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Communication skill is the ability for an individual to accurately convey a message to another person or group
of people.
Communication can take place in numerous ways:
- Through written words.
- Through spoken words.
- Through pictures and diagrams.
- Through facial expressions, behavior, and posture
In business the most common forms of communication are spoken and written, though visual forms can
play a part.

Brilliant communication skills - give workers an edge (lợi thế) in workplace.

- increase employability.
Speaking and writing skills are the most sought-after (dc săn đón) by employers.
Recruiters may evaluate candidates’ communication skills and professionalism via (thông qua) the contents of
their online posts.

“People skills / Interpersonal skills/ professional skills are defined as a combination of communication, logical
reasoning, critical thinking, teamwork, and management skills.”
Apart from technical knowledge, workers are expected to show professionalism and possess (sở hữu) soft skills,
people skills or emotional intelligence.

The most common forms of technologies at work today

1. Clouding computing offers access data on remote servers (máy chủ) with a computer or mobile device
- This technology increases mobility (tính di động) and information sharing.
- All social media platforms are cloud-based such as Microsoft’s Office 365 or Adobe’s Creative Suite.
2. VoIP Phone System: allows callers to communicate via a broadband Internet connection, thus eliminating
long-distance and local telephone charges.
VD: Skype, Viber are examples of this system.
3. Open office and home office : Small computers and flat-screen monitors enable workers to save space with
boomerang-shaped workstations and cockpit-style work surfaces. (bề mặt làm việc kiểu buồng lái)
4. Speech Recognition: Computers and mobile devices equipped with speech- recognition software enable
users to dictate hands-free (ra lệnh rảnh tay) with accuracy.
- Users can create documents, enter data, compose, and send emails, search the Web, control laptops by VOICE!
5. Electronic Presentations and Data Visualization: Business Presentations in PowerPoint, Prezi, or Keynote
can be projected from a laptop or tablet or posted online.
- (cầu kỳ) Sophisticated presentations may include animations, sound effects, digital photos, video clips or
6. Social media for business
- Businesses can take advantage of the social media to send message to the public, drive traffic to their
websites, announce events, and promotions, get customer’s feedbacks.
- Organizations may use the social media to build brands and attract talented candidates.
7. Blogs, Podcasts, and Wikis
- Blogs are used to keep customers and employees informed and get their feedback.
- Podcasts are popular audio files played back from a website or downloaded to a digital audio players
- A Wiki is an Internet or Intranet site that allows multiple users to collaboratively create, edit, and store digital
files. (vd: docs)
8. Web conferencing and Video conferencing (hội thảo) (vd: MS Teams)
- Web conferencing incorporates (kết hợp) screen sharing, chats, slide presentations, text messaging, and
application sharing.
- All services provide voice and video and they can be accessed from all devices.


1. Remote work and 24/7/365 availability

- High-speed and wireless Internet access free 30% of workers from conventional jobs in physical offices.
- Workers can telecommute.
- Constant connectedness increases the work hours and shorten paid vacations.

2. More collaboration and teamwork

- More cross-functional teams are created to empower workers and involve them in the decision- making.
- High- tech devices allow more information to be shared, gathered, decisions implemented (thực hiện) and
conflicts (xung đột) managed more effectively.
- Virtual teams might formed by distant members.
- Free agents are hired a on project basis.

3. Flattened management layers

- High technologies enable managers to make decisions, and communicated them to customers, workers
and executives (giám đốc ĐH) directly.

4. Global competition and cultural diversity

- As companies go global, workforce becomes more diverse.
- Workers are expected to be develop intercultural skills, including sensitivity, flexibility, patience, and

5. Emphasis on ethics
- Misconduct cases are released widely on the media (Các vụ việc sai trái được đăng tải rộng rãi trên),
which means companies and workers should be aware of protecting their brands and reputation.


Culture is defined as the complex system of values, traits, morals, customs shared by a society.
Key elements of culture: Context; Individualism; Communication style; Power distance; Time orientation

I. Context is defined as the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding an event

1. Low- context cultures

- Communicators depend little on the context and shared experience to convey their meaning.
- Messages are explicit, and listeners rely solely on written and spoken words.
- Messages should be (khách quan)objective, professional and efficient.
- Words are taken literally. (nghĩa đen)
- Some low-context cultures include: The United States, Canada, Australia, The Netherlands, Germany
and Switzerland

2. High- context cultures

- Communicators assume that listeners do not need background information.
- Communicators emphasize interpersonal relationship, non-verbal expressions, physical setting, and social
- Communication cues (tín hiệu) tend to be transmitted by posture, voice inflection, gestures and facial
- Some high-context cultures include: Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Kenya and Russia


1. Individualism: They (đề cao) uphold individual action and personal responsibility.
- Low-context cultures tend to value individualism.
- They believe that initiative (sáng kiến) and self-assertion (tự khẳng định) result in personal achievement.
- They expect much freedom in their personal lives.
2. Collectivism: They emphasize membership in an organizations, groups and teams.
- High-context cultures are more collectivist.
- They embrace group values, duties and decisions.
- They resist (chống lại) independence (sự đối đầu) since it fosters (thúc đẩy) competition (cạnh tranh) and
confrontation (đối đầu)
- Business decisions are made collectively.

III. Power distance index measures how people in different societies cope with inequality (the way they
relate (đối xử) to more powerful individuals)
- In high-power distance countries, subordinates (cấp dưới) expect formal hierarchies and embrace
relatively authoritarian, paternalistic power relationships.
(hệ thống phân cấp chính thức và nắm giữ các mối quan hệ quyền lực gia trưởng, độc tài tương đối.)

- In low-power distance countries, subordinates consider themselves as equals of their supervisors. They
voice opinions and participate in decision making.


- Low- context culture: Words are important especially in contracts and negotiation; Straightforward,
- High- context culture: Surrounding context is more important than words; Contracts are seen as
statements of intention

- Ethnocentrism /ˌeθnəʊˈsentrɪzəm/ Chủ nghĩa dân tộc is the belief in the superiority of one’s own ethnic
group. (tính ưu việt của dân tộc mình) Ethnocentrism causes people to judge others by their own values.
- Stereotype /ˈsteriətaɪp/ khuôn mẫu is an oversimplified, rigid perception (nhận thức quá đơn giản và cứng
nhắc) of a behavioral pattern or characteristic applied uncritically to groups(áp dụng một cách thiếu phê
phán). Stereotypes may be hurtful and cause misunderstanding.
- Tolerance /ˈtɒlərəns/khoan dung means learning about those who are not like us. Be receptive to new
experiences. Tolerance leads to understanding and acceptance. Be empathetic, trying to see the world
through another’s eyes. Be less judgmental and eager (háo hức) to seek common ground (điểm chung).
= Open-mindedness

- Successful Oral Communication with Intercultural Audiences: Bằng miệng

+ Use simple English
+ Speack slowly and enunciate clearly
+ Encourage accurate feedback: paraphrase what you said
+ Check frequently comprehension: make one point at a time and pause
+ Observe eye messages
+ Accept blame
+ Listen without interrupting
+ Smile when appropriate
+ Follow up in writing
- Successful writen Communication with Intercultural Audiences: Bằng miệng
+ Consider local styles and conventions
+ Observe titles and rank
+ Hire a translator
+ Use short sentances and short paragraphs (20,,8)
+ Avoid ambiguity
+ Cite number carefully (trách dẫn số)
- Communicating in Diverse Workplace
+ Seek training
+ Understanding the value of difference: crative
+ Lear about your cultural self
+ Make fewwer assumptions (giả định): Do not assume that everyone shares the same beliefs,
+ Build on similarities

In workplace, writing should be
▪ Purposeful
Your goal is to solve problems and convey information.
Each message should have definite strategy (chiến lược nhất định)
▪ Economical
Present ideas clearly but concisely (ngắn gọn). Length is not rewarded.
▪ Audience centered (lấy đối tượng là trung tâm)
Look at a problem from the perspective (khía cạnh) of the audience instead of seeing it from your own

3 phases

- Analyze the audience and the purpose for writing.
+ The primary purpose is mainly to inform and persuade.
→ Informational messages are messages that explain procedures (thủ tục), announce meeting, answer
question, and transmit finding.
→ Persuasive messages attempt to sell products, convince managers, motivate workers, and win over
+ The secondary purpose is to create goodwill (thiện chi)

- Anticipate (dự đoán) the audience’s reaction to your message.

+ Focusing on audience benefits
+ Cultivating the “You” view (Nuôi dưỡng quan điểm “Bạn”).
Do not overuse or misuse pronoun you. Đừng lạm dụng hoặc sử dụng sai đại từ you!
+ Sounding conventional but professional

- Adapt your message to your audience using the right words and tone.
+ Be positive rather than negative
+ Expressing courtesy (thể hiện sự lịch sự)
+ Avoid gender- , age- and disability- language - Tránh ngôn ngữ về giới tính, tuổi tác và khuyết tật
+ Use plain (đơn giản) language and familiar words
+ Use precise and vigorous words - Sử dụng từ ngữ chính xác và mạnh mẽ

- Research information for the message.
- Organize the message.
- Prepare the first draft of the message.
REVISING (sửa): 50%
- Edit the message for clarity, conciseness (ngắn gọn), tone and readability (dễ đọc)
- Proofread (đọc lại) the message to check spelling, grammar, punctuation (dấu câu) and format.
- Evaluate the message to decide if it meets your objective (đáp ứng mục tiêu)

The faster you can articulate(nói rõ ràng) your ideas and the more efficiently you can explain what needs to be
said, the more successful and content you will be in your career
- The process of drafting a message before gathering a background information is called research, which
means collecting information about a topic and helps you shape your message, discover significant
information and reorganize your thoughts.
+ Informal Research:
Search your company’s files.
Talk with the boss.
Interview the target audience.
Create an informal survey.
Brainstorm for ideas.
+ Formal Research: Information for long reports and proposals
Primary sources.
Secondary sources.

- Direct Strategy: Receptive Audiences (dễ tiếp thu), Good new
+ Saves the reader’s time.
+ Sets a proper frame of mind.
+ Reduces frustration (sự thất vọng)
- Indirect Strategy : Unreceptive Audiences, Bad new
+ Respects the feelings of the audience.
+ (tạo đkien)Facilitates a fair hearing (công bằng)
+ Minimizes a negative reaction.

- Research your topic, brainstorm for fresh ideas, and select a strategy to organize the data.
- To begin drafting sentences and organizing your ideas, work from an outline.
- To compose (soạn) messages set aside a given time and allow no calls, visitors, or other interruptions.
- Free writing is suggested: getting your thoughts down quickly and refining them in later versions.

4 Sentence Types

Writing a First Draft With Powerful Sentences

1. Avoiding 3 Common Sentence Faults
- Fragment: Phân mảnh (ngắt câu tùy tiện)
- Run-on Sentence: Câu liền mạnh, không có ngắt nghỉ đúng chỗ
- Comma Splice: Mối nối, vd như thiếu however, but,…
2. Choosing short Sentences

Mastering 4 Helpful Writing Techniques

1. Creating Emphasis
-> Visual: bold, underline, font change, all caps,…
-> Writing Style:
- Use vivid not genarel words: -> reader can picture ideas clearly
- Lable the main idea: If an idea is important, tell the reader.
- Place the important idea fisrt or last
- Give the important idea the spotlight: -> in a simple sentence, or independent clause
- De-emphasize when necesssary :
+ Use genarel words
+ Subordinate the bad news
2. Using the Active and Passive Voice Effectively
3. Creating Parallelism (song song): Vd các Nouns trong câu phải match với nhau
4. Dodging Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers
Tránh các sửa đổi lơ lửng và đặt sai vị trí

Building Well-Organized Paragraphs

- Crafting Topic Sentences (Viết câu chủ đề)
Expresses the primary idea of the paragraph, which may appear at the beginning, in the middle, or at the
end of the paragraph. It tells readers what to expect and helps them understand the paragraph’s central
thought immediately.
- Developing Supporting Sentences
Supporting sentences illustrate, explain, or strengthen the topic sentence. One of the hardest things for
beginning writers to remember is that all support sentences in the paragraph must relate to the topic
- Creating Paragraph Coherence: Tạo sự mạch lạc của đoạn văn
- Controlling Paragraph Length

8 Tips for Safe Social Networking

■ Beware of privacy settings.
■ Check before you click.
■ Realize that Big Data never goes away.
■ Beware of oversharing.
■ Think twice before friending.
■ Be careful of third-party apps.
■ Limit your LinkedIn info.
■ Don’t link accounts.
Some statistics about the use of E-mails in workplace
• 1st email was sent about 50 years ago;
• Email traffic growth: 4% per year worldwide;
• Office workers receive on average 120 messages a day;
• 125 billions business e-mails are exchanged daily;
=> ‘YOU CAN’T KILL EMAIL!’ (Alexis Madrigal – tech expert)

E-mail preferential (ưu tiên)

- E-mail is technologically far superior to social media, messaging, and collaboration platforms.
Về mặt công nghệ, e-mail vượt trội hơn nhiều so với các nền tảng truyền thông xã hội, nhắn tin và cộng tác.
- E-mail is least distracting, most sophisticated social network, and offers greater privacy.
E-mail ít gây mất tập trung nhất, mạng xã hội phức tạp nhất và mang lại sự riêng tư cao hơn.

Some common Complaints about E-mail

Email is not always done well
• More than one typo per e-mail is unprofessional.
• E-mail seems to be impersonal; for example, when you have only one-line e-mails. They are so transactional as they sound
like an automaton is responding
• People need to have writing skills for e-mails.
Email Overload
• Workers report they spend about 5 hours a day reading and writing e-mail (3 hours on work e-mail and 2 hours on personal
messages). Some of those are unnecessary, just to confirm receipt or to express thanks.

The scary permanence of digital messages Tính lâu dài đáng sợ của tin nhắn kỹ thuật số

• After deletion, e-mail files still leave trails on servers within and outside organizations. Long-forgotten
messages may turn up in court cases as damaging and costly evidence.
Sau khi xóa, các tập tin e-mail vẫn để lại dấu vết trên các máy chủ trong và ngoài tổ chức. Những tin nhắn bị lãng quên từ lâu có thể xuất hiện trong các phiên
tòa dưới dạng bằng chứng gây tổn hại và tốn kém.

• Organizations can legally monitor their staff’s personal e-mail accounts too if the workers access them on
the company’s network.
• If employees set up their company’s e-mail on their smartphones, they have given their employer the right
to remotely delete all personal data on the mobile device.
Nếu nhân viên thiết lập e-mail của công ty trên điện thoại thông minh của họ, họ đã cấp cho chủ nhân quyền xóa từ xa tất cả dữ liệu cá nhân trên thiết bị di
• Make sure you know your organization’s e-mail policy before sending personal messages or forwarding
work-related information to your personal e-mail account. Otherwise, you may be fired for Internet or e-
mail-related misuse.
Nếu không, bạn có thể bị sa thải vì sử dụng sai mục đích liên quan đến Internet hoặc e-mail.

When and how to use e-mail efficiently and safely?

✓ Short informal messages travel by text, instant message, or chat while e-mail is appropriate (phù hợp) for
longer, more involved (liên quan), and well-organized (tổ chức tốt) messages that may provide request
information and respond to inquiries;
✓ E-mail is effective for messages to multiple receivers and those that must be archived (saved);
✓ E-mail is appropriate as a cover document when sending longer attachments.
E-mail thích hợp làm tài liệu bìa khi gửi các tệp đính kèm dài hơn.

In which situation is email not a substitute (thay thế)? -> không phù hợp Email:
✓ When you want to convey enthusiasm or warmth, explain a complex situation, present a persuasive
argument, or smooth over disagreements (xoa dịu những bất đồng);
✓ When it ‘requires a human moment’ that is those that are emotional, require negotiation (thương lượng)
and relate to personnel.
→ In these situations, face-to-face conversations or telephone calls are far more appropriate than e-mail.

A professional e-mail has

✓ A compelling subject line (Một dòng chủ đề hấp dẫn)
✓ Appropriate greeting;
✓ Well-organized bodies;
✓ Complete closing information.
Step 1: Draft a compelling but concise subject line (TIÊU ĐỀ)
Soạn thảo dòng chủ đề hấp dẫn (thuyết phục) nhưng ngắn gọn
Step 2: Include a Greeting/salutation
Step 3: Organize the Body for Readability and Tone
Step 4: Close Effectively

Using time management strategies:

• Check your e-mail at set times such as first thing in the morning and again after lunch or at 4 p.m.;
• Turn off your audio and visual alerts (âm cảnh báo);
• If mornings are your best working times, check your e-mail later in the day;
• Discuss with your boss your schedule for responding and share it with your colleagues
• The two-minute rule: if you can read and respond to a message within 2 minutes, then take care of it
immediately. For messages that require more time, add them to your to-do list or schedule them on your
calendar.. To be polite, send a quick note telling the sender when you plan to respond.

Down-Editing is a useful skill involving (liên quan): down editting là trả lời mail bằng cách nhấn trả lời, xóa
tiêu đề các tập tin không liên quan đến câu trả lời và cả box chữ ký.
• Inserting your responses to parts of the incoming message;
• After a courteous opening, your reply message will include only the parts of the incoming messages to
which you are responding. Sau phần mở đầu lịch sự, tin nhắn trả lời của bạn sẽ chỉ bao gồm những phần của tin nhắn đến mà bạn đang trả lời.
• Your responses can be identified with your initials if more than one person will be seeing the response.
You may use a different font color for your down-edits.
Câu trả lời của bạn có thể được xác định bằng tên viết tắt của bạn nếu có nhiều người nhìn thấy câu trả lời. Bạn có thể sử dụng màu phông chữ khác cho các
bản chỉnh sửa của mình.

What are the good points of the down-edited reply?

• Reducing confusion;
• Saving writing and reading time;
• Making you look professional.

Memos are necessary for important internal messages that are

(a) Too long for e-mail
(b) Requiring a permanent record – without a long thread of confusing replies or without changing the
origination date when a file is accessed like in an e-mail.
Yêu cầu một bản ghi vĩnh viễn - không có một chuỗi dài các câu trả lời

(c) Demanding formality

(d) Informing employees who may not have work e-mail such as those in manufacturing or construction.
➔ Within organizations, memos deliver changes in procedures, official instructions, and reports.
Compare Memos and E-mails
✓ Similarities ✓ Differences
+ Components (Thành phần): Both have subject + In e-mails to customers and clients, you need to
line, dateline, identification of sender and receiver, close messages with goodwill statements (thiện chí);
using headings, bulleted lists, and enumerated items + In messages Memos to coworkers, you need NOT
whenever possible to enhance readability. close messages with goodwill statements; however,
+ Content: Both carry non-sensitive information and some closing thought is often necessary to avoid
generally close with: sounding abrupt.
(a) Action information, dates, or deadlines Examples:
(b) A summary of the message I sincerely appreciate your help.
(c) A closing thought What are your ideas on this proposal?
Examples of closing thought: How would you like to proceed?
• An action is requested (Please create a Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.
slideshow featuring our new product line by (What mistake? => overused expression =>
Mechanical and insincere!)
August 20 so that we are prepared for the
trade show in May).
• A summary of main points.
• A simple concluding thought (I’m glad to
answer your questions; This sounds like a
worthwhile project).

• Podcasts are digital audio programs resembling radio shows.
• They tend to be series of episodes that generally feature a host, sometimes two, often in an interview
• They are distributed regularly – daily, weekly, or monthly.
• They can be played on demand in a Web browser or with a mobile app on various digital devices.
• Podcast/Podcasting = Broadcasting + iPod (Apple MP3 player)
• Podcasts cover diverse topics. Most are pre-recorded, but some are live.

- Podcasts can be categoried by genre (subject), producers and their purpose

A majority of podcasts is devoted to entertainment.

Why are companies eager to jump into making a podcast series?

• Independence from social media algorithms
• Diversification in company’s media channels
➔ To attract listeners, the podcast host should be a well-known businessperson or TV personality.
These players have necessary technical and journalistic expertise(có chuyên môn kỹ thuật và báo chí cần thiết.)
External use of Podcasts (sử dụng Pc bên ngoài)
Internal use of Podcasts
• Firms use podcasts to inform, engage, and train staff.
• Podcasts often replace costlier live teleconferences.(hội nghị truyền hình)
• Human resources policies can be presented in podcasts or videos for on-demand consumption (tiêu thụ).

The benefits of Education Podcasts:

• Facilitate accessible learning for students anytime and anywhere especially for those with disabilities;
• For auditory learners;
• Create an archive of lessons.(tạo kho lưu trữ bài học)
Podcasts can make money
✓ Podcasts with sizable audiences will attract advertisers.
✓ 2,000 most popular podcasts draw the likes of the top five most prolific podcasts advertisers among more
than 9,000 brands buying podcast ads. (GEICO, Capital One, Progressive, Procter & Camble brands,
✓ Sought-after podcasters also have sponsors and get paid for product endorsements (xác nhận).

Blog: is a website or social media platform with generally well-crafted articles or commentaries (bài viết
hoặc bình luận được soạn thảo kỹ lưỡng) on various topics such as new products or services, media coverage,
industry news etc.
Why do businesses use blogs?
➢ They use blogs to keep customers, employees, and the public at large informed.
➢ They use blogs to communicate internally with employees and the external public
How companies tell stories?
- They use blogs to create virtual communities (cộng đồng ảo)
- They use blogs for public relations, customer relations, market research, internal communication, online
community building, and recruiting.
- Internal blogs on corporate intranet serve as information hubs, encourage discussion, create a sense of
community, and foster engagement.
1. Public relations and customer relations
- To provide updated company information to the media, employees, and the public.
- Blogs can be written by rank-and-file employees or top managers.
- Tech companies rely on blogs a lot
- Retailers also blog
2. Engagement and Viral Marketing
- Engagement aspect of blogging aims at soliciting creative ideas from the public, but its efficiency is still
in doubt.
- Viral marketing means the rapid spread of messages online much like the spread of infectious
diseases.(bệnh truyền nhiễm)
- Viral messages must be authentic and elicit an emotional response.
- Large companies often have their own social media experts and marketers to scutinize (rà soát) social
media for buzz and positive and negative posts about their organizations and products
3. Online communities
- Company blogs can draw a loyal core (thu hút lượng người trung thành) following businesses and brands.
- Such followers want to keep informed about company events, products updates, offers, freebies, and other
4. Internal communication and Recruiting
- Blogs can be used to keep virtual teams on track and share updates on the road internally.
- Such blogs can help build communities, prompt expertise sharing, stimulate employee involvement.
- Internal corporate blogs serve as searchable archives of company knowledge
- Public-facing blogs mirror (phản ánh) the company culture and present invaluable opportunity for job
candidates to size up (đánh giá) a potential employer and the people working there.

7 tips in mastering Blogs

1. Craft a Catchy but Concise Title - Tạo một tiêu đề hấp dẫn nhưng ngắn gọn
➢ Headline makes online readers click to go your post.
➢ (hấp dẫn) Intriguing questions or Promises?
➢ How is success measured?
By user engagement in the form of LIKE, SHARE, or COMMENT
2. Ace the Opening Paragraph
➢ The lead must deliver on the promise of the headline. (Người dẫn đầu phải thực hiện đúng lời hứa của dòng tiêu đề.)
➢ Identify a need and propose (đề xuất) to solve the problem
➢ Ask a relevant question
➢ Tell an anecdote (giai thoại) or use an analogy (so sánh) to connect with the reader
➢ Say something startling (kinh ngạc)
3. Provide Details in the Body
➢ Mind the So what? What’s in it for me? questions.
➢ Use vivid examples, quotations and testimoninals, or statistics.
➢ Structure the body with numbers, bullets, and subheadings.
➢ Use expressive action verbs (buy for get, own for have, travel or jet for go).
➢ Use conversational language to sound warm and authentic.
➢ Use contractions (can’t for cannot; doesn’t for does not; isn’t for is not).
4. Consider Visuals (hình ảnh)
➢ Add visual interest with relevant images and diagrams;
➢ Keep paragraphs short;
➢ Use plenty of white space around them;
➢ Aim to make the look simple and easy to scan.
5. Include a Call to Action (lời kêu gọi hành động)
➢ Call on readers to do something or provide a take-away and gentle nudge (huých nhẹ nhàng) at the end
➢ Ask open-ended questions – also effective closing
6. Edit and Proofread (Chỉnh sửa và soát lỗi)
➢ Cut any unneeded words, sentences, and irrelevant ideas;
➢ Fix awkward, wordy, and repetitious sentences;
➢ Edit and proofread as if your life depended on it – your reputation might;
➢ The best blogs are error free.
7. Respond to Posts Respectfully
➢ Build a positive image online by posting compelling (hấp dấn) comments on other bloggers’ posts;
➢ Politely and promptly (kịp thời) reply to comments on your site;
➢ If you disagree with a post, do so respectfully. Don’t ramble (lan man)

(điều hướng) Navigating Social Networking for Business

• Nimble Damage Control and Responding to Grievances.
Kiểm soát thiệt hại nhanh nhẹn và ứng phó với khiếu nại.
• Connecting Dispersed Workers (Kết nối người lao động phân tán)
• Crowdsourcing Employees to Achieve Buy-In
Tìm nguồn cung ứng từ đám đông để nhân viên đạt được sự ủng hộ


- Productivity losses
- Leaking trade secret
- Attracting the wrath (cơn thịnh nộ) of huge Internet audiences
- Facing embarrassment over inappropriate employee posts

Use Media Professionally

Do: - Learn company’s policies
- Separate work – personal data
- Avoid sending perdonal e-mail, messages, texts from work.
- Be carefull when posting on social networking sites
- Keep sensitive information private
- Stay away from pornography, sexually explicit jokes, or inappropriate screen savers
nội dung khiêu dâm, trò đùa khiêu dâm hoặc trình bảo vệ màn hình không phù hợp

Don’t: - Spread rumors, gosip, negative comment

- Download, spread cartoons
- Download free software to company machines
- Open attachments sent by email
- Store music, photo on company machine
- Watch streaming videos
- Share files, services

CHAPTER 9: Informal Reports

Report Functions
- Informational: Present data without analysis or recommendations
- Analytical: Present data or findings, analyses, conclusions, and recommendations
The Direct Strategy: If readers are informed, supportive, eager to have results first

The Indirect Strategy: If readers need to be educated, persuaded, may be disappointed or hostile
➔ Analytical Report

Report Headings
• Serve as an outline of the report
• Highlight major ideas and categories
• Act as guides for locating information
• Provide resting points for the
mind and the eye
• Organize data into meaningful
- Functional headings: describe functions or general topics: Background, Findings, Benefits, Costs
- Talking headings: describe content and provide more information: Benefits of Offering a Wellness

Effective Report Headings

• Use appropriate heading levels.
• (phấn đấu) Strive for parallel construction within levels.
• Use first- and second-level headings for short reports.
• Capitalize and underline carefully.
• Keep headings short but clear.
• Include at least one heading per report page.

Developing Informal Reports

- Determine problem and purpose.
- Gather data.
+ Primary data: From firsthand experience and observation
• Company records
• Printed materials (books, newspapers and periodicals)
• Electronic resources (Web, electronic databases, online resources)

+ Secondary data: From reading what others have experienced or observed and recorded
• Personal observation and experience
• Surveys, questionnaires, and inventories
• Interviews

- Organize data.
- Write first draft.
- Edit and revise.

➔ Being Objective in Writing Reports (khách quan)

+ Present both sides of an issue.
+ Separate fact from opinion.
+ Be sensitive and (vừa phải) moderate in language.
+ Cite sources carefully.

Typical Informal Reports

 Information reports
- Collect and organize information
- Provide findings without analysis or persuasion

 Progress reports
- Explain the progress of continuing projects
- May be internal or external
 Justification/recommendation reports
- Justify or recommend something (buying equipment, changing a procedure, hiring an employee, etc.)

 (khả thi) Feasibility reports

- Examine the practicality and advisability of a course of action
- Ask: Will this plan or proposal work?
 Minutes of meetings
 Summaries

CHAPTER 10: Proposals and Formal Reports

(đề xuất) Proposals: is a persuasive document designed to motivate the reader to spend, make, or save
▪ Internal – May take the form of justification/recommendation report
▪ External – Solicited (responding to RFP) or unsolicited (prospecting for business)
Được yêu cầu (phản hồi RFP) hoặc không được yêu cầu (tìm kiếm hoạt động kinh doanh)
▪ Formal – long, many parts
▪ Informal – shorter, six main parts

Informal proposals: are usually presented in 2- to 4-page letters or memos and have six main parts.
❶ Introduction: should provide “hook” to capture reader’s interest.
❷ Background: identifies problems and goals of project.
❸ Proposal: plan and schedule for solving existing problem.
❹ Staffing: credentials and expertise of project leaders (bằng cấp và chuyên môn của người lãnh đạo dự án)
❺ Budget: project costs.
❻ Authorization request: asks for approval to proceed.
Formal Proposals: include all the basic parts of informal proposals but may have additional parts.
Possible additional parts:
• Copy of RFP
• Letter or memo of transmittal
• Abstract and/or executive summary
• Title page
• Table of contents
• List of figures
• Appendix

Formal Reports
1. Research Secondary
- Print Resources: Books
- Electronic Databases: magazine, newspaper, journal articles
- Web
2. Generating Primary Data
- Survey
- Observe
- Experiment
- Interview
3. Document Data (tài liệu)
- Another person's ideas, opinions, examples, or theory
- Any facts, statistics, and graphics that are not common knowledge
- Quotations of another person's actual spoken or written words
- Paraphrases of another person's spoken or written words
4. Organize Data
- The main points used to outline a report often become the main headings of the written report.
+ Major headings are centered and typed in bold font.
+ Second-level headings start at the left margin.
+ Third-level headings are indented (thụt lề) and become part of the paragraph

5. Illustrate report data (minh họa)

Reasons to use visual aids
• To clarify data
• To summarize important ideas
• To emphasize facts and provide focus
• To add visual interest
Most common types of visual aids
• Tables: To show exact figures and values
• Charts
- Bar Chart: To compare one item with others
- Line Chart: To demonstrate changes in quantitative data over time
- Pie Chart: To visualize a whole unit and the proportions of its components
- Flow Chart: To display a process or procedure
- Organization Chart: To define a hierarchy of elements or a set of relationships.
• Photographs, maps, and illustrations: To achieve authenticity, to spotlight a location, or to show an
item in use.
→ Tips for Effective Use of Visual Aids
- Evaluate the audience. Consider the reader, the content, your schedule, and your budget.
- Use restraint. Don’t overdo the color or design.
- Be accurate and ethical. Double-check your graphics; don’t distort the visuals. Cite sources when using
someone else’s facts and data.
- Introduce graphs. Place the graphic close to where it is mentioned. Explain its significance.
- Choose an appropriate caption or heading. Use functional or talking headings. (See Chapter 9.)
6. Present the final report
Parts of a Formal Report
(mở đầu) Prefatory Parts
• Title page
• Letter of transmittal
• Table of contents
• List of figures
• Executive summary
Body of Report
• Introduction or background
• Discussion of findings
• Summary, conclusions, recommendations
Supplementary Parts of a Formal Report
▪ Footnotes or endnotes
▪ Works cited (trích dẫn), references (TL tham khảo), or bibliography
▪ Appendix


Creating effective business presentation

1a: Speaking Skills and Your Career

• Interpreting information through speaking, listening, and observing is part of the skill set that will
robot-proof your career.
• When you are in the job market, remember that speaking skills rank high on recruiters’ wish lists
• Speaking skills are useful at every career stage

1b: Understanding Presentation Types

❑ Some presentations are informative (thông tin), whereas others are persuasive.
❑ Some are face-to-face; others, virtual.
❑ Some are performed before big audiences, whereas others are given to smaller groups.
Some presentations are elaborate; others are simple.
1c: Know your purpose
❑ You must have a clear idea of where you are going.
❑ What do you want your audience to believe, remember, or do when you finish?
❑ Aim all parts of your talk toward your purpose.
1d: Know your audience
- Four audience types: friendly, neutral (trung lập), uninterested, hostile (thù địch)

- How will this topic appeal to this audience?

- How can I relate this information to my listeners’ needs?
- How to gain credibility?
- What would be most effective in making my point? (Facts? Statistics? Personal experiences? Expert
opinion? Humor? Cartoons? Graphic illustrations? Demonstrations? Case histories? Analogies?)
- What measures must I take to ensure that this audience remembers my main points?
Organizing Presentations to Connect With audiences
❑ After determining your purpose and analyzing the audience, you are ready to collect information and
organize it logically
Step 1: Tell them what you are going to tell them.
Step 2: Tell them.
Step 3: Tell them what you have told them.
❑ In other words, repeat your main points in the introduction, body, and conclusion of your presentation

2a: Getting Off to a Good Start in the Introduction

❑ A Promise “By the end of my talk, you will . . . .”
❑ Drama—tell a moving story; describe a problem.
❑ Eye contact—command attention by making eye contact with as many people as possible.
❑ Current events/statistics. Mention a current event or statistic (the more startling, the better) that is
relevant to your topic and to which the audience can relate.
❑ A quote. Use quotations made by well-known individuals. The quotation should be pertinent to your topic,
short, and interesting.
❑ Self-interest. Review your entire presentation to ensure that it meets the critical What’s-in-it-for-me
audience test. People are most interested in things that benefit them.
❑ Movement—leave the lectern area. Move toward the audience.
❑ Questions—ask for a show of hands. Use a rhetorical question.
❑ Demonstrations—include a member of the audience.
❑ Samples, gimmicks—award prizes to volunteer participants; pass out samples.
❑ Visuals—use graphics and other visual aids.
❑ Attire—professional dress helps you look more competent and qualified.
❑ Appeal to audience’s self-interest—audience members want to know, “What's in it for me?”

2b: Organizing the Body of the Presentation

2c: Summarizing the Conclusion
❑ A conclusion is like a punch line and must stand out.
❑ Summarize your main themes.
❑ Leave the audience with a specific and memorable take-away.
❑ In your conclusion you could use an anecdote, an inspiring quotation, or a statement that ties in the
opener and offers a new insight
❑ Include a statement that allows you to depart the podium gracefully and leaves a lasting impression.
❑ Be prepared to answer questions.

2d: Establishing Audience Rapport (MQH)

Excellent speakers are adept at building audience rapport. This means they establish a connection with the
audience, creating a harmonious relationship in which people feel they have something in common. Speakers
form a bond with the audience, often entertaining as well as informing.

Understanding Contemporary Visual aids
❑ Good visual aids serve many purposes. They emphasize and clarify main points, thus improving
comprehension and retention. They increase audience interest, and they make the presenter appear
more professional, better prepared, and more persuasive.
❑ Well-designed visual aids illustrate and emphasize your message more effectively than words alone;
therefore, they may help shorten a meeting or achieve your goal faster. Good visuals also serve to jog
the memory of a speaker, thus improving self-confidence, poise, and delivery.
3a: Types of visual aids
- High Tech
- Low Tech
3b: Moving Beyond PowerPoint Bullets
- Highlighting Main Ideas
- Ensuring Visibility (tầm nhìn)
- Enhancing Comprehension (hiểu biết audience)
- Practicing the Use of Visual Aids

Preparing Engaging multimedia Presentations

12-4a: Analyzing the Situation and Purpose

12-4b: Adjusting Slide Design to Your Audience
Meaning of colors
❑ Darkened rooms: use light text on dark background.
❑ Lighted rooms: use dark text on light background
Power of images
❑ 6-x-6 rule: Maximum of six bullets per screen, six words per bullet
NOTE: Breaking this rule is sometimes necessary, especially when users will be viewing slides without
speaker assistance
12-4c: Building Your Business Presentation
Templates combine harmonious colors, borders, bullet styles, and fonts

Refining Delivery, Rehearsing, and Performing Your Talk

12-5a: Choosing a Delivery Method

12-5b: Combating Stage Fright (chống lại sợ hãi)
12-5c: Before Your Presentation
12-5d: During Your Presentation
12-5e: After Your Presentation

CHAPTER 13: The Job Search, Résumés, and

Cover Messages
4 steps in an effective job search

Part 1 - Self-Analysis
1. Analyzing your Interests and Goals
2. Evaluating Your Qualifications
3. Preparing for Career Opportunities
Part 2 - Exploring the Open Job Market
Part 3 - Unlocking the Hidden Job Market
1. Networking
03 steps to establish your own network
✓ Develop a contact list.
✓ Make contacts in person and online.
✓ Follow up on your referrals (giới thiệu)
2. Searching for Jobs on Social Media
3. Building Your Personal Brand
Part 4 - Customizing Your Résumé (lý lịch)
Part 5 - Using Digital Tools to Fine-Tune (tinh chỉnh) Your Job Search
Part 6 - Cover Letters

CHAPTER 14: Interviewing, Following Up

Screening Interviews: These interviews screen candidates to eliminate those who fail to meet minimum
Hiring/Placement Interview: These interviews let hiring managers know whether candidates are motivated,
qualified, and a good fit for the position.

30-second success stories:

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