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Name : Emiliana Kundre

NPM : : 12306520317019

Title : Teaching Vocabulary Through Snowball Throwing at the Seventh Year

Students of SMPN 6 Lermatang

This thesis deals with Teaching Vocabulary Through Snowball Throwing at the
Seventh Year Students of SMPN 6 Lermatang.The problem statement of this thesis is:
What is the effective way of using snowball throwing in teaching vocabulary at the
seventh year students of SMPN 6 Lermatang?

This research was done through classroom action research (CAR), it was held for
two cycles which include four steps for each namely planning, acting, observing, and
reflecting. This research focused on teaching vocabulary through snowball throwing and
took place at the seventh year students of SMPN 6 Lermatang and the students were 20
students. The instruments of this research were test, discussion, interview guide and
observation list. Test was given that to know the students’ understanding toward material
that has been given.Observation was used to observe the students’ participation during the
use of snowball throwing in teaching vocabulary. Interview was used to find out the
effective of the use of snowball throwing in teaching vocabulary.

Tthe objective of the research is to find out the effective of using snowball
throwing in teaching vocabulary at the seventh year students of SMPN 6 Lermatang such
as: supported by giving more practice about the using snowball throwing to make the
students easier in understanding and memorizing the word, giving list of vocabulary then
told them how to pronounce the words correctly, the researcher gave the interesting
picture and topic, and modifying the classroom as long as it helps learning process.

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