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Unit 7 - Magnetic Circuits

Dr. Ravi Raushan

Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engg.,

National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal

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All electric machines including transformers use the
medium of magnetic field for energy conversion and

The study of these devices essentially involves electric
and magnetic circuit analysis and their interaction.

The purpose of this unit is to study the laws governing
magnetic fields and terms associated with magnetic
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Ampere’s Law

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As we rotate the elemental conductor(2) about the long
conductor (1) in a plane circular path of radius r, the
force F on conductor (2) remains constant and outward

This closed circuit path is a line of magnetic flux, called
a flux line.

In the region surrounding the conductors, there are flux
lines all along the conductor extending from the
conductor surface outwards.

Flux is represented in Weber’s (Wb). 4 / 20
Right hand thumb rule

If you grasp the conductor by the right hand such
that the thumb points in the direction of current,
the flux is established in the direction in which
the fingers curl.

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Flux Density (B)

F=B⋅(i 2 l)

Flux density ‘B’ may be defined as the force experienced by an
elementary conductor per unit length when placed in a magnetic
field produced by a straight, long conductor carrying current.

B=μ Tesla (or) N/Am
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Magnetic Field Intensity (H)

It is convenient to work in terms of a quantity that is
independent of the medium.

The magnetic field intensity is defined as
2π r


The unit of ‘H’ is A/m
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Direction of Ф, B and H

Let us examine the cross-sectional view of a long conductor carrying
current as shown below:

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The symbol on the conductor indicates the direction
of current is into the plane of the paper.

By virtue of symmetry, the flux lines are circular closed

The magnetic field intensity H is tangential to the flux
line at every point and flux density B has the same
direction as H.

Thus, both H and B are vectors and have the same
direction. 9 / 20
Magnetic Flux (Ф)

In the region surrounding a permanent magnet there exists a magnetic field,
which can be represented by magnetic flux lines similar to electric flux lines.
Magnetic flux lines, however, do not have origins or terminating points as do
electric flux lines but exist in continuous loops, as shown below. The symbol
for magnetic flux is the Greek letter φ (phi).

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Permeability (μ )

It is the property of the medium which determines
the flux density for a given magnetizing force; it
is indeed a constant of proportionality.
μ --- Permeability
μo --- Permeability of free space
μr --- Relative permeability of the medium

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Leakage flux & Fringing flux

The flux established along paths that lie in air is
very small compared to the core flux as core has a
permeability μr times that of air. This flux is
called leakage flux, i.e it leaks through the core.

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Reluctance (S)

The reluctance of a material to the setting up of
magnetic flux lines in the material is determined
by the following equation:

The unit of ‘S’ is At/wb

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Inductance (L)

The ability of a coil to oppose any change in
current is a measure of the inductance (L) of the
coil. 2
N μA

Inductance is measured in henries (H)
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Amperes’s circuital law

For the current carrying long conductor (slide 3) both the H and B vectors
have circular paths as shown in (slide 8). Let us integrate the H vector along
any closed path.

∮ H . dl= ∫ 2πr
dl =i1 H . dl = F ( mmf )

This is the Ampere’s circuital law.

This law would be employed in analysis and design of electromagnetic
circuits and devices.
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Flux linkages

If flux ф passes through all the N turns of a coil as shown below, the flux is
said to link the coil.

The flux linkage of the coil are λ = ϕ Weber-turns (Wb-T)
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Faraday’s Law & Lenz’s Law

The faraday’s law states that if the magnitude of the flux
through the coil changes with time, an emf is induced in the
coil which is given by
−d λ ϕ
e= =− N
dt dt

The negative sign means that the induced emf would tend to
cause a current flow in the coil which would oppose the
change in flux. This statement is known as Lenz’s law.
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B-H curves & Hysteresis

Magnetic materials are charecterized by high permeability and nonlinear B-
H relationship which exhibits saturation and hysteresis. B-H curve is used in
magnetic circuit calculations and hysteresis effects.

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B-H curve

In a B-H curve the value of the flux density at H=0 is known
as the residual flux density Br.
● The value of H to reduce Br to zero is called the coercive
force Hc.
● The maximum possible value of Br corresponding to deep
saturation is known as retentivity and the maximum value of
Hc is the coercivity.

The B-H relationship for cyclic H is known as the hysteresis
loop. 19 / 20
Thank you

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