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Compute Services:
1.1 Amazon EC2 (Provides virtual servers in the AWS cloud)
1.2 Elastic Load Balancing (Distributes network traffic across your set of
virtual servers)
1.3 Auto Scaling (Automatically scales your set of virtual servers based on
changes in demand)
1.4 Elastic Beanstalk (The Elastic Beanstalk helps in Easy & Quick
deployment of applications)
1.5 LIGHTSAIL (Amazon Light sail is the easiest way to get started with AWS
for developers who just need virtual private servers. Light sail includes
everything you need to launch your project quickly – a virtual machine, SSD-
based storage, data transfer, DNS management, and a static IP – for a low,
predictable price.)
1.6 AWS Lambda (Runs your code on virtual servers from Amazon EC2 in
response to events)
1.7 Amazon ECS (Provides Docker containers on virtual servers from
Amazon EC2)
2. Storage Services:
1. Amazon S3 (Scalable storage in the AWS cloud)
2. Amazon EFS (Elastic file system for Linux)
3. Amazon EBS (Network attached storage volumes for your virtual
4. Amazon Glacier (Low-cost archival storage)
5. Amazon SnowBall (Transfer large data)
6. Amazon Storage Gateway

3. Database Services:
1. Amazon RDS (Provides managed relational databases)
2. Amazon Red shift (A fast, fully-managed, petabyte-scale data
3. Amazon Dynamo DB (Provides managed NoSQLdatabases)
4. Amazon Elastic ache
4.Networking & Content Delivery:
1. Amazon VPC (Provides an isolated virtual network for your virtual
2. Amazon Route 53 (Routes traffic to your domain name to a resource,
such as a virtual server or a load balancer)
3. Amazon Direct Connect
4. Cloud Front (A global content delivery network (CDN))
5.Security and Identity Services :
1. AWS Identity and Access Management (Manage user access to AWS
resources through policies)
2. AWS Directory Service (Manage user access to AWS through your existing
Microsoft Active Directory, or a directory you create in the AWS cloud)
3. AWS Inspector (Amazon Inspector enables you to analyze the behavior of
your AWS resources and helps you identify potential security issues.)
6.Application Services:
1. Amazon Cloud Search (Add search to your website)
2. Amazon Elastic Tran coder (Convert digital media into the formats
required by your users’ devices)
3. Amazon SES (Send email from the cloud)
4. Amazon SNS (Send or receive notifications from the cloud)
5. Amazon SQS (Enable components in your application to store data in a
queue to be retrieved other components)
7. Management Tools:
1. Amazon Cloud Watch (Monitor resources and applications)
2. AWS Cloud Formation (Provision your AWS resources using templates)
3. AWS Cloud Trail (Track the usage history for your AWS resources by
logging AWS API calls)
4. AWS Con fig (View the current and previous configuration of your
AWS resources, and monitor changes to your AWS resources)
5. Others (If time permits)
1. Amazon Kinesis 2. Data Pipeline 3. Cloud Formation 4. AWS Lambda

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