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Vedas) 41. List three traditions that are celebrated in your culture. Pick one tradition you listed above. How is it important? Do you know of cultures that don’t live with modern technology? How do they survive? What are your favorite traditional foods? List three conflicts that happened recently, or are currently happening, in your region or around the world, 3 i j : i 5 (eerie Read the words and put a check mark (V) by the ones you know. zi [nal UJ abandon Li commemorate Cohunger | [| hatred produce || intolerance [feast racism (accumulate [7] stunning Cengage _|[_laiscovery [i monotonous |] heritage Oaly [itender | Tlegacy Lipreserve — |[Jcampaign | ["] protective |[|pastry | |_| protest Cfluent Ci trace Clextinet bland |["Junite elder (moderate | [Jintruder_|{jwheat |] slavery generation || ]staggering || Jdistress || |hearty ||] condemn Grammar ‘Answer the questions, 1. What tense is the underlined part of the sentence? had enjoyed Thanksgiving until | learned the truth of its history, a. simple past b. past perfect . past continuous d. past perfect continuous 2. Circle the correct word to fill in the blank. | was ( support / supporting ) native rights in the protest. 3. Write in your own answer to complete the sentence. When I learned of the tragedy, | 4. Underline the subjunctive in the following sentence. My mother asked that | participate in this year's Thanksgiving celebration, despite my objections. Write about your favorite tradition. Talk about the questions asa class, 1. How many languages have you heard of? What are they? 2. Do you know of any languages that are spoken by only a small number of people? How are they kept alive? . How is language important to a culture’s history? oe : The Winnemem Wintu are a Native American tribe located Paragraph 1 in Redding, California, USA, 1. Read the e-mail. Dear Christie, It’s been a challenging few months, At times, | was tempted to abandon the project altogether, but the dedication of the Winnemem Wintu kept me engaged. Although only a few fluent speakers remain, together we made great gains inthe effort to preserve their language. Paragraph 2 ‘As you know, many Native American languages are at risk of being lost because generations of Native ‘American children were forced to attend English-only schools. The Winnemem Wintu were not spared this attack on their traditions and culture. Theirs is an oral history. if their spoken language disappears, so does the bulk of their cultueal knowledge, accumulated over hundreds of years. We can't let this happen. Pararaph 3 (Over the last few months, we worked with the elders of the tribe to develop a written alphabet and a dictionary to preserve the wisdom of the Winnemem Wintu language. We also recorded them speaking the language, but this was only a first step. Developing a complete writing system will take years, and it's impossible to record the entire language. This week we started on a new phase of the project: teaching the young people to speak the language. It was fun to watch the elders instruct the children and to help develop their teaching systems. Paragraph 4 Vl admit that the recording phase of the project was monotonous at times. I'm happy to be moving on to working with the younger people. They learn amazingly fast and are easily motivated. Two more weeks Of this, and then we'll be wrapping up. We won't really be finished, however. Two weeks is just how much Tonger our funds will last. It cost a lot to get as far as we did, and it will cost a lot more to preserve just this one language. Can you believe that there are 236 other at-risk languages in North America alone? Love always, Thomas Gtim! -_—§_ ‘To naveyourworkeutoutforyou'stohave |v | a large task that you need to complete — ] 2. Discuss the questions. 1. How did the Winnemem Wintu language become threatened with extinction? 2. What techniques can be used to preserve a language? 3. How are young people important for the preservation of a language? 4, Why ist valuable to preserve a language that might be lost? D | L 3. Choose the best title for each paragraph. i The Work to Come _______ The Language Preservation Project, — _.A Disappearing Language ______The Phases of the Project, 4 Choose the five statements below that are true according to the information in the reat 1. [_] Thomas has been working on the project for several years. [Native american children were forced to learn English in school. Thomas found creating a written alphabet and dictionary to be monotonous at times. } Funds for Thomas's current project will run out in two weeks, ‘Thomas worked only with the elders. [_| The current phase of the project is teaching the children to speak the language. The Winnemem Wintu are dedicated to preserving their language. ‘Write the words from the box under the correct pictures. Rg ee eaves tt at eee eee eves eee ee eset eee cs 2 Look at the words in bold from the reading. Write your own definition for each word. Then check your definitions using a dictionary. Rewrite the definitions if necessary. 1. abandon (v) 2. accumulate (v) 3. elder (r.) 4, engage (v) 5. fluent (adj) 6. generation (n.) 7. instruct (v) 8. monotonous (adj) 9. motivate (v) . preserve (v) Languages at Risk Work with a partner to answer the following questions. 1. How are your cultural traditions preserved through your language? 2. Imagine a time when your language becomes at risk of dying out. How could you save it? Discuss and draft a plan to preserve your language. Share this plan with the class. ‘A second-class citizen is a person who is treated 25 less important, and glven fewer privileges, than other people in the same society Read the news article below. ircle the simple past verbs. This weekend, thousands will wake up early to attend and participate in the Columbus Day parade. Teenaged marching band members, football players, and beauty pageant contestants will all conquer their adolescent sleep cycle to put on a spectacle for the town. “The holiday commemorates when Christopher Columbus navigated across the [Atlantic Ocean and landed on a Caribbean island. His voyage made the Western world aware of the ‘Americas and led to the founding of the United States. ‘Many question the practice of celebrating such a controversial historical figure. Not only is his. supposed discovery of America questionable at best, but he also forced the native people off their lands, Many also claim that celebrating Columbus for discovering America is inaccurate. By the time Columbus rrived, Native Americans had been living here for many generations. Some people have suggested that, instead, we trace our celebration back to the Native Americans and rename it “Indigenous Peoples’ Day." The fight for this change has been long, but it has gained acceptance recently. The first indigenous Pesples’ Day celebration was in 1992, on the 500th anniversary of Columbus's 1492 voyage, in Berkeley, California, Now, the rebranded holiday is celebrated in cities across the country. ‘Other Americans have opted to view Columbus Day as a time to celebrate Italian heritage. In fact, the holiday was officially recognized in 1907 because of the efforts of a first-generation Italian immigrant named Angelo Noce. At the time, Italian Americans were seen as Second-

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