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Title of the issue: Privacy and Security

Title of the article: “Philippines may face more cyberattacks this 2024 according to experts”



Author: Miguel Hanz L. Antivola

Summary Narrative:

As digital reliance increases, the Philippines is expected to face more cyberattacks in 2024,

experts said, urging organizations and individuals to ramp up their cybersecurity measures.

Internet security company Kaspersky earlier said the Philippines was the second most attacked

country by web threats last year, with 39,387,052 internet-borne threats detected. The

country placed fourth in 2021. It also saw 2,409,085 brute force or trial-and-error attacks

among remote workers, 52,914 financial phishing cases among businesses, 24,737 crypto-

phishing cases, 15,732 mobile malware cases, and 50 mobile banking Trojan cases last year,

according to data from Kaspersky. Ronald B. Gustilo, national campaigner for Digital Pinoys, said

the Department of Information and Communications Technology should set a base standard of

cybersecurity infrastructure and recommendations for government agencies, especially those

who hold huge amounts of critical data. Included in this proposed proactive cybersecurity

framework is the need to allocate a sufficient budget for necessary technologies and experts.

Additionally, Mr. Gustilo of Digital Pinoys recommended adding cybersecurity to the education

curriculum. The topic should be taught from basic until secondary education, covering the

matter of the pros and cons of using technology, cybersecurity, data privacy, and other relevant

What Lesson have you learned?

In this year 2024, the digital landscape has become a space where no entity, either an

individual, organization, or company, is immune to the threats that loom on the internet. Expert

analysis cited in the article highlights a concerning trend of cyberattacks that have targeted

our country in recent times, with a noticeable surge observed in the current year. These cyber

assaults manifest in various forms such as malware, which stealthily infiltrates and disrupts

computer systems, and phishing schemes that deceive unsuspecting individuals into clicking on

malicious emails or links, compromising their sensitive data like passwords and personal

information. The consequences of such breaches can be devastating, leading to significant

financial losses, tarnished reputations, and violated privacy rights. It is a must for both the

government and the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to

prioritize allocating budget towards enhancing cybersecurity infrastructure. This involves not

only investing in high-end technologies but also recruiting skilled experts and practitioners who

possess the expertise to promptly address any cybersecurity breaches. By strengthening our

defenses and response to cyberattacks, we can ensure our defense against cyber threats and

safeguard the privacy and security of our digital ecosystem.

What suggestion can you offer?

Most Filipinos today have gadgets, have access to the internet and social media so everyone is

at risk of privacy and security breaches. Everyone needs to be vigilant all the time and this

should not be taken lightly for this is all about the security of assets/data or the privacy of an

individual personal information that might be used maliciously if in the bad hands. I do agree

with the article that our government needs to invest in cybersecurity framework and tools,

work on adapting other countries' methods, and also hire experts to attend to breaches

promptly. Agencies should work on safeguarding sensitive data and records by promoting

awareness and cybersecurity measures to their employees. Cybersecurity should also be added

to the curriculum to teach the pros and cons of using technology to students, data privacy,

safety measures, and how to be a responsible technology user.

Submitted by: Lyn Rose Francisco

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