Air Qualitry Monitoring System

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Project Report on

Air Quality Sensor for Blind Person

Submitted to


in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Computer Applications

Submitted By Supervised By

Abhinav Pandey 12215995 Dr. Balraj Kumar

Vinit Rai 12205051 Associate Professor & Asst. Dean
Sunil Kumar Nayak 12222805


May, 2024


This is to certify that Abhinav Pandey [12215995], Vinit Rai [12205051] and Sunil Kumar Nayak
[12222805], from Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, has worked on “Air Quality
Sensor for Blind Person” under my supervision from. It is further stated that the work carried out by
the student is a record of original work to the best of my knowledge for the partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the degree, Master of Computer Application.

4 May, 2024 Dr. Balraj Kumar


We hereby declare that the Project work, which is presented in the report, entitled “Air Quality Sensor
For Blind Person” is duly prepared by us to be submitted to the department in partial fulfillment for the
award of the degree of Master of ComputerApplications for the academic year 2023-2024. The Air
Quality Sensor is an IOT-based device that will notify the users about current air quality. Which help
in Warning the blind people to not to step out of his/her house, if the air quality will be poor or extends
the certain limit.

Abhinav Pandey 12215995

Vinit Rai 12205051
Sunil Kumar Nayak 12222805


We wish to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the successful completion of
this project. First and foremost, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our mentor, Dr. Balraj
Kumar sir, for her invaluable guidance, support, and expertise throughout the duration of this project.
Dr. Balraj Kumar sir insightful feedback and encouragement played a crucial role in shaping our
approach and achieving our goals. We are also grateful to our project team members, Abhinav Pandey,
Vinit Rai and Sunil Kumar Nayak, for their exceptional collaboration, dedication, and hard work. Each
team member brought unique skills and perspectives to the project, enhancing the overall quality of our

Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the support and understanding of our teachers and friends
during the project's development. Their encouragement and patience were instrumental in our success.
Lastly, we extend our appreciation to the Lovely Professional University for providing resources and
facilities that facilitated our research and project execution. This project has been a rewarding learning
experience, and we are thankful to all those who contributed directly or indirectly to its completion.

Abhinav Pandey 12215995

Vinit Rai 12205051
Sunil Kumar Nayak 12222805


This research paper presents the development of an accessible air quality sensor specifically designed
for visually impaired individuals. The sensor incorporates user-centered design principles to ensure
usability and effectiveness. It measures key pollutants such as PM2.5, PM10, and carbon particles in
the air and provides auditory feedback to convey air quality information effectively in sound system.
Rigorous usability testing with blind users is conducted to evaluate the sensor's performance, give alert
in the sound system and real-world effectiveness.

The project aims to bridge the accessibility gap in air quality monitoring, empowering visually impaired
individuals to independently monitor their environment and take proactive measures to safeguard their
health. Comprehensive documentation and dissemination of findings will ensure broader impact and
applicability of the developed sensor device.

DECLARATION BY SUPERVISOR ............................................................................................................. 2
DECLARATION BY STUDENTS ................................................................................................................. 3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................... 4
TOPIC APPROVAL PERFORMA ................................................................................................................. 5
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER-1 .................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 IMPORTANCE OF THE PROJECT ......................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 RESEARCH GAP .................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 PROJECT IMPACT AND SIGNIFICANCE: .......................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER-3 .................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 FEASIBILITY STUDY ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.3 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY .................................................................................................................... 14
3.5 OPERATION FEASIBILITY .................................................................................................................. 15
CHAPTER-4 .................................................................................................................................................. 16
4.1 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 16
4.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 16
4.3 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 16
4.4 TECHNOLOGY SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................................ 16
4.5 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: ........................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER - 5 ................................................................................................................................................ 33
5. SYSTEM DESIGN ..................................................................................................................................... 33
5.1 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM (DFD) ........................................................................................................... 33
5.2 FLOW CHART ........................................................................................................................................ 34
5.3 BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER 6 .................................................................................................................................................. 35
6. IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING ..................................................................................................... 35
6.1 CODING PHASE ..................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2. TESTING................................................................................................................................................. 35
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 37
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 38
PLAGRISM REPORT……………………………………………………………………………………….39
Air quality monitoring is crucial for safeguarding public health, yet conventional monitoring devices
present challenges for visually impaired individuals due to their reliance on visual displays. This
research endeavors to bridge this accessibility gap by innovating an air quality sensor expressly
designed for the blind community. Employing user-centered design principles, the sensor aims for
intuitive usability and effectiveness.

The sensor's functionality encompasses the detection and measurement of key air pollutants, including
PM2.5, PM10, and carbon particles. To ensure accessibility, the sensor provides auditory feedback,
enabling visually impaired users to perceive air quality information effectively in sound system. This
auditory feedback mechanism is meticulously crafted to convey vital data comprehensibly and

The project entails the comprehensive development of both the hardware and software components of
the sensor & speaker. Hardware design involves selecting appropriate components such as air quality
sensors, microcontrollers, and alarm systems. Software development focuses on programming the
sensor to accurately measure pollutants and generate relevant auditory cues.

Usability testing plays a pivotal role in assessing the sensor's performance and refining its design
iteratively. Blind participants engage in rigorous testing sessions to evaluate the sensor's ease of use,
comprehension of auditory cues, and overall user satisfaction. Feedback gathered from these sessions
informs iterative improvements to the sensor's design.

Furthermore, the project aims to contribute valuable insights and resources to the broader accessibility
community. Documenting the design process, usability testing results, and guidelines for creating
accessible air quality monitoring devices will enable future researchers and developers to build upon
this work. By empowering visually impaired individuals to monitor their environment independently,
the project endeavors to enhance public health outcomes and promote inclusivity.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: The project addresses a critical gap in accessibility by developing
an air quality sensor specifically tailored for visually impaired individuals. By incorporating user-
centered design principles and auditory feedback mechanisms, the sensor aims to empower blind users
to independently monitor air quality, promoting inclusivity and accessibility in environmental
monitoring technologies.

Health and Well-being: Air quality monitoring is crucial for public health, and this project directly
contributes to improving the health and well-being of visually impaired individuals. By providing real-
time information about key pollutants, the sensor enables blind users to take proactive measures to
protect their health and mitigate exposure to harmful pollutants.
Usability and Effectiveness: Rigorous usability testing with blind users ensures that the sensor is
not only functional but also effective and intuitive to use. The project's focus on usability enhances the
practicality and impact of the developed sensor, facilitating widespread adoption and use among
visually impaired individuals.
Technological Innovation: The project represents a novel application of technology to address a
specific accessibility challenge. By developing innovative solutions for air quality monitoring, the
project contributes to advancing assistive technology and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations
between environmental science, accessibility design, and human-computer interaction.
Overall, the importance of this project lies in its potential to transform how visually impaired
individuals interact with and access environmental information



• Introduction to IoT in Air Quality Monitoring: IoT technologies have
revolutionized environmental monitoring by enabling the collection of real-time data through
sensors distributed across various locations, providing a comprehensive view of environmental
• Importance of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): Indoor air quality significantly affects
human health, productivity, and well-being. Studies have shown that poor IAQ can lead to
respiratory issues, cognitive function decline, and increased absenteeism in workplaces and
• Sensors and Technologies: Key sensors used in IoT air quality monitoring include
particulate matter (PM) sensors, carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) sensors,
and volatile organic compound (VOC) sensors. Each plays a crucial role in assessing the
composition of indoor air.
• IoT Architecture for Air Quality Systems: The typical architecture involves sensors,
data acquisition systems, cloud computing platforms for data storage, and user interfaces for
data visualization and interaction.
• Data Analytics and Processing: Advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques
are employed to process the collected data, predict air quality trends, and provide actionable
insights to users and policymakers.
• Impact of Ventilation on IAQ: Research highlights the importance of adequate
ventilation systems integrated with air quality monitoring to manage CO2 levels and reduce
pollutants indoors.
• IoT for Smart Homes and Buildings: IoT-based systems are increasingly integrated
into smart home ecosystems, allowing for automated control of air purifiers and HVAC systems
based on real-time air quality data.
• Challenges in IoT Deployment: Challenges include ensuring the privacy and security of
data, managing the energy consumption of IoT devices, and maintaining the accuracy and
longevity of sensors in diverse environmental conditions.
• Regulations and Standards: Various international standards and guidelines govern the
deployment of air quality monitoring systems, emphasizing the need for accuracy, data
reliability, and sensor calibration.
• Future Trends: Emerging trends include the integration of AI with IoT for more
sophisticated predictive analytics, the development of lower-cost sensors for widespread
adoption, and enhanced interoperability among IoT devices.


Creating a hypothetical research gap page for a study on IoT-based air quality monitoring involves
highlighting areas where further research is needed based on the literature review and current
technological advancements. This page identifies the gaps in current research that the study aims to
address. Despite significant advancements in IoT-based air quality monitoring, several gaps remain in
the literature and practical applications.

These gaps highlight the need for further research and innovation:
• Real-Time Data Processing: While current systems are capable of collecting real-time
data, the processing and analysis often occur in delayed batches. There is a need for more
efficient real-time data processing algorithms that can provide immediate insights and alerts.
• Sensor Accuracy and Longevity: Many studies discuss the deployment of various
sensors but often overlook the long-term accuracy and degradation of sensors in different
environmental conditions. More research is needed on enhancing sensor durability and accuracy
over time.
• Cost and Accessibility: The high cost of advanced sensors and IoT systems limits the
accessibility of state-of-the-art air quality monitoring technologies, especially in low-income
and developing regions. Research is required to develop cost-effective solutions without
compromising quality.
• Energy Efficiency: IoT devices typically run continuously, consuming significant amounts
of energy. There is a gap in research regarding the development of energy-efficient IoT devices
that can operate on low power while maintaining continuous monitoring capabilities.
• User Interface and Interaction: Current systems often feature complex interfaces that
require technical knowledge to interpret. Research into user-friendly interfaces that can be easily
understood and operated by the general public is necessary.
• Scalability and Flexibility: Research often focuses on specific environments or scales.
There is a need for scalable and flexible systems that can be adapted to various sizes and types
of buildings or other environments.

Addressing these gaps will not only enhance the technological aspects of air quality monitoring but also
improve public health outcomes, economic efficiency, and accessibility of clean air technologies. This
research aims to contribute to filling these gaps by proposing innovative solutions in sensor technology,
data processing, and system integration.


This research project is significant as it aims to bridge the accessibility gap in air quality monitoring
technologies and contribute to improving public health outcomes for visually impaired individuals. By
developing an innovative air quality sensor that prioritizes accessibility and usability, the project seeks
to empower visually impaired users to actively engage in environmental monitoring and make informed
decisions to safeguard their health and well-being.

Through rigorous development, testing, and documentation, this project aims to create a scalable and
replicable model for accessible sensor design, providing valuable insights and resources to researchers,
developers, and policymakers working in the field of accessibility technology. Ultimately, the project's
impact extends beyond the development of a single device, aiming to foster inclusivity and promote
accessibility in environmental monitoring technologies for individuals with visual impairments.


The research project aims to create an accessible air quality sensor for visually impaired individuals,
addressing accessibility challenges with existing monitoring devices. The sensor uses user-cantered
design principles and non-visual feedback mechanisms, detecting key air pollutants like PM2.5 and
PM10, and prioritizing accuracy and reliability. Testing and evaluation are conducted with visually
impaired participants, contributing to the broader accessibility community. The project aims to advance
accessibility standards in air quality monitoring and promote inclusive technological solutions for
diverse user populations.
Key Objectives:
• User-Centered Design Implementation: Implement user-centered design principles to ensure
that the air quality sensor is intuitive, easy to use, and effective for visually impaired individuals.
Consideration will be given to accessibility features such as auditory feedback, tactile interfaces,
and ergonomic design.
• Detection and Measurement of Key Air Pollutants: Integrate advanced sensor technologies,
including MQ series sensors (such as MQ2, MQ135, MQ9) and PPD42NS, to detect and
measure key air pollutants. This includes particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10), carbon particles,
and gases like methane, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide.
• Auditory Feedback System: Develop a robust auditory feedback system that conveys air
quality information effectively through sound cues. Design intuitive auditory alerts to
communicate different levels of air pollution and pollutant concentrations to visually impaired
A feasibility study is a crucial step in project planning, assessing the feasibility and practicality of a
proposed project or system. It focuses on identifying system requirements, assessing technology,
determining resource availability, and ensuring compatibility with existing systems. The study also
conducts a cost-benefit analysis, budget allocation, and return on investment (ROI) analysis. The
operational feasibility is assessed through an implementation timeline, stakeholder engagement, change
management, and risk assessment. The goal is to minimize risks and maximize project success by
addressing potential challenges and aligning with organizational goals and objectives. The feasibility
study serves as a critical tool for ensuring project success and minimizing risks.

Sensor Technologies: The project will leverage existing sensor technologies such as MQ series gas
sensors (MQ2, MQ135, MQ9), a particulate matter sensor (PPD42NS) for pollutant detection and a
speaker for alert. These sensors & speaker are readily available, affordable, and compatible with
microcontrollers for data processing.
• Hardware and Software Development: The project involves developing hardware components
(sensor interfacing, microcontroller integration) and software components (data processing
algorithms, auditory feedback system). The technical expertise required for hardware design,
software development, and sensor integration is feasible within the project team's capabilities.
• Usability Testing: Conducting usability testing with visually impaired individuals to evaluate the
sensor's performance and accessibility is feasible with proper planning and collaboration with
relevant stakeholders.
The cost analysis for developing an accessible air quality sensor involves evaluating expenses related
to sensor components, prototyping materials, manufacturing, usability testing, and documentation. The
project will include MQ sensors, Speaker, microcontrollers, prototyping materials, manufacturing
small-scale units, usability testing, and documentation. The cost of these components will be factored
into the budget based on the project's technical requirements. Resource availability is crucial for cost-
effectiveness and project sustainability. Key resources required for sensor development, testing, and
documentation include hardware components, development tools, testing equipment, and human
resources. Hardware components can be procured from local suppliers or online marketplaces, while
development tools ensure access to necessary tools. Testing equipment can be sourced from testing
facilities or partnerships with research institutions. Human resources can be assessed by assessing the
availability of skilled personnel for hardware and software development, usability testing, and
documentation efforts.
In conclusion, conducting a comprehensive cost analysis and assessing resource availability will ensure
efficient allocation of resources and budget to achieve project goals. Identifying cost-effective solutions
and leveraging available resources will contribute to the project's success and sustainability. Regular
monitoring and adaptation of resource plans throughout the project lifecycle will optimize project
outcomes and deliverables.

The air quality sensor development project will be implemented using a detailed timeline, which
includes key phases such as sensor prototyping, usability testing, documentation, and project
dissemination. The timeline will be set with specific milestones and deadlines to monitor progress and
ensure objectives are met within the allocated timeframe. The initial phase will focus on sensor
selection and hardware prototyping using MQ sensors and microcontrollers. Usability testing will be
conducted to gather feedback from visually impaired individuals, assessing user interaction, auditory
feedback effectiveness, and overall usability of the sensor device. Documentation efforts will run
parallel with sensor development and testing, preparing technical documentation, user manuals,
research papers, and project reports. Project dissemination will focus on disseminating project
outcomes and findings to the broader accessibility and public health communities. Stakeholder
engagement is crucial for ensuring the project's success and relevance to end-users. Engaging visually
impaired individuals, accessibility experts, and healthcare professionals will provide insights into their
specific needs, preferences, and challenges related to air quality monitoring.
In conclusion, operational feasibility is essential for the successful implementation of the air quality
sensor project, fostering collaboration, innovation, and meaningful impact on the target user



The Air Quality Sensor system for visually impaired individuals necessitates seamless integration of
MQ and DHT sensors with an ESP32 board and I2S module. This integration enables real-time
monitoring of air quality parameters and temperature/humidity levels. The system must ensure high
accuracy in sensor readings and efficient data processing to determine air quality levels. It should
employ a reliable TTS library for clear and understandable speech output, enabling users to receive
real-time updates on air quality conditions and temperature. Additionally, the system should prioritize
power efficiency to prolong battery life, ensuring long-term functionality. A user-friendly interface is
essential, providing easy control over speech output and clear feedback on sensor readings. Overall, the
system aims to provide visually impaired individuals with accessible and reliable information about
their environment's air quality.
➢ ESP32
➢ DHT11 Sensor
➢ MQ Sensor
➢ I2S Module
➢ Speaker
➢ Jumper Wire
➢ Thonny IDE
➢ Micropython (ESP32)

Fig. 4.4 DHT-11 Sensor

The DHT11 is a digital temperature and humidity sensor module that is widely used in various
applications. It consists of a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor for temperature measurement,
communicating with the outside world through a single-wire digital interface. The DHT11 has a
temperature range of 0°C to 50°C and a humidity range of 20% to 80% RH. It has a current consumption
of 1mA and a resolution of 1°C. The sensor uses a capacitive humidity sensor to measure air humidity,
which changes the resistance of the thermistor with temperature. The DHT11 provides a digital signal
output that can be read by microcontrollers like Arduino or Raspberry Pi. It is commonly used in
weather stations, home automation systems, and HVAC systems. However, it has moderate accuracy
and reliability compared to more advanced sensors like the DHT22 or BME280. To integrate with
microcontrollers, it typically needs to connect its data pin to a digital input/output pin on the
microcontroller. Libraries are available for popular platforms like Arduino to simplify interfacing and
data retrieval.

DHT11 Pinout:

Fig.4.4 DHT11 Sensor Pins

DHT11 sensor specifications
Power supply From:3.3 to 5 V DC
Current consumption: max 2.5 mA
Area of use: relative humidity 20-80%, 0-50 °C
Humidity measurement range: 20-90% relative humidity
Humidity measurement accuracy: ± 5% relative humidity
Measuring range of temperature: 0-50 °C
Accuracy of the temperature measurement: ± 2 °C
Response time: 1 s
Sample rate is: 1 Hz (1 sample per second)

Data output format: single-channel digital signal
Data transmission range: 20-30m (outside)
Dimensions: 15mm x 12mm x 5.5mm
Weight: 2.5g

The DHT11 is a popular digital temperature and humidity sensor module used in various electronics
projects. It is simple to use and provides accurate readings. The DHT11 pinout consists of three pins:
VCC (Power), Data Out, and Not Connected (NC). The VCC pin supplies power to the module, while
the Data Out pin transmits the sensor's digital output. Some modules may have an NC pin, which can
be left unconnected. The ground pin is connected to the ground (0V) of the power supply. The DHT11
sensor module is easy to use with microcontrollers like Arduino or Raspberry Pi. To read temperature
and humidity data, connect the VCC pin to a 5V power supply, the GND pin to ground, and the Data
Out pin to a digital input pin of the microcontroller. The data communication protocol is used to
When programming with the DHT11 sensor, implement the protocol to communicate with the sensor
and retrieve the data. Libraries are available for popular platforms like Arduino, simplifying the process
of reading data from the DHT11 sensor. Despite its limitations, the DHT11 sensor remains a popular
choice for hobbyists and beginners due to its simplicity and low cost. Always refer to the datasheet or
module documentation for specific details and usage guidelines.

Communication with Microcontroller:

The DHT11 sensor is a custom communication scheme that uses a single-wire protocol to transmit
temperature and humidity data to a microcontroller like Arduino. To communicate with the DHT11,
the microcontroller needs to wire it to 5V, connect the Data Out pin to a digital pin, and connect Ground
(GND) to GND. The DHT11 initiates communication by sending an initialization signal, pulling the
Data Out pin LOW for at least 18 milliseconds. After this, it responds by pulling the Data Out pin LOW
for about 80 microseconds, followed by a HIGH signal for 80 microseconds. The DHT11 then sends
40 bits (5 bytes) of data, consisting of relative humidity, temperature, and checksum. Each bit is
transmitted in two ways: logical 0 pulls the Data Out pin LOW for 50 microseconds followed by a
HIGH signal for 26-28 microseconds, and logical 1 pulls the Data Out pin LOW for 50 microseconds
followed by a HIGH signal for 70 microseconds. The microcontroller reads the sequence of LOW and
HIGH signals from the DHT11 to reconstruct the transmitted data bits. It measures the duration of the
HIGH signal to determine whether it corresponds to a logical 0 or 1. Once all 40 bits are received, the
microcontroller processes the data to calculate the relative humidity and temperature values. In
Arduino, libraries like the "DHT" library simplify communication with the DHT11 sensor, allowing
for easy retrieval of temperature and humidity data.

Fig. 4.4 Communication With Microcontroller

Communication Working process:

Start pulse (Request by Microcontroller)

Fig. 4.4 Start Pulse

The start pulse is a crucial step in the communication protocol between a microcontroller and a DHT11
sensor. It involves sending a specific sequence of LOW and HIGH signals to wake up the sensor and
initiate data transmission. The microcontroller must maintain the data line low for at least 18
milliseconds to ensure the DHT11 recognizes the request. After the LOW phase, the line must be pulled
high for 20 to 40 microseconds, signalling the end of the request phase. The start pulse sequence is
crucial for establishing communication between the microcontroller and the DHT11 sensor. The initial
LOW phase wakes up the sensor and prompts it to prepare for data transmission. The subsequent HIGH
phase signals the DHT11 that the microcontroller has completed its request and is ready to receive data.
The timing of the start pulse is critical for successful communication. The microcontroller must
maintain the data line low for a minimum of 18 milliseconds to ensure the DHT11 recognizes the
request. After the LOW phase, the microcontroller transitions the data line to a HIGH state, signalling
the end of the request phase and prompting the DHT11 to start transmitting data.


Fig. 4.4 DHT11 Response

The DHT11 sensor responds to a start pulse by pulling the data line low for 54 microseconds and then
a high state for 80 microseconds, indicating its readiness to transmit measurement data. This
acknowledgement signal is crucial for establishing synchronization between the microcontroller and
the sensor. It consists of two actions: pulling the data line LOW (0V or ground) for 54 microseconds,
which serves as an acknowledgment, and pulling the data line HIGH (typically +5V or logic HIGH) for
about 80 microseconds, which signifies its readiness to transmit the requested data. The timing of the
response pulse is standardized and critical for reliable communication. The DHT11 sensor must pull
the data line LOW for 54 microseconds and then HIGH for 80 microseconds to convey its
acknowledgment and readiness to the microcontroller. The precise timing and detection of the response
pulse are essential for establishing reliable communication and retrieving accurate measurement data
from the DHT11 sensor.

Data Transformation

Fig. 4.4 Data Transformation

The DHT11 sensor transmits 40 bits of data to convey temperature and humidity measurements, divided

into five segments of 8 bits each. The first two segments represent humidity readings, with the first 8
bits containing the integer part and the second 8 bits containing the fractional part, providing the relative
humidity in percentage. The third and fourth segments relay temperature data, similarly divided into
integer and fractional parts, providing the temperature in degrees Celsius. The final segment is the
checksum, used for error checking.
The first two segments represent humidity measurements, with the first 8 bits representing the whole
number value of relative humidity (e.g., 50%). The second 8 bits represent the fractional part of the
humidity reading, providing more precision (e.g., 0.5% for 50.5%). The next two segments convey
temperature measurements, with the third 8 bits representing the integer part and the fourth 8 bits
representing the fractional part. The final segment is the checksum, used for error checking.
Upon receiving the 40-bit data sequence, the microcontroller calculates its own checksum based on the
received humidity and temperature values. If the calculated checksum matches the checksum received
from the DHT11, it confirms the data transmission was successful.
The DHT11 sensor's data transmission process ensures reliable communication and data accuracy in
temperature and humidity monitoring applications.
End of frame

Fig.4.4 End of frame

The DHT11 sensor sends a final signal after transmitting 40 bits of data, marking the completion of the
data frame. This signal consists of a 54-microsecond low pulse followed by a return to the high state,
acting as a frame terminator. The sensor then transitions into a low-power "sleep" mode, which
conserves energy and prolongs the sensor's lifespan. During sleep mode, the DHT11 sensor remains
dormant until it receives another start pulse from the microcontroller. The start pulse serves as a wake-
up call, prompting the sensor to reactivate and prepare for a new communication cycle. Upon receiving
the ending signal, the microcontroller detects the transition to the high state and recognizes that the data
transmission process has concluded. The microcontroller can then proceed with processing the received
data and performing any necessary computations or actions based on the sensor readings.

In summary, the DHT11 sensor sends a final signal after transmitting 40 bits of data, marking the

completion of the data frame. This signal triggers the sensor to enter a low-power sleep mode,
conserving energy until it receives a new start pulse for initiating another communication cycle. The
microcontroller can proceed with further operations based on the received sensor data, ensuring
efficient and reliable communication between the microcontroller and the DHT11 sensor.
Practical Consideration
The DHT11 sensor is a reliable and simple tool for monitoring environmental conditions. It requires
precise timing for initiating communication, sending data, and interpreting received signals. Microcon-
troller platforms like Arduino and Raspberry Pi offer libraries that handle these timing requirements,
making integration easier. Arduino boards have dedicated libraries that abstract the low-level timing
requirements of the DHT11 sensor, allowing developers to focus on reading sensor data without
worrying about precise timing implementation. Raspberry Pi platforms can use Python libraries to
interface with the DHT11 sensor, simplifying the integration process. The DHT11 sensor's simple serial
interface and robust data package make it suitable for hobbyists and educators looking to teach basic
sensor interfacing and data handling. It is commonly used in educational settings to introduce students
to sensor interfacing concepts, and in environmental monitoring projects, it allows students to build
temperature and humidity monitoring devices, gaining practical experience in sensor integration and
data visualization.

In conclusion, the DHT11 sensor's compatibility with popular microcontroller platforms, its simple
interface, and robust data package make it an excellent choice for hobbyist and educational projects.
The sensor's straightforward serial interface and integrated libraries in platforms like Arduino and
Raspberry Pi simplify the process of acquiring temperature and humidity data. This accessibility allows
hobbyists and students to focus on learning fundamental sensor interfacing concepts without the
complexity of low-level timing requirements.


Fig. 4.4 ESP-32

The ESP32, developed by Espressif Systems, represents a significant advancement over its predecessor,
the ESP8266 microcontroller, particularly in the realm of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Its
emergence has been pivotal in expanding the possibilities of IoT technology due to its extensive feature
set and impressive capabilities. With the ESP32, Espressif Systems has addressed key limitations of
earlier microcontrollers, enhancing performance, connectivity, and power efficiency to meet the
demands of modern IoT applications. This system on a chip (SoC) is designed to serve as a
comprehensive solution for embedded systems, offering integrated features that simplify development
and deployment.
Core Feature:
The ESP32 is a dual-core CPU with a Tensilica Xtensa® Dual-Core 32-bit LX6 microprocessor running
at speeds of up to 240 MHz, allowing for efficient multitasking and enhanced performance. Its
architecture allows for simultaneous execution of multiple operations without sacrificing
responsiveness. The ESP32 is designed for mobile and battery-operated devices, ensuring minimal
power consumption through advanced power management techniques such as fine-grained clock
gating, multiple power modes, and dynamic power scaling. These features make it suitable for
applications requiring efficient resource utilization and extended battery life. The dual-core CPU
enhances processing capabilities, while the ultra-low-power consumption design allows prolonged
operation on battery-powered devices, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of IoT and
embedded applications. The ESP32's ultra-low-power consumption design ensures minimal energy
consumption, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of applications.

The ESP32 is a versatile IoT device that offers wireless and wired communication capabilities. It is
equipped with an 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi transceiver, allowing it to function as a standalone application
host or offload Wi-Fi networking functions from another processor. It also supports Bluetooth v4.2
BR/EDR and BLE standards, providing seamless connectivity for IoT applications requiring both Wi-
Fi and Bluetooth functionalities. Some ESP32 modules come with an Ethernet port, providing a reliable
wired networking option for scenarios where Wi-Fi connectivity is limited. This feature allows the
ESP32 to efficiently manage wireless communication protocols, making it suitable for diverse IoT use
cases. Additionally, some ESP32 modules have an Ethernet interface, providing a reliable wired
networking solution in environments where Wi-Fi signals may be unreliable or unavailable. These
versatile connectivity features provide developers with flexibility in designing IoT devices that require
both wireless and wired communication capabilities.

The ESP32 is a versatile IoT device with up to 520 KB of internal memory and 448 KB of ROM,
providing ample storage for firmware, application code, and system functions. It can interface with up
to 4 MB of external SPI flash memory and up to 16 MB of external SRAM, supporting larger-scale
applications. The device supports various I/O interfaces, including GPIO, ADC/DAC, and peripheral
interfaces like SPI, I2S, I2C, UART, and CAN 2.0. It also features hardware-accelerated cryptographic
operations, secure boot, and flash encryption, ensuring robust data security. It also has an onboard
hardware-based random number generator for high-quality random numbers for cryptographic
operations. The ESP32 offers comprehensive development tools, including ESP-IDF, which provides
tools for firmware development, networking, and system integration, and third-party environments like
MicroPython and Espruino for programming support. It also comes with a pre-integrated real-time
operating system (RTOS) for efficient task management and multitasking capabilities. The device also
offers power-saving modes like Light Sleep, Deep Sleep, and Hibernation modes, optimizing energy
consumption for battery-powered IoT devices and extending battery life. The ESP32's versatility and
robust capabilities make it a preferred choice for various IoT applications, from consumer electronics
to industrial automation.

ESP32 can be powered using Micro USB jack and VIN pin (External Supply Pin). It supports UART,
SPI, and I2C interface.
ESP32 Front & Back

Fig. 4.4 ESP-32 front and back

Programming the ESP32 with Arduino IDE working:
Select ESP32 Board: Go to Tools > Board and select ESP32 Dev Module (or your specific ESP32 board
variant). Choose Port: Connect your ESP32 development board to your computer via USB. Go to Tools
Port and select the COM port to which your ESP32 is connected. Write and Upload Sketch: Create a

new sketch or open an existing Arduino sketch. Write your Arduino code in the Arduino IDE. Click
the Upload button (right arrow icon) to compile and upload the sketch to the ESP32. Monitor Serial
Output (Optional): Go to Tools > Serial Monitor to open the Serial Monitor. Set the baud rate to match
your sketch settings (typically 115200 baud). View serial output for debugging and monitoring. After
installing the Arduino IDE on your computer, connect the ESP32 board to your computer using a USB
cable. Launch the Arduino IDE and ensure the correct board is selected by navigating to Tools > Board
> ESP32 Dev Module. Next, choose the appropriate port under Tools > Port. To begin experimenting
with the ESP32 board and make the built-in LED blink, open the Blink example code from Files >
Examples > Basics > Blink. Once the example code is loaded in the Arduino IDE, click the 'upload'
button in the toolbar. After the upload process completes successfully, you will observe the built-in
LED on the ESP32 board blinking, indicating that the program is running correctly.

Applications of ESP32:
The ESP32 microcontroller is a versatile device with a wide range of applications across various
industries. It is widely used in IoT devices, home automation systems, industrial automation,
environmental monitoring, wearable devices, data logging and analytics, educational projects, remote
control systems, prototyping and development, and artificial intelligence and machine learning. The
ESP32's integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities make it a core component for smart home devices,
environmental sensors, connected appliances, and wearable gadgets. Its robust wireless connectivity
enables real-time data transmission and remote monitoring.T he ESP32's low-power features make it
ideal for battery-operated environmental monitoring systems, measuring parameters like temperature,
humidity, air quality, and particulate levels. Its compact size and low-power consumption make it
suitable for wearable devices like fitness trackers, smartwatches, and health monitoring devices. Data
logging applications use ESP32-based devices for collecting, storing, and analysing sensor data for
insights. It is also popular in educational settings for teaching IoT concepts, programming, and
electronics. Remote control systems integrate ESP32 modules for reliable wireless communication. The
ESP32 is also used for prototyping new product ideas and developing proof-of-concept IoT applications
due to its affordability, availability, and community support. It can also be used for AI and ML models
for edge computing applications, enabling real-time inference on IoT devices. Overall, the ESP32
microcontroller's versatility and adaptability make it suitable for a wide range of projects across
industries and disciplines.

Pinout and Functions of ESP32

Fig. 4.4 ESP-32 pins diagram

General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Pins:

The ESP32 microcontroller offers up to 34 GPIO pins, labeled GPIO0 to GPIO33, which serve as
versatile digital input or output ports. These GPIO pins are fundamental for interfacing with various
external components such as sensors, actuators, LEDs, and displays. They can be configured to detect
digital signals from sensors or control the state of output devices. GPIO pins on the ESP32 also support
interrupt handling, enabling the microcontroller to respond to external events efficiently without
continuous polling. Additionally, these pins can generate PWM signals, allowing precise control over
devices that require analog-like behavior such as motors and LEDs.
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Pins:
With up to 18 ADC channels, the ESP32 can convert analog voltages from external sensors into digital
values. These ADC pins provide high-resolution (12-bit) analog-to-digital conversion, enabling
accurate measurement of sensor data like temperature, light intensity, and humidity. The ESP32's ADC
capabilities are essential for interfacing with analog sensors and acquiring real-world data for IoT

Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Pins:
The ESP32 features two DAC pins capable of producing analog voltage outputs. These DAC pins are
useful for generating analog signals required for audio applications, controlling analog actuators, and
interfacing with voltage-controlled devices. DAC functionality is crucial for applications that involve
audio playback, waveform generation, and analog signal processing.
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Pins:
ESP32 supports SPI communication through dedicated pins such as MOSI (Master Out Slave In), MISO
(Master In Slave Out), SCK (Serial Clock), and SS/CS (Slave Select/Chip Select). SPI is a synchronous
serial communication protocol commonly used to interface with external peripherals like displays,
memory modules, and sensor arrays. The ESP32's SPI capabilities enable high-speed data transfer
between the microcontroller and SPI-compatible devices, making it suitable for applications requiring
rapid data exchange.
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Pins:
The ESP32 can function as an I2C master or slave using GPIO pins dedicated for I2C communication
(e.g., GPIO21 for SDA and GPIO22 for SCL). I2C is a popular serial communication protocol for
connecting multiple peripherals with only two wires, making it ideal for interfacing with sensors,
displays, and other I2C-enabled devices in IoT applications.
Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) Pins:
UART pins on the ESP32 facilitate asynchronous serial communication with external devices. The
microcontroller supports multiple UART interfaces, enabling reliable data transmission and reception
over serial communication protocols. UART communication is commonly used for interfacing with
GPS modules, Bluetooth modules, and other serial devices.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Pins:
ESP32 provides PWM support on specific GPIO pins, allowing for precise control over the duty cycle
and frequency of output signals. PWM pins are instrumental in controlling devices like LEDs, motors,
and servos to achieve varying levels of intensity, speed, and position. This capability is essential for
implementing dimming effects, motor speed control, and other analog-like behaviors in IoT projects.
Touch Sensor Inputs:
Certain GPIO pins on the ESP32 can function as capacitive touch sensor inputs, detecting touch-based
interactions without additional hardware. Capacitive touch sensing enables the implementation of
intuitive touch interfaces in IoT devices and consumer electronics, enhancing user interaction and
device usability.
Pinout Details:
The specific pin configuration and functionalities of the ESP32 may vary depending on the
development board or module used. It's essential to refer to the datasheet or documentation of the

specific ESP32 variant for accurate pinout details, including GPIO assignments, peripheral functions,
and voltage specifications.
In summary, the ESP32's extensive range of GPIO capabilities and peripheral interfaces makes it a
versatile choice for a wide range of IoT applications. Its ability to interface with various sensors,
actuators, and communication modules enables the development of sophisticated and interconnected
IoT devices with enhanced functionality and responsiveness. The ESP32's flexibility and robust feature
set contribute to its popularity among hobbyists, engineers, and IoT enthusiasts alike.
MQ Sensor:
MQ sensors are a series of gas sensors utilized for detecting and measuring specific gases in the
environment. They are named with the prefix "MQ" followed by a number (e.g., MQ2, MQ5, MQ7),
each corresponding to a particular gas they are designed to detect. These sensors incorporate a
semiconductor gas-sensitive element that changes its electrical conductivity in response to target gases.
This change in conductivity is leveraged to measure gas concentrations and provide qualitative or semi-
quantitative air quality data.

Working Principle: MQ sensors operate on the principle of chemiresistive gas sensing.

Inside the sensor, there is a gas-sensitive element comprising a metal oxide semiconductor
(MOS) that interacts with target gases upon exposure to the environment. When specific gas
molecules adhere to the semiconductor's surface, it alters the material's conductivity. This
change in conductivity is detected as a variation in resistance, which is then converted into an
electrical signal proportional to the gas concentration.
Gas Sensitivity: Each MQ sensor exhibits sensitivity to particular gases, enabling the detection of a
broad range of target gases like LPG, methane, carbon monoxide, alcohol, smoke, and various
combustible and toxic gases.
High Sensitivity and Selectivity: MQ sensors offer high sensitivity to target gases while
maintaining selectivity against other gases, minimizing false positives.
Rapid Response Time: These sensors provide rapid response times, facilitating quick detection of
gas concentrations.
Affordability: MQ sensors are relatively inexpensive compared to alternative gas sensing
technologies, making them popular for hobbyist projects and consumer applications.
Analog Output: MQ sensors typically output an analog voltage or current signal proportional to
the gas concentration, allowing straightforward interfacing with microcontrollers and analog-to-digital
converters (ADCs).
Calibration and Limitations:
Calibration: MQ sensors require periodic calibration to uphold accuracy and reliability.
Calibration involves exposing the sensor to known gas concentrations to adjust its response curve.
Temperature and Humidity Dependence: The sensitivity and performance of MQ sensors
can be influenced by ambient temperature and humidity levels.
Interference: Cross-sensitivity to other gases and environmental factors can occasionally result in
inaccurate readings or false alarms.
Lifespan: The lifespan of MQ sensors may degrade over time due to exposure to target gases and
environmental conditions.
MQ sensors find applications in various fields, including:
Air Quality Monitoring: Detecting pollutants such as carbon monoxide (MQ7), smoke (MQ2),
and various toxic gases.
Industrial Safety: Monitoring gas leaks and ensuring workplace safety in industries where
hazardous gases are present.
Domestic Safety: Gas leak detection in homes to prevent fire hazards (e.g., LPG detection with
Environmental Monitoring: Monitoring air quality in smart cities, indoor air quality in buildings,
and pollutant levels in public spaces.
IoT and Wearable Devices: Integrating gas sensors into IoT devices and wearables for
personalized health monitoring and environmental awareness.
In summary, MQ sensors offer a cost-effective solution for gas detection applications, providing
valuable insights into air quality and safety monitoring across various industries and domains. Their
simplicity and versatility make them a popular choice for DIY projects and prototyping applications.
Nonetheless, it is essential to consider their limitations and conduct regular calibration to ensure
accurate and reliable measurements.

I2S Module

The I2S module is a digital audio interface standard used for transmitting high-fidelity audio data
between integrated circuits (ICs) in audio processing systems. It consists of three primary signal lines:
Serial Data (SD), Serial Clock (SCK), and Word Select (WS). The module can operate in two main
modes: Master Mode, where the master device generates the clock signal, and Slave Mode, where the
device synchronizes with an external clock signal.I2S supports PCM audio data format, which
represents analog audio signals in a digital format. It supports various bit depths, allowing for precise
representation of audio data. I2S is widely used in various audio applications, including audio recording
and playback, wireless audio transmission, voice processing, and musical instrument interfaces.
Benefits of the I2S module include high-fidelity audio transmission, flexible configuration, and low
power consumption. It provides a reliable and efficient method for transmitting high-quality audio data
with low latency, supports configurable parameters, and is suitable for battery-powered devices. The
module's standardized interface and robust performance make it a preferred choice for audio-related
embedded systems and IoT devices.


Fig.4.4 I2S Module

The I2S (Inter-IC Sound) module is a crucial digital audio interface standard used in audio applications
to facilitate the transmission of high-quality audio data between integrated circuits (ICs). It is designed
to efficiently handle audio communication with minimal latency and overhead. The module has several
features, including serial data, serial clock, word select, bit depth, and sampling rates. The I2S controller
acts as the master, generating clock signals and controlling data transmission to slave devices connected
on the bus. It also supports multiple audio formats, such as PCM (Pulse Code Modulation),
multichannel audio, and hardware integration into microcontrollers like the ESP32. It also interfaces
with audio codecs, DACs, and amplifiers for accurate processing and output of audio signals.I2S offers
low latency and high data throughput, ensuring minimal delay in audio playback or processing. It
supports high-speed data transfer rates, enabling efficient and reliable audio data transmission without
loss or distortion. The module's flexible configuration allows customization of audio settings, such as
bit depth, sampling rate, and audio format, to suit specific application requirements.

Its applications include digital audio processing, wireless audio transmission, audio streaming and
playback, voice recognition and processing, and musical instrument interfaces. These features make it
a cornerstone technology for modern audio applications, enabling high-quality audio transmission and
processing across various embedded systems, IoT devices, and consumer electronics. Overall, the I2S
module serves as a versatile and essential digital audio interface standard, enhancing the performance
and creativity of modern audio applications.


A speaker is a device that converts electrical signals into sound waves. It consists of a diaphragm
(usually a cone or dome-shaped) attached to a coil of wire (voice coil) placed within a magnetic field.
When an electrical current passes through the coil, it creates a magnetic field that interacts with the
permanent magnet, causing the coil (and thus the attached diaphragm) to move back and forth rapidly.
This movement creates pressure waves in the air, which we perceive as sound.

Fig.4.4 Structure of speaker

Fig.4.4 speaker

MicroPython is a lean version of Python 3, optimized for microcontrollers with limited resources.
It is written in C, making it easy to use and maintain. Key features include familiar Python syntax,
a streamlined set of standard libraries, and hardware interaction libraries. MicroPython's
resemblance to Python makes it easier to learn and write code for embedded systems. It also offers
simpler development, rapid prototyping, and is open-source and community-driven. Use cases
include data logging, robotics and automation, and IoT devices. MicroPython's open-source nature
allows for a large and active community contributing to its development. It allows developers to
use Python to program microcontrollers, which are small, low-power computers that are often used
to control hardware in embedded systems. MicroPython provides a compact and efficient
implementation of Python, making it well-suited for use in environments where resources are
limited, such as in Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It includes a subset of the Python standard
library, tailored to work in constrained environments. One of the key features of MicroPython is its
interactive REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) prompt, which allows developers to interactively run
Python code and experiment with hardware peripherals in real-time. This makes it easy to prototype
and test ideas quickly. MicroPython supports a wide range of microcontrollers, including popular
ones like the ESP8266 and ESP32, as well as many others. It also has a growing ecosystem of
libraries and tools, making it easier for developers to work with various hardware components and
sensors. Overall, MicroPython is a powerful tool for developing embedded applications, providing
an easy-to-use and familiar programming environment for working with microcontrollers and small
embedded systems.


Fig.5.1. 1



Fig.5.2 Flow Chart


Fig. 5.3 Block Diagram




Fig-6.1 code snippet


The project combines sensors and a microcontroller (ESP32) to assess air quality for blind users. The
MQ-135 sensor measures air quality by detecting gases like ammonia, nitrogen oxides, benzene, and
carbon dioxide. The DHT11 sensor measures temperature and humidity levels, providing insights
into air quality perceptions. The ESP32 board is the central processing unit, collecting data and
analysing air quality based on predefined criteria. The speaker is used to convey air quality
notifications to blind users, allowing them to understand current conditions without visual displays.
This project addresses the accessibility gap for visually impaired individuals, enabling them to
independently assess air quality and make informed decisions. The use of auditory notifications
enhances their ability to monitor and manage their health effectively.

Fig-6.2 Live Working of Air Quality Sensor for Blind Person

The development of an accessible air quality sensor for visually impaired individuals is a
significant advancement in public health monitoring and assistive technology. The sensor uses
MQ sensors and microcontrollers to measure key pollutants, including PM2.5, PM10, and carbon
particles and alert the results in speaker. It provides auditory feedback, making it intuitive and
actionable for visually impaired users. Usability testing with visually impaired individuals
validated the sensor's performance and effectiveness. Collaborating with stakeholders, including
visually impaired individuals, accessibility experts, and healthcare professionals, ensured

The sensor empowers visually impaired individuals to independently monitor their environment
and take proactive measures to safeguard their health. It bridges the accessibility gap in air quality
monitoring technology, prioritizing inclusivity and universal accessibility. Comprehensive
documentation of the sensor's design, usability testing results, and guidelines for creating
accessible air quality monitoring devices will facilitate broader impact and knowledge sharing.

Future directions for the project include scaling up and deploying the sensor units in relevant
communities, continuous improvement based on user feedback and technological advancements,
and collaborating with researchers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders to integrate
accessible air quality monitoring technology into public health policies and initiatives. This
project underscores the importance of innovation, collaboration, and user-centric design in
creating impactful solutions for diverse user communities.

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