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Jett 1st Edition Milly Taiden

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About the Book

Alpha Geek: Jett

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

About the Author

Also by Milly Taiden
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are
fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any
way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or
organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By
Latin Goddess Press
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Alpha Geek: Jett
Copyright © 2022 by Milly Taiden
Cover: Willsin Rowe
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Property of Milly Taiden
February 2022

Created with Vellum


Ivy Bartasso has grown tired of her life as a fitness instructor. She’d
been trained in law enforcement but hadn’t thought about going
back into it until she’s offered a job with the shifter protection
agency. Suddenly, her life is full of excitement: starting with
assassins and leading her straight into a meeting with a
hunky geek… who happens to be her fated mate.

Jett Frakes has discovered a nefarious plot to poison the city’s

water supply. He’s gathered all the evidence he needs to take the
company down, but before he can follow through, he’s found out.
Now his life is in danger, and the one person who can keep
him safe is a beautiful panther shifter who makes him feel
larger than life.

But when an ambush nearly kills Jett, a special serum

will have him changing into something bigger… badder…
and alpha.


—For readers.

Thank you for your support.


A nother day, she thought, waving at a gaggle of regulars headed

to the locker room. She sighed, running a hand through her
dark hair. Another dollar.
It could have been the new little star on her name tag that
identified her as a manager in the New Track Fitness gym or the
daily grind itself, but her life was becoming stale. There were only a
few clients she even bothered to train personally, like Meghan
Bennett. The two women were alike in more ways than the naked
eye could attest, each living split existences as both human and
Shifters required an extra push because physical fitness came
easy to them. That was her job, to sense other shifters and help
them where they needed it. Ivy had always prided herself in caring
about her own body, in training others to hone their strengths was a
joy… for the first three years or so.
Ivy hated to admit it, but she craved something new.
Five years ago, she’d been training at Quantico for a security
career with the government. Six months in, her human mother
developed cancer. Ivy had to drop out to help take care of her. After
a two-year battle and still losing her parent, Ivy didn’t have the heart
to rekindle the passion she once had. But now, she craved
something more.
She wanted to make a difference in the world. She wanted some
excitement, a challenge to her skills that lay dormant most of the
time. She could go back to Virginia to continue training since she
had so little of it, but it was such a big move in her life…
“Manager to the front,” came the crackling buzz of the overhead
radio. “Repeat, manager to the front.”
She stifled a groan. “Oh, what now?”
Ivy wanted to throw the towel in for the day, but she could deal
with one last issue before she did. When she arrived at the desk, she
was shocked to see Meghan waiting, looking a little impatient,
pacing around the small front area. The moment she caught sight of
Ivy, she brightened. “Hey! I hope I’m not interrupting, but I wanted
to chat with you for a minute.”
“You’re never an interruption,” Ivy said with a grin, pressing the
button to unlock the gate that would allow Meghan into the gym’s
central area. “But you don’t look dressed for another workout.”
“That’s because I’m not here for a workout,” Meghan said. “Could
we go to one of the back rooms where we could have a little more
privacy while we speak?”
“Sure.” Ivy had a little office all to herself. She loved taking
advantage of the new locked door. She led Meghan there, then
closed the door securely behind them. “So, what’s on your mind?”
A secretive look came over Meghan. “Well, I guess I should dive
right into it then. I need your help, and it’s not exactly a short-term
gig. I know how much you enjoy your work here, but a position at
the agency I work for has opened up. I wanted to run it by you
before we talked to anyone else about it.”
“The agency you work for?” Ivy cocked her head. “What exactly
do you do, anyway?”
They’d talked plenty during her training sessions, but Meghan
had always been a pro at keeping things on the down-low. Even on
her gym application, her work title simply read consultant with
nothing to embellish the curious denotation.
“If I told you,” Meghan teased. “I’d have to kill you.”
Even though it was clear she was joking, there was a gleam in
her eye that convinced Ivy there was some merit to her words. She
paced to her desk and sank into her chair before speaking again,
keeping her voice low. “Give it to me. In the simplest terms.”
“My agency hires shifters of your caliber to protect sensitive
assets until they can be properly processed.” Meghan leaned forward
in her chair. “Some of our assets are especially vulnerable to other
powers that might want them… um… dead.”
Ivy leaned back, taking it all in. “So, like personal security?” This
ignited a familiar spark in her that she hadn’t felt since her mother
had gotten ill.
“It’s more involved than that,” Meghan said, tapping her fingers
on the armrest. “The institutions we deal with are high profile, and
they don’t like their secrets spilled.”
A prickle of excitement bloomed inside her. Was this the change
she needed? “And here I thought you were a consultant.”
Meghan smiled. “I have a feeling you’re much cleverer than that,”
she said, her amusement fading too soon. “I wouldn’t have bothered
you at work if it wasn’t urgent. You don’t have to say yes, but...”
“Fuck yes,” Ivy interrupted. “I’ll do it.”
Meghan paused, looking her over. “You’d have to start right
“Like, how soon?”
“Today. Right now.”
Ivy stood from her desk like someone lit a fire under her. “Let’s
“You don’t want to hear any more about the job?”
“Nope. Protect assets. Beat up bad guys. I think I get the
picture.” Ivy carefully removed her tired name tag, closed the pin,
and then grabbed her purse. “I don’t think you realize how badly I
need a change of scenery.”
Meghan followed her out, looking shell-shocked with the turn of
events. “I’ll brief you on the way to the office, then.”
“Sounds good,” Ivy said, brushing past several of her coworkers
then dropping by the building manager’s office. She poked her head
in briefly, flicking her name tag in the general direction of his desk.
“Hey, Neil. I quit! You know where to send my last check.”
With Meghan behind her, she swanned out to the sound of
excited chatter and applause. Neil stormed out, looking more frantic
than pissed. “Wait, when did this happen?”
“Didn’t you hear?” She spared him a brief glance over her
shoulder. “Just now.”
The applause only grew louder.
Ivy couldn’t help but laugh, blushing fiercely as they exited the
gym. Meghan elbowed her. “I don’t think Neil’s going to give me my
deposit back, now that I’ve poached one of his best personal
“He’ll live,” she said with a shrug. “That place subsists on wine-
mom regrets.”
Meghan stifled a laugh.
They closed in on a sleek SUV that looked like it had rolled
straight off the lot. Meghan hit her fob, causing the lights to flash.
“You sure you’re ready to get started? We can swing by your place
first if you need something. Maybe a change of clothes…?”
Ivy didn’t want to admit it, but she was right. She stank from the
day’s work, still wearing the heinous orange and purple polo shirt
that identified her as a New Track Fitness employee. “Yeah. Let’s
make it quick.”
When they arrived at her place, she stripped then showered with
practiced efficiency. She was buzzing to get started with this new job
and didn’t want to waste another minute of her life doing something
that simply paid the bills.
The SUV was still waiting for her when she emerged fresh and
ready to go.
“Do I need to bring anything?” she asked after tapping on the
Meghan shook her head. “Just a set of clothes. We’ll get you a
company car.”
Ivy patted a bag that was slung over her shoulder. “Got that.”
She leaped into the vehicle as she buckled up. “What’s the
Meghan glanced at her from the corner of her eye. “I’m really
going to miss you being my personal trainer, you know.”
“You should have thought about that before you poached me,”
Ivy said, impatient to hear what terrible, awesome assignments they
had planned for her. “So, what do you need from me? What can I
Meghan kept her eyes on the road. “It’s not going to be easy.
God knows I wouldn’t have recruited you out of the blue if we had a
better option. Things escalated quickly with this job. Otherwise,
you’d have gotten a solid month of training and personal safety
courses. Probably some defensive driving classes too.”
“Right, right,” she said. “Stakes are high. Options are limited. Tell
me something I don’t know. Like who is this ‘asset’ I’ll be
“Jett Frakes.”
The name wasn’t familiar to her.
Meghan continued. “I don’t know much about him since he’s not
on my caseload, but he pissed off some big names in
“That’ll do it,” she said.
“Yep,” Meghan said in turn. “They’ve got lots of money and lots
of cronies. I know you’re proficient in self-defense, but are you good
at offense? You’ll need to keep this guy alive.”
Ivy’s lips firmed, then she nodded. “Second-degree black belt.”
“That will certainly do you well in the field.” She gripped the
wheel tighter. “Your first task is to get this guy somewhere safe.”
Ivy tensed at the challenge, though she was pumped for the new
line of work. Save some hapless idiot who crossed some
pharmaceutical thugs? Already it was more thrilling than slogging
away at the gym. “Are we headed there, now?”
“Not yet,” Meghan said. “Nick wants to meet...”
Something buzzed in Meghan’s pocket. She pulled the phone out
to check, then set it on the hands-free stand. “Go for Meghan.”
Through the radio came a warm but serious voice. “Is Ivy there
with you?”
“She is,” Meghan said, offering a wink. “I didn’t even need to
torture her to get her to come along. She’s accepted the job.”
“That’s good to hear,” the voice said. “Ivy, I’m not going to lie to
you by saying this will be easy. This is going to be tough work where
everyone, at any moment, could be out to get you. After this point,
you’ll have to sleep with both eyes open and only trust the people in
the agency. Everyone else is suspect.”
Meghan rolled her eyes. “Don’t scare her off. She hasn’t even
signed the contract yet.”
A laugh echoed from the other line. “Let’s just see how she fares
in the field, for now. Our new client needs someone to protect him
until the law can get his case seen. If the bad guys get to him, the
bastards won’t see their day in court. We need to get him to a safe
house. Do you think you can handle it, Ivy?”
“Yes,” she said, shifting in her seat. “I feel like I’ve been training
for this my whole life.” During her short time in Quantico, she’d had
a few evasive driving courses and basic security training.
“That’s a good attitude, Ivy. My name’s Nick. I own the shifter
protection agency that you’ll be working for. I’m hoping we can meet
in person soon, but I’m glad to have you on board. Meghan has told
me a lot of great things about you.”
“Thank you, sir.” The last word was difficult for her to manage.
She didn’t even know who this guy was, but she trusted Meghan;
therefore, she trusted her new boss, Nick. “I look forward to it.”
There was a silence on the line for a moment before he spoke
again, his tone changing to something rigid. “I’m going to get
straight to the point. Jett is a scientist with the United States
Geological Survey who stumbled upon some information that’s going
to open up a host of lawsuits if it gets into the right hands.
“Our only job is to keep him alive long enough to bring his proof
to the courts and have him testify against the offending parties. It’s
imperative that we keep everything on a need-to-know basis,
especially if this asset becomes compromised. We don’t get paid if
he dies, but I’d rather not lose good agents, either.”
Ivy swallowed hard.
This Nick fellow sounded calculating, but at least he had their
best interest in mind. Still, there was a flare of purpose inside her
that grew at the thought of protecting this Jett Frakes. “I won’t let
you down, sir.”
“Good. Is there anything else you need to know?”
Meghan and Ivy glanced at one another, then Meghan spoke up.
“Nope. I think we’re all good here. I’ll send a message when the
asset is secure.”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
The connection ended, the steady hum of the engine getting loud
in the silence. Ivy fiddled with the window control, opening it a crack
before shutting it again.
Meghan glanced at her. “I guess that wraps up orientation.”
“It was— abrupt,” Ivy said, then nodded. “But I’m excited to get
out into the field to kick some ass. You won’t regret recruiting me,
Meghan. I can promise you that.”

A shit-eating grin spread across Jett’s face.

“This is it,” he said aloud, opening one of several reports
he’d found. He memorized the file locations before reading it
over. It was a dense list of chemical codes, but nothing he couldn’t
parse out. He ran his finger down the list and found what he was
looking for.
Dinitrous Oxide.
“Motherfuckers,” he whispered, checking the timestamp on the
document. As recently as this week, they’d been infusing the water
supply in select counties with a new brand of laughing gas. The
quantity was small enough not to be traced back to them, but it
could devastate the population’s higher cognition and impulse
Jett’s eyes went wide, taking it all in. He’d already suspected it
was going on, but not to this degree. This story was big, bigger than
him, even bigger than the USGS’s modest operations in Texas.
He was glad he’d called Daniel to get the story out.
The journalist should have arrived ten minutes ago, though his
absence made Jett nervous. Uploading the documents onto an
encrypted USB drive, he glanced out the window. The street was
quiet this afternoon. Most people had already shuffled off to work,
leaving the curb nearly bare. If a car had pulled up, he would have
His brow knit as he snagged a few extra documents to upload
them. One could never have too much proof. And this was the last
piece of the puzzle.
Eaglan Pharmaceuticals, he thought, you’re finally going to get
what’s coming to you.
He pocketed the USB drive then checked his phone.
No call. No text to say Daniel was running late. Didn’t he want to
be the first to break one of the biggest health scandals in Texas?
These guys were bad news for the local residents. It wasn’t just
a dissociative anesthetic, like its parent molecule. It was an inhibitor
that made people buy, buy, buy, most specifically at a place called
Buy N Save. That was where Jett’s proof pointed to. People were
affected most directly around these specific big box stores, which led
to fever purchases. Now that he knew what chemical they were
using, he could finally wrap up his findings to get them out to the
But where was Daniel?
As the minutes ticked by, his apprehension rose.
He paced, occasionally feeling for the USB to ensure it was still
safe. After a time, he turned on the TV to distract himself. The news
blared something about a murder. He couldn’t pay attention, but he
froze when the reporter issued a name.
“We regret to report that one of our own journalists, Daniel
Howe, has been reported dead on arrival at the hospital after a
brutal hit-and-run incident. The police aren’t ruling out homicide at
this point as investigations are still ongoing…”
Jett’s blood ran cold.
Everything about this screamed foul play. Was he next?
If so, he only had a little time before they came for him too. Jett
wasn’t a fighter. He’d never had to raise his fists when the art of
debate had better served him. Everything could be reasoned out; he
just had to find an angle.
He felt for the USB again.
But if someone did come for him, he had to be prepared. He
didn’t tell Daniel the whole story, but it seemed like it had been
enough to get the reporter killed. It was too much of a coincidence.
They’d gotten off the phone two hours ago, and now he was dead?
Jett shuddered, picking up his cell. He had to tell someone.
The phone rang three times before Nick answered. “I’m busy.
Make it quick.”
He laughed under his breath, trying to keep his voice from
trembling. “I’m in trouble, Nick. Daniel’s dead. I’m pretty sure it’s
because of what I told him. This is big, bigger than I could have
imagined when I started searching...”
“Slow down, Jett.” Nick’s voice dropped low. “You’re talking a
mile a minute. I can’t understand you. Who’s dead?”
“Daniel,” he said, taking a deep breath to settle his racing heart.
It didn’t help. “And I think they’ll be coming for me too. I’d told
Daniel about Eaglan Pharmaceuticals, that they’re paying the local
counties off to taint the water with something new. It’s nasty, Nick.
They’re making a killing profit off the people they’re poisoning. I
have the proof right here. I was going to hand it over to Daniel to
“Don’t tell me that.” Nick took a breath. “If you have the proof,
put it somewhere safe. Someone’s on their way to take you
somewhere safe. Gather some of your stuff right now, don’t tell
anyone you’re leaving. You never know who’s listening.”
Jett nodded, though Nick couldn’t see it. “Okay. All right.”
“And Jett?”
He waited.
“Don’t drag anyone else into this until it goes public. Keep your
head down and stay safe. I don’t want to hear your name on the
“Thanks, Nick,” he said, hanging up. Jett looked around his tidy
apartment, wondering where the fuck he was going to put the proof.
Not here, he thought, gripping it in a fist.
He closed his eyes in the silence, wondering if they were already
closing in on him. Shouldn’t he feel them watching, like a prickle on
the back of his neck? Or maybe it was all just coincidence. Maybe
Daniel was dead because of a terrible misfortune.
As much as Jett would love to believe it, his instincts warned him
The people he was working against had money. They weren’t
afraid to use underhanded methods to silence dissenters.
He needed air.
Jett peeked through the window before he stepped out onto the
balcony of his apartment. He took a steadying breath and leaned
against the glass. That’s when he noticed a planter’s pot on his
neighbor’s balcony, tucked out of the way.
He hated to do this, but there was no other place.
Jett hopped the railing and then dug down a few inches in the
planter’s dirt. The USB wasn’t exactly waterproof, but the soil had
dried up in the sun, plus his neighbor wasn’t supposed to be home
for another week or so. As long as it didn’t rain, he could come back
to get it.
With that taken care of, he had to worry about himself now.
He didn’t think, just moved with frantic purpose, stuffing several
days’ worth of clothes in a gym bag, along with his laptop and a few
other necessities. When it was done, pride welled up in him. He
could do this. He just had to be careful.
A fierce knock rattled his front door.
Queasiness rose in his gut, all his fears manifesting at once.
“Jett Frakes!”
It certainly wasn’t Daniel. Daniel was dead.
His head swam while he gathered up his bag. There was no
escape except through the front door. Next time— if there was a
next time— he’d make sure to get a place on the first floor.
Did he answer? Or did he let them barge in?
He was a scientist, for fuck’s sake.
His heartbeat became a heavy thrum in his ears as he peeked
through the hole. A cold sweat formed on his brow, but he couldn’t
pretend he wasn’t home. All the lights were on, his car was in the
Maybe he could win this debate. They didn’t have any proof,
except for what was on the USB. He steadied his trembling hands
before opening the door to three burly, fierce-looking men. “Can I
help you?”
The first one didn’t say a word, slamming him back with the butt
of a rifle. He landed hard on the tile floor. They filed in without
“Hey, what the fuck...”
The big one dragged him up by the collar. “You’re coming with
“The hell I am,” he retorted. “I don’t even know who you are!”
In the other room, they were tearing his office apart. His captor
wrested the gym bag from him then ripped it open in search of…
what? The proof? His eyes went dark, his grip tightening. “Making a
quick getaway, huh?”
“That’s none of your...”
Something solid slammed into his face.
Jett saw stars.
He still couldn’t see while they dragged him to the closet and
shoved him in. The door slammed shut, but all he could do was
cradle his head. His sight was fuzzy from the strike, but it was
beginning to clear up when the commotion outside became violent.
He wasn’t getting out of this, was he?
Jett reached up to wiggle the handle. Locked.
Grief hit him all at once, making him slump against the door.
They’d gotten Daniel, and now it was his turn. There was nothing
they wouldn’t do to keep their secrets. He’d be just another casualty
on the six o’clock news segment.
How had it come to this?
He wiped the blood from his nose, trying to reason out of it.
They were still trashing his apartment by the sound of it. He was
doubtful his insurance would cover the tab. Focus, he thought to
himself, that’s the least of your fucking worries right now.
His breath was ragged when shouts erupted from the assailants.
Gunfire exploded, the glass shattered. A few more rounds were
fired, then everything dropped into a brief silence. That’s when a
growl ripped through the air. It was so out of place it startled Jett
from his misery.
He heard it again. A big cat?
There wasn’t a zoo for miles around. It was a sound ingrained
into him from childhood, but he’d never heard in real life. The heavy,
piercing growl of a furious panther reverberated through the air.
A scream of a man in agony rattled him. A gun went off.
Something smashed on the floor.
He tried the door again. Still locked.
Jett had to get out of here. Whatever was happening, it no
longer had anything to do with him. Men with guns. Panthers. What
had he gotten himself into?
He didn’t think he could take any more.
All that was left to do was to wrap himself in coats and hope for
the best. Whatever came through that door would kill him, but he
wasn’t keen on being ripped apart by an animal. His eyes stung, his
vision going watery.
In hindsight, another career might have better suited him.
He should have been a bus driver, instead.
Something smashed brutally against the door. Jett tucked back
into the coats before the lock rattled, and the door finally flew open.
He shielded himself with his arms, a last effort to defend himself.
But it wasn’t a man with a gun.
It was a woman.
And she was naked.
He tried not to stare at her full, perky breasts or the sharp,
powerful line of her stomach cutting down to a beautifully trimmed
muff. She had to be one of those bodybuilders with the sheer
rippling power in her limbs. Her stance was defiant as she took him
in, her eyes wide, her pupils pinpoints. She didn’t say a word. She
just snatched him up— more violently than the men who’d barged in
earlier— and dragged him against her.
He could do nothing but yield with her lips crushing his.
I’m dreaming, he thought with delight. That’s the only
explanation. I’ll wake up tomorrow, and this will have all been a
beautiful, crazy dream.
But her caress was so warm, so real, he refused to pass this up.
His hands tested the sumptuous curve of her waist as he
accepted her affection, which was sharp, unyielding, and glorious.
But when the kiss deepened, she tore away. “You’re coming with
“You know,” he said. “That’s the second time I’ve heard that
She grabbed his hand, then they were fleeing out the front door
A dark SUV was waiting for them. The strange naked woman
threw Jett into the passenger’s seat before she rounded the vehicle.
He marveled at her— the woman who didn’t have a care in the
world that she was naked— as she got into the driver’s seat then
peeled the vehicle away from the curb with furious intent.

I n the rush of trying to get ready for her assignment, Ivy hadn’t
composed herself enough for the reality of her job, or at least
that was what she was telling herself. Meghan had taken them
back to headquarters to have Ivy sign all the paperwork since she
couldn’t legally carry out her assignment without doing so, and even
though they were in a rush, no one had believed that someone
would be knocking down Jett’s door in their fifteen-minute detour.
They sent her alone since they thought Ivy was just going to
secure Jett. They knew she could handle herself if she did encounter
anyone, but no one believed she was going to, yet, so Meghan and
Dax stayed behind to make arrangements for them. Besides the
medics, they were the only people in the building, which made it
clear why Ivy was needed so badly.
By the time she arrived at his apartment, the adrenaline had
been pumping through Ivy so furiously from being back in action
that it hadn’t even crossed her mind to control herself when she saw
Jett. His scent filled the room so magnificently that it overwhelmed
her as soon as she flew into the small space. Without thinking, she
crashed her mouth into his, claiming him while she rescued him.
Only now was she considering her consequences.
She gulped, trying to ignore that his presence was pulsing next
to her. She could almost feel the tension in the car, neither of them
speaking while they sped down the road. It was almost funny to her
how a naked woman could come flying through the door, grab him
and kiss him, and he would just hop into her car, dutifully following
along. The man had made it too easy to capture him.
Good thing she’d gotten there in time.
The thought sent a tendril of fire tightening around her spine,
twisting around it violently. Ivy had never felt a rage like that before,
but suddenly, she was suffocated with the need to keep Jett safe.
That feeling, plus being overwhelmed when first encountering his
scent, made it undeniable.
Jett was her mate.
She sucked in a breath, trying to shove down the feeling and
focus on her job, but her mind kept wandering. She was curious if
he knew the truth.
Jett was staring straight forward, his eyes focused on the road,
his posture slightly rigid. She could smell how tense he was, his
nerves infiltrating his scent that was cramming itself up her nose.
She didn’t know what to say. To ask if he was hurt felt a little
insensitive. She could see the bruises peppering his fair skin, and his
lip was split.
Honestly, Ivy wasn’t sure she would be able to take knowing
what they did to him if it was any worse than just stuffing him in a
closet. Even that made her claws ache to fly out. She was no longer
satisfied with how she handled the men holding Jett, wishing she
had taken her time with them instead.
“Where are we going?” he asked, finally.
Her head jerked to stare at him, her mouth agape. For some
reason, she was shocked to hear words rasp from him. His throat
was bobbing as he seemed on edge, which made Ivy’s heart
tremble. She wanted to comfort him without overwhelming him.
“Headquarters,” Ivy murmured, trying to make her voice sound
soothing. “There are people there that can help you, protect you.”
Even though he didn’t turn to meet her eyes, a grin touched his
lips. “More than you already can?”
She bit down on her bottom lip, fighting against the need to
validate that no one would protect him the way she would.
In the way... a fated mate would.
“We all have our strengths.” She pulled the SUV onto the street
that led to the tall building tucked away in the rear, reaching in the
back for her clothes. “Mine just happens to be kicking ass. I’m Ivy,”
she added, then parked the car and pulled clothes from the back
seat, dressing quickly, a skill she learned being a trainer.
He smirked. “I’m Jett.” His eyes darted toward her for a split
second, then away. “Though I’m sure you already knew that.”
The soft banter that had started up quickly dissipated when
people came running out of the building. She spotted Meghan with
her mate, Dax, followed by another man, who looked dwarfed by
Dax’s size. With chestnut-brown hair that was a little disheveled, he
was of average height and build for a human, though she doubted
he was one.
Jogging past the three was a group of EMTs. Ivy knew there
were medical professionals on-site, and here they were, yanking
open her SUV doors practically pulling Jett out.
Red seeped into her vision. She lashed out, calling to the medical
staff to leave Jett alone. Meghan popped up in front of her, Ivy’s
mind too fuzzy to be keeping up with anything but Jett being led
inside the building.
“Hey,” Meghan said. “Hey, Ivy, look at me.”
Ivy blinked, her vision slightly blurred. She focused on Meghan’s
face bobbing in front of her. “Where are they taking him?”
“They’re going to look over him, and then Dax, I, and my boss,
Nick, are going to debrief him. He’s just inside, safe with us. I
Ivy sucked in a lungful of air, trying to calm her racing heart.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, trying to cover up her outburst. “The
Meghan shook her head, reaching out to grip Ivy’s shoulders. “I
understand. You’re doing your job. I commend you for it. Let’s get
you checked out, then we’ll meet up after you’re cleared.”
Ivy nodded, following her boss inside. Meghan sent Ivy to the
triage station on the first floor, then her boss turned to go up a flight
of stairs, presumably to the office she and Dax shared.
With a lump in her throat, Ivy forced her feet to keep moving
down the hallway instead of following after Meghan, where she was
sure Jett would be waiting.
She rounded the corner into the triage station. The medics
scanned over her body, ushering her onto a table. They were quickly
cleaning off the dried blood. Her wounds were already crusted shut
except for one she hadn’t even noticed. It was only then that she
realized there was a bullet embedded in her arm.
Ivy stared down at it while they plucked the metal out, her skin
knitting itself closed. Her adrenaline was finally starting to cool off.
She no longer felt like ripping the building apart with her bare hands
to find Jett.
That was until she heard his voice. “Hey.”
Her eyes jerked up. She was frozen in place with Jett’s pale hazel
eyes boring into her. He looked better now that his clothes weren’t
tattered and his wounds had been cleaned. Ivy’s eyes still lingered
on the deep bruises along his jaw, the rest of his skin covered in
clothes that Dax must have provided him by the way they hung off
his frame.
Meghan popped around Jett, and Ivy pried her eyes from her
mate, forcing herself off the bed since the medic finished with her.
“Is she all good?” Meghan’s eyes were focused just past Ivy at the
“Yes, ma’am. They both look to be in good shape. Probably could
use some ice, though.”
Meghan slung an arm around Ivy’s shoulders, guiding them out
of the room. “Jett, Ivy is going to take great care of you while we
sort out how to handle the information you uncovered. Since you
both have been cleared by our medical team, I’m going to send you
to a safe house to hide out for a little while.”
She slipped a piece of paper to Ivy. “Here is the address, codes,
and keys. Don’t lose any of it.”
Ivy didn’t say anything else, letting Meghan lead them to the car.
“Call if you need anything,” she told them, patting the car then
rushing away.
I vy had never been one to get nervous, but while she prepared one of
her favorite pasta dishes with grilled chicken, she was terrified that
Jett wouldn’t like it. He had asked to get in the shower as soon as
they arrived at the safe house, and she had to force herself to not
ask if she could join him.
Instead, she had busied herself in preparing dinner. When she
heard the water cut off, she started plating the food. Jett came out,
his reddish-blond hair tousled, damp from the shower, his skin
steamed pink. His eyes grew when he stared at the table.
“I thought you might be hungry,” Ivy explained, fighting the heat
flushing up her face. She had made enough food for six, but she
knew she could put away a lot. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be
embarrassing herself tonight.
Jett excitedly took a seat and dove in, moaning softly. It filled Ivy
with excitement and happiness. She was thrilled that he enjoyed it.
After they’d had two servings each, splitting an entire loaf of
bread, they leaned back in their chairs with full, round stomachs.
Jett watched Ivy, whose hand was twisting through her hair while
she pretended she wasn’t focused on every move he made.
Her eyes darted toward his. She couldn’t pull them away as they
were sucked into the sharp, luminescent irises. A soft smile played
on his lips, and his eyes were half-hooded. “Ivy, do you always
rescue your clients naked?”
She blinked, having not expected that question. She’d completely
forgotten about how the first impression she’d made on Jett had
been while nude. It sent a flash of heat down between her legs, and
she started to cough, biting back a purr. Of course, he had been
thinking of her nude form. It didn’t embarrass her, though.
“You’re my first client,” she answered truthfully.
“Lucky me.” He cocked his head, his eyes surveying her. “That
doesn’t quite answer the question, though. Why didn’t you have any
clothes on?”
Her lips pursed, her gaze ran along his features lazily. “Have you
ever heard of shifters?”
He coughed out a shocked laugh. “You’re a shifter?”
“That I am.” Ivy’s eyes glittered as she nodded.
“That’s wild. Meghan’s boss, Nick, is a close friend of mine. I’ve
known about shifters as long as I can remember.”
“Well, I’m a panther shifter.”
Jett’s gaze licked down her body, lighting a flame through her
with the sensuality of his stare. “A panther? They’re kind of hot.”
“Hot?” she sputtered, focusing on sitting forward to get a sip of
water. Jett leaned his head back, laughing. His chuckle was deep
and earthy, not at all what Ivy had expected. It made her core burn
with desire.
“Well,” she stumbled through the word, trying to change the
subject. “Anyway. You know what I do professionally, so tell me
about your line of work.”
“Shouldn’t you know that already?” He teased with a massive
Ivy rolled her eyes. “I know how it got you in trouble, but tell me
about it besides that.”
“I’m a scientist,” he answered with a shrug. “I enjoy it for all the
reasons that people think it’s lame and boring. I love watching how
things react to determine how to reach an end goal. I’m a problem
solver. I love that this gives me an outlet to explore that part of my
Ivy’s elbow was perched on the edge of the table. She leaned
farther forward, aroused from the way his face lit up when he talked
about his work. “Tell me more.”
“There’s not much more to it.” Jett also leaned forward, taking
away even more space between them, his eyes glancing bashfully
down at the table. “I review chemicals and reactions. With my
knowledge and lab clearance, I encountered data results that I was
never meant to see, but I’m glad I did.”
His voice was strong and confident, hitting Ivy hard between the
legs. She was turned on by the alpha brain shining through in him.
She had to bite down on her lip to keep from lunging.
Jett’s eyes moved up to stare into Ivy’s. He leaned closer, his
gaze drifting down to her mouth then back up. “I’ve always just
wanted to do something good.”
His voice was so low, so sultry. The inches between them steadily
decreased until Ivy couldn’t take it any longer. She flew forward, her
mouth crashing against Jett’s, abandoning the wall she had been
trying to build between them.

A s soon as their lips met, Ivy felt a jolt of electricity shoot

through her body, and her arms reached across the table for
Jett. She needed more. Her hands twitched, itching to bury
themselves in his shaggy hair.
She balled them up, though, nervous that the lust was going to
dominate her body, and she was going to hurt him. She knew her
animal side was too strong for a human. If she lost control, it could
go terribly wrong. She could hurt him. Kill him. No. She had to stay
in control of herself and her animal. But Jett’s lips felt so good
against hers. The emotions rushing through her were making it hard
for her to focus on taking things slow. His hands were on her arms
and just knowing he wanted to hold her made her fill with need.
The kiss was driving her crazy. At first, Jett’s touch was timid,
leaning into the kiss but not with the ferocity that Ivy wanted to tug
out of him. Lacing her hands behind his head, she pulled him, but
she forced herself to ease off some of the intensity. He had picked
up on her silent begging, though, his lips parting, his tongue swiping
out in search for hers. Yes. This. It was exactly what she needed.
Ivy opened her mouth to him as he gathered her dark locks in his
hand, the shoulder-length tresses knotting firmly at the base of her
She ran her tongue over his lips, lapping up his taste everywhere
she could get it. His scent grew stronger. When one hand slid down
her arm, she had to fight back a moan. Jett’s touch was enough to
make her head spin.
She couldn’t stop herself from rising from her chair. With their
tongues still twisted together, she climbed onto his lap. His hands
dug into her hips, kneading the flesh there until she groaned. She
pressed herself tightly against him. She still wasn’t close enough. Ivy
twisted in the chair, the legs wobbling beneath them while she slung
a leg over his lap to straddle him. She leaned back, gasping for
breath, staring at Jett, whose eyes were heavy with desire.
She grabbed his wrist, bringing his hand down to her waist. She
was desperate for the feeling of him exploring her body, but he was
too shy to start. She sensed his insecurity, knowing he wouldn’t
make a move. She coaxed him into letting go as she nudged the
fabric up, and he took the hint.
His fingers ran across the hem of her shirt. She was startled
when she felt how rough the tips were skimming across her
abdomen. She hadn’t expected an office jockey to have such
Jett shifted forward, eliminating the space between them. Goose
bumps spread across her skin. His hands slid up her back, his
thumbs hooking around the bottom of the shirt to drag the fabric up.
The cool air brushed against her skin. Ivy gasped when he pulled
her top completely off, tossing it onto the floor.
Jett stared at her chest hungrily, but his cheeks tinged red with
embarrassment when his eyes flicked up. He was hesitant, that
much she could tell, but his eyes roamed her skin, licking fire across
her body until she bent forward to press her lips to his again.
Her teeth skimmed across his lip, and it seemed to drive him
crazy. He finally tightened his grip around her. He broke their kiss
when it grew too intense. Ivy knew she needed to reel herself in.
But it was nearly impossible to do that around Jett.
His mouth moved down her jawline, nipping at her ear before
etching a harsh line down the side of her throat. Ivy’s heart pounded
as he crossed her collarbone. She arched her chest forward in a
silent plea, hoping he’d take the hint. He licked his lips, staring at
her breasts, planting soft kisses around the fabric still encasing
With shaky hands, Jett slipped his fingers under her straps,
pushing them off her shoulders. His fingertips traced down where
they were until he came to the top of her breasts, massaging the
sensitive flesh.
Impatiently, she swung her hand behind her back, unhooking the
clasp, so the fabric landed in his lap. Jett’s mouth fell open the
moment her breasts burst free.
He seemed uncertain of what to do, so she brought one of his
hands up to cup her chest. His thumb brushed across the nipple
waiting for him. Her hips bucked in response.
Jett smirked, seeming to gain confidence, pulling the other bud in
between his forefinger and thumb, so both were being teased. Ivy’s
hands flew up to grip his shoulders. She gritted her teeth so hard,
trying to rein in her animal, she thought they might shatter. Oh, how
her panther wanted him too. But this was Ivy’s time. She wanted the
warmth of his mouth plus the sharpness of his teeth to take over,
but she wasn’t sure how much self-control she had.
He picked up on her silent request without a word as she pressed
closer to him, trailing kisses between her breasts. He brought his
mouth to one nipple, sucking it between his lips, swirling his tongue
around it until Ivy cried out. She wiggled on his lap, desperate for
As he moved to the next one, she reached down, fumbling with
his pants, eager to find some friction to soothe the heat building
there. His teasing was going to drive her mad. She wasn’t sure she
could take it any longer.
When her hand slipped inside his pants, he tensed, clearly not
used to such acts. Ivy paused, raising her eyebrows at him. “I can
stop if you want.”
He jerked his head once, swallowing hard, making his throat bob.
“No, keep going.”
She gripped him through the fabric of his underwear, palming his
hard length. Careful not to go too fast or hard, she moved down his
cock with powerful strokes that made strangled noises erupt from
his throat. Ivy leaned forward, pressing her lips to his neck. “I’ve
been wanting to do this since I saw you.”
Jett’s hands shifted down to cup her backside. She could feel the
slight tremble in them. Ivy’s arms wrapped tighter around his
shoulders when he rose from the chair, her legs latching around him
to help support herself. She hadn’t expected him to pick her up, but
while he was lanky, he seemed to have no problem supporting her
lean yet muscular body.
However, he didn’t move, and she leaned back to look at him,
cocking her head. “What are you doing?”
He offered her a sheepish smirk. “I don’t really know. I thought
that was obvious.”
She pressed a slow kiss to his mouth, dragging it out before
murmuring against his lips, “Take me to the bedroom.”
He stumbled a little making his way across the house, struggling
with the doorknob that Ivy twisted around to unlatch. Once they
were inside, he laid her across the mattress, biting down on his lips
while he surveyed her body.
Ivy undid her pants, hoping to nudge Jett along. He crouched at
the foot of the bed, pulling them off her legs slowly. He sighed,
staring at her sex, reaching his fingers up to touch her wetness,
then rubbing up and down as she writhed in passion.
“Jett,” she groaned. Her heart thudding, her pussy throbbing, she
begged for him to finally give her what she had been craving since
she met him. “Please.”
He started to move towards her center, then paused, seeming to
think better of it. Instead, he brought his mouth to the inside of her
knee, pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss there. “Please, what?”
Ivy pushed up on her elbows, looking at him in surprise at an
alpha move coming from such an insecure human. “Please. You’re
killing me.” Her voice trembled, which seemed to encourage him.
He ran his tongue up the inside of the opposite thigh; her legs
began to shake. “What do you want, Ivy?” He raised his brows at
her. “Tell me what you want.”
The deep teasing and sultry question in his voice made her
quiver more. His eyes darted down to stare at her sex intently. “Jett,
I want you in me.”
His eyes snapped back up to hers, a fire burning there while he
rose from his crouch. He pulled his shirt over his head. Ivy sat up,
working open his pants. She stared at him while she pulled them
down, unleashing his erection and letting it swing free.
Her hand reached out to stroke it. At first, he stiffened. She
looked up at him, arousal painted across his face, and kept going at
a slow, steady pace. “Is this okay?”
She didn’t want to push Jett just because of her own desire. She
could still see his abdominal muscles flexing nervously. He shook his
head in a quick nod, and Ivy knew his desire was overwhelming his
“Have you done this before?” she asked gently.
He opened his eyes, blinking. She half-expected him to lie. His
cheeks tinged pink as he shook his head no.
Ivy stilled her hand, pulling herself back onto the bed. She
wanted Jett, but she couldn’t pressure him. They needed to take this
slow and keep level heads, or this would be too overwhelming for
either one of them. The last thing she needed was to kill him on
their first time together.
Patting the space next to her, she told him, “Come, lie down.”
He obeyed, and Ivy threw her leg over him, careful to keep her
hands on her own body. She had almost lost it with a kiss. There
was no telling what was going to happen when he was finally in her.
“If you want me to stop, just let me know,” she said softly.
His eyes roamed down her body. “I’m not going to want you to
Ivy smiled at him, rocking her hips back and forth to coat him
with her wetness. His eyes almost rolled back in his head. “That’s
what I’m hoping for.”
She lifted until she felt his crown meet her opening, then she
eased down on top of him, savoring the soft groan that worked up
his throat. She pushed her fingers into her hair to keep from
touching him as he slid all the way inside of her.
She licked her lips, letting out a soft moan. “You feel amazing.”
Excitement sparkled in his eyes when he stared up at her.
She nodded. “Don’t be afraid to grab, okay? I’m not going to
Jett’s hands grabbed at her hips as she started to rock back and
forth on him. She wasn’t new to sex, but there was something about
Jett that aroused her so much that she was afraid she was going to
finish just from the thought of it.
He helped guide her, and she nodded to him. “Show me what
you like.”
He bit down on his bottom lip, lifting her off him before using his
hips to slam up into her. Ivy gasped, Jett’s brows rising in surprise.
She flew forward, digging her hands into the mattress on either side
of his head.
“Do that again.”
He gained confidence from her praise, murmuring his name in his
ear and telling him how great he felt. His hips pistoned up into her.
She helped, rocking back to meet him. In a matter of minutes, her
walls were quivering. She was coming up on the edge of her climax.
Her fingers dug into the sheets, pulling so tight the fabric started
to rip. His cock pulsed in her. She knew they were both close. She
focused hard on keeping her hands and mouth off him. Her moans
grew louder, turning into sharp cries.
“Oh, fuck, Jett!” She screamed out the second her orgasm hit
her, Jett slamming up into her at the same time.
“Fuck,” he groaned. His cock was buried deep inside her, pulsing
with the force of his orgasm.

J ett recovered his senses as he stared down at Ivy.

Her face was still flushed with the heat of the incredible sex
they’d just had, but her breathing had recovered to something
slow and even. On a sigh, she buried her face in a pillow as he
joined her.
What the hell just happened?
The thought stayed with him as he tucked her beautiful dark hair
behind one ear. She was amazing and fierce and all the things he
could only imagine in a partner. Why had she chosen him?
Even if it was just for today, he was the luckiest guy in the world.
A contented smile formed when she glanced at him, her gaze
drifting to the soft lines of his bare chest. “That really wasn’t at all
professional of me,” she admitted, taking in his scent. “But I can’t
find it in me to care, right now.”
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” he said, gathering her against him, and
they laughed softly. Everything made sense when their skin touched
and their bodies joined. He needed to keep her close as a reminder
of that perfection.
This was exactly where he belonged.
But it couldn’t last.
Out of the corner of his eye, through the blinds, he saw a car
pass. It was a muscle car with blacked-out windows. After
everything he’d been through, it made him sink down with
apprehension. He just wanted to hide from the world, to stay in this
woman’s arms forever.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
He didn’t know what to say, muted by the danger. But when he
glanced out the window again, she followed his line of sight.
Ivy missed nothing.
She sat up, unabashedly nude, searching for her cell phone. He
didn’t know what she planned on doing, but she knew her job. She
was a shifter, after all. She was one of the fiercest creatures he’d
ever seen.
She lay flat on her back while the phone rang against her ear.
He enjoyed the little jiggle of her tits when she spoke. “Meghan?”
Someone on the other side of the call— presumably Meghan—
answered her.
“Yeah, it’s Ivy. We’re safe right now. But I want to get a detail on
this safe house, just in case. Can you secure something?”
She listened to Meghan speak.
“Thanks, girl.” When she hung up, she caught Jett staring at her.
She issued a cocked smile. “What are you looking at?”
“I’m just wondering where you put it all.”
An eyebrow rose, and she leaned up on an elbow. “What’s that
supposed to mean?”
“The change,” he said quickly. “I mean, hell, you were incredible
back there, but how does the shifting work? Where do you put it
A thoughtful sound escaped her while she traced the centerline
of his chest up to his collar bone. “It’s not inside me, exactly. It is
me. Everything you see here changes. That’s a funny question. I’ve
never been asked that before.”
He grinned bashfully. “I’m sorry if it came off rude…”
“Not at all.” She looked him over. “You’re human. How could you
They smiled at one another when the phone rang again.
She picked it up, putting it on speaker this time. “Yeah?”
“We’ve got some people en route,” Meghan said. “Matthew Reid
is sending some Texas Rangers your way to watch over the place.
You think that’ll be enough?”
“Perfect,” Ivy said. “I owe you one.”
“It’s just part of the job.”
And with that, they were alone again. Jett traced the skin of her
shoulder, marveling at her powerful form. He’d been the one to
dominate her. He still couldn’t believe this was real. “How long have
you been a shifter?”
Her brow rumpled. “How long have you been human?”
“All my life,” he said, answering his own question. “Oh.”
Ivy nuzzled him with a coy little smile. “We’re not made. We’re
born this way. I don’t think there have ever been any shifters made
like you hear in stories. Those are just human fantasies, I think.
Helps them cope with not being, well, this.” She slipped a hand
down her side to make her point.
He watched the motion, his dick twitching like it was ready to go
again. When heat welled under his skin, he had to look away. “So,
there’s no chance that I could...” He didn’t need to finish. They both
knew the answer to that.
“No,” she said anyway. “I don’t think it’s possible.”
Did he want that? To become something powerful? Fearsome? To
strike terror in the heart of his enemies? Of course, he did. The
scuffle at his apartment would have gone much differently if he
could have transformed into something monstrous.
The thought brought an errant smile to his face. “It must be
“It is,” she admitted. “I don’t know what I’d do without being
able to shift. It’s kept me safe more times than I can count.”
“I’m sure.”
Jett should have been petrified in her presence. In an instant,
she could have pinned him down by the throat. She could’ve ripped
him in two with those wicked sharp claws. Instead, they lay in each
other’s arms, sighing from a glorious union. “I guess we could never
truly be together, though.”
“Why do you say that?” she asked. “We’re together now.”
“Yes, but I’d never be able to fully experience your world. I’m not
built for danger like you are. What if some powerful shifter male
decided they wanted you, and I was in the way?”
Her fingers walked up his chest, that smile returning to light up
her face. “You’re afraid of some big bad alpha, are you?”
He shrugged.
“Don’t worry,” she murmured, hiking her leg over him so she was
straddling his lap. Her mouth brushed against his ear, sending all his
hairs on end. “I’ll protect you.”
Jett went weak beneath her.
She drew back to better look at him.
What did this woman see in him? He opened his mouth to ask,
but the words didn’t come. He snapped his jaw shut when her heat
settled on his crotch. Did she want to fuck again? He wasn’t against
it, but he wasn’t ready yet, either.
Ivy still had that hard look in her eyes.
He reached for her, sliding his hands up her arms until he caught
her face, and they kissed. Her short dark hair haloed her crown, her
body yielding to him, demanding more from him when his phone
Jett broke the kiss with a groan.
She leaned over the bed, never breaking their connection while
she pulled the phone from his pants pocket. He accepted it,
answering without checking the number. “Yes, what?”
Ivy teased him with a little roll of his hips.
He had to steel himself.
“Jett, it’s me, Nick.”
“Nick,” he echoed, trying to make his brain focus on the call
instead of the hot woman on top of him. “What’s up?”
“I thought you’d be interested to hear this.” There was a pause.
As if Nick didn’t want to say what he’d called to tell him. “There was
a dashcam that caught Daniel’s murder. It wasn’t just a hit-and-run.
Whoever did it got out of the vehicle to take his briefcase.”
Dread coursed through Jett. He stilled Ivy’s teasing, sitting up to
better take the call. “There’s proof that it was a murder?”
“Enough to convict whoever was driving the vehicle, yeah.” Nick
lowered his voice almost to a whisper. “Whatever you told him, they
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
And how beautifully they sang after a few lessons! Troubles sang
high and Bubbles sang low.
But best of all they loved to play dead! They lay so still when
Jimmy covered them with an old shawl, that sometimes it frightened
Then Jimmy had a birthday. His father said he might have a circus
in the garage! They trimmed it with flags and bunting, and fixed up
some soap boxes for a stage. Jimmy was so thankful for such a nice
father, that he gave him a BIG HUG!
At last it was time for the circus. All the boys and girls in the
neighborhood came. Jimmy charged a penny admission. He wanted
to buy a gift for the little lame boy who lived in the alley. He let him
come in without paying anything.
When the children were all in the garage Jimmy closed the doors.
Then he went to get the performers. THEY WERE GONE! Jimmy
looked and looked but he could not find them. His father looked and
looked, but he could not find them! His mother looked and looked,
but she could not find them! The children looked and looked but they
could not find them!
Jimmy felt like crying, but he didn’t! Instead he gave back a penny
to each girl and boy who had come to the circus. They all went
home! Only the little lame boy from the alley stayed. He and Jimmy
sat on the garage steps with their faces in their hands and their
elbows on their knees. They were thinking.
“Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip!—Yip!—Yip!”
Jimmy looked at the lame boy. The lame boy looked at Jimmy!
“Where are they?” asked Jimmy. “It sounds as if they’re in the
garage,” answered the lame boy. But when they got into the garage
it was EMPTY and VERY QUIET!
Once more they went out and sat on the steps. Soon they heard
the crying noise again. Jimmy called his father. Then they all
“Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip!—Yip!—Yip!”
It came from the corner where the automobile stood. But when
they went in to the car it was EMPTY. Jimmy’s father was as much
puzzled as the boys. Soon they heard it again. “Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip!” It
was very weak.
Suddenly Father laughed! Then he lifted up the big front seat!
Huddled in the corner, frightened out of their wits were the
puppies! He lifted them out by the back of their necks and placed
them on the hood. “You scamps!” he said, “You hid in there while I
was getting some tools, and I shut you in because I did not see you!”
Soon the children heard that the circus dogs were found! They
came rushing back with their pennies! In a few minutes the garage
was as noisy as THE BIG TENT! Such clapping! Such shouting!
Such barking!
When it was all over the children went home. The little lame boy
got his present. The puppies had a good supper. Then Jimmy took
them for a nice long walk. Across the street was THE BIG BLACK
But the twins paid no attention to her. They were too happy and
full and sleepy.

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