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Adaptability Exploring

Resilience Networking

Leadership Collaborating

Tanish Singh
Adaptable Supportive leader Relationship builder Results Driven Quality

Thinking Executing
Analysing | Exploring Quality | Result Driven
Tanish prefers to take decisions based on feelings or instinct rather Tanish pays attention to details and enjoys delivering work that is of
than rely on evidence. As a result, Tanish tends to pay attention to a high standard.
different views and opinions rather than spending their time
Tanish can lack the energy to complete tasks that they find boring
analysing data.
and tends to work in a less systematic manner.
Tanish prefers following established and proven approaches when
dealing with any obstacles. Tanish appreciates the need for
authority and rules and can adjust easily to this. Tanish is generally
practical and down to earth but at times may benefit from keeping
Leadership | Resillience | Adaptability
an open mind to new or novel approaches to problems.
Tanish is comfortable with working in rapidly changing

Connecting Tanish enjoys discovering new cultures and approaches and the
Networking | Collaborating learning opportunities these bring.

Tanish displays empathy towards colleagues and finds it important Tanish enjoys taking the lead in groups and considers other's
to listen to their points of view. Tanish is likely to involve others in opinions when taking decisions.
key decisions and plans. Tanish gives credit where it is due and Tanish enjoys being in charge and is lively and talkative in groups.
delegates easily when necessary. Tanish is comfortable sharing their ideas and tends to be assertive
Tanish is someone who feels at ease when connecting with new and dominant.
people and generally has a well-developed network. Tanish may feel demotivated when faced with negative feedback or

Role Fit
Roles involving working with different cultures or geographies.

Roles requiring varied/changing competencies over time.

Roles involving leading teams.

Roles which may involve managing multiple stakeholders or building deep relationships with key accounts.

Organization Fit
Organisations that offer opportunities to grow across different business units and geographies.

Organisations that value developing their leadership talent and provide growth opportunities for their leaders.

Organisations that promote team work and collaboration across business lines. powered by

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