English For IT 1

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1 Section 1 – Grammar: The

Passive Voice
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Complete 1.1.1 Section 1 – Grammar: The Passive Voice

1.1.1 Section 1 – Grammar: The

Passive Voice

1.1.2 Video Summary

The Impersonal Passive Voice structure is used for:

Things that are thought, believed, said, or reported.

We form it like this:

It + be + past participle of reporting verb + that + clause

“It is believed that the tests have produced false positives.”

With Personal Passive sentences:

We often use verbs like believe, expect, find, know, report, say, think, or understand.

We form it like this:

Subject + Passive Verb + to-Infinitive

“The tests are known to produce false positives.”

1.1.3 Exercise 1
Select the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

.......... that user flows should be presented with more detail to avoid losing customer

It has understood
It understands
It is understood
Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

Single sign-on functionality .......... to be a standard for identity providers.

it is considered
is considered
Hide correct answer
Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

It was our goal .......... at the end of the month, but I’d suggest keeping a balance
between delivery and meeting customer needs.

to release it
to be released
Hide correct answer
Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

The feedback .......... show that demand for UX improvements has increased.

expects to
expected to
is expected to
Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

The last option .......... the best option, as it lessens the risks.

is thought to be
is thought
thinks that
Complete Question 6

Question 6
Multiple choice question

The team .......... that the feedback results will show more demand for UX

has known
is known
Hide correct answer
Complete 1.1.4 Exercise 2

1.1.4 Exercise 2
Select the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

The board has asked when we will deliver the supplier evaluation module to the
customer, and I said .......... :

it is hoped to be delivering by the end of March at the latest.

we are hoping to deliver it by the end of March at the latest.
the module is reported to be delivered by the end of March at the latest.
Hide correct answer
Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

The results of the customer survey should be available next week, and .......... :

it is expected that it will show a demand for UX improvements.

we expect to show demands for UX improvements.
it expects that the customers will be demanding improvements in UX improvements.
Complete Question 3
Question 3
Multiple choice question

The pandemic has had an impact on our resources, because .......... :

more than half the team have been absent from work.
it has been over half of the team absent from work.
it understood that half of the team are absent from work.
Hide correct answer
Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

Since we are at risk of not delivering the required functionality on time, .......... :

the last option it should be chosen as it is the safest.

we should choose the last option as it is known the safest choice.
we should choose the last option as we know it is the safest choice.
Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

In a competitive market, .......... :

it is considered to be essential the reliable suppliers.

reliable suppliers are considered to be essential.
reliable suppliers consider them essential.
1.2 Section 2 – Grammar:
Relative Pronouns
1.2.1 Section 2 – Grammar: Relative

1.2.2 Video Summary

Relative Pronouns THAT, WHICH, WHO, WHOM & WHOSE

They are used for Relative Clauses, which tell us more about people and things.

WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHO & WHY are used for Nominal Relative
Clauses, where we talk about the thing that.

“The beta test which we ran recently has been very useful.”

“That's what I was talking about during the meeting.”

“That’s who I’m talking about. She’s going to run the new project.”

“It’s not my team whose data is being questioned.”

The relative pronoun which we use the most is what.

1.2.3 Exercise 1
Select the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

Talking to the customer service team is .......... they should be doing.

Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

The feedback from the survey .......... we carried out last month has been very

Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

Problems occur .......... we ignore demands for improvements in UX experience.

Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

This is Ife, .......... team is renegotiating the deal with the client.

Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

That is .......... I am inviting you to the feedback session.

Complete Question 6

Question 6
Multiple choice question

That is .......... I was hoping to discuss with you.

Hide correct answer
Complete 1.2.4 Exercise 2

1.2.4 Exercise 2
Select the best answer option to complete each conversation.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

Person A: Could you help me understand how it’s going to work after the product

Person B:

The documentation who is in your email will tell you everything.

You can read more in the report, how I mentioned to you.
It would be best if you could go through the documentation which I sent you last
Nothing, why you’re not aware of what will be happening.
Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

Person A: What is your feedback on the product configuration?

Person B:

That's not how the team that implemented it did it.

Why it didn't work is how we expected it to be.
The configuration, what your team did, is what we need.
Please tell the team who implemented it that they’ve got our initial approval.
Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

Person A: Now the entry page has only three simple dashboards, nothing fancy.

Person B:

That is why we don’t need!

That’s exactly what the customers need.
Who can say – it’s terrible.
That’s okay. It is which I would expect it.
Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

Person A: Do we get more support team help during the assessment stage?

Person B:

The only people you engage in the beginning are the field teams, whom you've
already met.
No, as we learned from previous customers, there is a need for it.
The managers what you’ve met should be enough.
No. The assessment is the easiest part, where should be done on your side.
Hide correct answer
Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

Person A: How many people are giving us feedback regarding this issue?

Person B:

The number of feedback that we received is good.

The number of people which have given feedback is quite small.
The number of clients what commented on it has increased.
The number of customers who mentioned it has decreased.
Complete Question 6

Question 6
Multiple choice question

Person A: Have you seen the results of the customer survey?

Person B:

Is that the one which was sent out last month?

Is which one the one who was sent out last month?
Is that the one whom sent out last month?
Is which one was sent out last month?
Hide correct answer
1.3 Section 3 – Listening: UX
1.3.1 Vocabulary 1
Select the correct word or phrase that means the same as each sentence.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

Comment on a problem without giving much detail.

describe an issue
mention an issue
explain an issue
Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

Use money (for something) in order to earn more money.

spend money
invest money
save money
Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

Give information that was previously unknown.

conceal information
reveal information
keep quiet
Hide correct answer
Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

Express a wish for something.

enjoy something
desire something
like something
Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

Think or talk about something (from past conversations).

put back something

go back to something
take back something
Hide correct answer

Do you know what the following terms mean?

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

An NPS survey is a key indicator of customer satisfaction. It measures how satisfied

the customers are and also their loyalty to a company.

User Experience (UX)

This is the personal experience that a user has when using a product's interface. For
example, a positive experience on an e-commerce site will encourage the user to
buy from this online store.


Customers who give feedback stating they are unhappy with a particular brand or
have had a negative user experience.

1.3.2 Vocabulary 2
Matching. Select from lists and then submit.

Match the definition with the correct expression.

A key indicator of customer satisfaction
NPS - net promoter score survey
A customer who has had a negative experience with a product or brand
The personal experience that a user has when using a product's interface
UX Experience

1.3.3 Listening: Exercise – UX

This is a media player component. Select the play / pause button to watch or listen.

Listen to the conversation, then answer the questions.

Woman: Morning Josh, I'm glad I caught you. I was wondering if you've had a chance to take a look
at the results of the customer survey. The one that was sent out at the end of last month.

Man: Morning, yes I have. In fact, I was just going through them. I'm happy to see that overall, the
NPS is pretty good. To be honest, there's only one thing that is worrying me.

Woman: I have a feeling that I know what you are going to say but please go ahead.

Man: Well, as you can see it seems as though more and more customers are looking for UX
improvements. The feedback concerning that area appears to have been growing steadily since
last year. Looking at these results we can see that the number of detractors who mentioned it has
now increased from 10% to 14%. And this is obviously an issue.

Woman: Yes, I see what you mean. It goes back to the discussions and the conclusions we came to
some time ago. Despite the fact that many customers desire them, there is no evident return of
investment from any future UX improvements. Therefore, moving forward automatically with the
improvements is not necessarily a wise thing to do.

Man: Exactly but I have an idea, maybe we should interview some of the detractors and ask them
what they believe would happen if we didn't improve the experience within the next year. This
way we cannot only identify specific needs but also make the risks of not investing clearer for us.

Woman: Good thinking, if we are not able to demonstrate the opportunities of going ahead with
the improvements, then at least we can reveal the risks that might happen if we don't invest in

Man: Absolutely, I think this is the best way forward for now.

Pagi Josh, aku senang aku menangkapmu. Saya ingin tahu apakah Anda pernah melihat hasil survei
pelanggan. Yang dikirim akhir bulan lalu.

Pagi, ya, sudah. Sebenarnya, saya baru saja membahasnya. Saya senang melihat secara
keseluruhan, NPSnya cukup bagus. Sejujurnya, hanya ada satu hal yang membuatku khawatir.
Saya merasa saya tahu apa yang akan Anda katakan, tetapi silakan saja.

Seperti yang Anda lihat, sepertinya semakin banyak pelanggan yang mencari peningkatan UX.
Masukan mengenai bidang tersebut tampaknya terus meningkat sejak tahun lalu. Melihat hasil
tersebut kita dapat melihat bahwa jumlah pencela yang menyebutkannya kini meningkat dari 10%
menjadi 14%. Dan ini jelas merupakan suatu masalah.

Ya, saya mengerti maksud Anda. Kembali ke pembahasan dan kesimpulan yang kita peroleh
beberapa waktu lalu. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa banyak pelanggan menginginkannya, tidak
ada bukti pengembalian investasi dari peningkatan UX di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, melakukan
perbaikan secara otomatis belum tentu merupakan tindakan yang bijaksana.

Tepat sekali, tapi saya punya ide, mungkin kita harus mewawancarai beberapa pengkritik dan
bertanya kepada mereka apa yang mereka yakini akan terjadi jika kita tidak meningkatkan
pengalaman dalam tahun depan. Dengan cara ini kita tidak hanya dapat mengidentifikasi
kebutuhan spesifik namun juga memperjelas risiko jika kita tidak berinvestasi.

Pemikiran yang bagus, jika kita tidak mampu menunjukkan peluang untuk terus melakukan
perbaikan, setidaknya kita bisa mengungkap risiko yang mungkin terjadi jika kita tidak berinvestasi
di dalamnya.

Tentu saja, menurut saya ini adalah cara terbaik untuk saat ini.

1.3.4 Exercise
Listen to two product managers talking about UX improvements, then select the
correct phrase to complete each sentence.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

The requests for UX improvements:

are going to be ignored.

have decreased since the last survey.
have increased since last year.
are the same as last year.

Question 2
Multiple choice question

The product managers:

don't have any idea about the number of people who need better UX.
are not sure about investing in UX improvements.
don't have a clue what UX is about.
prefer not to invest in UX improvements.

Question 3
Multiple choice question

If the product managers interview the detractors:

they will confirm that the number of detractors is correct.

they could learn why customers need UX improvements.
the detractors will be happier.
it will tell them about the customer's approach to the survey.

Question 4
Multiple choice question

The product managers decide:

to concentrate on the opportunities of making UX improvements.

to calculate the possible income from UX investments.
to focus on the risks of not investing in UX improvements.
not to contact the customers.
1.4 Section 4 – Grammar: The
Past Simple with "as if" & "as
1.4.1 Section 4 – Grammar: The Past
Simple with "as if" & "as though"
Watch the video, then complete the exercises.

1.4.2 Video Summary

As If and As Though are used for hypothetical situations

Like the second conditional, they are used with the past simple because the
situations are not real.

“You’re asking us to do more work, as if we didn’t have enough already.”

It is similar to saying like this or like that.

“They’re talking as though we didn’t need to worry about expanding.”

We can also use them with the subjunctive mood.

“They’re treating me as if I were responsible for the entire problem.”

1.4.3 Exercise 1
Select the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

It .......... we couldn't get access to behind-the-firewall data.

seemed as like
appeared if
looked as though
Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

The customers commented on the prototype as if they .......... that problem in their

will had
would had
didn't have
Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

Looking at the query results, .......... they counted customers who use internal active

it appears as though
it could be if
they looking like
Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

They are acting .......... normal to have so many detractors.

as if it were
as though it could be
as though it has
Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

They were talking as though .......... the option of secondments from other teams.

we didn't have
we haven't
do have
1.4.4 Exercise 2
Look at the sentences below and decide if each situation is hypothetical or real.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

They were talking as if we had months to finish the project.

Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

It is great that we received the feedback before the meeting.

Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

We decided it was a good idea to go ahead with the UX improvements.

Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

It is as though they didn't understand how risky it was to invest in UX improvements.

Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

You are talking as if the pandemic had no impact on our ability to deliver on time.

Complete Question 6
Question 6
Multiple choice question

The fact is that we had no choice but to re-estimate the project according to current

1.5 Section 5 – Reading:
Supplier Evaluation Modules
1.5.1 Vocabulary 1
Select the correct answer option that means the same as each word or phrase.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

Secondment: (penugasan)

An extension to a missed deadline.

A second choice option.
A temporary transfer of an employee from their normal position to another project or
Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

Onboarding: (orientasi)

To get on to a mode of transport.

The process of orienting and training a new employee.
To agree with an idea.
Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

To go out of business: (hengkang)

when a company stops all of its operations.

When a company starts to look for new clients.
When a company decides to change its strategy.
Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

To mitigate risks:
To assess what dangers are involved in a project.
To decide what the next steps are in a project.
To reduce the chances of something bad happening.
Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

Worst-case scenario:

The most positive thing that could happen in a situation.

The most unpleasant thing that could happen in a situation.
The most unlikely thing that could happen in a situation.
Complete Question 6

Question 6
Multiple choice question


To work on your own in order to finish quicker.

To work together in order to achieve an objective.
To work on several projects at the same time.
Complete Question 7

Question 7
Multiple choice question

Supply chain:

All the items needed to make a product.

Retail shops that sell the same products.
All the businesses and contributors involved in creating a product.

1.5.2 Vocabulary 2
Matching. Select from lists and then submit.

Select the correct answer option that means the same as each word or phrase.
To work together
Training a new employee
On boarding
The most unpleasant thing that can happen in a situation
Worst-case scenario
Reduce the chances of something bad happening
To mitigate risks
To stop all operations (in companies)
To go out of business
Temporary transfer of an employee

Do you know what the following terms mean?

Supplier evaluation

Supplier evaluation refers to the process of analyzing and approving potential


Scope creep

A term used when a project's original scope (objective) changes and goes over what
was originally intended.

Incremental value delivery

Incremental Delivery means breaking large projects into the small working units,
which you release to your customers as soon as they are complete. By releasing
small units, you get customer feedback early and at every stage.

1.5.3 Vocabulary 3
Select the correct answer option that means the same as each sentence.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

There is a significant delay to a project due to the clients changing requests and

Supplier evaluation
Incremental value delivery
Scope creep
Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

An organized visit to a supplier’s factory in order to monitor their processes.

Supplier evaluation
Incremental value delivery
Scope creep
Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

During the planning phase, the team discuss how to break down the product into
different increments.

Supplier evaluation
Incremental value delivery
Scope creep

1.5.4 Reading Exercise – Supplier

Evaluation Modules
Read the following report from a product manager to their team, then select the
correct answer options according to the text.
Supplier Evaluation Module

In March, we started developing the supplier evaluation module for one of the
biggest sewing machine manufacturers in the country. The goal was to deliver the
module by the end of the year. The customer needs the module in order to analyze
last year's collaboration with all their suppliers, reveal unreliable suppliers, and re-
evaluate supplier ratings before renewing the contracts. Last year, our customer
almost went out of business because they signed up a supplier that delayed their
supply chain. They can’t afford to have similar failures. After the pandemic, the
market became much more competitive and as a result, they now need to have
predictable delivery dates and trusted suppliers. That’s why meeting the deadline for
the supplier evaluation module is so important.
During development, however, we realized that the pandemic situation has had a
considerable impact on our resources. In the last two months, more than half of the
team has been absent due to sick leave or issues with childcare. Additionally, we’ve
noticed a decrease in average team velocity. Reduced on-site collaboration seems
to be causing problems with knowledge sharing and solution brainstorming. Luckily,
we haven’t faced any scope creep until now.

Therefore we’ve re-estimated the project according to the current capacity. Our
current delivery dates target the release by the middle of the next year. To mitigate
the risks of not delivering the project on time, we have started looking for other ways
to move forward.

The first option we considered was secondments from other teams. We’ve
researched other teams' capacity, but it seems as if we can count only on manpower
from the Rabbits and Eagles teams. Unfortunately, the secondment process would
only be viable during the last quarter of the year.

The second option could be renegotiating the deal with the customer and trying to
obtain funds for new contractors. However, this possibility seems as if it could be the
worst-case scenario, and we would like to avoid it if we can. As we learned from the
sales team, they spent more than three months closing the deal, and the customer
was very strict about exceeding their budget. Additionally, finding new hires and
onboarding them to the project may take longer than waiting for internal resources.

Our initial research showed that the customer needs only a few features to start
evaluating suppliers. The rest can be delivered piece by piece. Therefore, a third
option could be cutting the scope and incremental value delivery. With this approach,
we can deliver a minimum viable product within the expected timeframes.

We recommend the last option, since it mitigates the risks of not delivering the
required functionality on time. It also meets the customer's critical need, which is to
start evaluating suppliers by the end of the year. If we decide to proceed with the
third option, then the next step should include informing our customer about the plan.
We should also speak with the customer-field teams to confirm the scope for a
minimum viable product.
Pada bulan Maret, kami mulai mengembangkan modul evaluasi pemasok untuk salah
satu produsen mesin jahit terbesar di negara ini. Tujuannya adalah untuk
menyampaikan modul pada akhir tahun ini. Pelanggan memerlukan modul ini untuk
menganalisis kolaborasi tahun lalu dengan semua pemasok mereka, mengungkap
pemasok yang tidak dapat diandalkan, dan mengevaluasi ulang peringkat pemasok
sebelum memperbarui kontrak. Tahun lalu, pelanggan kami hampir gulung tikar
karena mereka mendaftarkan pemasok yang menghambat rantai pasokan mereka.
Mereka tidak boleh mengalami kegagalan serupa. Setelah pandemi, pasar menjadi
jauh lebih kompetitif dan sebagai hasilnya, mereka kini perlu memiliki tanggal
pengiriman yang dapat diprediksi dan pemasok yang tepercaya. Itulah mengapa
memenuhi tenggat waktu modul evaluasi pemasok sangatlah penting.

Namun, selama pengembangan, kami menyadari bahwa situasi pandemi berdampak

besar pada sumber daya kami. Dalam dua bulan terakhir, lebih dari separuh tim absen
karena cuti sakit atau masalah pengasuhan anak. Selain itu, kami melihat adanya
penurunan kecepatan rata-rata tim. Berkurangnya kolaborasi di tempat tampaknya
menyebabkan masalah dalam berbagi pengetahuan dan bertukar pikiran tentang
solusi. Untungnya, kami belum menghadapi scope creep apa pun hingga saat ini.

Oleh karena itu kami telah memperkirakan ulang proyek tersebut sesuai dengan
kapasitas saat ini. Tanggal pengiriman kami saat ini menargetkan rilis pada
pertengahan tahun depan. Untuk memitigasi risiko tidak menyelesaikan proyek tepat
waktu, kami mulai mencari cara lain untuk melanjutkan.

Opsi pertama yang kami pertimbangkan adalah penugasan dari tim lain. Kami sudah
meneliti kapasitas tim lain, tapi sepertinya kami hanya bisa mengandalkan tenaga dari
tim Kelinci dan Elang. Sayangnya, proses penugasan ini baru bisa dilakukan pada
kuartal terakhir tahun ini.

Opsi kedua adalah menegosiasikan kembali kesepakatan dengan pelanggan dan

mencoba mendapatkan dana untuk kontraktor baru. Namun, kemungkinan ini
sepertinya merupakan skenario terburuk, dan kami ingin menghindarinya sebisa
mungkin. Seperti yang kami pelajari dari tim penjualan, mereka menghabiskan lebih
dari tiga bulan untuk menyelesaikan kesepakatan, dan pelanggan sangat ketat dalam
melebihi anggaran mereka. Selain itu, mencari karyawan baru dan memasukkan
mereka ke dalam proyek mungkin memerlukan waktu lebih lama dibandingkan
menunggu sumber daya internal.

Riset awal kami menunjukkan bahwa pelanggan hanya memerlukan beberapa fitur
untuk mulai mengevaluasi pemasok. Sisanya dapat dikirimkan sepotong demi
sepotong. Oleh karena itu, opsi ketiga adalah memotong cakupan dan memberikan
nilai tambahan. Dengan pendekatan ini, kami dapat menghasilkan produk minimum
yang layak dalam jangka waktu yang diharapkan.
Kami merekomendasikan opsi terakhir, karena ini mengurangi risiko tidak
memberikan fungsionalitas yang diperlukan tepat waktu. Hal ini juga memenuhi
kebutuhan penting pelanggan, yaitu mulai mengevaluasi pemasok pada akhir tahun.
Jika kami memutuskan untuk melanjutkan dengan opsi ketiga, maka langkah
selanjutnya harus mencakup memberi tahu pelanggan kami tentang rencana tersebut.
Kita juga harus berbicara dengan tim pelanggan untuk memastikan cakupan produk
minimum yang layak.

1.5.5 Exercise
Select the correct answer options according to the text.
Complete Question 1

Question 1
Multiple choice question

A supplier evaluation module is used to:

find the best suppliers to work with.

prevent the customer from working with risky suppliers.
create a report with the supplier’s stock levels.
make a list of all the suppliers in that area.
Complete Question 2

Question 2
Multiple choice question

They need to keep to the supplier evaluation deadline because:

the customer urgently needs reliable suppliers.

meeting the deadline keeps them from penalties.
they have to get the product on the market as soon as possible.
the customer wants to evaluate the suppliers before going on holiday.
Complete Question 3

Question 3
Multiple choice question

The team cannot deliver the module on time because:

they discovered new features needed by the customer.

they forgot to estimate the final evaluation report.
the development team capacity has decreased over the last months.
many people have found new jobs.
Complete Question 4

Question 4
Multiple choice question

The development team decide to:

speed up the development of the evaluation.

check their available resources.
tell the client their concerns.
continue with the same strategy.
Complete Question 5

Question 5
Multiple choice question

Incremental value delivery involves:

carefully making each feature separately.

developing only must-have features.
delivering value in small batches.
releasing the features when customers ask about them.
Complete Question 6

Question 6
Multiple choice question

The next step is to:

get the feedback and confirm going ahead with the third option.
deliver the full scope by the end of the year.
hire additional developers.
have a feedback meeting with the customer.

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