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NSM: 1315090128
Alamat : Jl. Semboro No. 01 Paleran – Umbulsari – Jember e-mail : Hp; 085236697723


Nama Penyusun : Fatma Kelas / Semester : X/Genap

Satuan Pendidikan : MAS Raudlatut Tholabah Alokasi Waktu : 2x45 menit
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Fase : E
Elemen Mapel : Menyimak – Berbicara, Membaca – Memirsa, Menulis – Mempresentasikan

Lampiran 1 : Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)

LKPD adalah panduan dalam melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran, yaitu:

Kelas/Semester : X/ .......
Mata Pelajaran : .................................................................................
Hari/Tanggal : .................................................................................
Nama siswa : .................................................................................
Materi pembelajaran : .................................................................................
Responding to Graffiti
Watch the video entitled Gritty Graffiti Indonesia.
Some Indonesians, especially the elderly, still see graffiti as vandalism but the younger generation is slowly
warming up to the idea of having art on the roadside. Indonesian netizens have lately rallied against
removal of graffiti and arrest of artists. So much so even the police tried to win public support by holding a
graffiti competition and reversing the arrests earlier this year. Indonesia is finally seeing graffiti as a rising
contemporary art at the forefront.

What to Do
Step 1
Record the graffiti you can find in your neighborhood with photographs with the following details:
1. Record general views of the area and building, as well as details of the graffiti, the surface and its
2. Include a scale in the photograph (for example, an object such as a newspaper or water bottle)
3. If possible, photograph any items, such as paint canisters or stencils, left at or near the scene by the
graffiti column of food names according to your daily diet.

Step 2
Respond to the graffiti you have recorded.
In pairs, and using a Plus, Minus, Interesting (PMI) strategy, consider the question ‘Is graffiti art or
Some words that may help you to express your response are: beautiful, expressive, eyesore, disturbing,
destructive, and costly.

Step 3
Relate them to the value of Profil Pelajar Pancasila.
Visit this website for further explanation about the 6 values of Profil Pelajar Pancasila.
Select relevant values from the six values of profil pelajar Pancasila to support your view, or you may also
add other values that are not listed.
For example, if “kreatif” (creative) is selected as a value, then grafiti may primarily be thought of as an art,
but if civic responsibility is the main consideration, then grafiti may be thought of as an act of vandalism.
Lampiran 2 : Bahan Bacaan Guru Dan Peserta Didik
Descriptive text is a text that explains and describes a person, place, or thing. It uses adjectives and
adverbs. It aims to describe a person, place or thing. It consists of the identification of a person, place or
thing and their description.

In the discussion of this unit regarding of :

- Listening : Grffiti
- Speaking : Giving Opinions About Grffiti
- Reading : Two Different Expository Texts About Grffiti
- Writing : Writing About Grffiti

Lampiran 3 : Glosarium
Art, Graffiti, Giving Opinions About Graffiti, Two Different Expository Texts About Graffiti, Writing About

Lampiran 4 : Daftar Pustaka

 Buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas X
 Google Cendekia
 Youtube dan internet

Jember, 01 Januari 2024

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Imam Ali Mustopa, M.Pd Fatma

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