The Child Labour - Prohibition and Regulation - Act, 1986

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The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986

The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 is an important legislation in India aimed at
prohibiting the employment of children in certain occupations and processes while regulating the
working conditions for children in permissible areas of employment. Please note that my information
might not cover the latest amendments or developments after January 2022. Here are the salient
features and the importance of the Act:

Salient Features of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986:

1. Prohibition of Child Labour: The Act prohibits the employment of children below the age of 14
years in certain hazardous occupations and processes. These occupations and processes are
listed in the Act and its subsequent schedules.

2. Regulation of Child Labour: It regulates the conditions of work for children in permissible
employment areas by specifying working hours, conditions, and ensuring that it does not
interfere with their education and health.

3. Penalties for Violations: The Act imposes penalties on employers who employ children in
prohibited occupations or fail to adhere to the prescribed working conditions for children in
permissible areas of employment. Penalties include fines and imprisonment.

4. Child and Adolescent Labour Rehabilitation Fund: It provides for the establishment of a fund
for the rehabilitation of children and adolescents rescued from child labor, enabling their
education, skill development, and social integration.

5. Right to Education: The Act is complemented by the Right to Education Act, 2009, which
ensures free and compulsory education for children between the ages of 6 and 14 years, further
discouraging child labor.

6. Enforcement Mechanisms: The Act mandates the appointment of inspectors who are
responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Act and taking necessary action
against offenders.


1. Protection of Child Rights: The Act plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of children by
prohibiting their employment in hazardous occupations, ensuring their physical and mental well-
being, and promoting their right to education.

2. Prevention of Exploitation: It aims to prevent the exploitation of children by prohibiting their

engagement in hazardous and harmful work that can be detrimental to their health, safety, and
overall development.

Dr. Shantanu Kumar Sahu

3. Education Promotion: By prohibiting child labor and ensuring education for children, the Act
promotes literacy, knowledge, and skill development, which are essential for a child's future

4. Health and Well-being: The Act safeguards the health and well-being of children by preventing
their exposure to dangerous and harmful working conditions prevalent in certain occupations.

5. Social and Economic Development: By safeguarding children from exploitative labor practices,
the Act contributes to the overall social and economic development of the nation by nurturing a
healthy and educated future workforce.

Dr. Shantanu Kumar Sahu

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