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a2 eusortup Piut asd Ctetioue Modia.

(iuamao papu At
19 59

Aatcle 9 w a) cays thout all itrkou ehau nun Hs ignt to uedona

d speeck aud expuinou Qud ho muatuted by btth a12)
and itft u he
ou Je leuoig qoud: D n me inteuecs o tu iouexeigry aud



tut State is in the postttou e paeuy patuoe meeuy

te queualcu au dd' puomoted af geiwral weyue cud
Sruy be ut'ed ou
absuute wiesty Asticle
hdiau touttutio

D) f Irmu Jor Pueut txleae ou

nes lor lentjióat'ou Ol
the qude i'ng
iS meutioued und leuton -b ay tue uematoqraph Iet

ukely audionc& tes t
Souae punpoe cud auttste muut
loutempor asiy/ hatoual
Test oj ta ordiuany
Juding e
lean aud'peeseut alange.
1) Sou'al moraity.
not aloy obsueue
0sex and nudiy
(Bandi t QueeuCase )
dlstnutou blw Ldy
Sn tug tase supuena lowut ouaw a
aud abueuty
it ue atiug dequst aud not ug tt ud
Heat tas tmi hool 4neu'a aud te sape tce
whie wes lhowu, shouu te morally wrrupt a
3C seyet pettou'e auquemeht
ud au'd tat hapa. sLlae oa Jemed so hat olltgust
who hawe aloue s tene ot
He ceume
dor te peyou
to le
Habool ada tuau U,'Rau Kumcutaudy
fn tu's case Buauct Hata deps'eted a Iu tu Jorm q
wude w0 men in a cue heweled ud olucteied o uautt ou,
9futs ceue te cowt obed tht ttan ncl i9
Called a tue laud ol tue Kana btsa theu suy
ausey, oly be couiolerung taboo, te
fu gndua haue sultuus ouck ane ude,
kuptue, poety, dae audl
paurtn ehibceed
moe Kex a as
ikely Auoieue Test
Sehsoahp must be yucge
yuclgectwoacOrcg to fa
tue taqet
auoliee wott teue eeAoM
muale shoy upou tue pelm
Sameue Boce y Amal huta
Su ttus case test af
anel wiate qudgug obsnty ue Jua de sluould plane
posit ou
ana wuct

Hay Goswcnu V. voI

the aig ut ef acut.uttz2cu to
eut eut net tott si te c t t &uele etetau
may be faagpropiute jor aul oln
net moy
Boual ppose ud autHsHe met
sn Anaud Patwurelhau do cumeutey fm,
kim fattu, toe
aud Ho y os weu duee to be félecast ed by Door laru F
oror cy commnal woleue

puse atteutou to oicl eule tht plqued
Souety and ht ft wes neLerscuy tuat ciHien
suould knoo cbout suel
the cowd held tut
tHed tu test Jor fuodai ny
Jim otaned ohjtn abla meutlai
Uwheu aubage puou , appyting coutenporaey conmaiy
4taudaud woud ue o , takeu s a
to ue. hauengteS 0r

Dosk dupict
wuetu te work depict or du vubu in apateuty
(3) wetr t e oootk taku a a ouole latk4 seuous
lterauy, atstie, pautd or ecieutc olue .

Authors an
elm mak somet mes
to.cuo e
Aou'ud e l u uy clil'eted


Natoual Sfendaall
Seettous-B /15 2

aul seyi'He Ho tue Uaws ucl staalnay
tue soutly
wntjeatou ie repoudl ble vo foual
ot is m tue tat aphalatt he
by wew te aul o
uye mess udtueme has
deunt te ud 'H uot audd
couote documetary
a lm e
ook takeu
to qpproae
beto ’
cotoect Patoorelhau hane
epraue to
kaly soAre.
peu~age He oet guo aqes pat fidl
be atyo
he ud
yudged pubtiiatou
bemut te
whole e
a work tue gJuda (9
man waak He
or ypssl e ot , u m
tue ut
ysteuapoi tte rom acdyualed he
lm aa tha leld sctue (ase Tamas bgn
manroinay tTes
depraua wot does flm te tat oledprou'
tu people
uk. to
aan contemp tue auol
bo cly had doaeed
Hhat one au eyat
he Supeme lowt held puse, ?t was
a t r could be a biea y
no ereLuse to tay

Bakash Jha Bocluthou 00I He State Germut

a beu ou tuelm Aasak< hau
o oPjailed to eustain ue Csyor boan
oua had boee ceaved by tee

Clecu aud pueset dlaugeu orclt s a otue e r e

# pwwuel eot to law ud
cULjor iru or books tct exps
prqcuuBUeul to
uiowortable or u ouutport l'uo .

UP Govenmeut

and Heeeiea U/t entite. But uP GaeHrent te

Sou'al morality
Horality uot abaut seus0 morelity lo. loual
dou wou notu wee neuiuby teat a
cul staudan
jue toSDulel ehuge.
yLike wot to olique om hut choo atooutiy cuqautt


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