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Class: 05 Subject: IEO

1. Fill in the blank with suitable collective noun choosing from the alternatives given below:

Yesterday I lost my _____ of keys.

A. Bouquet
B. Bunch
C. Bundle
D. Packet

2. Fill in the blank with suitable collective noun, choosing from the alternatives given below:

The _____ of pupils are listening attentively to their teacher.

A. Club
B. Class
C. School
D. Unit

3. Fill the blank with a suitable reflexive pronoun choosing from the alternatives below :

She cooks for _____ everyday.

A. Herself
B. Himself
C. Themselves
D. Myself

4. Fill in the blank with possessive pronoun choosing from alternatives given below

This idea of_____ is not nice.

A. Yours
B. Him
C. Her
D. Our

5. Select the correct form of adjective choosing from the options below:


A. Uglier/ugliest
B. Ugglier/uggliest
C. Uglieer/uglieest
D. None of these

6. Choose the correct adjective from the options given below:

I heard a noise. ______ body is outside.

A. Little
B. Less
C. Some
D. Any

7. Fill in the blank with suitable Article from the options given below:

I spoke to several people at the party. Was Amit _____ one with the red hair?

A. An
B. The
C. A
D. None of these

8. Fill in the blank with suitable Article from the options given below:

He has _____cut on his leg and _____ bruise on his chin.

A. A/a
B. An/the
C. The/a
D. None of these

9. Complete the following paragraph with suitable adverb from the options given below:

Janet practiced awfully hard to win the music award. She was shaking and was _______ nervous as she stepped onto the stage,
even though she had worked really steadily all year. On the other hand, her mother, a piano teacher, was completely confident. She
knew that Janet’s technique was exceptionally beautiful and she played superbly well in front of an audience. However, she also
knew that Janet was terribly tired from studying late. Despite her tiredness, Janet’s playing that night was extraordinarily expressive.
The newspapers praised her very highly and stated that she was remarkably talented.

A. Enough
B. Extremely
C. Always
D. Tired

10. Complete the following paragraph with suitable adverb from the options given below:

Janet practiced awfully hard to win the music award. She was shaking and was extremely nervous as she stepped onto the stage,
even though she had worked ________ steadily all year. On the other hand, her mother, a piano teacher, was completely confident.
She knew that Janet’s technique was exceptionally beautiful and she played superbly well in front of an audience. However, she also
knew that Janet was terribly tired from studying late. Despite her tiredness, Janet’s playing that night was extraordinarily expressive.
The newspapers praised her very highly and stated that she was remarkably talented.

A. Well
B. Never
C. Really
D. Finally

11. Fill in the blank with correct preposition choosing from the options given below:

We talked _______ an hour.

A. At
B. For
C. On
D. In

12. Read the passage and fill in the blank with suitable preposition:

One night I was very upset. I decided to go for a walk. I walked along the lake for a long time, When I looked at my watch I
realized I had been walking for two hours. As I was on my way back home without realizing I started walking towards Sameer’s
house. When I reached Sameer’s room, I switched on the light. I saw Sameer sitting on his bed. ________seeing me he raised his
head. He looked very sick. I stood beside his bed and he grabbed me with both arms. I could see tears in his eyes.

A. At
B. From
C. Of
D. On

13. Fill in the blank with the suitable Conjunction:

Walk quickly _______you will be late.

A. Or
B. When
C. Because
D. So

14. Complete the following letter with suitable conjunction:

Dear Seema,

I wrote a letter to you last week but without any response from your side. Hence I am a bit worried.I thought you are either ill or
busy with your studies hence I am writing this letter. Even if there is any other problem, share it with me however I am going to tell
you an interesting incident. Yesterday while I was coming to school I saw a beggar who was pretending to be blind but in reality he
was not. A man gave him a base coin ________ he returned him the same coin by requesting him not to cheat him even. Though he
was ‘blind’.
More on meeting.

Yours sincerely

A. And
B. If
C. But
D. So that

15. Choose the correct verb in the Present Perfect tense or Simple Past form and fill in the blank from the alternatives
given below:

______ you ever______ chicken?

A. Did/eat
B. Have /eat
C. Have/eaten
D. Did/eaten

16. Fill in the blank with suitable verb form from the options given below:
I usually _______ to school by bus.

A. Come
B. Do
C. Drink
D. Eat

17. Fill in the blank with suitable verb form:

The day began terribly. My alarm didn’t go off and I left the house with only 1 hour to spare before the plane was due to take off.
Luckily there was very little traffic and I ________ at the airport with 30 minutes to spare. I checked in at the gate and went for a
coffee. Just as I sat down , the announcer called my flight. I drank my coffee quickly, and followed the sign to the departure gate,
and then I heard that terrible announcement, the one you don’t want to hear. There was a problem with the engine. I looked around
for a place to get another coffee. I saw a drinks machine so I went over to get some. I put in my money and pressed the button for
black coffee. When I picked up the cup, it contained only water. At that moment, the hostess announced that the plane was delayed
because of bad weather.

A. Went
B. Terminated
C. Reached
D. Arrived

18. Choose the correct ‘Intensifier’ from the options given:

The cat is ______ filthy. Where has it been?

A. Quite
B. Fairly
C. A little
D. Completely

19. Choose the correct present passive verb from the options given:

In many cities the water _______ and piped to our homes.

A. Is purified
B. Purified
C. Are purifying
D. Purifying


My brother drew a picture yesterday. It was ok, but not mine.

A. good as
B. as good as
C. better as
D. best as

offer, give, take, ask for

A. a response
B. an answer
C. advice
D. a solution
22. Choose the part of the sentence that contains an error.

A. The new principal,

B. drove at the street
C. in his battered old car.


I _____ walking when the weather was fine.

A. agreed
B. wanted
C. loved
D. decided


I went boating for the first time last summer. One morning, a boy asked if I would like to go on a houseboat with him. At first I
thought this was a wonderful idea but after a while I wasn’t too sure.
We had to manage the boat ourselves and I had no previous experience. After a while I began to feel more confident. _____
suddenly, we hit a rock and I fell over. I hadn’t hurt myself but felt very embarrassed.

A. Moreover
B. Finally
C. Then
D. Later

25. Choose the correct synonym of the given word:


A. Gathering
B. Inquire
C. Conduct
D. Accused

26. Choose the correct antonym of the given word:


A. Home
B. Refuse
C. Passive
D. Fertile

27. Fill in the blank with right word from the options given below:

A bouquet of flowers ______ presented to the guest.

A. Was
B. Will
C. Were
D. Would

28. There is an error in each line in the passages. The error has been underlined. Choose the correct options given
below to correct the error:
The king of a certain country suddenly became very ill. Though he was said to be sick, he didnot appear to be so. He looked very
healthy with glowing red cheeks. He ate and drank with great appetite, and snored peacefully at night. Since the king kept say that he
was ill, many doctors came to treat him.

A. Said
B. Saying
C. Saw
D. Speak

29. Out of the four choices choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence:

A person who books your tickets on a bus -

A. Driver
B. Conductor
C. Inspector
D. Passenger

30. In the following words, out of the four words one word is wrongly spelt choose that word from the options below:

A. Meridian
B. Ecuator
C. Engine
D. Earnest

31. Four different words are given in the question choose the odd one out:

A. Milk
B. Curd
C. Brinjal
D. Cheese


Name of the Magazine Description Price
Chef’s Delight (A) A monthly magazine for International Chefs Rs. 120
Teen Trumpet (B) A fortnightly magazine for boys and girls Rs. 60
The Green Warriors (C) For the eco-friendly people Rs. 40
Mrs. Seetha has two adolescent children. Which magazine would she like to place an order for?

A. Magazine-A
B. Magazine-B
C. Magazine-C
D. None of these


Gopal paused to take in the smell and scene around him as he walked down the street. He often took this route after school, but did
not remember seeing the creepers that covered the bushes near the road.
He supposed they might have always been there, but the recent rains had probably made them bigger and healthier for they had
grown larger and longer. Now, the creepers seemed to cover everything and bunches of dark berries could be seen among the deep
green leaves. The berries looked delicious, small and red though some were larger and yellowish.
Gopal watched the creepers spread and grow everyday on his way to and back from school and finally one day he decided to taste
the abundant tiny fruit. However, first he wanted to be sure they were edible and took some home to his grandmother who said they
were a kind of gooseberry. Later that day, Gopal checked on the internet to correctly identify the plant. He found that there were
whole pages dedicated to edible wild fruits and plants, as well as imposter plants that looked similar but were actually bad for you.
After much research, he decided the berries were safe to eat. He put one into his mouth and tasted the sharp, tangy flesh. Little black
seeds were at the centre of the fruit. He carefully, savoured the tartness of the wild gooseberry.
Then he began waiting an hour to see if there was any sort of reaction, just in case he’d made a mistake. After a while, when he found
that he had no stomach pains or any other reaction, he ate a few more and then got a bag and collected all the berries he could find.
He rinsed them and ate a few more, but he crushed most of them to make juice. The juice did not need sugar and tasted sweet and
natural. This is how Gopal became interested in plants and learned about them from school and on the internet.
What did Gopal see as he walked along the road?

A. Flowers
B. Vegetables
C. Money plants
D. Wild vines


Name of the Magazine Description Price
Chef’s Delight (A) A monthly magazine for International Chefs Rs. 120
Teen Trumpet (B) A fortnightly magazine for boys and girls Rs. 60
The Green Warriors (C) For the eco-friendly people Rs. 40
A fortnightly magazine is published ______________.

A. once a week
B. twice a month
C. every night
D. none of these

35. Read the passage below and answer the question that follows:

Got my weekly mag

Wrapped in a poly bag
Set me thinking, do we really need
This poly bag which becomes cow’s feed
And makes her suffocate and die.
No, No! Let the world hear my anguished cry.
Say No to this plastic waste
Pick up a paper bag and improve your taste
Down with poly bag, is the need of time
To use more plastic is a crime.
My shampoo bottles, my grocery and my tube of paste
Use plastic and add up to this waste
This way we are inviting environmental crisis
Plastic will kill us unless we make haste.

The greatest need of the present time is to____________.

A. Use plastic products

B. Give up plastic products
C. Save cows
D. Use paper bags as food for cows
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C
11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. C
16. A 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B
21. C 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. D
26. D 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. B
31. C 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. B
Class: 05 Subject: IEO
1 . Fill the blank with suitable relative pronoun choosing from the alternatives given below:

Our friends, _____ we invited to the party, arrived rather early.

A. Which
B. Who
C. Whom
D. Whose

2. Choose the correct comparative or superlative adjective from the alternatives given below:

Go to the pool early in the morning. There will be _____ people then.

A. Fewer
B. The few
C. Fewest
D. More few

3. Choose the correct adjective from the alternatives below:

It is not ______ to cycle down the busy main road.

A. Advise
B. Advising
C. Advisable
D. Advice

Complete the story by filling the blank with suitable article:

One day the tortoise asked a rabbit to run a race with him. The rabbit laughed at the idea. He called the tortoise a fool to challenge an
excellent runner like him. But he agreed. Soon after _____ race started. The rabbit was far ahead, so he thought of an idea. He
decided to take a nap under a tree. On seeing this the tortoise made an extra effort and reached the end point. When the rabbit
woke up, it was too late!

A. An
B. A
C. The
D. None of these

5. Fill in the blank with suitable Article from the options given below:

_______ World Bank is a big organisation.

A. An
B. The
C. A
D. None of these
6. Choose the correct adverb from the options given:

Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano_____.

A. Wonderfully
B. More wonderful
C. Most wonderful
D. Wonderful

7. Choose the correct adverb from the options given:

Bring these medicines from the market_______.

A. Usually
B. Daily
C. Immediate
D. Immediately

8. Choose the correct preposition that goes with the noun before it:

The police have complete control _______ the situation now.

A. At
B. In
C. Over
D. About

9. Choose the correct preposition that goes with the noun before it:

There is a ban_______ mobile phones in Samir’s school.

A. With
B. On
C. For
D. In

10. Fill in the blank with the suitable Conjunction:

Vibhu is crying_______somebody has stolen her doll.

A. Because
B. So
C. Therefore
D. Though

11. Fill in the blank with the suitable Conjunction:

She will die______ the doctors operate immediately.

A. And
B. But
C. Although
D. Unless

12. Choose the verb in the correct Simple Past or Past Continuous form and fill in the blank from the alternatives given
I think I lost my money while I _______ in the park.

A. Ran
B. Were running
C. Run
D. Was running

13. Fill in the blank with suitable verb form:

The day began terribly. My alarm didn’t go off and I left the house with only 1 hour to spare before the plane was due to take off.
Luckily there was very little traffic and I reached at the airport with 30 minutes to spare. I checked in at the gate and went for a
coffee. Just as I ________ down , the announcer called my flight. I drank my coffee quickly, and followed the sign to the departure
gate, and then I heard that terrible announcement, the one you don’t want to hear. There was a problem with the engine. I looked
around for a place to get another coffee. I saw a drinks machine so I went over to get some. I put in my money and pressed the
button for black coffee. When I picked up the cup, it contained only water. At that moment, the hostess announced that the plane
was delayed because of bad weather.

A. Went
B. Sat
C. Jumped
D. Drank

14. Fill in the blank with suitable verb form:

The day began terribly. My alarm _______ and I left the house with only 1 hour to spare before the plane was due to take off.
Luckily there was very little traffic and I reached at the airport with 30 minutes to spare. I checked in at the gate and went for a
coffee. Just as I sat down , the announcer called my flight. I drank my coffee quickly, and followed the sign to the departure gate,
and then I heard that terrible announcement, the one you don’t want to hear. There was a problem with the engine. I looked around
for a place to get another coffee. I saw a drinks machine so I went over to get some. I put in my money and pressed the button for
black coffee. When I picked up the cup, it contained only water. At that moment, the hostess announced that the plane was delayed
because of bad weather.

A. Didn’t get up
B. Didn’t begin
C. Didn’t wake up
D. Didn’t go off

15. The following sentence have been changed into Reported Speech choose the correct sentence:

He said, “I shall come in a few minutes”.

A. He said he will come.

B. He said that he would come in a few minutes.
C. He said I will come.
D. I will come he said.

16. The following sentence have been changed into Reported Speech choose the correct sentence:

The teacher said to her, “Do you notice any change?”

A. The teacher asked her if she noticed any change?

B. The teacher said did she notice any change?
C. She asked if she find any change?
D. To her the teacher said if she find any change?
17. If you are in the pink of your health, you are ____________.

A. sick
B. hale and healthy
C. tired
D. none of these


is a / best friend / man’s / a dog
1 2 3 4

A. 2,1,3,4
B. 4,1,3,2
C. 2,3,4,1
D. 4,1,2,3


You will get good marks, _______ you study hard.

A. If
B. at the time

C. unless
D. suppose


Riya has lived in Chennai ___________ 10 years.

A. for
B. about
C. since
D. ago

Shashank / thinked / of a new plan.

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. No error

22. Choose the correct question tag from the alternatives given below:

The dog didn’t eat its dinner,_______ ?

A. Didn’t it
B. Did it
C. Eat it
D. Does it

23. Choose the correct synonym of the given word:

A. Confess
B. Lively
C. Too
D. Quantity

24. Fill in the blank with right word from the options given below:

Each one of these machines______been checked.

A. Has
B. Have
C. Will
D. Would

25. Fill in the blank with right word from the options given below:

A ______ storm lashed at the city last evening.

A. Hail
B. Hale
C. Water
D. Heavy

26. Out of the four choices choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence:

An expert in food and nutrition -

A. Chef
B. Dentist
C. Dietician
D. Pediatrician

27. In the following words, out of the four words one word is wrongly spelt choose that word from the options below:

A. Actually
B. Celebration
C. Ocasion
D. Often

28. Out of the four choices choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence:

A person who knows the laws and pleads the cases in a court -

A. Lawyer
B. Judge
C. Inspector
D. Client

29. Read the stories and answer the questions that follow.
The Thief and the Bell
A man tried to steal a large bronze bell. It was too heavy to carry. He had a screwdriver, a hammer and a pair of scissors in his bag.
He tried to break up the valuable bronze with a hammer. But this made such a din that the thief feared he would be heard and
discovered by the authorities. So he hastily stuffed his ears with cotton.
The thief stuffed his ears with cotton because
A. he didn’t like the noise he made.
B. he didn’t want others to hear the noise.

C. the noise was disturbing his work.

A man-eating tiger is a tiger that has been forced because of reasons beyond its control to start eating human beings. In nine cases out
of ten either the tiger is wounded, or in the tenth case is very old. Human beings are not the natural prey of tigers and it is only when
tigers are incapable of chasing or hunt they are forced to eat human flesh to live. When a tiger is suffering from one or more painful
wounds (which can happen when it is careless while killing a porcupine, its teeth are missing or defective or its claws are worn down),
it is unable to catch its natural food which is an animal and is forced to kill human beings.
Are all tigers man eaters?

A. Only the ones who are wounded.

B. Only the ones who are careless while killing a porcupine.
C. Only the ones who are wounded or old.
D. Only the ones who have missing teeth.

31. Read the stories and answer the questions that follow.
The Thief and the Bell
A man tried to steal a large bronze bell. It was too heavy to carry. He had a screwdriver, a hammer and a pair of scissors in his bag.
He tried to break up the valuable bronze with a hammer. But this made such a din that the thief feared he would be heard and
discovered by the authorities. So he hastily stuffed his ears with cotton.
The thief stuffed his ears with cotton. He was being ______

A. wise.
B. foolish.
C. careful.

32. Read the passage below and answer the question that follows:

How does a butterfly grow? It starts out as a tiny egg. It becomes a caterpillar. It eats lots of leaves. It grows and grows. Then it
goes inside a cocoon. At last, it comes out It’s a butterfly!
How does a frog grow? It starts out as a tiny egg in the water. The egg grows into a tadpole. It keeps changing. It eats tiny plants. It
grows and grows. At last, it hops out of the pond. It’s a frog!
How does a flower grow? It starts out as a seed. Sun and rain help the seed grow. Roots grow into the ground. The plant grows and
grows. At last, a bud opens. It’s a flower!

Now you know how things grow!

What do you think the butterfly will do next?

A. Fly away
B. Turn into a frog
C. Sing a song
D. Swim in the water

33. Read the passage below and answer the question that follows:

The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever lived. It’s bigger and heavier than the biggest dinosaur ever was. The largest of the
dinosaur is thought to have weighed about 50 tons, while the blue whale may weigh over 150 tons, and grow to over 100 feet long!
In fact, when a blue whale is born, it is already bigger than an adult elephant.

In summer blue whales stay in cold water near the North or South Poles. In winter they move into warmer parts of the ocean. They
travel either alone or in small groups of three or four called pods.

Blue whales are now protected by law. All the major whaling nations of the world are members of the International Whaling
Commission. They have agreed that they will not hunt blue whales. But many scientists believe that there is no way of stopping blue
whales from becoming extinct. So it may not be long before the blue whale joins the dinosaur as a museum specimen, with no living
specimens left. And if you want to hear the song of the blue whale, you will have to listen to a record, for the whales won’t be singing
any more.

The word heavy is a/an__________.

A. Adjective
B. Verb
C. Adverb
D. Noun

34. Read the passage below and answer the question that follows:

The dogsled race was about to begin. Julie’s team of dogs was lined up at the starting gate. Julie stood behind them. The air was so
cold that she could see her breath. Other teams were lined up, too, and the dogs were excited. Julie kept her eyes on the clock. At
exactly ten o’clock, she and the other racers yelled, “Mush!” The dogs knew that meant “Go!” They leapt forward and the race

Julie had trained months for this race, and she hoped she and her dogs would win. Hour after hour, day after day, Julie’s dogs pulled
the sled in order to get in shape for the race.

Now, they ran over snowy hills and down into frozen valleys. They stopped only to rest and eat. They wanted to stay ahead of the
other teams. The racers had t go a thousand miles across Alaska. Alaska is one of the coldest places on Earth. The dogs’ thick fur
coats helped keep them warm in the cold wind and weather. In many places along the route, the snow was deep. Pieces of ice were
as sharp as a knife. The ice could cut the dogs’ feet. To keep that from happening, Julie had put special booties on their feet.

At first, the dogs seemed to pull the sled very slowly. They were still getting used to the race. But on the third day out, they began to
pull more quickly. They worked as a team and passed many of the other racers. Once, one of the sled’s runners slid into a hole and
broke. Julie could have given up then, but she didn’t. She fixed it and they kept going.

When they finally reached the finish line, they found out that they had come in first place! It was a great day for Julie and her dogs.

Where does the dogsled race take place?

A. In Antarctica
B. On a track
C. In Alaska
D. In a field

Read the following ‘Notice’ and fill in the blank with suitable word from the alternatives given below:

Air Force School - Delhi

1st Feb’20XX
School magazine
Students who would like to have their jokes, stories, poems published
in the school magazine should submit their ________to the undersigned
latest by 5t h Feb 2011. The stories should be original and written on
A4 size sheets.

Student Editor

A. Writings
B. Notice
C. Entries
D. Stories
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A
11. D 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. B
16. A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. A
21. B 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. A
26. C 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. C
31. B 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. C

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