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PART B – Micro-Project Report

Online Library Management System

1.0. Rationale
Library management system is a project which aims in developing a
computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library .This project has
many features which are generally not available in normal library management
systems like facility of user login and a facility of teachers login .It also has a
facility of admin login through which the admin can monitor the whole system .
It also has facility of an online notice board where teachers can student can
put up information about work shops or seminars being held in our colleges or
nearby colleges and librarian after proper verification from the concerned
institution organizing the seminar can add it to the notice board . It has also a
facility where student after logging in their accounts can see list of books issued
and its issue date and return date and also the students can request the librarian to
add new books by filling the book request form. The librarian after logging into his
account i.e. admin account can generate various reports such as student report ,
issue report, teacher report and book report

2.0. Aim of Project

• To Study Online Library Management System
• To get an idea about how the library is managed

3.0. Course Outcomes Addressed

• Select suitable Software Process model for software development.
• Prepare software requirement specifications.
• Use Software modelling to create data designs.
• Estimate size and cost of software product.
• Apply project management and quality assurance principles in software
4.0. Literature Review

The demand for Library Automation Software in India is increasing day by day with
the advancement of the system. As we all are living in the digital age, everyone prefers
quick and accurate service. Almost all schools and colleges prefer the Library
Management System due to the organized and systematic management of the database.
College Library Software helps the students to prepare their projects easily and in less
time. It also helps in preparing notes and assignments.
5.0. Actual Methodology Followed

Library Management System has been intended to automate, oversee and care for the
general handling of even enormous scale libraries. This product is fit for overseeing
Book Issues, Returns, Magazine/Newspaper Subscriptions, Calculating/Managing Fine
and Balances of instillments due from Members, creating different Reports for Record-
Keeping and Review purposes, as per end client prerequisites. Increasingly over this
product is completely good with Bar Code based management Utilization of Bar Codes
for Library Management facilitates the ordinary assignments of huge Libraries, where
the No. of exchanges surpass a few thousands in number. Also, the product can work
even without Bar Codes consistently. The Bar-Code age and printing procedure is a
Built-In highlight of this Software.

Level 0 DFD Diagram

Level 1 DFD Diagram

Sr. No. Work Done by Team Member Name of Student

1 Preparation of Part A Prathamesh,Sourabh,Suleman,

2 Information Collection
3 Information Analysis Shrinath

4 Design of Project(Algo/Flowchart/circuit Shrinath
dia/ER diagram)

5 Implementation Shrinath

6 Report Preparation Shrinath
7 PPT preparation Shrinath

8 Any other Shrinath

6.0. Actual Resources Used

Sr. No. Name of Specifications Quantity Remark

1 Hardware: Computer(i3_i5 1 -
Computer System preferable),RAM minimum
2GB and onward but not
limited to
2 Operating System Window XP/window 1 -
7/LINUX version 5.0 or later

1) Learning Resources
Sr. No. Title of Book Author Publication
01 Software Engg A.A. Putambekar -

2) Software Learning Resources

7.0. Use Cases

This Use Cases are the graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements of Library
Management System It represents the methodology used in system analysis to identify, canty,
and organize system requirements of Library Management System. The main actors of Library
Management System in this Use Case Diagram are Super Admin, System User, Librarian,
Student, who perform the different type of use cases such as Manage Student Manage Books,
Manage Issues, Manage Librarian, Manage Member, Manage Address, Manage Users and Full
Library Management System Operations Major elements of the UML use case diagram of
Library Management System are shown on the picture below The relationships between and
among the actors and the use cases of Library Management System:
➢ Super Admin Entity :- Use cases of Super Admin are Manage Student, Manage Books,
Manage Issues, Manage Librarian, Manage Member Manage Address, Manage Users and Full
Library Management System Operations
➢ System User Entity :- Use cases of System User are Manage Student, Manage Books,
Manage Issues, Manage Librarian, Manage Member Manage Address
➢ Librarian Entity :-Use cases of Librarian are Search Books, Allot Books, Return Books,
Manage Students.
➢ Student Entity :- Use cases of Student are Request for Books, Return Books, Check History
8.0. Skill Developed / learning outcomes

Sr. No. Technical/ Non-technical Skills Tick Mark( √) for

Developed Skill

1 Information Collection

2 Information Analysis

3 Design of Project

4 Programming Skills

5 Leadership

6 Team Management

7 Planning

8 Critical Thinking

9 Task Management

10 Creativity

11 Develop Project in deadline driven environment

12 Familiar with subject Knowledge: SEN

9.0. Conclusion
It makes entire process online where student can search books, staff can generate reports
and do book transactions. It also has a facility for student login where student can login
and can see status of books issued as well request for book or give some suggestions. It
has a facility of teacher’s login where teachers can add lectures notes and also give
necessary suggestion to library and also add info about workshops or events happening
in our college or nearby college in the online notice board.

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