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a play by Suzanne Barchers

1. Narrator: Long ago there lived an old man and old woman in a village in Japan. They were
fine people, but they had no children. One day they were eating their breakfast.
2. Man: What are you doing today, my wife ?
3. Woman: I am going to stream to scrub clothes. What are you going to do, my husband?
4. Man : I am off to the mountains to cut some firewood for the stove.
5. Narrator : The man went to the mountains and the woman went to the stream. When the
woman begun to scrub her clothes, she noticed something strange floating IN THE RIVER.
A big, ripe peach was floating right to her.
6. Woman : This is my lucky day! I’ll pull the peach to me with this stick. What a fine big
peach this is! Wait until my husband sees it.
7. Narrator : The old woman could hardly wait for her husband to come home.
8. Woman : Husband, come quickly. Come see what I have found!
9. Man: What is it, wife? Is something the matter?
10. Woman: Look at this peach! Isn’t it the finest you have ever seen?
11. Man: How did you buy a peach like this?
12. Narrator : The old woman told him how it came floating down the stream.
13. Man: This is fine piece of fortune.I have worked hard today. This will make a wonderful
dinner for me.
14. Narrator : Just as the old man was about to cut the peach with his knife, he heard a voice.
15. Momotaro : Please don’t cut me.
16. Man : My goodness! What is this I hear?
17. Narrator : Suddenly the peach split in half, and a little boy jumped out.
18. Man and Woman: Goodness gracious!
19. Narrator : The little boy ate one half of the of the peach and then ate the other half. The old
man and woman decided to call him Momotaro, meaning Boy of the Peach. They were
delighted to have a child took great care of him. He quickly grew into a fine young man. One
day he asked his mother for a favor.
20. Momotaro : Mother, please make me some cakes.
21. Woman: Why, my son?
22. Momotaro : You have been very good to me. It is time I did some good of my own. I need
the cakes for my journey.
23. Woman: But son, where are you going?
24. Momotoro: To the Island of the Ogres. They have stolen from many people. I hope to free
the land of those creatures and return the belongings to the people. Then they can live without
25. Man : That is a fine idea. I wish you well.
26. Narrator: Momotaro’s mother made him the cakes. Soon he was ready to leave.
27. Man and Woman : Good-bye, son. Take care.
28. Momotaro : Don’t worry, mu dear parents. I will be back soon.
29. Narrator: Momotaro hurried away. He was anxious to get to the Island of the Ogres. He
was walking through the forest when he began to feel hungry. He sat under a pine tree and
unwrapped his cakes. Suddenly he saw a huge dog slinking toward him. The dog spoke to
30. Dog: Momotaro, what do you have that smells so good?
31. Momotaro : I have a cake my mother made for me this morning.
32. Dog: If you give me one of your cakes, I will come with you to the Island of the Ogres. I can
help you there.
33. Momotaro: You are welcome to the cake . I appreciate your offer of help.
34. Narrator: Momotaro and the dog continued on their way.Suddenly something jumped in
front of Momotaro. It was a monkey.
35. Monkey : Momotaro! I hear you are going to the Island of the Ogres. I would like to go with
you to help.
36. Dog: Who needs a monkey? I am going to help Momotaro!
37. Momotaro : There is no need to argue. You may both come. Here is a cake for you, monkey
38. Narrator : The three continued on their journey. Suddenly they were stopped by a larged
pheasant. The dog leaped at it, but the pheasant fought back. Momotaro stopped the fight.
He gave the pheasant a cake.
39. Pheasant : Thank you, Momotaro. I would like to go with you to the Island of the Ogres. I
think I can be of help to you.
40. Narrator: The four of them continued down the path, chatting and becoming friends. Soon
they came to the see. Momotaro found a boat; and they climbed in it . They came to the
island, where the ogres’ castle was surrounded by high walls and a big gate. Momotaro
studied the castle and explained his plan to his friends.
41. Momotaro: Pheasant, you fly over the castle gate and peck at the ogres. Monkey, climb over
the wall and pinch the ogres. The dog and I will break the bars and come to help when
42. Narrator : The pheasant flew over the gate and pecked at the ogres. The monkey climbed
over the wall and pinched the ogres. Momotaro and the dog broke the bars and fought hard
and long. Soon all the ogres were either dead or taken prisoner.
43. Momotaro: Now, my friends. Let us look at their treasures.
44. Narrator : There were many jewels and fine goods. Momotaro returned the stolen goods to
the owners and told the people they need never fear the ogres again. There were many riches
left for Momotaro and his friends. He returned home to the old man and woman. They were
very happy to see him, and they all lived happily for many years.

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