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Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman and its value Daily Examen and Discernment

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage both your own Daily Examen offers a structured method for introspection
emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. and connection with the Divine at the close of each day. It
Goleman described emotional intelligence as a person's ability to comprises five pivotal stages: gratitude for blessings,
manage their feelings so that those feelings are expressed review of experiences, acknowledgment of shortcomings,
appropriately and effectively. According to Goleman, emotional extending forgiveness, and renewing intentions. This
intelligence is the largest single predictor of success in the reflective practice cultivates awareness of God's presence
workplace. in daily life, fosters gratitude, and encourages personal
 five key elements to EI: self-awareness, self-regulation,
motivation, empathy, and social skills. Discernment, drawing from the teachings of Saint Ignatius
of Loyola, serves as a thoughtful approach to decision-
Emotional Quotient vs Intelligence Quotient making guided by faith. It involves prayerful consideration
of options, exploration of potential outcomes, attunement
It was begun by researchers John Mayer and Peter Salovey in the
to one's inner feelings
90s, and popularized by psychologist Daniel Goleman. EQ is
important for interpersonal relationship management and social Threat Power Vs. Integrated Power
awareness. In terms of work, IQ gets you the job; EQ helps you keep
it (“people person”) Threat power revolves around the ability to impose force,
fear, or harm in order to achieve goals. It predominantly
Intelligence Quotient is a measure of a person's cognitive abilities relies on elements such as military strength or economic
allowing one to acquire knowledge, learn and solve problems leverage to intimidate or coerce others.
Emotional Quotient measures one's ability to monitor emotions,
cope with pressures and demands and control one's thoughts and Integrated power centers on a more holistic strategy that
actions. combines multiple sources of influence, such as
economic, diplomatic, technological, and cultural factors.
Christian Leadership Vs. Ideal Leadership by Daniel Goleman This approach aims for cooperation, collaboration, and
balanced solutions, resulting in more enduring and
Christian Leadership at Work (Common Vision Led by the Holy Spirit)
positive outcomes and desires, consultation with spiritual
- Responding Together to Reality (Social Responsibility) mentors, and ultimately making choices aligned with
- Building Relationships and Roles God's will
- Practicing Discernment as a Way of Life
- Opening Ourselves to the Action of the Holy Spirit
- Sharing Our Being with the Person of Jesus
 Building Christ-centered Communities
 Growing in Loving Service
 Living in Solidarity with Others in Working for God’s
 Sharing the Joy of the Gospel
 Giving Witness to the Face of the Merciful Christ

Ideal Leadership by Daniel Goleman

Goleman’s research showed that successful leaders showed

strengths in self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy
and social skill. Be direct, open and have a clear vision for your team
and company, and you’ll attract and retain like-minded workers. Put
employees first and value their opinions.
Church mission and work or building god’s kingdom
Understanding and awareness of yourself and how it makes you
oriented to others and a bigger community
The mission of a church, often rooted in the teachings of Christianity, is
multifaceted and can vary among different denominations and congregations. Understanding and awareness of oneself, often referred to as self-
Generally, however, the primary mission of a church is to spread the message of awareness, is a fundamental aspect of personal development and social
love, compassion, and salvation as taught by Jesus Christ. This mission often interactions. It involves having a deep understanding of your own
involves several key aspects: emotions, beliefs, values, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Self-
awareness can significantly impact how you relate to others and
contribute to a larger community. Here's how:

1. Improved Relationships:

 Empathy: Self-awareness allows you to empathize better with

 Worship and Spiritual Growth: Churches provide a place for believers to come together to worship, pray, and study religious texts. They aim to nurture spiritual
growth among their members through sermons, Bible studies, and other religious activities.
 Community Outreach and Service: Many churches are actively involved in community outreach programs, such as food drives, shelters for the homeless,
medical clinics, and disaster relief efforts. These initiatives are aimed at helping those in need and embodying the teachings of love and compassion.
 Education: Churches often provide religious education for people of all ages. This can include Sunday school classes for children, youth groups, and adult
education programs to deepen the understanding of the faith.
 Fellowship and Support: Churches offer a sense of community and belonging. They provide support to their members in times of joy and sorrow, fostering a
sense of fellowship and camaraderie among believers.
 Evangelism: One of the fundamental missions of the church is to share the message of salvation with others. This is often done through missionary work,
evangelistic events, and outreach efforts to bring more people into the faith.

When it comes to the concept of "building God's kingdom," this phrase is often used metaphorically within Christian theology. It refers to the collective efforts of
believers to spread the message of God's love, peace, and justice throughout the world. Building God's kingdom involves not only individual salvation but also working
towards creating a just and compassionate society, where love and understanding prevail.

Different churches and denominations interpret these missions in various ways, and their specific activities can differ based on their theological beliefs and traditions.
Ultimately, the mission of a church is deeply rooted in the teachings of love, compassion, and service exemplified by Jesus Christ.

Corporal vs spiritual works of mercy

Corporal works of mercy - focus on addressing the physical and material needs of others. They are called "corporal" because they pertain to the body. There are
traditionally seven corporal works of mercy

Spiritual works of mercy - focus on the spiritual and emotional needs of others. They are called "spiritual" because they pertain to the soul and the spirit. There are
also traditionally seven spiritual works of mercy

Both corporal and spiritual works of mercy reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and are seen as fundamental expressions of Christian love and compassion toward
others. Practicing these works is considered virtuous and is encouraged as a way of imitating the love and mercy of God.

Comparison of secular leadership and christian leadership

Secular leadership, commonly found in organizational settings, prioritizes achieving tangible goals, maximizing efficiency, and ensuring financial success. Motivated by
personal gain and guided by pragmatic decision-making, secular leaders are primarily accountable to stakeholders and measure success through quantitative metrics.
In contrast, Christian leadership is deeply rooted in faith and spiritual teachings, emphasizing selfless service, love, and justice. Christian leaders are motivated by their
faith, seeking divine guidance in decision-making, and are ultimately accountable to God. Their success is measured not just by external outcomes but also by the
positive impact on the spiritual and moral well-being of individuals and communities. The key distinction lies in the foundation: secular leadership is grounded in
organizational theories, while Christian leadership is grounded in religious principles and a divine calling.

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