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Unit No:06(The Forest’s Blessed Abode)

Q1. Words/Meaning.

Words Meaning Word Meaning

Captivating ‫ دلکش‬Survive ‫بچ جانا‬
Provoking ‫ غصہ دالنے واال‬Luxuries ‫آسائیش‬
Adventure ‫ مہم‬Lack ‫کم ہونا‬
Wilderness ‫ ویران جگہ‬Fatal ‫جان لیوا‬
Combination ‫ اتحاد‬Starvation ‫بھوک‬
Journey ‫ سفر‬Exposure ‫انکشاف‬
Troubled ‫ پریشان‬Danger ‫خطرہ‬
Simplicity ‫ سادگی‬Regret ‫افسوس‬
Freedom ‫ آزادی‬Inspiration ‫متاثر کرنا‬
Abandoned ‫ آوارہ‬Contemplating ‫غور کرنا‬
Q2. Choose the correct answer, according to the poem:

1.. The poem is primarily about:

(A)a cityscape (B)a rural community

(C)a forest’s natural beauty (D) a river’s grandeur

2. The speaker’s invitation in the first stanza is:

(A) to walk into a city (B) to explore a desert

(B) to bask in the beauty of a forest (D) to swim in the ocean

3. In the phrase burbling streams, “burbling” is an example of:

(A) idiom (B) simile (C) onomatopoeia (D) hyperbolae

4. The sounds of the whispering trees and burbling streams:

(A) send the speaker’s mind wandering (B) keep the speaker from sleeping

(C) create chaos in the forest (D) scare the animals away

5. The speaker suggests about the wintering forest:

(A) a desolate place (B) a place full of life

(C) a place where nature is absent (D) place where all species are sleeping
6. Speaker suggests about the forest in the first stanza:

(A) It is dangerous place to be (B) It is a place to rebirth

(C) It is a place of chaos and confusion (D) It is a place to be avoided

7. Message carried by the forest in the last stanza:

(A) listen to the sounds of the forest (B) touch the leaves of the trees

(C) look at the trees and plants (D) blend with the forest’s spirit

8. Main message of the poem is that the forest is a place:

(A) of beauty and wonder (B) of death and decay

(C) to be feared and avoided (D) of danger and uncertainly

9. Synonym of the beckoning is:

(A) repelling (B) Dismissing (C) turning off (D) charming

10. “Every now and then” in the last stanza is a:

(A) metaphor (B) simile (C) hyperbola (D) idiom

Q3. Answer the following questions.

1.. What does the title of the poem speak of?

The title of the poem, “In the Forest’s Blessed Abode, “suggests that the poem is about the
beauty and experiences within a forest.

2.. What do the sounds of whispering trees and burbling streams do?

The sounds of whispering trees and burbling streams send the speaker’s mind wandering into
a poet’s lovely dreams. They create a sense of wonder and connection with nature.

3. Summarize the central theme of the second stanza?

The central theme of the second stanza is that the wintering forest, although it may seem
desolate and still, holds the promise of new life beneath the snow and leaves, waiting for the
for the arrival of spring.

4. What is the concept of rebirth explained in the third stanza?

The concept of rebirth in the third stanza refers to the renewal and awakening of life in the
spring forest. The Earth awakens its children from their slumber, and the trees renew their
canopy, signifying a fresh start and the cycle of life.
5. What is the message that we may understand if we listen with our hearts as we walk
among trees, according to the poem?

The message that we may understand if we listen with our hearts as we walk among trees is
the beauty and miracle of life. By connecting with nature and paying attention to its subtle
message, we can appreciate the wonder and interconnectedness of all living things.

Read to Lead

Into the Wild(Summary)

Answer the given questions.

1.. Who is the writer of the book “Into the wild”?

The writer of the book “Into the wild” is Jon Krakauer.

2. Why has Christopher McCandless left everything behind?

Christopher McCandless left everything behind to seek adventure and solace in the Alaskan
wildness, leaving behind a troubled past and a well-to-do family in pursuit of a life of
simplicity and freedom.

3. How did McCandless negligence result in his death?

McCandless negligence resulted in his death as he was not adequately prepared for the harsh
Alaskan winter. His lack of preparation, including not having enough food and proper
equipment, led to starvation and exposure, ultimately leading to his tragic demise.

4. Highlight the theme of the book after reading the review thoroughly?

The theme of the book revolves around the allure of adventure, the pursuit of freedom, and
the dangers that can come with it. It explores the human desire for a simpler life and the
consequences of venturing into the wild unprepared. The book also delves into themes of
passion, courage, tragedy, and the complex nature of the human spirit.

Q. Choose the word that makes each of these nouns into a compound noun.

Fund Raiser (driver, seat, raiser)

News Paper (paper, story, travel)
Sun Glasses (Day, glasses, heat)
Child Hood (hood, ren, play)
Door Way (frame, handle, way)

Q. Fill in the blanks to complete each compound noun or with the one word compound
noun that fits best.

1.. We can avoid a heart ___________ by adapting a healthy lifestyle.

(A) stroke (B) Attack (C) murmur

2. Full____________ looks enormous than normal days.

(A) moon (B) sun (C) sunset

3. I’m about to go to the salon for a ________.

(A) trim (B) new style (C) haircut

4. They’re digging a new swimming ________ in the park.

(A) suit (B) pool (C) game

5. Bakery items are jattening because they are made in cooking_______.

(A) oil (B) sugar (C) pans

Q. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the underlined nouns with the correct
personal pronouns:

1.. Madiha went to the store. Madiha bought some candy.

Madiha went to the store. She bought some candy.

2. The dog chased the cat. The dog got tired and stopped chasing.

The dog chased the cat. It got tired and stopped chasing.

3. Jasim and Maryam are going to the park. Jasim and Maryam will have a picnic.

Jasim and Maryam are going to the park. They will have a picnic.

4. The teacher gave the students homework. The students completed the homework.

The teacher gave the students homework. They completed the homework.

Q. Complete the following sentences with the correct personal pronouns:

1.. She is going to the party.

2. Saim and I are going to the mall.

3. The book belongs to him not me.

4. She and I will clean up the kitchen.

Q. Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronouns:

1.. This pen is mine, not yours.

2. That jacket is too small for me.

3. I don’t like this movie. Can we watch something else?

4. That is the book I was telling you about.

Q. Complete the following sentences with the correct interrogative pronouns:

1.. Which is your favorite color?

2. What is the name of your best friend?

3. What did you do on vacation last summer?

4. Which is the tallest building in the city?

Unit No:08(Mountaineering)

Q. Choose the correct answer, according to the text:

1.. Muhammad Ali Sadpara was born in:

(A) 1976 (B) 1986 (C) 1996 (D) 2006

2. The purpose of building the Great Wall of China was to:

(A) Kharmang (B)Shigar (C) Shangrila, Skardu (D) Sadpara, Skardu

3. The length of the Great Wall of China is:

(A) K2 (B) Broad Peak (C) Nanga Parbat (D) Gasherbrum II

4. Muhammad Ali Sadpara Climbed six peaks in just four months in the year:

(A) 2016 (B)2017 (C) 2018 (D)2019

5. The last mountain climbed by Muhammad Ali Sadpara was:

(A) K2 (B) Broad Peak (C) Nanga Parbat (D) Gasherbrum II

6. Muhammad Ali Sadpara, John Snorri, and Juan Pablo Mohr went missing on:

(A) February 5, 2020 (B) February 5, 2021

(C) February 5, 2019 (D) February 5, 2018

7. How many 8000-meter peaks did Muhammad Ali Sadpara climb?

(A) six (B)seven (C) eight (D) nine

8. What did Muhammad Ali Sadpara’s son wh continues to climb mountains in his
father’s footsteps?

(A) Ali Sadpara (B) Sajid Sadpara (C) Ahmad Sadpara (D) Fida Sadpara

9. What did Muhammad Ali Sadpara prioritize over personal glory?

(A) safety and humanity (B) wealth and fame

(C) power and influence (D) knowledge and wisdom

10. What was Muhammad Ali Sadpara’s legacy?

(A) challenging the limits of human endeavor

(B) inspiring future generation

(C) love for mountaineering

(D) All of the above

Q. Answer the following questions.

1.. Who was Muhammad Ali Sadpara?

Muhammad Ali Sadpara was a renowned Pakistani mountaineering known for his passion
for climbing and his numerous achievements in the world of mountaineering.

2. How would you describe Ali Sadpara’s love for mountaineering?

Ali Sadpara’s love for mountaineering began in his teenage years, and he became
increasingly passionate about the sport as he scaled challenging peaks around the world. He
climbed some of the most difficult mountains, including K2 in the winter season, and set
records in the field.

3. Discuss his attitude towards his family?

Ali Sadpara was described as a loving husband and father who prioritized his family’s well-
being. He carried the responsibility of his family on his shoulders, ensuring their welfare
despite the risks and challenges of his mountaineering expeditions.

4. When and where did Ali Sadpara take his last breathe?

Muhammad Ali Sadpara went missing on K2, and his last breathe were taken during that
expedition. He along with John Snori and Juan Pablo Mohr was reported missing on
February 5, 2021.

5. name any four peaks summited by Ali Sadpara?

Gasherbrum II, Broad Peak, Nanga Parbat and K2.

Q. Answer the given questions.

1.. What is the book “Into Thin Air” about?

The book “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakaur is about the author’s personal experience during a
Mount Everest expedition in May 1996, which ended tragically with the loss of eigth
climber’s lives. It also explores the commercialization of Everest and the challeneges faced
by climbers.

2. How did Krakauer talk about the human mind and body during a journey?

Krakauer discusses the physical and mental strain that the human body and mind undergo
during a high-altitude mountain expedition, particularly on Mount Everest. He highlights the
risks and challenges climbers face, as well as the effects of extreme altitude on the body and

3. What is the meaning of the main saying in the book?

It emphasizes the competitive and adventurous nature of many climbers who attempt
Everest. It underscores the importance of the climbing style and route taken rather than just
reaching the summit.

4. Describe the atmospheric conditions in the mountains?

In high-altitude Mountains like Everest, climbers face thin air with less oxygen, extreme
cold, unpredictable weather, low atmospheric pressure, and reduced visibility. These
conditions make climbing challenging and dangerous.

Q. Underline adjective phrases from the given sentences.

1.. The tall, handsome man walked confidently down the street.

2. The delicious homemade pie filled the kitchen with a sweet aroma.

3. The bright, colorful flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden.

4. The soft comfortable bed. Provided a restful night’s sleep.

5. The energetic, playful puppy chased its tail in the backyard.

Q. Correct the sentences by rearranging the adjectives in proper order.

1.. I have a white, big beautiful dog.

I have a beautiful, big, white dog.

2. She put on a red, silky, flowing dress.

She put on a flowing, silky, red dress.

3. They live in a cozy, old, small house.

They live in a small, old, cozy house.

4. I bought a juicy, delicious, ripe apple.

I bought a juicy, delicious, ripe apple.

5. We had a tiring, long, exhausting road trip.

We had a long, exhausting, tiring road trip.

Q. Choose the suitable adverbs form the box to complete the sentences.

very too luckily Quickly

1. Salina did not run quickly.
2. Wajid is very tall.
3. The race finished too quickly.
4. Luckily Laiba recorded Saleem’s win.

Q. Use the correct degree of adjectives in the given blanks:

1.. Danish is the wisest of the three brothers. (wise)

2. Rose is the most beautiful flower. (beautiful)

3. Who is the tallest person in your family. (tall)

4. Bikes are slower than car (slow)

5. She bought the biggest cake in the shop. (big)

Unit No 09(Emerging Professions)

Q. Choose the correct answer, according to the text:

1.. The purpose of the career counseling session was:

(A) to explore emerging professions

(B) to talk about the importance of choosing a career path

(C) to listen to the principal’s speech

(D) to relax and have fun

2. The guest speaker for the career counseling session was:

(A) The school principal scientist (B) a data scientist

(C) a sustainability manager (D) a top career counselor

3. Emerging professions are:

(A) careers that have existed for a long time

(B) careers that are gaining importance in today’s job market

(C) careers that are no longer in demand

(D) careers that are not worth pursuing

4. Which of the following in NOT an example of an emerging profession?

(A) data scientist (B) sustainability manager (C) doctor (D) cybersecurtiy analyst

5. How can you learn more about emerging professions?

(A) by searching online

(B) by talking to professionals in those fields

(C) by visiting your schools career center

(D) all of the above

6. A virtual Reality Developer creates:

(A) fake social media account

(B) engaging virtual experiences

(C) trending memes

(D) unauthentic data

7. Cyber Security analyst protects companies from:

(A) Cyber threats (B) power issue

(C) clients diminishing (D) terrorism

Q. Answer the following questions in accordance with the text:

1.. What is meant by the term “emerging professions”?

“Emerging professions” refer to careers that are gaining importance in today’s job market,
which may not have existed a few years ago or may have been relatively unknown.
2. What is the importance of career counseling sessions for students?

Career counseling sessions are important for students because they provide valuable insights
and advice on choosing the right career path. They help students make informed decisions
about their future and explore various career options.

3. What are some of the challenges that students face when choosing a career path?

Some challenges students face when choosing a career path include feeling lost or uncertain
about their choices, wanting to ensure they choose a profession in demand with a positive
future outlook, and not being aware of emerging professions.

4.. How can emerging professions benefit society?

Emerging professions can benefits society by addressing current and future needs. For
example, data scientists can help businesses make informed decisions, sustainability
managers can promote environmentally conscious practices, virtual reality developers can
create engaging experiences and cyber security analysts can protect companies from cyber

5.. How can students determine if a particular career path is right for them?

Students can determine if a particular career path is right for them by researching the
profession online, talking to professionals in the field, and seeking information from their
school’s career center. They should also conside their own interests, skills, and passions.

6.. How can parents support their children in making the right career choice?

Parents can support their children in making the right career choice by encouraging open
communication, helping them explore various options and providing guidance and emotional
support through the decision-making process.

7. What are some of the key skills and qualities required for success?

Some key skills and qualities required for success in emerging professions and any career
include analytical skills (for data scientists), environmental awareness (for sustainability
manager), creativity (for virtual reality developers), and problem-solving abilities (for cyber
security analysts).

Q. Answer the given questions:

1.. What is the poem about?

The poem is about the importance of ethical behavior on social media, emphasizing
kindness, honesty and responsible sharing.

2. What are some of the things that people like to post on social media?

Some of the things that people like to post on social media include funny memes and
things about them boast about.

3. Why should people be kind and honest on social media?

People should be kind and honest on social media to create a positive and respectfully online
environment, prevent spreading hate or harassment, and maintain ethical standards in their
online interactions.

4.. How should people treat others’ views on social media?

People should treat others’ views on social media with respect, even if they differ, because it
contributes to a diverse and enriched online discourse and fosters a sense of tolerance and

5.. Why is it important to fact-check before sharing a link on social media?

It is important to fact-check before sharing a link on social media to ensure that accurate
information is being shared, as misinformation can spread quickly and have negative
consequences. Fact-checking helps maintain the credibility of the information shared online.

Q. Identify the lexical and auxiliary in the given sentences. Write MV for Main verbs,
PAV for primary Auxiliary verbs and MAV for modal auxiliary verbs.

1. She is (PAV) eating (MV) breakfast.

2. They can (MAV) speak (MV) Spanish fluently.

3. He had (PAV) been working (MV) for two hours.

4. We should (MAV) have (PAV) taken (MV) the train.

5. He had (PAV) been playing (MV) basketball all day.

6. We should (MV) visit (MV) our grandparents this weekend.

7. They will (MAV) be (PAV) studying (MV) for their exams tonight.

8. She might (MAV) come (MV) to the party later.

9. I am (PAV) going (MV) to start a new book tomorrow.

10. You must (MAV) complete (MV) your homework before you can go outside.

Q. Use the given types of verbs in sentences to make their meanings clear.

Verb Sentences
Hate I hate broccoli.
Own She owns a pet rabbit.
Contain The box contains toys.
Went I went to the market.
Seem It seems cloudy today.
Look These paintings look amazing.
Unit No:06(The Forest’s Blessed Abode)

Q1. Words/Meaning.

Words Meaning Word Meaning

Captivating Survive
Provoking Luxuries
Adventure Lack
Wilderness Fatal
Combination Starvation
Journey Exposure
Troubled Danger
Simplicity Regret
Freedom Inspiration
Abandoned Contemplating
Q2. Choose the correct answer, according to the poem:

1.. The poem is primarily about:

(A)a cityscape (B)a rural community

(C)a forest’s natural beauty (D) a river’s grandeur

2. The speaker’s invitation in the first stanza is:

(A) to walk into a city (B) to explore a desert

(B) to bask in the beauty of a forest (D) to swim in the ocean

3. In the phrase burbling streams, “burbling” is an example of:

(A) idiom (B) simile (C) onomatopoeia (D) hyperbolae

4. The sounds of the whispering trees and burbling streams:

(A) send the speaker’s mind wandering (B) keep the speaker from sleeping

(C) create chaos in the forest (D) scare the animals away

5. The speaker suggests about the wintering forest:

(A) a desolate place (B) a place full of life

(C) a place where nature is absent (D) place where all species are sleeping
6. Speaker suggests about the forest in the first stanza:

(A) It is dangerous place to be (B) It is a place to rebirth

(C) It is a place of chaos and confusion (D) It is a place to be avoided

7. Message carried by the forest in the last stanza:

(A) listen to the sounds of the forest (B) touch the leaves of the trees

(C) look at the trees and plants (D) blend with the forest’s spirit

8. Main message of the poem is that the forest is a place:

(A) of beauty and wonder (B) of death and decay

(C) to be feared and avoided (D) of danger and uncertainly

9. Synonym of the beckoning is:

(A) repelling (B) Dismissing (C) turning off (D) charming

10. “Every now and then” in the last stanza is a:

(A) metaphor (B) simile (C) hyperbola (D) idiom

Q3. Answer the following questions.

1.. What does the title of the poem speak of?




2.. What do the sounds of whispering trees and burbling streams do?




3. Summarize the central theme of the second stanza?




4. What is the concept of rebirth explained in the third stanza?






5. What is the message that we may understand if we listen with our hearts as we walk
among trees, according to the poem?







Read to Lead

Into the Wild(Summary)

Answer the given questions.

1.. Who is the writer of the book “Into the wild”?



2. Why has Christopher McCandless left everything behind?




3. How did McCandless negligence result in his death?



4. Highlight the theme of the book after reading the review thoroughly?





Q. Choose the word that makes each of these nouns into a compound noun.

Fund (driver, seat, raiser)

News (paper, story, travel)
Sun (Day, glasses, heat)
Child (hood, ren, play)
Door (frame, handle, way)

Q. Fill in the blanks to complete each compound noun or with the one word compound
noun that fits best.

1.. We can avoid a heart ___________ by adapting a healthy lifestyle.

(A) stroke (B) Attack (C) murmur

2. Full____________ looks enormous than normal days.

(A) moon (B) sun (C) sunset

3. I’m about to go to the salon for a ________.

(A) trim (B) new style (C) haircut

4. They’re digging a new swimming ________ in the park.

(A) suit (B) pool (C) game

5. Bakery items are jattening because they are made in cooking_______.

(A) oil (B) sugar (C) pans

Q. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the underlined nouns with the correct
personal pronouns:

1.. Madiha went to the store. Madiha bought some candy.


2. The dog chased the cat. The dog got tired and stopped chasing.


3. Jasim and Maryam are going to the park. Jasim and Maryam will have a picnic.


4. The teacher gave the students homework. The students completed the homework.


Q. Complete the following sentences with the correct personal pronouns:

1.. _________ is going to the party.

2. Saim and ___________ are going to the mall.

3. The book belongs to ______ not me.

4. _________ and I will clean up the kitchen.

Q. Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronouns:

1.. ___________ pen is mine, not yours.

2. ___________ jacket is too small for me.

3. I don’t like _____________ movie. Can we watch something else?

4. ________________ is the book I was telling you about.

Q. Complete the following sentences with the correct interrogative pronouns:

1.. ___________ is your favorite color?

2. ___________ is the name of your best friend?

3. _____________ did you do on vacation last summer?

4. ______________ is the tallest building in the city?

Unit No:08(Mountaineering)

Q. Choose the correct answer, according to the text:

1.. Muhammad Ali Sadpara was born in:

(A) 1976 (B) 1986 (C) 1996 (D) 2006

2. The purpose of building the Great Wall of China was to:

(A) Kharmang (B)Shigar (C) Shangrila, Skardu (D) Sadpara, Skardu

3. The length of the Great Wall of China is:

(A) K2 (B) Broad Peak (C) Nanga Parbat (D) Gasherbrum II

4. Muhammad Ali Sadpara Climbed six peaks in just four months in the year:

(A) 2016 (B)2017 (C) 2018 (D)2019

5. The last mountain climbed by Muhammad Ali Sadpara was:

(A) K2 (B) Broad Peak (C) Nanga Parbat (D) Gasherbrum II

6. Muhammad Ali Sadpara, John Snorri, and Juan Pablo Mohr went missing on:

(A) February 5, 2020 (B) February 5, 2021

(C) February 5, 2019 (D) February 5, 2018

7. How many 8000-meter peaks did Muhammad Ali Sadpara climb?

(A) six (B)seven (C) eight (D) nine

8. What did Muhammad Ali Sadpara’s son wh continues to climb mountains in his
father’s footsteps?

(A) Ali Sadpara (B) Sajid Sadpara (C) Ahmad Sadpara (D) Fida Sadpara

9. What did Muhammad Ali Sadpara prioritize over personal glory?

(A) safety and humanity (B) wealth and fame

(C) power and influence (D) knowledge and wisdom

10. What was Muhammad Ali Sadpara’s legacy?

(A) challenging the limits of human endeavor

(B) inspiring future generation

(C) love for mountaineering (D) All of the above

Q. Answer the following questions.

1.. Who was Muhammad Ali Sadpara?




2. How would you describe Ali Sadpara’s love for mountaineering?






3. Discuss his attitude towards his family?





4. When and where did Ali Sadpara take his last breathe?




5. name any four peaks summited by Ali Sadpara?


Q. Answer the given questions.

1.. What is the book “Into Thin Air” about?



2. How did Krakauer talk about the human mind and body during a journey?





3. What is the meaning of the main saying in the book?




4. Describe the atmospheric conditions in the mountains?





Q. Underline adjective phrases from the given sentences.

1.. The tall, handsome man walked confidently down the street.

2. The delicious homemade pie filled the kitchen with a sweet aroma.

3. The bright, colorful flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden.

4. The soft comfortable bed. Provided a restful night’s sleep.

5. The energetic, playful puppy chased its tail in the backyard.

Q. Correct the sentences by rearranging the adjectives in proper order.

1.. I have a white, big beautiful dog.


2. She put on a red, silky, flowing dress.


3. They live in a cozy, old, small house.

4. I bought a juicy, delicious, ripe apple.


5. We had a tiring, long, exhausting road trip.


Q. Choose the suitable adverbs form the box to complete the sentences.

very too luckily Quickly

1. Salina did not run __________
2. Wajid is ___________ tall.
3. The race finished _____________ quickly.
4. ___________ Laiba recorded Saleem’s win.

Q. Use the correct degree of adjectives in the given blanks:

1.. Danish is the __________ of the three brothers. (wise)

2. Rose is ________________ flower. (beautiful)

3. Who is ___________ person in your family. (tall)

4. Bikes are ______________than car (slow)

5. She bought the _________________cake in the shop. (big)

Unit No 09(Emerging Professions)

Q. Choose the correct answer, according to the text:

1.. The purpose of the career counseling session was:

(A) to explore emerging professions

(B) to talk about the importance of choosing a career path

(C) to listen to the principal’s speech

(D) to relax and have fun

2. The guest speaker for the career counseling session was:

(A) The school principal scientist (B) a data scientist

(C) a sustainability manager (D) a top career counselor

3. Emerging professions are:

(A) careers that have existed for a long time

(B) careers that are gaining importance in today’s job market

(C) careers that are no longer in demand

(D) careers that are not worth pursuing

4. Which of the following in NOT an example of an emerging profession?

(A) data scientist (B) sustainability manager (C) doctor (D) cybersecurtiy analyst

5. How can you learn more about emerging professions?

(A) by searching online

(B) by talking to professionals in those fields

(C) by visiting your schools career center

(D) all of the above

6. A virtual Reality Developer creates:

(A) fake social media account

(B) engaging virtual experiences

(C) trending memes

(D) unauthentic data

7. Cyber Security analyst protects companies from:

(A) Cyber threats (B) power issue

(C) clients diminishing (D) terrorism

Q. Answer the following questions in accordance with the text:

1.. What is meant by the term “emerging professions”?




2. What is the importance of career counseling sessions for students?





3. What are some of the challenges that students face when choosing a career path?




4.. How can emerging professions benefit society?






5.. How can students determine if a particular career path is right for them?





6.. How can parents support their children in making the right career choice?




7. What are some of the key skills and qualities required for success?




Q. Answer the given questions:

1.. What is the poem about?




2. What are some of the things that people like to post on social media?




3. Why should people be kind and honest on social media?




4.. How should people treat others’ views on social media?





5.. Why is it important to fact-check before sharing a link on social media?




Q. Identify the lexical and auxiliary in the given sentences. Write MV for Main verbs,
PAV for primary Auxiliary verbs and MAV for modal auxiliary verbs.

1. She is _________ eating __________ breakfast.

2. They can _______ speak ___________ Spanish fluently.

3. He had ___________ been working ___________ for two hours.

4. We should ___________ have ___________ taken ___________ the train.

5. He had ___________ been playing ___________ basketball all day.

6. We should ___________ visit ___________ our grandparents this weekend.

7. They will ___________ be ___________ studying __________ for their exams tonight.

8. She might ___________ come ___________ to the party later.

9. I am ___________ going ___________ to start a new book tomorrow.

10. You must __________ complete________ your homework before you can go outside.

Q. Use the given types of verbs in sentences to make their meanings clear.

Verb Sentences

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