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Sadhesati of Saturn
According to Jyotish Tatva Prakash
ादशे ज गे राशौ ि तीये च शनै र:।
साधािन स वषािण तथा दु :खै युतो भवेत्।।

The seven and a half year period during which Saturn transits in the twelfth, first and second
houses from the birth rashi (Moon sign) is called the Sadhesati of Saturn.

Your birth rashi is Cancer therefore the period during which Saturn transits in
Gemini, Cancer and Leo is called Sadhesati of Saturn
One Sadhesati is made up of three periods of approximately two and half years each, because
Saturn travels in one rashi for two and half years.
Normally in the lifetime of a person, the Sadhesati of Saturn occurs three times.

The following table shows the beginning and end of each Sadhesati.

Sadhesati Cycle Transit Beginning Ending Duration Ashtakavarga

of Saturn Date Date Yr-Mn-Dy Saturn Sarva

First Cycle of Sadhesati

First Dhayya Gemini 23-07-2002 08-01-2003 0-5-15 2 30
(Twelfth from birth rashi) Gemini 07-04-2003 05-09-2004 1-4-28
Second Dhayya Cancer 05-09-2004 13-01-2005 0-4-8 3 32
(On birth rashi) Cancer 26-05-2005 01-11-2006 1-5-5
Third Dhayya Leo 01-11-2006 10-01-2007 0-2-9 4 33
(Second from birth rashi) Leo 15-07-2007 09-09-2009 2-1-24

Second Cycle of Sadhesati

First Dhayya Gemini 30-05-2032 12-07-2034 2-1-12 2 30
(Twelfth from birth rashi) Gemini --
Second Dhayya Cancer 12-07-2034 27-08-2036 2-1-15 3 32
(On birth rashi) Cancer --
Third Dhayya Leo 27-08-2036 22-10-2038 2-1-25 4 33
(Second from birth rashi) Leo 05-04-2039 12-07-2039 0-3-7

Third Cycle of Sadhesati

First Dhayya Gemini 10-07-2061 13-02-2062 0-7-3 2 30
(Twelfth from birth rashi) Gemini 06-03-2062 24-08-2063 1-5-18
Second Dhayya Cancer 24-08-2063 05-02-2064 0-5-11 3 32
(On birth rashi) Cancer 09-05-2064 12-10-2065 1-5-3
Third Dhayya Leo 12-10-2065 03-02-2066 0-3-21 4 33
(Second from birth rashi) Leo 03-07-2066 30-08-2068 2-1-27

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