Week 004 - Activity Number 1

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Human Resource Management

Activity Number #1

Week 004 - Activity Number #1

Activity title: Staffing Challenge for a Healthcare Organization

Objective: Develop a staffing plan to address the high turnover rate of nurses in a healthcare


 Analyze the current turnover rate of nurses in the organization

 Identify the reasons for the high turnover rate, such as low pay, long working hours, poor
work-life balance, or lack of career growth opportunities
 Develop a recruitment and selection plan to attract and retain qualified nurses, such as
offering competitive salaries and benefits, flexible working hours, professional
development opportunities, and a supportive work culture
 Develop an employee engagement plan to improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover,
such as creating a positive work environment, recognizing and rewarding high performers,
and providing opportunities for feedback and collaboration
 Develop a retention plan to keep experienced nurses in the organization, such as offering
promotion opportunities, additional benefits, and training and development programs


 Staffing plan that addresses the high turnover rate of nurses in the healthcare organization
 Recruitment and selection plan
 Employee engagement plan
 Retention plan


 Title Page: "Staffing Challenge Case Study for a Healthcare Organization"

 Table of Contents: List of main sections with page numbers
 Executive Summary: Brief summary of the staffing plan and its key findings and
 Introduction: Background information on the healthcare organization and the purpose of
the staffing plan

 Staffing Needs Assessment: Analysis of the current turnover rate of nurses and
identification of the reasons for high turnover
 Recruitment and Selection Plan: Plan to attract and retain qualified nurses, including a
competitive compensation and benefits package, flexible working arrangements,
professional development opportunities, and a supportive work culture
 Employee Engagement Plan: Plan to improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover,
including creating a positive work environment, recognizing and rewarding high
performers, and providing opportunities for feedback and collaboration
 Retention Plan: Plan to keep experienced nurses in the organization, including promotion
opportunities, additional benefits, and training and development programs
 Implementation Plan: Detailed plan for implementing the staffing, recruitment, and
retention initiatives
 Evaluation Plan: Plan for assessing the effectiveness of the staffing plan and measuring its
impact on the turnover rate and employee satisfaction
 Conclusion: Summary of the staffing plan and its expected outcomes
 References: List of sources used in developing the staffing plan

It is important to ensure that the content is well-organized and easy to follow, and that the
language used is clear and concise.

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