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The senior high school years are crucial in shaping the future of students,

particularly in terms of their academic and professional pursuits. One of the key

subjects in senior high school is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM), which plays a vital role in preparing students for careers in various fields. As

part of their academic requirements, grade 12 MCAMS students are expected to

develop their writing skills and produce quality written outputs. In this regard, the use

of innovative technologies such as ChatGPT has been introduced to enhance their

writing capabilities.

Through the incorporation of AI-enabled applications like ChatGPT in STEM, the

writing skills of these students can be improved dynamically. ChatGPT uses the

methods of natural language processing to provide timely suggestions, and advice, to

help the users sharpen their writing skills. This technology usage may enable STEM

students to overcome their writing problems, put forward their findings, work with other

students more effectively, and communicate freely with a wider audience.

ChatGPT generates responses that are grammatically correct and semantically

meaningful. They are not, however, always accurate (Lingard, L. 2023). The accuracy

of ChatGPT has been a subject of concern, as it has been found to not always generate


factually correct responses. Moreover, the students may grow overly reliant on

ChatGPT which may result in instances of plagiarism, where students may simply copy

the responses generated by the tool without fully understanding the content.

While there could be disadvantages, the opinion of students in STEM about using

ChatGPT to elevate their writing skills is different. Several students might see the

ChatGPT as a tool of great importance with a high chance of helping them correct their

writing difficulties and improve the quality of their work. The AI is subjected to doubts,

and questions about the reliability and ethics of the writing assistance.

Therefore in this study, the researcher will explore the perception of grade 12

MCAMS STEM students on the effectiveness of ChatGPT in improving their writing

skills. It is designed to explore the STEM students’ preferences for certain features or

functionalities of ChatGPT and their suggestions for improvement, as well as

investigate any concerns or reservations STEM students may have about ChatGPT.

The study also aims to examine the influence of academic discipline, writing

proficiency, and past exposure to AI technologies on MCAMS STEM students’

perceptions and behavior patterns toward ChatGPT. Finally, it is to help educators,

curriculum developers, and AI developers bring out the effectiveness of ChatGPT in

STEM students’ writing ability.


Background of the study

ChatGPT is part of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model series

developed by OpenAI. The journey began with GPT-1 in 2018, which demonstrated

the capabilities of large-scale unsupervised language models. Building on its success,

GPT-2 and GPT-3 further showcased its impressive text generation. OpenAI then

allowed access to GPT-3 through an API, enabling developers to integrate its

capabilities into applications. ChatGPT specifically focuses on conversational

interactions, and its iterative development reflects OpenAI’s commitment to refining

language models and exploring their applications in diverse contexts.

However, while ChatGPT has impressive capabilities in generating text and can

be used to enhance writing capabilities, its use raises concerns about the impact on

the authenticity and credibility of the academic work (Derga, et al.). The use of AI-

generated text in academic writing may lead to plagiarism that could potentially embed

biases in the generated text. Moreover, there are instances wherein the students rely

solely on ChatGPT, hindering their development of critical thinking and writing skills,

which may also lead to cheating and becoming overly reliant.

This not only undermines the integrity of the educational system but also fails to

provide an accurate assessment of the student’s knowledge and skills. Students then

may develop unrealistic expectations and be overly confident in the works of AI.

Therefore, the investigation is essential for gaining insights into the effectiveness and


negative effects of using Chat GPT as a shortcut or a substitute for their learning


This study aims to explore the perceptions of Grade 12 MCAMS Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students regarding the utilization

of ChatGPT for enhancing their writing capabilities and how this advanced language

model impacts their writing skills. The research delves into student attitudes,

experiences, and potential improvements in written communication through the use of

ChatGPT, focusing on emerging technologies in educational settings and their

potential contribution to STEM students’ writing capabilities.


Conceptual framework


Perception of 1.Selecting a -Improve the

STEM students representative writing
in Chat GPT among the capabilities of
students. MCA Montessori
2.Conducting an School’s Grade
interview on a 12 STEM
representative students through
base on their the accessibility
perception on of Chat GPT
Chat GPT.
3.Completing the
interpretation for

Figure1.Research Paradigm

The input, output of the study where in the input includes the information and

general problem that will use to proceed on the Process that includes the given

questionnaires and gathering the student’s respond to our interview Output includes

the expected outcome of student’s perception about on our study. Phenomenology can

offer a deeper understanding of the student’s writing capability with chat GPT.


Theoretical Framework

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which was developed by Davis

(1989), explains how users come to accept and use a technology. It suggests that

perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are key determinants of an

individual’s intention to use a technology. In the context of AI in education, student’s

acceptance of AI tools and platforms is crucial. If students perceive AI as easy to use

and believe that it enhances their learning experience, they are more likely to engage

with and benefit from AI-driven educational technologies.

By implying this in our study, the researchers assume that this theory will help

students recognize what technological advancements they should utilize.


Statement of the Problem

General Statement

The purpose of this study is to identify the variables on how students view Chat

GPT to improve their writing capabilities.

Specific Statement

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1.) How do student-respondents perceive chat GPT as a tool in improving their

writing capabilities?

2.) In what ways does Chat GPT help student-respondents in terms of their

writing capabilities?

3.) Why do student-respondents use Chat GPT when writing?

4.) In what ways does Chat GPT improve the writing capabilities of the student-




This research delves into the demographic profiles and perceptions of Grade 12

students at MCA Montessori School, Taguig, Ft Bonifacio, AFPOVAI Phase II,

regarding ChatGPT’s impact on writing capabilities during the academic year 2023-

2024, with a particular emphasis on the STEM section. Limited to nine Grade 12

sections, the study aims to comprehensively examine individual perspectives if

ChatGPT does really assist on improving the writing capabilities of the Grade 12

STEM students of MCA Montessori School, Ft Bonifacio.

Utilizing Qualitative Methodology, the research employs interviews as the

primary tool for data collection. This approach allows for in-depth insights into

participants’ views on how ChatGPT influences their writing capabilities. It’s important

to note that the study confines its analysis to Grade 12 students in the STEM section

at MCA Montessori School, Ft Bonifacio, emphasizing the specific context and

excluding consideration of other writing improvement technologies beyond ChatGPT.


Students- By understanding STEM students’ perceptions of using ChatGPT for writing

improvement, the study can benefit students directly. It can provide insights into the

effectiveness of AI tools in enhancing their writing skills, helping them become more

proficient and confident writers. This knowledge can empower students to leverage AI-

based writing assistance for academic and professional success.


Teachers- The results of the research can help to inform teaching strategies by

providing insights into how ChatGPT will improve STEM students’ writing capabilities.

It can help educators create successful writing techniques that are personalized for the

needs and preferences of STEM students.

Future Researchers- The study can serve as a foundation for future research in the

field of AI-assisted writing instruction for STEM students. Researchers can build upon

the findings to explore additional aspects, such as the long-term impact of AI tools on

writing capabilities, the role of teacher guidance in AI-based writing assistance, or the

development of AI tools tailored specifically for STEM writing tasks.

Guidance Counselors – The study’s significance extends to guidance counselors

who support students in their academic and career journeys. Understanding STEM

students’ perceptions of using ChatGPT for writing improvement can assist counselors

in providing informed guidance regarding effective writing strategies, the integration of

AI tools, and the development of strong written communication skills in STEM fields.


For a clear and better understanding of the study, the following terms are

operationally defined:


Perception: In the context of this research, perception refers to the cognitive process

through which Grade 12 STEM students of MCA Montessori School interpret and make

sense of information, experiences, or stimuli related to their interaction with ChatGPT.

Grade 12 STEM Students of MCA Montessori School: For the purpose of this study,

Grade 12 STEM students are defined as individuals enrolled in the senior year of high

school of MCA Montessori School, specializing in Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.

ChatGPT: ChatGPT, as used in this research, denotes a language model developed

by OpenAI. It is designed to generate human-like text responses based on input

prompts provided by users.

Usage: In the context of this study, usage refers to the active engagement of Grade

12 STEM students of MCA Montessori School with ChatGPT. This encompasses the

input provided, the generated output, and the overall interactive experience with the

language model.

Writing Capabilities: In the context of this research, writing capabilities pertain to the

proficiency and skills demonstrated by Grade 12 STEM students in expressing their

thoughts, ideas, and queries through written communication while interacting with

ChatGPT. This includes the ability to formulate coherent sentences, convey complex

concepts, and effectively communicate through written input to the language model.



Review of Related Literature of Studies

This portion of the study presents the different views about the topic being

researched. These include paperwork from different sources that the researchers think

as beneficial in the conduct of the study.

According to Hidayatullah, E. (2024). Students were more concerned about the

convenience ChatGPT has brought to them. The students use Chatgpt for the

convenience of not having to work hard to find answers and paid less attention to the

improvement of their writing skills. The method used in this research is exploratory

research because it explores the experiences of the respondents in the use of artificial

intelligence (AI) of students who have difficulty in their studies and because of this

technology will make it easier just solving other things and understanding different


The research by Farhi, et al., examined ChatGPT usage among Students in the

United Arab Emirates (UAE), their views, concerns, and Perceived ethics. Their

research findings suggest that students Consider ChatGPT to be a revolutionary

technology that helps them in many ways. The study also points out that the use of

ChatGPT had a significant impact on students’ views and concerns related to the

Technology. Based on these findings, the study now concluded that the Use of

ChatGPT in education can have both positive and negative Effects on educational

integrity. The study then recommended Implementing practical guidelines to help


educational institutions make Informed decisions and shape policies related to the use

of ChatGPT.

According to Ngo, T. T. A. (2023) students' perceptions of ChatGPT's application

were generally positive. The benefits of ChatGPT, according to students, included

saving time, providing information in various areas, providing personalized tutoring and

feedback, and illuminating ideas in writing.

According to Song C. & Song Y.(2023)The study's findings indicate that AI-

assisted language learning, specifically through ChatGPT, positively impacted Chinese

EFL students' writing skills and motivation. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses

reveal significant improvements in various aspects of writing proficiency, while

participants expressed diverse perspectives on AI's role. The discussion highlights the

positive impact on proficiency in various writing aspects but also acknowledges

concerns such as contextual accuracy and over-reliance, stressing the need for

ongoing development and adaptation of AI tools in education. The study recommends

considering AI-assisted language learning, particularly through ChatGPT, as a

beneficial tool for improving Chinese EFL students' writing skills and motivation. Song

C. & Song Y.(2023)

.According to Tira Nur Fitria(2023), it compares ChatGPT and Bing Chat for

Vietnamese students, finding Bing Chat superior due to its performance in various high

school subjects, leveraging GPT-4 technology, and enhanced text generation. While


ChatGPT is commendable, Bing Chat is considered more advanced, available in

Vietnam, and incorporates hyperlinks in answers. The research on ChatGPT’s English

essay writing capabilities highlights its ability to help students with various topics,

demonstrating proficiency in structuring essays and considering grammar, although

further research on grammatical accuracy is suggested.

According to (Barrot et al., 2023), Based on a large language model, ChatGPT, a

relatively new addition to the repertoire of AI tools, can provide meaningful writing

samples, adjust the difficulty level of texts matching leaners’ proficiency level offer

advice regarding various structural aspects of a text and translate it and facilitate

guided writing . These affordances can aid self-reliance and fulfill instant feedback

needs of students. It can provide human-like expert assistance to students in idea

generation, organization, maintaining accuracy and choosing appropriate vocabulary.

According to Dhanunjay, Jishnu, Shamala, Srinivasa, et al., (2023). These findings

provide valuable insights that can inform the development of more effective AI

communication tools tailored to student needs. Moreover, this study expands the realm

of the Uses and Gratification theory by investigating the motivations underlying the

usage of ChatGpt, an artificial intelligence language model. The outcomes of this

research hold significance for academics, researchers, and AI developers, contributing

to their understanding of how individuals engage with and derive meaning from media

in their daily lives.


According to Josephine Oranga (2023). Artificial intelligence in education,

including the use of chatbots, has thus, been incorporated into instruction and

administration. Accordingly, artificial intelligence is routinely being utilized to teach

typical tasks like pronunciation and spelling to children at lower levels of education.

Notably, the interest to apply artificial intelligence in education is increasing by the day.

Hence, this article delves into the benefits, challenges and disadvantages of utilization

of artificial intelligence, and most notably, chatbots in education by getting responses

from ChatGPT itself. Hence, it is concluded that even though utilization of artificial

intelligence (ChatGPT) can enhance learning, it should never replace human

educators as chatbots work best when used in conjunction with human guidance and

supervision, ensuring that learners receive a well-rounded and effective education.

According to Chung Kwan Lo Education Sciences 13 (4), 410, (2023). The

findings of this review suggest that ChatGPT’s performance varied across subject

domains, ranging from outstanding. Although ChatGPT has the potential to serve as

an assistant for instructors and a virtual tutor for students. Immediate action should

be taken to update the assessment methods and institutional policies in schools and

universities. Instructor training and student education are also essential to respond to

the impact of ChatGPT on the educational environment.

According to Imran,M & Almusharraf, N.(2023), the study emphasizes

ChatGPT’s potential as a writing helper, which may generate ideas, provide

constructive criticism, and help with brainstorming. It also functions as a language


refining tool, improving learners’ coherence and communication abilities. However, the

study underlines the importance of taking an holistic approach to implementing

ChatGPT into educational practices, which includes revising training programs,

policies, and evaluation systems. Maintaining academic integrity and encouraging

innovation in student work are two major challenges.

According to Fontanilla, J.B., the study by the National University

Baliwag in the Philippines reveals that the increasing reliance on AI tools in education,

such as ChatGPT, Quillbot, and Grammarly, may compromise creativity, critical

thinking, and originality. Thematic analysis reveals nuanced insights, suggesting a

need for a balanced approach to address both the benefits and risks of AI in education.

The findings emphasize the importance of educating students about AI consequences

and ensuring technology doesn’t replace foundational learning. Collaboration among

educators, students, programmers, and policymakers is advocated to transform

perspectives and set limitations on AI usage for the preservation of academic integrity


According to Acanto. R, et al.(2023), he findings of the study indicate that faculty

researchers in higher education institutions in the Philippines value writing assistance

tools for improving efficiency and clarity in research writing. The findings highlight the

positive and negative impact of writing assistance tools on research efficiency and

clarity. The study recommends acknowledging the value of writing assistance tools in

enhancing research writing efficiency but emphasizes caution due to potential


challenges, such as overreliance, hindering critical thinking skills, and the risk of


Acccording to Lavidas. K, et al.(2023), The study indicated improvements in

vocabulary and grammar, suggesting ChatGPT’s potential as a valuable resource in

language learning, especially for students facing language difficulties. It explored the

effectiveness of ChatGPT as a feedback tool for foreign language writing, specifically

focusing on socially vulnerable populations like refugees/migrants learning German.

The study advocate the use of ChatGPT as a feedback tool for foreign language

writing, particularly targeting socially vulnerable populations


This synthesis dives into a fascinating study of ChatGPT’s impact on student

writing abilities, resulting in a useful network of ideas and discoveries. The researchers

begin the journey by reviewing relevant literature, theories, and approaches to identify

trends and opportunities in the dynamic context of ChatGPT adoption. In 2023, Ngo

and Imran, M and Almusharraf demonstrated potential aspects of ChatGPT’s

functionality. Ngo’s research found favorable student perceptions, with a focus on time

savings and improved concept expression in writing. Imran and Almusharraf described

ChatGPT as a comprehensive AI tool that promotes independent thought, provides

immediate feedback, and provides expert advice in a variety of writing disciplines.

Lavidas et al.’s 2023 study supported this positive narrative by confirming ChatGPT’s

effectiveness in language learning and its potential for feedback.


The addition of multiple perspectives on AI’s role in academic accomplishment,

media interaction, and performance shows that students prioritize simplicity over skill

development. Dhanunjay et al. (2023) emphasize ChatGPT’s significance in

comprehending media interaction. Chung Kwan Lo (2023) underlines the importance

of regular modifications to institutional policies and assessment methodologies. Acanto

et al. (2023) point out faculty researchers’ awareness of writing tools, as well as worries

about overreliance and plagiarism dangers

The overview finishes with a collection of diverse opinions on ChatGPTs’ impact

on education. Farhi et al. (2023) acknowledge its revolutionary potential among UAE

students, but are concerned about its impact on educational integrity, necessitating the

implementation of practical recommendations. Songs C. & Song Y.’s (2023) Chinese

study illustrates the amazing growth in EFL students’ writing skills, while also

addressing issues regarding contextual accuracy and overreliance. Josephine

Oranga(2023) addresses the growing interest in AI and the importance of working

collaboratively with human educators. Moreover, the study of Fontanilla, J.B. The National University Baliwag report proposes coordinated efforts to

safeguard academic integrity in the face of rising use of AI technologies.

In conclusion, The synthesis explores ChatGPT’s impact on student writing,

highlighting positive aspects like time savings and language learning benefits.

However, opposing views raise concerns about prioritizing ease over skill development

and potential risks to academic integrity. The statement emphasizes the importance of


continued research, collaboration with educators, and practical advice for improving

ChatGPT’s role in education.



Research Methodology

This chapter provides the methodology and procedures in the data

gathering to complete the study. It consists of the research design, respondents of the

study, the instrument used and the statistical treatment of the data.

Research Method Used

The study uses a qualitative research design to investigate how Chatgpt

improved their writing capabilities and how they manage to acquire knowledge. A

phenomenology research methodology will be employed to understand the universal

experience through interviews with subjects and examining their views about their

experience from the subjective perspective of the participants. The researcher will

conduct interview in each classroom to identify the perceptions of the students about

ChatGPT and use a interview to determine how they manage to acquire knowledge

and how it improved their writing capabilities.

Population and Sample Size

The subjects of this study were MCA Montessori School Grade 12 STEM students.

The intended audience will be divided up into smaller groups, and the students will be

chosen at random from each section to create a sample. Each section chooses three

to four students to participate to achieve the desired number of participants, which is

31. All research participants participated in an interview based on their own perceptions

while using ChatGPT to enhance their writing abilities.


Sampling Technique

The sampling technique used in this study was simple random the sampling

technique, in which the researchers will randomly select a subset of participants from

Grade 12 Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics students (STEM) at MCA

Montessori School.

Description of the Respondents

The participants in this study comprised a select group of Grade 12 Students

specializing in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) track

at MCA Montessori School, situated in the vibrant community of AFPOVAI Village

Phase lV. This research was conducted during the academic year of 2023-2024,

focusing on this specific cohort to gather insightful data pertinent to the study’s



In order to collect the relevant data required for this research, the users of

ChatGPT are required to be able to answer the questionnaire based on their

experience while using the app.

Questionnaire for students. The instrument will be answered by selected student

respondents through an interview, focusing on their usage pattern and motive for

utilizing Chat GPT. The questionnaire includes eight items.


Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers will select 12 stem students from a diverse range of schools

or educational institutions, ensuring that participants have access to GPT and are

willing to engage with the tool for writing improvement. Then, the researchers will

design a structured questionnaire focusing on perceptions of using ChatGPT for writing

improvement, including skill questions to engage agreement levels.

Next, distribute the finalized server to grade 12 stem students by interviewing them

one by one. After that, the study participants will collect responses from participants

over a specified period. When the target respondents are complete, the researchers

will analyze the interview respondents using qualitative methods, observations, and

patterns of perception. Last, we will summarize key findings of the data analysis in a

clear and concise manner, presenting a result in a report format and highlighting

participant perceptions of using ChatGPT for writing improvement.




This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered through

interviews with thirthy-one (31) Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

Senior High School Students as needed participants in this research titled “Perception

of Grade 12 MCAMS Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Students on

the Use of ChatGPT on Improving the Writing Capabilities”.

The researchers conducted a study on Grade 12 Science Technology

Engineering and Mathematics Senior High School students to find out their perception

on using ChatGPT in improving writing capabilities. Semi-structured face-to-face

interviews were conducted to gain complete understanding of the participant’s

experiences. After collecting enough data, researchers transcribed and translated the

written answers of the participants. They reviewed each transcript three to four times

to comprehend the thoughts of each participant. Colaizzi (1978: Paveena, 2022)

suggested that this approach was necessary to gain a general sense of the whole



Table 1

Frequency of Responses of Student-Respondents to the Question:

“ Do you consider it an efficient tool for enhancing your writing skills?” and “If so, as a

Student, how can Chat GPT help you improve your writing capabilities?”

Response f %
It generates specified, logical, and well-structured 2 6.45
Because of ChatGPT’s instant responses, I can write 1 3.23
more efficiently
It provides better ideas that are precise and quality 5 16.13
It enhances my overall writing 5 16.13
It helps expand my vocabulary 6 19.35
It helps me improve my grammar 4 12.90
It does not improve my writing skills 3 9.68
Yes it improves my writing skills 5 16.13
Total 31 100

Table 1 shows that 6.45% of the respondents recognize ChatGPT as a tool for

improving their writing capabilities because it generates organized responses, 3.23%

of the respondents stated that ChatGPT’s instant responses make their writing more

efficient, 16.13% of the respondents say that it provides better ideas that are precise

and quality, 16.13% of the respondents stated that it enhances their overall writing,

19.35% of the respondents reveals that it expands their vocabulary, 12.90%of the

respondents stated that it improves their grammar,16.13% of the respondents agrees

that it improves their writing skills, while 9.68%of the respondents disagrees that it does

not improve their writing skills at all.


Table 2

Frequency of Responses of Student-Respondents to the Question:

“How does ChatGPT help you when writing?

Response f %
It improves the organization of ideas in my writings 4 12.90
It helps by generating ideas and suggestions 15 48.39
It corrects my grammar and expand my vocabulary 7 22.58
It makes writing easier 5 16.13
Total 31 100

Table 2 shows that 22.58% of the respondents use ChatGPT because it corrects

the grammar of their works and expands their vocabulary, 16.13% of the respondents

use ChatGPT because it makes writing easier, 12.90% of the respondents stated that

they use ChatGPT because it improves the organization of ideas in their writings, and

the majority of 48.39% of the respondents use ChatGPT because it helps them by

generating ideas and suggestions.

Table 3

Frequency of Responses of Student-Respondents to the Question:

“Do you use Chat GPT in your writing activities? If so, can you state your reasons for

using it?” and “Is it possible that you’re only using ChatGPT to receive some fast

advice on what kind of writing you’ll do?”


Response f %
To improve their writing skills. 3 9.7
To generate ideas. 4 12.9
To complete tasks efficiently. 4 12.9
To receive fast advice. 8 25.8
To correct their grammar in writing 4 12.9
To look up information that they were unsure of 2 6.5
To complete their work in a small amount of time 3 9.7
To provide the right format and organize the ideas that 1 3.2
you can apply to your writing.
Decided not to state their reasons. 2 6.5
Total 31 100

Table 3 shows that 9.7% of the respondents use ChatGPT to improve their writing

skills, 12.9% of the respondents use ChatGPT to generate ideas, 12.9% of the

respondents stated that they use ChatGPT to complete their tasks efficiently, together

with 25.8% of the respondents that uses ChatGPT to receive fast advice, 12.9% of the

respondents uses ChatGPT to correct their grammar in writing, 6.5% of the

respondents stated that they use ChatGPT to look up information that they were unsure

of, 9.7% of the respondents uses ChatGPT to finish their works in a small amount of

time, only 3.2% of the respondents stated that they use ChatGPT to provide them the

correct format and organize their ideas appropriate for their writing, while 6.5% decided

not to state their reasons for using ChatGPT.

Table 4

Frequency of Responses of Student-Respondents to the Question:

“In your perspective, what is the most useful feature of ChatGPT’s?”


Response f %
It was a big help to have a new vocabulary. 4 12.9
I feel more confident in my writing skills and can express 3 9.7
myself more clearly.
It helped me improve my writing research. 4 12.9
It can help me gain ideas in writing written activities. 6 19.35
It guide me on how to write in the right way. 6 19.35
It helps me broaden my vocabulary and my grammar. 8 25.81
Total 31 100

Table 4 shows that 12.90% of the respondents think it is a big help to have a new

vocabulary, 9.67% become confident in their writing skills, while 12.90% of the

respondents stated that the result of using ChatGPT helps them improve writing their

research, and the other 12.90% of the respondents say that it helps them gain ideas

in writing activities. 19.35% say that Chat GPT guides them on how to write in the right

way. While the majority, 25.81% state that it helps them broaden their vocabulary and

improve their grammar.


The research respondents are a diverse group of grade 12 stem students that

are exploring the influence of chat gpt on their writing capabilities and the

improvements that they adapt using the app.

Reliance and its consequences are among the problems that the respondents

encountered when utilizing the chat GPT. Because of the quick response and the

capacity to produce ideas from it, it affects their writing abilities. Some of the


responders simply copied and pasted the response from the chat GPT since they were

so dependable.

In ChatGPT,there are two impacts for those who uses ChatGPT, which is positive

and negative on net users.Some of the positive effect are correct their grammar and

expand vocabulary, makes writing easier, improves organization of ideas and

generates ideas and suggestions. And for negative impact, some of them do not find it

helpful for improving their writing skills, for task completion and grammar correction,

suggesting it might not always be effective for these purposes, and some respondents

didn’t state their reasons, indicating about this usefulness.

The efficiency of chat GPT and the Ideas it generates have led to a considerable

improvement in the writing capacities of respondents, as seen by their perspectives on

utilizing chat CPT. The respondents also reported feeling more confident in their writing




Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter will discuss the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations. The findings presented are based on the data gathered in Chapter

4. The conclusions are drawn from these findings, while recommendations are made

to give advice that helps address identified issues related to ChatGPT.

Summary of Findings

The following are the findings of this study based on the SOP presented in Chapter 1.

SOP 1: How do student-respondents perceive chat GPT as a tool for improving their

writing skills?

- The ChatGPT stands out among the student-respondents for its ability to

generate structured, efficient, and precise writing, positively impacting their

overall writing skills. However, there are still a few student-respondents

who disagree that ChatGPT improves their writing skills.

SOP 2: In what ways does Chat GPT help student-respondents in terms of their writing


- The student-respondents valued ChatGPT for its idea generation and

suggestion capabilities, followed by its grammar correction and vocabulary

expansion features making their work a lot easier.

SOP 3: Why do student-respondents use ChatGPT when writing?


- The student-respondents use ChatGPT to provide quick advice and generate

ideas, with a smaller emphasis on grammar correction and task efficiency.

SOP 4: In what ways does ChatGPT improve the writing capabilities of the student-


- The ChatGPT has a significant impact on the student-respondents in enhancing

their vocabulary through guidance on writing and idea generation. Furthermore,

it enables students to improve their research skills and boosts their confidence

in writing.


Based on the indicated findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The findings revealed that ChatGPT plays a significant role in enhancing various

aspects of writing, including organization, efficiency, idea generation, and

language proficiency.

2. Respondents commonly use ChatGPT to efficiently complete tasks, receive fast

advice, and generate ideas, indicating its versatility and effectiveness as a

writing aid.

3. The majority of respondents across various tables indicate that ChatGPT’s

primary benefit lies in idea generation and suggestion provision rather than

grammar correction or writing facilitation.



This study demonstrated how using ChatGPT improves writing, highlighting its

importance in academic settings. Thus, the following recommendations are hereby


1. Future Researchers should delve into the mechanics of ChatGPT to understand

its strengths, limitations, and potential biases. This will help the researchers

understand the concept of ChatGPT in relation to their study.

2. Future researchers should focus on the user experience to determine how

ChatGPT can assist the user in their academic writing.

3. Future researchers can focus on exploring further the specific ways in which

ChatGPT enhances the user’s writing experience and how it can be further

improved to better meet the needs of the users.


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