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Title: "____________________________: A Singing Celebration"

Event: Indonesian Independence Day Singing Competition

MC: Good morning, Students and judges

MC: Welcome to our special event today as we come together to commemorate Indonesia's 78th
Independence Day through the power of music and harmony. My name is _________________, and I am
thrilled to be your host for this spectacular event.

MC: We have an incredible lineup of talented participants who will be showcasing their vocal prowess and
patriotic spirit. But before we dive into the performances, let's open our event today by reciting Basmalah
together “ Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”

MC: On this day, 78 years ago, our great nation declared its independence, marking the beginning of a
journey filled with struggles, triumphs, and unwavering determination.

MC: Today, we gather to celebrate the unity and diversity that define Indonesia. And we will witness
participants to sing their hearts out.

MC: Now, without further ado, let's get ready to witness some breathtaking performances! Our contestants
have been rehearsing tirelessly, and they are all set to take the stage. So, let's give them the warmest
welcome and show our appreciation for their dedication. For the 1st contestant, please welcome

MC: As we enjoy the performances, let's remember that this event is not just a competition but a celebration
of our shared identity as Indonesians. So, let's soak in the melodies, the emotions, and the stories that these
singers will bring to life on stage.

MC: And to all our participants, remember that today, it's not just about winning the competition, but about
showcasing your love for Indonesia through your voices. So, give it your all, and let your passion resonate
with every note you sing.

MC: Once again, thank you all for joining us at "_____________________: A Singing Celebration." Let's
make this event to remember as we celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day with the universal language of

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