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AutoSoft Sales / Ventas SOP Hub

Call Recordings SOP: reuniones de ventas closeadas

III. Servicios MSFC. (Creación y distribución de contenidos = de 5 a 10 millones)

1. Ecosistema de ventas Método C.R.C. AUTOSOFT SALES SCRIPT SOP

Introducción; que se requiere saber del cliente:

My Problem Analysis: PA
Estructura de las reuniones y Frameworks Sales structure for the 2 sales call

1. Sales Ecosystem C.R.C Method.

- Doc de ventas de alto ticket en AutoSoft en español.
- Doc. para resolver las objeciones de manera simple y fácilmente.
- Proof of demo mvp

Diagrama explicativo en inglés paso a paso.


Successful Client (español).pdf Successful Client (4) (1).pdf



Construct Sales Assets

The next step is creating sales assets that are tailored for your client’s audience. You want
to create content that sells, not just any type of content. The insights you’ll get from step 1
(finding product-market fit) will help you craft content that your client’s audience wants to
The sales assets include the following:

1. Long-form youtube videos

2. Short-form reels
3. Long-form sales letters
4. Free-trainings
5. Twitter threads

You want to distribute these sales assets on multiple platforms. The more attention your
clients assets get the more leads for the business.

Tracking Sales SOP:

Post reunión siempre llevaré un registro:

Autosoft Sales / Tracker Pro

AutoSoft Sales performance tracking:

DAILY REPORTING AutoSoft Sale / Daily Reporting SOP

Como debería estar un reporte en óptimas condiciones? Con las métricas en orden

Set-Up & Training:

Llamadas de ejemplo para formación (ver 2-3 por semana):

Videos por ver y aplicar:

Master the sells game 24 great techniques

Scripts para grabar videitos de ventas:

Daily Processes:

Line of Questioning SOP: AutoSoft / Line of Questioning SOP

Taking Payments SOP: (EasyGrow) Taking Payments SOP

Commission Tracking & Payouts SOP: Commission Tracking & Payouts SOP

AutoSoft - (Setter Initials) Appointment Setter Payouts Tracker

Post Sale / Next Steps SOP: (EasyGrow) Post Sale / Next Steps SOP
Now let’s break this down step by step:

Your pre call flow is everything that happens before the sales call.

This pre call process will be the exact framework we used for HK and our other high
ticket offers in chronological order using the social funnel.

Set-Up & Training: 1. Lead books a sales call

Google Calendar Setup SOP:

Leads should be qualified before hand, here’s an example of a qualification form:

New Appointment SOP: (EasyGrow) New Appointment SOP

Before The Call SOP: (EasyGrow) Before The Call SOP

1. Lead is redirected to watched a pre call VSL on a landing page (A VSL before the
sales call, this helps the lead understand more about your creator and your offer)

2. Lead gets a call confirmation via SMS and email immediately, also attached to this
confirmation in the email is a company brochure presented as a canva page (this
breaks down your program), and a free asset (this is a sales letter)

3. 1-2 hours after booked on the calendar the closer calls them on the phone,
introduces themselves, then adds them to a private whatsapp chat.

4. The closer sends them a “unreleased” podcast (another resource structured as a

VSL to warm the prospect up further)

5. 24 hours before the call the closer sends them a voice note (voice note: "Hey man,
I know we spoke on the phone and you told me you were dealing with XXX and trying
to get to XXX. I went ahead and made a custom gameplan for you, but dont worry
about it for now cause we'll go over it on our call.” This creates curiosity and
increases the show rate)

6. 5 hours before the call the prospect gets another confirmation via SMS and email,
and in the email attached is a student interview

7. 1 hours before the call the prospect gets another confirmation via SMS and email,
and in the email attached is a student interview

8. 15 mins before the call the prospect gets another confirmation via SMS and email
This process not only gets the viewer to understand who your creator is, and what
you guys offer, but it also warms the prospect up because you’ve provided them so
much value before the sales call.

After Pitch Deck

- Answer Any Questions

- Temp Check

- Drop price

- Handle Objections if any

Now let’s say we have a prospect who hops on a sales call and doesn’t close, in this
case we need to leverage a “post call process”.

This is a process with the objective of re-nurturing leads so that they can close on a
later date.

Post-Call Flow

Again the objective is to get these leads back on a sales call so we can close them
on a later date.

So how do we do this?

Essentially after the sales call you want to move the lead in your creators CRM in the
pipeline labelled as “no closed”.

No Close Follow-up Workflow: (EasyGrow) No Close Follow-up SOP

Moving leads in the pipeline should trigger a follow up sequence.

For the first 5 days after hopping off the sales call the lead should receive a 5-day
email flow with a special offer and guarantee.

Here’s how this 5 day email flow should look for example:

Copy of Copy of Follow Up Emails Matt:

After this email flow, there should be a 12 week follow up sequence.

Within this 12 week follow up sequence your appointment setter or closers should
get notification to follow up with these leads weekly to check in on their progress
and potentially get them on sales calls.

Now let’s assume we’ve closed the deals (by following this process you should close
deals FAST), the next and final steps is the fulfillment and operational process so
you can get student results and collect more testimonials to throw into your

Startup Sales Copia de 20 Sales

Calls Department
- Refutación de objeciones a la llamada en frío en ingles
- Tracker cold calls and percentages.
11. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 194401.png]

● Title: How do you overcome: "Can you call me back? I'm too busy right now."
● Content:

Prospect: "Can you call me back? I'm too busy right now."

Rep: "That's not a problem. What I can do if it helps you is give you my number and you'll

have to call me back later today to see if I would be available. Would that help?

My number is 573-578-9872. What's your timeframe on getting back to me today just to see

if I would even be available for you?"

12. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 194704.png]

● Title: How do you overcome: "I'm really busy today, can you just send some
information to my email and I'll get back to you?"
● Content:

Prospect: "I'm really busy today, can you just send some information to my email and I'll get

back to you?"

Rep: "Yea... I can do that for sure. Just so I can put together the best information for you...

what exactly are you looking for?"

(NEPQ Connection Question)

Prospect: "Well, I'm looking to see how your XYZ product could..."
13. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 194737.png]

● Title: How do you overcome: "Can you call me back? I'm too busy right now."
● Content:

"Ok and who / what do you use now for your... ?"

[Now you simply start going through the engagement stage with your first situation

question. It's a very natural way to go from just sending some information to helping

the prospect uncover their problems and to start to engage with you.]

14. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 194808.png]

● Title: How do you overcome: "Ok, good first call that helps us better
understand what's going on..."
● Content:

Rep: "Ok, good first call that helps us better understand what's going on... what I can

do if you'd like is send you more details... about how we solve those challenges for

our other clients in your space...

(be specific, plug in the actual challenge)

...Now let's suppose you and the firm... go through the details we send over and it fits

into what you are looking for.

What would you want.... the next step to be?"

(NEPQ Commitment Question)

15. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 195030.png]

● Title: How do you overcome: "This is really good, but I think I'm just gonna try
and do this on my own and see how it works."
● Content:

Prospect: "This is really good, but I think I'm just gonna try and do this on my own

and see how it works."

Rep: "Well I guess you could... Do you feel that you know how to XYZ?"

"Do you feel you know how to ABC?"

"Do you feel you know specifically how to do XYZ so that you can..."
"Do you feel like you know how to do ALL of that?"

(repeat back what they said they wanted)

(NEPQ Problem Awareness Question)

16. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 195041.png]

● Title: How do you overcome: "This is really good, but I think I'm just gonna try
and do this on my own and see how it works."
● Content:

Prospect: "This is really good, but I think I'm just gonna try and do this on my own

and see how it works."

Rep: "Well I guess you could... Do you feel that you know how to XYZ?"

"Do you feel you know how to ABC?"

"Do you feel you know specifically how to do XYZ so that you can..."

"Do you feel like you know how to do ALL of that?"

(repeat back what they said they wanted)

(NEPQ Problem Awareness Question)

17. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 195243.png]

● Title: The 5 Stages of NEPQ

● Content:
● Stage 1: The Connection Stage
Helps disarm the prospect by putting the focus on them, and off of you.
● Stage 2: The Engagement Stage
● Situation Questions
Helps you and the prospect find out their current situation.
● Problem Awareness Questions
Opens up the emotional door to what their real problems are, the root cause,
and how the problems are affecting them personally.
● Solution Awareness Questions
Helps them see what their future looks like once their problems are solved.
● Consequence Questions
Gets them to defend themselves on why they need to change now, not push it
down the road.
● Qualifying Questions
Confirms how important it is for them to make change and take action.
● Stage 3: The Transition Stage
Transition to presenting your solution.
● Stage 4: The Presentation Stage
● Solution | Objective
Demonstrates how the specific advantages & benefits of your solution will
solve their problems.
● Stage 5: The Commitment Stage
● Commitment Questions
Helps them commit & take the next step towards purchasing your solution.

18. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 195458.png]

● Title: The 5 Stages of NEPQ

● Content:
● Stage 1: The Connection Stage
Helps disarm the prospect by putting the focus on them, and off of you.
● Stage 2: The Engagement Stage
● Situation Questions
Helps you and the prospect find out their current situation.
● Problem Awareness Questions
Opens up the emotional door to what their real problems are, the root cause,
and how the problems are affecting them personally.
● Solution Awareness Questions
Helps them see what their future looks like once their problems are solved.
● Consequence Questions
Gets them to defend themselves on why they need to change now, not push it
down the road.
● Qualifying Questions
Confirms how important it is for them to make change and take action.
● Stage 3: The Transition Stage
Transition to presenting your solution.
● Stage 4: The Presentation Stage
● Solution | Objective
Demonstrates how the specific advantages & benefits of your solution will
solve their problems.
● Stage 5: The Commitment Stage
● Commitment Questions
Helps them commit & take the next step towards purchasing your solution.

19. [Captura de pantalla 2024-04-24 200510.png]

● Title: How do you overcome: "Gosh, I'm not sure."

● Content:

Prospect: "Gosh, I'm not sure."

Rep: "Well... you tell me which is more risky? Is it more risky to get the funding

together... put it into the training which ensures you have the right skills and know

exactly what to do day 1... so you can become profitable?

Is it more risky for you to do nothing at all... try to wing it... and hope and pray... it

works out for you?

...Which is more risky?"

(NEPQ Consequence Question)

● Title: How do you overcome: "Gosh, I'm not sure."

● Content:

Prospect: "Gosh, I'm not sure."

Rep: "Well... you tell me which is more risky? Is it more risky to get the funding

together... put it into the training which ensures you have the right skills and know

exactly what to do day 1... so you can become profitable?


Is it more risky for you to do nothing at all... try to wing it... and hope and pray... it

works out for you?

...Which is more risky?"

(NEPQ Consequence Question)

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