to ‘both boys and girls by providing themequal opportunities they would be able to understandgender equality & ean Roe) SS ETa merle ee LiCl) Dace ieee Pico fej CC cierey Question Bank D> Download App Exo) Question 5: View this Question Online> msl” The practice that legitimizes powerful men’s dominant position in society and justifies the subordination of the commen male population and women and other marginalized ways of a being aman is called x 1. Femininicy » eee 9 Hegemoniomaseulinity 4. More thanone of the above 9. None of the above Answer (2 sd Belution Below) Option 9 = Hegemonic masculinity Gender Question 5 Detailed Solution Masculinityis a social definition giver to the attributesof men and boys in a given societyor culture. Boysand men learnappropriate genderroles and behaviors that are in agreement with tke masculineexpectations of the societyin which they perform or live The word mascalinityis the noun form of masculine'which means having qualities or appearance traditionallyassociatedwith mer, ‘especially strength and aggressiveness That is masculinityis primarily assoviatedwith traits and qualities whichare socially defined and baile Forms of Masculinity: + Hegemonie masculinity: # © Nets 6 form of masculinity thats domiinent, expresses a successfisateggtor the damindtion of women and men © Ttasaculturallyauthoritativeform of masculinity that supports thedominance of men and the subordination of women demandingtotal submission AY, Alchaugh 12 the Commanc form of mascutincy only 0 fagundgaanaMbvallymeec che xeandards,necessitatingthe comergenceof multiple masculinities » f ‘Hence,te could be concludedthat neem the contextof the question B; Aalitional information it refers to the attributes and behavior which are \yenerally assoclaced with girls and women. It [Fonininify linked to passivity, nurturing, ecoperation, jentloness, ete. |Hore, there is no risk or fear of bearing the brunt lof being in the forefront of hegemonic masculinity) but these men got the advantage indirectly |Maseulingy “omplici IThere are gender relations of dominance and |Subordinatddrdination between groups of men too. For lexample, gay men are subordinated to straight |Mtascaliniyn by many practices/ behavior. lWere is the interplay of gender with other |Marginaliradiet ures such as class, race, or caste that ereates| further hierarchical relationships amongst [Masculinptapscutinicies. Top Gender MCO Objective Questions & ¢ earn part) ES Ela Otel CM Cle Led) PaO Practice Mock Te DSi Crests Exes Download App Question 6 View this Question Online > The National Commission for Women was set up as statutory body in January - 1. 1992 @ be 2 1999 [ , 2 ™! + 3999 Answer (Detailed elution Below) Option 1 1992 Gender Question 6 Detailed Solution The correctanswer is 1992 @ Rey Points * TheNational Commission for Women was formed with theintentionto establish an equal and just livelihood for women by making legaland constitutionalamendmentsfor woren in Midi = * Thedemand for setting up a body persizted for « long aid ultimatelijto keep the interest of the people, the National Commission for Women Bill 1990 was introducedin the Loksabka on 22nd May 1990. * TheNational Commission for Wonen was see dp @ 1992 underthe National Commission for Women Aet, 1990. + This body was establishedto review the constitutionaland legal safeguards for women *« Thefirst commiscion was co fon Sst January 1982 as Jayanti Patnaikas the chairperson + Alok Rawat VAS is the firstim cr of the NationalCommnission for Woncen (NCHO). Composition: © Chairperson: The central government should nominatethe chairperson. © Five members: Thefice momber: are also to be nominatedby the centralgovernment from amongst the person of ability, integrity, and standing They should postess experience in various field: tike law or legislation, trade unionism, managementof industry potential of women, women'svoluntary organization, education, administration, economic development, and social good- being Mombor Secretary:T heCentral Covernment also nominatesmember secretary He/ she should be either an expert in the field of managoment,an organization, or an officer who isa member ec Deane Roe) See a ets Start Complete Exam Preparation ic Pra fz] eee (] Lea DCS Ciera (ere parser Download App uescion 7 Veew chis Question Online Whick of these statements is TRUE regarding ‘gender’? 1). Ie1s anumenicateorcept 2. is biologically determined 2. Ics chesame as the sex of the person i oO wren" Gender ae NW Points Genderis a social canstruct that impacts attitudes, roles, responsibilities, and behaviour patterns of boys and girls, men, and women inal societies. Increasing attentianhas been given Co the imoor canceof achieving yender equality in education. }trsjectedche underlyingbiological distinction word “sex” and the expression “sexual inequality’, which appears as “an ideological shield for ‘maintainingdomination” > Important Points Gender-related terminologies leconomic, political, and social roles and responsibilities that are separate for men and women lin culture. \Gender lroles \cender |bsence of discrimination on the basis of a person's > ex in authority, opportunities, allocation of resources lequalitier benefits, and access to services |Gender |The same number of boys and girls receive » Jparity |services at different levels and in diverse Forms |cender tro understanding the socially determined differences |between men and women, and that these influence lawarenyescess to and control of resources. |Being fair to women and men toredress historical |disadvantages that have prevented men and women from having equal access to rights and privileges. loender jequity |eender \rhe ability co perceive existing gender differences and jisswes, and to incorporate these inta strategies and lsensiviqenyions [Gender |dentifies the inequalities that arise From the different| roles of men and women, and analyzes the |enalysifeoncequences of those inequelities Hence,we coneludethat gender is a social construct. ee ee Oa Rela eel (ee Ll) Peau oe acd DOS iene Cases Px Download App Que: Inorder to maintain gonder equality in the classroom, a teacher should 1. provide che same opportunity co bith theboysandgirls RRs View this Question Online > 2. diseourage the girls to tke partin eurrioularactivitios p A... shegets 4, None of the above Answer (Detailed Selution Below) Option 1: provide the same opportunity to both theboys and girls Gender Question 8 Detailed Solution In order to maintaingender equality in the clazsroom, 1 is uery important for a teackéte pravide the seme opportunity to both the boys and girls © Key Points "As young childrenbegin to notice the differencesin octal expectations for gender roles, the ways teachersintoractwith scudentsscand to have a greac impact on chews ability copparcicipace in chetr educacion. + These interaetionsalso create iono-lasting effects in other areas of their lives, at times limiting their self-image and their perception of the oppertien areavailable or appropriate for them. Followingarea few ways by which a teachershould bbe able to maineaingence 1 che classroom © Be reflectiveand vbjec «© Use gender-neutral language wken appropriate « Use project-based learring. © Provide equal opportunity to both boys and girls. © Seat and group students intentionally Thus, itis concludedthat in order to maintaingender equality in the classroom, a teacker should provide thesame opportunity to both beys and girls by providing themequal opportunities they would be able to understandgender equality. be India's #1 Learning Platform ee! AS elem eels) Cle lel) kes co lens POS Cree ard Patt) Download App ion 9 = View this Question Online Gonder diversity means 1. Squivatencerasto of men ahd sddmen 2 ee erec eee 2. Squity Ratio of Population. 4 Squitable ratio of educatedwomen and men. Answer (Detailed Selition Below) Option 1 - Squivalenceratio of men and women Gender Question 9 Detailed Solution x > Important Points * Gender Diversity refers Ra towhicha person's gender identity, role, or expression differs from the calturalnorms prescribed for people of a re. + Gonder Diversity most commonly refers to an equal ratio of mon and women + Gender diversity in a woriplace means that men and women are hired at a similar and consistentrate, arepaid equally, and dare given the same working opportunities with the same promotional opportunities. Hence,swe can conclude that the right answer to this question is the Equivalenceratio of men and women Ee aR esl Start Complete Exam Preparation Ore a as Exon Leora Download App Question 16 ‘ Yrew this Question Online > Whichof the following ix/are the source(s) or form(s) of genie discrimination? 2 Wutrition, healthand leisure 17 Bducation, textbooks, curriculemand teachers 1M) Fanily and parents 1, Both Jand? 2, GothFanam 2 Mand 4 Both P and 7 Answer (Detailed Seliction Below) Option 2 7,17 and 17 Gender Question 10 Detailed Solution We do not treat boys and girls the same way. Men and women do not get equal opportunities to\participate in all toctal. political, ‘economicand educationalactivities: Beinea girl or wonan does not limit her capability Despite thit, womenare denied opportunities to functionfully in many spheres of life. Cenval opportunity smacks of @ biasand discrimination Such above statementsare referred gender discrimination ‘ @ Key Poinis - Sources and Forme of Conder Disoriva * Family and Parents Appointment, Promotion, Placement Division of Labour Inside the House Property, Rerourees, and Control Over Resources Pdusation, Textbooks, Currioulum,andTeachers Paws and rales Watrition, Healthand Peisure * Bducational Opportunities * Government Policies Henoe,sve conclude that all the above points are Sources and Forms of Gonder Discrimination. & India's #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation ey pees be eh POS Download App Cres ea rad Ga er: Question I View this Question Online > The opposite of gender sensitivity is C es 1. Genderanalysis oO 2 Gonder blindness Noe io me OO ‘ y Answer (Detailed Selution Below) Option 4 : Gender parity Gender Question 11 Detailed Solution Gender parity ~ * Gender equality requiresequalenjoymentby wonen and men of socially valued goods, opportunities, resouré rewards. * Promoting gender equalityis the empowerment of women, with a focus on identifyingand redressing po ‘sand giving women more autonomy to manage their own liver + Gender equality does aot meanthat men and women become the same; only that acces life changesis neither dependent on nor constrained their ser. + Rohioving gender equelityrequires women sempouierment to ensure that decision ‘and public levels and access to resources are no longer weightedn men's favour so that both women im productive, reproductive, and social life + gender equality encompasies a wider concest. of which gond is the opposite of gender sensitivity. Some other important terms relatedto gender are: © Gender inequality refers to the entrenchedand bur that men and women are not the same. It is gender relations shape this inoquali setiveand reproductiverole: of males and females where © Gender analysis is referred to idont alitiesthat arise from the differentroles of men and women, and analyzesthe oonseqors coo inequalitiesfor their lives, health,and well-being © Gonder blindness ref vr to identify or acknowledgedifferences based an gender where itis significant. This approach does not rec' as an essential factor that determinesthe choicesfor men and women separatelyin society D Hine + Gondor sonsitivity is the process by whiok people aro made aware of how genderplays a role in life through their reatmontof “others. Conder sensitivity training is used to educatepeople, usually, employees, to become more aware of and sensitive to gender in their lives or workplaces Hence,twe concladethat theopposite of gender sensitivity is Gender parity Fa eee ec Oa SS ETa merle ee LiCl) SAR Seas CC cierey Question Bank D> Download App ieee Pico fej xerieat Question 12 View this Question Ontine > The process of being fair to women and mon\in also termed 2. ender equity , 2 Gender sensitivity 2 x ‘awareness: 4 Gonder equality Answer (Detailed Selucion Below) Option! - Gonder equity Gender Question 12 Detailed Polution Gonderequity * Gondor Squity is the process of being fair to women and men. To exsure fairness, measures must be taken to compéhisatefor ‘istorical and social disadvantagesthat prevent womenand men fromoperating on a tevelplaying field. Squity leads to equality + Gonder equity also implies that healthneeds, which are specific to cack gender, receive appropriate resources Gender equality * Gender equality requiresequalenjoymentby wonen and men of socially valued goods, opportunities, resources, and rewards. + Promoting gender equality is the empower montof women, with a facieson Hentifyingand redressing power imbalancesand ‘giving women more autonomy to manage their oun lives * Gender equality does aot meanthat men and women becomethé same; only thataccessto opportunities and life changesis neither dependenton nor constrainedby their ste. a Y + Rohieving gender equelityrequires women sempouictment to ékiure that decision-making at private and public levels and ‘access to resources are no longer iighted i* men’s favour’ so that both women and men can fullyparticipate a: equal partners in productive, reproductive, ard a” Gonderawareness * Therecognition of the fact that life experiences, expectations, and needs of women and men are different, that they often involve inequalityand are subject to change. + Understanding that there are socially determinoddifforencesbotwoenmen and women and that these influenceaccess to and control of resources. Gender Sensitivity + Theability to perceive existing gender dfferencesand issues, and to incorporate these into stratagiesand actions. Contrast swith gender blindness Henoe,1we concludethat the process of being fair to women and men is also termed Gender equity & India’s #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation eR ct Pree Download App ca Pars be ey res ere eaics Danae Question 19 View this Question Online > One of the statements given below is true regarding ‘gender’ 1. eis bclogieally determined 2. Weis anumericalecncopt 2. Ieis chesame az the sex of the person 4 Itisasovial construct t Answer (Detailed Selueiom Beles) Option ¥ =} is @¥opial construct x» Question 19 Detailed Lolution Gender refersto the sociallyconsiructeddifferonces betiveen men and woment refersto the masculine and Femininqualities, bekavior, roles, and responsibilitiesthat society upkolds. Gender canbe changed /re-oriented. © Key Points GREAT E & s0etal CORNET uel Chat mpmels Che OLELAES, FOES, FESPORIIOUENAES, ARE ORRAMOTDEILEINT CT HORS GUNG GATES, ‘mon, and womonin all societies. Inorearingattention har been given to theimportance of achieving genderoqualityin ‘education. 1 rejectedtheunderlying biolagicaldistinetion word "sex" and theespression of "sexual inequality”, which appears as “an ideological shield for maintainingdomination” A society comprises males and femaies Gender biases and gender stereotypes are common ill practices in our society ‘According to West and Zimmerman,” Gender is not a personal trait but an emergent feature of social situations bothas ‘an outcome of anda rationale fer, various sovial arrangementsand as a means of legitimizingone of the most fandamentatdivisions of sosiety.” Hencegender is considered a social construct & Additional Information Gender-related terminologies Jresponsibilities are separate for men and women ip separate fi ‘conomic, political, and soctal roles and in culture. |cender} lequali |ésence of discrimination on the basis of @ person's sox in authority, opportunities, location of resources or benefits, ard access er sercices fparicy \Genderjeducational services at different levels and in IThe same number of boys and girls receive ldiverse forms. \Gende jawarerteesources. Ichese influence access to and contro \7o understand the socially determined S \differences between men and women, phat |Gender} jequeity |Being fair to women and men to redress istorical disadvantages that have prevented |men and women from having equal access to rights ard privileges. \Gonds lsensici I7he ability co perceive existing gender ldifforences and issues, and to incorporate these ng strategies and actions \Gender} lanaly dentifies the inequalities that arise From the |different roles of men and women, and analyzes che consequences of these inequalities. & eee ec SS ETa merle ee LiCl) Dace CC cierey Question Bank D> Download App Exo) ieee Pico fej Question 1% Views this Question Online > Te avoid gender stereotyping in olass, a teachor should 1 Al 2. appreciate students’ good work by saying ‘good girl’ or ‘goed boy’. loys and girls in non-traditional rales 2. discourage girls from tokingpart in wrestling 4 encourageboys to take risk and be bold. Aaswer (Detailed Selucion Option 1 try te put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles Gender Question 14 Detailed Polution A society comprises of malesand females. Gender division, gender blases, gender stereotypes are thecommon ill practices in a society + To.avoid gender stereotyping n class, a teacher should cry ¢o put both boys and girls in non-tradicionalrotes. + This activitywill remove the sterectype from the mind of students that certainactivitier are only meant to be done by the girls and not by the boys and vice versa * Te will also promote che sense of gender equalicyamong them. @ Key Points Gender stereotypingis an unfair ides 13 0 a generalizedview or characteristicsthat ought to be possessed by womenand Henoe,,we concludethat to avoid gender stereotyping in class, a teackerskould try to pt both boys and girls in non-traditional oles. & Teenie SS ETa merle ee LiCl) Dace ic eau fz) Practice ie arid PCa Download App Question Bank Exo) Question 16 Views this Question Online > Whiok of tho following theorist is not related gonder- schema theory? 2 Carol Lynn ¥ 2. Halverson P. 2 2 A. 4, Sandra Bem Answer (Decailed Selucion Option 9 Sigmund Freud Gender Question 15 Detailed Solution Gender schemasorganiza hechild’sexperienceby providing meansforthechildeo makesenseofnewsocialinformationtender- schema theory asserted thatehildreriarnaboutmaleand fomaleroles fromtheculturdnwhichtheylive Accordiniyo thetheory, shildremajust herbchavinodlignuithchegendemornsnfcheireulturdromthevarliest ago socaldevelopment. @ Xey Points * Sandra Ruth Cipsitz Bem was an American psychologist known for her works in androoyny ard gender studies. Gendersehema theory ta cognitive theory of gender development that says that gender is a,product of the norms of one'sculture.Thetheary was orignated by psyehologist Sandra fem in 1887.) suggest hat people proces information, tn part, based an gender typed knowledge. * Martin and Halverson describe two types of sex-related sekemasin-group schemas.and out-group schemas (the opposite group). Oncea child has identified:uich theirin-groxp, key begin to positively evaluatetherr ow group and negatively evaluatethe out-group * Carol Pynn researchedon 2 :0XSMBERBpocersing mode! of sex cyping and storectyping in okildren. * Cognitive theories of early gender Madey ent and the stability and conseauencesof young children ssame-sex peer interactions. “@ Hint * Sigmund Freud is the psychologist of mind and consciousness. Consideredthe father of psychoanalysia, kis theoriesand ideas ‘on the connectionsthat exist between the conscious mind, the subconscious ind, the body, and the world around ut are still as widely known as they were where first espoused them at ihe turn of the 20th century. Hence Pigmund Freud is not related gender-sohematheory.

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