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Use Case ID: UC-001 Requirement Ref: B-LG-01

Use case Name: Check in

Brief description: This use case describes the process of a guest checking into a hotel with the
assistance of the front desk staff.
Actors: Guest, Front Desk Staff
The guest has arrived at the hotel.
Pre-conditions: The guest has a valid reservation or intends to make a reservation.
The front desk staff is available and ready to assist.

Post-conditions: The guest is successfully checked into the hotel and provided with necessary
information and room access.
1. The guest approaches the front desk.
2. The front desk staff greets the guest and asks for identification or reservation
3. The guest provides identification or reservation details.
4. The front desk staff retrieves the guest's reservation information.
5. The front desk staff checks room availability for the guest's desired dates.
Main Success 6. If a room is available, the front desk staff assigns a room to the guest.
flow: 7. The front desk staff collects any necessary information from the guest (e.g.,
payment details, contact information).
8. The front desk staff completes the check-in process and provides the guest with
room keys and any relevant information about the hotel's facilities and services.
9. The guest thanks the front desk staff and proceeds to their assigned room.

The front desk staff investigates the issue and attempts to resolve it (e.g., searching
Alternative flows:
by different criteria, contacting the reservation department).
 If there are technical issues with the hotel's reservation system:

The front desk staff apologizes to the guest and manually checks room availability
and assigns a room if possible.
 If the guest's identification or payment method is invalid:

Exception flows: The front desk staff informs the guest of the issue and assists in finding a solution
(e.g., alternative payment method).
 If the guest becomes upset or frustrated during the check-in process:

The front desk staff remains calm and attempts to address the guest's concerns or
escalate the issue to a manager if necessary.

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