OS Report

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Network Operating Systems and Distributed Computing

Submitted by

NAME: Harsh Panday


in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree





Chandigarh University

Introduction …………………………………………………… 3
Problem De nition ……………………………………………. 4
Methodology ………………………………………………….. 6
Conclusion ……………………………………………………. 8
References ……………………………………………………. 9
Network Operating Systems and Distributed Computing: A
Comprehensive Exploration

The modern computing landscape is characterized by a web of
interconnected devices, each requiring access to resources and facilitating
collaboration. Two key pillars underpinning this ecosystem are Network
Operating Systems (NOS) and Distributed Computing. NOS acts as the
conductor of the network orchestra, managing resources and ensuring
smooth communication, while Distributed Computing harnesses the
collective power of multiple computers for complex tasks. This report
delves deep into the concepts, challenges, and methodologies associated
with both NOS and Distributed Computing, aiming to provide a
comprehensive understanding of their roles in the current digital age.
Problem De nition
Network Operating Systems (NOS):

While NOS offer substantial bene ts for managing and securing network
resources, they face several challenges:

Scalability: As networks grow in size and complexity, some NOS may

struggle to ef ciently manage and allocate resources, leading to
performance bottlenecks.

Security: NOS require constant vigilance and updates to combat evolving

security threats. Maintaining a secure network environment necessitates
ongoing efforts in patching vulnerabilities and implementing robust
security protocols.

Complexity: Managing and con guring a large network with diverse

devices, users, and access levels can be intricate, requiring specialized
knowledge and expertise.

Cost: The cost of deploying and maintaining an NOS can be signi cant,
especially for large organisations, depending on the features, licensing
requirements, and necessary hardware infrastructure.

Distributed Computing:

Distributed Computing, despite its advantages in tackling complex

problems, also encounters challenges:

Scalability and Load Balancing: Distributing tasks and data across nodes
ef ciently requires careful design considerations. Ensuring optimal
utilization of resources across all nodes and preventing overloading
speci c nodes is crucial for achieving optimal performance.

Reliability and Fault Tolerance: Distributed systems are susceptible to

failures in individual nodes. Maintaining system availability and ensuring
task completion in the event of node failures requires robust fault tolerance

Consistency and Data Management: Coordinating data access and

updates across a distributed system is critical for maintaining data integrity
and consistency. Ensuring data consistency across all nodes becomes
increasingly complex as the scale of the system increases.

Communication Overhead: Communication between nodes can

introduce overhead in the form of latency and network traf c, potentially
impacting overall performance. Optimising communication protocols and
minimising data transfer are key considerations in distributed computing.

Network Operating Systems (NOS):

Several methodologies address the challenges associated with NOS:

Scalable NOS Design: Modern NOS architectures are designed with

scalability in mind, incorporating features like resource virtualisation and
clustering to manage growing network demands.

Robust Security Solutions: Deploying rewalls, intrusion detection

systems, encryption techniques, and enforcing access controls are essential
aspects of maintaining a secure network environment. Additionally,
staying updated with the latest security patches and vulnerabilities is

Centralised Management Tools: Leveraging centralised management

tools can simplify network administration and con guration, especially for
large and complex networks. These tools provide a uni ed platform to
monitor network health, manage user accounts, and con gure network

Cost-Effective Solutions: Open-source NOS options like Linux Server

offer a cost-effective alternative to proprietary NOS solutions for
organisations with budget constraints. Additionally, carefully evaluating
the required features and functionalities before selecting an NOS can
optimize licensing costs.

Distributed Computing:

Methodologies for tackling challenges in Distributed Computing include:

Load Balancing Techniques: Distributed systems employ load balancing

algorithms to distribute tasks and data evenly across available nodes,
ensuring optimal resource utilization and preventing performance

Fault Tolerance Mechanisms: Implementing redundancy through

replication of critical data and tasks across multiple nodes allows the
system to continue functioning even if individual nodes fail. Techniques
like checkpointing and rollback procedures can help ensure task
completion even during failures.

Distributed Data Management Systems: Distributed databases and le

systems provide robust mechanisms for managing data consistency across
the network. These systems employ techniques like distributed locking,
replication, and con ict resolution to ensure data integrity and prevent

High-Performance Computing Networks: Utilising high-speed network

connections like In niBand or 10 Gigabit Ethernet minimises
communication overhead and improves data transfer rates between nodes,
leading to better overall performance. Additionally, optimising
communication protocols to reduce message size and network traf c
further enhances ef ciency.
Network Operating Systems (NOS) and Distributed Computing are
fundamental components of the modern computing landscape. NOS
orchestrate network resources, enabling ef cient communication, resource
sharing, and security. Distributed Computing harnesses the collective
power of multiple computers to tackle complex problems and process large
datasets. While both NOS and Distributed Computing encounter
challenges in terms of scalability, security, communication, and resource
management, advancements in technology and strategic methodologies
have made them increasingly reliable and ef cient solutions. By adopting
scalable and secure NOS solutions, coupled with robust fault tolerance and
data management techniques in Distributed Computing, organisations can
leverage the power of these technologies to improve performance, enhance
collaboration, and unlock new possibilities in the digital age.

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• Roman, R., Zhou, J., & Lopez, J. (2013). On the features and challenges
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Networks, 57(10), 2266-2279.

• Sicari, S., Rizzardi, A., Grieco, L. A., & Coen-Porisini, A. (2015).

Security, privacy and trust in Internet of Things: The road ahead.
Computer Networks, 76, 146-164.

• Dworkin, M. (2015). NIST Special Publication 800-183: Network of

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NBIS. National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department
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