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Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success.

Examination Hall,

City A.B.C.

April 28, 2022

My dear friend Ali,

Surely you will be in a happy mood as you got first position in the annual examinations.
I am very happy since I have heard the news of your brilliant success. May Allah grant
you such more joys and successes. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on this
grand occasion. Pay my compliments to your parents.

Yours sincerely,


Roll No.

Write a letter to your friend asking him to lend you his camera

Examination Hall,

City A.B.C.

April 28, 2022

My dear friend,

I hope you will be well. Next week, I am going on an educational tour in Lahore. I want
to have a camera with me. My camera is broken. I request you please give me your
camera for some days. I shall keep it carefully. I shall be thankful to you for this favor.

Yours sincerely,


Roll No.

A person I admired the most in my childhood

Memories of the past are my assets. In my childhood, I was a little shy boy. I was afraid
of facing others. In this condition there was only one personality which supported me.
It was my mother, I admired the most in my childhood. She was the most caring and
loving one who always gave priority to my needs. She never neglected me even for a
moment. She used to tell me interesting stories. My mother is my ideal. No other one is
so much dearest to me as my mother.

The seasons I like the most

There are four seasons in Pakistan. These seasons are spring, summer, autumn and
winter. All the seasons are charming, but I like the spring season the most. This season
comes after the severe cold of the winter season. It is a lively season with moderate
temperature. Fresh breeze blows in the morning. Buds and flowers grow on leafless
branches of plants. Everyone looks happy in spring season. Birds chirp and sing songs
in trees. Animals also enjoy this season as freshness is everywhere. In short, the spring
is the most charming season of the year.


The fox and the crow

Once a fox was very hungry. He was going about in search of food. On the way, he saw
a crow with a piece of cheese in his beak on a tree. The fox’s mouth began to water. He
made a plan to get the piece of cheese from crow. He sat under the tree and started
flattering the crow. He said, “What a fine bird you are! Your eyes are beautiful. Your
feathers are charming. Your voice must be very sweet. “Please sing for me. The crow
was very pleased to hear this praise. It opened its beak to sing. The piece of cheese fell
down. The charming fox, at once picked it up and ran away saying,”Mr crow! Your
voice is very ugly. I cannot listen it.”

Moral: beware of flatterers.

The dove and the bee

Once upon a time a bee was very thirsty. She went to a lake to drink water. By chance
she fell into the lake. A dove was seeing all this from a nearby tree. She was very kind
and always helped others. She plucked a leaf from the tree and dropped it near the bee.
The bee jumped over the leaf and saved her life. Some days later, a hunter came to the
lake. He was ready to hunt the dove with his riffle. The bee saw the hunter. She came
and stung on his hand. The hunter felt severe pain. The fire was missed. In this way, the
bee saved the dove.

Moral: do good have good.


Leave application to attend the marriage ceremony

The Headmaster,

Govt. Public Model School,

City A.B.C

Dear sir,

Most respectfully, I beg to say that the marriage ceremony of my cousin is being held
on 21st December of this week. It is essential for me to join this marriage ceremony.
Kindly confer me leave for three days from 20th to 22nd December. I shall be grateful to
you for this kindness.

Yours Obediently,


Roll No.

Application for school leaving certificate

The Headmaster,

Govt. Public Model School,

City A.B.C

Dear Madam,

Most respectfully, I beg to say that my father has been transferred suddenly to Lahore.
All the family members and the household goods have been shifted. To get admission in
a new school, I require a school leaving certificate. So, please issue me a school leaving
certificate. Is shall be grateful to you for this kindness.

Yours Obediently,


Roll No.



Singular Plural Singular Plural

Branch Branches Tomato Tomatoes
Church Churches Ass Asses
Bush Bushes Crutch Crutches
Bus Buses Fly Flies
Fox Foxes butterfly Butterflies
Mango Mangoes Fairy Fairies
Dress Dresses Body Bodies
Princess Princesses City Cities
Inch Inches Copy Copies
Dish Dishes Lady Ladies
Match Matches Puppy Puppies
Bench Benches Jelly Jellies
Punch Punches Strawberry Strawberries
Brush Brushes Cry Cries
Glass Glasses Story Stories
Box Boxes Hobby Hobbies
Bitch Bitches Country Countries
Hero Heroes Diary Diaries
Watch Watches Lorry Lorries
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Donkey Donkeys Knife Knives
Monkey Monkeys Half Halves
Toy Toys Wife Wives
Tray Trays Chief Chiefs
Key Keys Roof Roofs
Kidney Kidneys Cliff Cliffs
Leaf Leaves Safe Safes
Calf Calves Handkerchief Handkerchiefs
Thief Thieves Proof Proofs


Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine

Prince Princess benefactor benefactress
Heir Heiress Porter Portress
Poet Poetess Monitor Monitress
Headmaster Headmistress Hunter Huntress
Host Hostess Waiter Waitress
Author Authoress Elector Electress
Tiger Tigress Grandfather Grandmother
Lion Lioness He-rabbit She-rabbit
Giant Giantess He-rat She-rat
Priest Priestess Landlord Landlady
Steward Stewardess Bridegroom Bride
Jew Jewess He-camel She-camel
Count Countess Brother-in-law Sister-in-law
Negro Negress son-in-law Daughter-in-law
Actor Actress He-wolf She-wolf
Director Directress Washer man Washer-woman
Founder Foundress
Songster songstress

Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success.
















Write a letter to your friend asking him to lend you his camera


















A person I admired the most in my childhood















The seasons I like the most



















The fox and the crow















The dove and the bee














Leave application to attend the marriage ceremony













Application for school leaving certificate



















Singular Plural Singular Plural

Branch Tomato
Church Ass
Bush Crutch
Bus Fly
Fox butterfly
Mango Fairy
Dress Body
Princess City
Inch Copy
Dish Lady
Match Puppy
Bench Jelly
Punch Strawberry
Brush Cry
Glass Story
Box Hobby
Bitch Country
Hero Diary
Watch Lorry
Singular Singular
Donkey Knife
Monkey Half
Toy Wife
Tray Chief
Key Roof
Kidney Cliff
Leaf Safe
Calf Handkerchief
Thief Proof

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine

Prince benefactor

Heir Porter

Poet Monitor

Headmaster Hunter

Host Waiter

Author Elector

Tiger Grandfather

Lion He-rabbit

Giant He-rat

Priest Landlord

Steward Bridegroom

Jew He-camel

Count Brother-in-law

Negro son-in-law

Actor He-wolf

Director Washer man



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