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The requirements for the final project of International Marketing course.

Each team has to specify the selected product and the (country) market. Each team
of students will present a product offered to consumers in a foreign market. Keep
in mind that the product is to be produced in Uzbekistan or produced by an Uzbek
company abroad and offered to the consumers in a foreign market. Ideally it should
be a new product in the market. Although you can use existing product, it cannot
represent existing company.
Each team of students can contain maximum 4 students, but the teams are
required to be formed within seminar groups only.
Each team is required to present their project within the scheduled classes for
presentation. Each member of the team is required to participate in the oral
presentation. Those students who do not participate in the oral presentation
will not be graded. Each team will be provided 8 minutes to present. Each
team is required to bring the hard copy of the word file (full version of the
project) and submit it to the teacher before presenting orally. Otherwise the
team will not be provided time to present.
Each student within the team is required to upload two files to the lms system:
a Power point presentation file with a brief version of the project and a Word
file with a full version of the project.
If you repeat the product or cheat, it is considered as plagiarism and your
work will not be graded.

Maximum Obtained Comments

grade grade
1. Introduction (1 point):
a. Name of the product, nature 0.25
of the product and the brand
b. the description of the 0.25
product (in accordance with
the Product Component
c. Product novelty 0.25
d. Statement of financing 0.25
needed (you have to give table
of (approximate) expenses
with mandatory element of
marketing budget)
2. Marketing Plan (10 points):
a. Distribution channels 2.5
b. Sales Promotion 2.5
c. Advertising (you have to 2.5
prepare a piece of
advertisement of your product
for the consumers in a foreign
market and explain how and
where you are going to use it)
d. Pricing 2.5
3. International Market Selection 3
(3 points) (you have to
analyze and consider at least
three alternative markets and
explain why you chose this or
that market for your product)
4. Choice of the most effective 3
market entry mode (for the
chosen international market)
(you have to substantiate your
answer using at least five
factors affecting entry mode
decisions) (3 points)
5. PEST analysis for the 1.5
relevant industry (not the
market in general)!!! (1.5
6. Analysis of competitors (for 1.5
totally new products you have
to analyze the competitors
producing substituting
products (1.5points)
7. The proper use of academic 1
English (1 point) - bonus
8. For notes
Total 20
In parts 2-4 you have to prove why your choice is the most effective.

1. Introduction
a. Name of the Product, Nature, and Brand Name:
Product: Hoodies and T-shirts
Nature: These products are high-quality exhibition of clothes, made in Uzbekistan,
offering durability, style, and fashionable.
Brand Name: HTStyle
Market: Turkmenistan
b. Description of the Product (Product Component Model):

Crafted with the finest materials and attention to detail, this hoodie or t-
shirt are designed to be your go-to choice for any occasion, whether it's a
casual day out or lounging at home.
Fabric: Premium materials selected for durability and comfort.
Colors: A wide range of colors to cater to diverse customer preferences.
Sizing: Inclusive sizing options to ensure a perfect fit for all body types.
Design: Beautiful and trendy designs that reflect thec.
Product Novelty:
HTStyle's hoodies and T-shirts are crafted with a unique blend of traditional and
modern design elements, offering a timeless style that stands out in the fashion
industry. The novelty lies in the meticulous attention to detail and the commitment
to sustainability and ethical production practices.

d. Statement of Financing Needed:

Expense Approximate Cost

Production Hoodie and T-shirt

Fabric &Materials 15,000

Labor 7,000

Packaging 3,000

Marketing 12,000

Miscellaneous 3,000
Total 40,000

2. Marketing Plan

a. Distribution Channels:
- Online Store: A dedicated e-commerce platform for global reach and
- Retail Partnerships: Collaboration with fashion retailers in target markets to offer
products in physical locations.
- Pop-Up Shops: Temporary pop-up shops in high-traffic areas to generate buzz
and allow customers to experience the brand firsthand.
- Social Commerce: Utilizing social media platforms to facilitate direct sales
through integrated shopping features.
- Delivery Services: We ensure efficient delivery services to reach customers
across the country. Partner with reliable logistics companies that can handle
deliveries within Turkmenistan's varying geographical regions

b. Sales Promotion

1. Discounts and Offers:

We offer discounts on bulk purchases or bundle deals where customers can buy a
hoodie and a t-shirt together at a discounted price.
We run limited-time promotions such as "Buy One, Get One Free" or "50% Off on
Second Item" to encourage immediate purchases.

2. Flash Sales:
We organize flash sales on our online store or social media platforms, offering
steep discounts for a short period. This creates a sense of urgency and drives
impulse purchases.
3.Loyalty Programs:
Wen implement a loyalty program where customers earn points for every purchase,
which they can later redeem for discounts or free merchandise.

4. Contests and Giveaways:

We host contests on social media where participants can win a free hoodie or t-
shirt by liking, sharing, or commenting on our posts.
We organize giveaways where customers have the chance to win a product by
signing up for our newsletter or following our social media accounts.

5. Seasonal Promotions:
We offer seasonal promotions tied to holidays or special occasions, such as
discounts for New Year's or back-to-school sales.
We create limited-edition designs or themed collections for specific seasons and
promote them accordingly.

6. Discount Codes:
We provide exclusive discount codes to our email subscribers or social media
followers as a reward for their loyalty.

7. Early Bird Discounts:

We offer discounts to customers who pre-order upcoming designs or collections,
rewarding them for their early commitment.

C. Advertising

3. International Market Selection

We considered three alternative markets: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and
Turkmenistan. Here's why we chose Turkmenistan:

 Market Potential: Growing young population with a rising disposable

income and increasing interest in foreign fashion brands.
 Cultural Proximity: Shared cultural heritage with Uzbekistan makes
Uzbek-designed clothing potentially more appealing.
 Lower Market Saturation: Compared to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan offers
less competition for introducing a new fashion brand.

d. Pricing

Cost-Plus Pricing: Setting prices based on production costs plus a fixed

margin to ensure profitability.
Competitive Pricing: Analyzing competitor pricing to position HTStyle as a
value-for-money brand without compromising on quality.
Dynamic Pricing: Adjusting prices based on demand, inventory levels, and
market trends to maximize revenue.
Psychological Pricing: Using price points that give the impression of value,
such as pricing items at $19.99 instead of $20.

3. International market selection


- Proximity: Geographically close to Uzbekistan, which could reduce shipping

and logistics costs.
- Cultural Similarity: Shares cultural ties with Uzbekistan, potentially leading
to a better reception of HTStyle's fashion style.
- Economic Growth: Kazakhstan has a growing economy with an increasing
middle class, which could translate into a higher demand for quality fashion


- Market Size: Russia offers a large consumer market with a strong demand
for international fashion brands.
- Brand Perception: Russian consumers often perceive foreign brands as
superior, which could be advantageous for HTStyle.
- E-commerce Penetration: Russia has a rapidly growing e-commerce sector,
providing an opportunity for online sales channels.


- Fashion Hub: Turkey is known as a fashion-forward market with a high

demand for trendy clothing items.
- Strategic Location: Serves as a gateway to both European and Middle
Eastern markets, offering expansion opportunities.
- Textile Industry: Strong local textile industry could provide opportunities
for cost-effective sourcing of materials.

Why Turkmenistan

1. Market Growth: The apparel market in Turkmenistan is projected to grow

annually by 6.75% from 2024 to 2028. This indicates a growing demand for
clothing items, including fashion-forward products like hoodies and t-shirts.

2. Cultural Identity: There is a thriving demand for traditional Turkmen

clothing, which reflects a strong sense of cultural identity. HTStyle can tap
into this by incorporating local design elements into the products, catering to
both traditional and modern fashion sensibilities.

3. Economic Indicators: With an increasing revenue in the apparel market

expected to reach US$406.60m

4. E-Commerce Potential: The fashion market, particularly online, is also

expected to grow, with a projected market volume of US$45.09m by 2029.
This suggests that there is potential for HTStyle to establish a strong online
presence and capitalize on the digital shopping trend.

5. Consumer Spending: The average revenue per capita in the apparel market
is predicted to be significant, indicating a willingness among consumers to
spend on clothing.

6. Non-Luxury Segment: A large portion of sales in the apparel market is

attributed to non-luxury items, which aligns with HTStyle's offering of high-
quality yet affordable clothing.

4. Market Entry Mode (A joint venture or Strategic alliance) (Turkmenistan)

1. Market Characteristics: The apparel market in Turkmenistan is growing,

with a demand for quality and fashionable clothing. A franchising or
licensing approach could be effective to leverage local market knowledge
while expanding the brand's reach³.

2. Firm-Specific Considerations: HTStyle has a unique product offering that

combines traditional and modern fashion elements. A joint venture with a
local firm could provide valuable insights into consumer preferences and
help tailor products to the local market³.
3. External Environment: Considering Turkmenistan's regulatory
environment, a wholly-owned subsidiary might be challenging due to the
stringent controls on foreign businesses. A partnership or strategic alliance
could mitigate these challenges by aligning with a local entity that
understands the legal landscape³.

4. Control: Maintaining the brand's quality and image is crucial for HTStyle.
A joint venture or strategic alliance would allow for shared control, ensuring
that the brand's standards are upheld while benefiting from the partner's local

5. Risk: Entering a new market involves risks related to political, economic,

and cultural factors. A joint venture or strategic alliance can help spread the
risk and provide a safety net through shared investment and resources³.

 Based on these factors, a joint venture or strategic alliance seems to be the

most effective market entry mode for HTStyle in Turkmenistan. This mode
allows for shared control and risk, access to local market knowledge, and
compliance with local regulations, all of which are crucial for a successful
market entry. It's important to conduct further analysis and due diligence to
ensure that the chosen partner aligns with HTStyle's strategic objectives and
brand values.

5. PEST Analysis (Textile Industry - Turkmenistan)

 Political: Political stability in Turkmenistan is essential for smooth business

 Economic: Economic growth in Turkmenistan will increase consumer
spending on apparel.
 Social: Rising fashion consciousness among young people creates demand
for trendy clothing.
 Technological: Growing e-commerce market in Turkmenistan offers new
sales channels.

6. Analysis of Competitors (Substitute Products)

Since "HTStyle" is a new brand offering a unique product (Uzbek cotton hoodies
and t-shirts), there likely won't be direct competitors with identical products in the
Turkmen market. However, we analyzed brands selling substitute products that
target the same customer segment (young adults seeking comfort and style) to
understand the competitive landscape. Here are some potential substitute products
and their brands:

 Global Fast-Fashion Brands: (e.g., H&M, Zara)

o Strengths:
 Widespread brand recognition.
 Extensive distribution networks.
 Competitive pricing due to economies of scale.
o Weaknesses:
 Mass-produced clothing with potentially lower quality
 Limited focus on cultural elements or ethical production.
 Turkish Clothing Brands: (e.g., LC Waikiki, Mavi)
o Strengths:
 Established presence in Central Asia.
 Understanding of regional consumer preferences.
 Competitive pricing and trendy designs.
o Weaknesses:
 Might not emphasize the unique qualities of Uzbek cotton.
 Focus on fast-fashion trends, potentially compromising on
 Local Turkmen Brands: ()
o Strengths:
 Deep understanding of local preferences and cultural nuances.
 Potential for shorter supply chains and quicker response to
o Weaknesses:
 Lower brand awareness compared to established players.
 Limited distribution network, especially outside Turkmenistan.

Competitive Advantage for HTStyle

By analyzing these substitute competitors, we highlighted the unique selling

proposition (USP) of HTStyle:

 Premium Uzbek Cotton: Emphasize the superior quality, comfort, and

breathability of Uzbek cotton compared to potentially lower-quality
materials used by fast-fashion brands.
 Cultural Connection: Highlight the unique designs inspired by Uzbek
textiles, offering a distinct aesthetic compared to generic global brands.
 Ethical Production: Promote ethical and sustainable production practices,
potentially appealing to environmentally conscious young consumers.

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