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Pakistan and Satellite Technology

Man has been curious about space since ancient times. The launching of the first
artificial satellite sputnik-I in 1957 started the space age. Pakistan has also made
progress in this field. Pakistan started his space program in1961. The Space and Upper
Atmosphere Research Commission or SUPARCO is the agency of the government of
Pakistan. Pakistan sent its first satellite badr-I in 1990 and badr-B in 2001. PAKSAT-
IR was sent in 2011. Pakistan is now planning for remote sensing satellite system(RSSS-
1) and many other satellite programs in future. It is hoped that Pakistan will have a
bright future in space technology.

Science is a Blessing

Science is one of the greatest blessings of modern life. Ours is the age of science. The
wonders of science are all around us. Science is making impossible. Science has given us
machines. These machines manufactured things rapidly. Science has brought great
revolution in agriculture and transport. Our health facilities have been improved
greatly. Science has enabled man to explore space. The internet and mobile phones are
like miracles in our life. In short science has made our lives much easier and better. We
can rightly say that science is a blessing.


A miser and his servent

Once there was a miser. One day a certain friend of his invited him to a dinner. The
friend’s house was at a distance. The miser, therefore, started early to be just in time
for the feast. When he had covered half of the distance he remembered that he had left
the lamp burning in his drawing room. He could not bear this waste of oil. He at once
ran homeward. Reaching there he ordered his servant to put out the lamp. The latter
replied. "I have already done so." He further stated that he was sorry that his master's
shoes had been worn down for nothing. The miser at once re-marked, "Do you take me
for a fool, I carry them under my arms." At this both of them laughed heartily.
A clever thief

Once there lived a thief in a certain village He was very poor One day as he was passing
by a garden he saw clusters of yellow ripe mangoes on trees. His mouth watered at their
sight. How he longed to eat them!

He at once entered the garden stealthily and climbed up a tree. He had been there for
twenty minutes when the gardener turned up. He looked up and cried out, "Who are
you? What are you doing there?" The thief replied. "I have come here to get grass."
"Does grass grow on mango trees?" shouted the gardener "That is why I am climbing
down," replied the former, the gardener was highly pleased with his ready wit
and let him go.


An application for school leaving certificate

The Principal,

City High School,

City A.B.C

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I state that my father is a bank manager. He has been transferred to
a new branch. Now it is not possible for me to come to this school from such a long
distance. I, therefore, request you kindly to issue the school leaving certificate so that I
may be able to get admission into a school near my residence. Thanks.

Yours Obediently,


Roll No.

A leave application for your sister’s marriage

The Principal,

City High School,

City A.B.C

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I state that my sister’s marriage is being held on 25th November,
2015. The whole family is busy in arrangements. So, I cannot attend school during
those days. Kindly grant me leave for 3 days from 24th to 26th November. Thanking you
in advance.

Yours Obediently,


Roll No.



Write a letter to your uncle for a birthday present

Examination hall,

City ABC

July 03, 2015

Dear uncle,

It was a great pleasure to have your present received at home. It is kind of you to
remember my birthday. The beautiful wristwatch you sent me is the best birthday gift.
Thank you so much for such a nice gift. It will remind me of your love for me.

Yours affectionately,

Write a letter to your brother advising him to take part in games.

Examination hall,

City ABC

July 03, 2015

My dear brother,

I received your letter just two days ago. You did not mention about your health in the
letter. But I find that you are neglecting games these days. You know better that health
is wealth and a healthy body can have a healthy mind. So, you must take part in your
school games to keep you healthy.

Love to all at home.

Yours lovingly,


Pakistan and Satellite Technology















Science is a Blessing


















A miser and his servant










A clever thief















An application for school leaving certificate
















A leave application for your sister’s marriage


















Write a letter to your uncle for a birthday present

















Write a letter to your brother advising him to take part in games.

















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