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8/8/23, 8:24 AM Nameplate details of SF6 Circuit Breaker | Explained - TheElectricalGuy

Nameplate details of SF6 Circuit Breaker | Explained

June 14, 2020 Gaurav J

In this tutorial, we are going to understand the parameters which are mentioned on nameplate of a
SF6 circuit breaker. These parameters are common for all high & extra high voltage class SF6 circuit
breakers. So, let’s start.

In most of the countries high & extra high voltage circuit breakers are manufactured based on the
IEC standard, i.e. IEC 62271-100. Parameters mentioned on the nameplate of circuit breaker are
also in line with the IEC 62271-100.

Nameplate of 420kV SF6 Circuit Breaker

As per IEC, few parameters are mandatory, some are condition based, and some of them are
completely optional. In this tutorial, we’ll look at the all these parameters mentioned on nameplate
of SF6 circuit breaker.

Mandatory Parameters

Manufacturer – Name of the manufacturer

Type designation and serial number – Type of CB and its serial number
Year of manufacture – year in which the breaker is manufactured
Relevant standard – standard as per the breaker is manufactured
Rated Voltage
Rated Frequency
Rated normal current
Rated short circuit breaking current pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 1/12

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Rated duration of short circuit

Rated peak withstand current or rated making current
Rated short duration power frequency withstand voltage (kV) & Rated lighting impulse withstand
voltage (kVp)
Rated operating sequence
Rated pressure of SF6 gas
Total weight of SF6 gas
Total weight of CB
Rated control voltage

Condition based parameters

Rated switching impulse withstand voltage

DC component of short circuit current
Rated line charging current

Optional Parameters

Rated out of phase current

Rated cable changing
Rated single capacitor bank breaking current
Rated back to back capacitor bank breaking current

Mandatory Parameters

As the name suggest, these parameters are mandatory. All the manufacturer producing circuit
breakers must mention these parameters on the nameplate of SF6 circuit breaker. But of course,
some of these parameters may be skipped, if it is mutually agreed between manufacturer and
customer. pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 2/12

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Rated voltage
Rated voltage is the “Highest system voltage” for which breaker is designed. This voltage is
mentioned in kV rms [
explanation/] and refers to phase to phase voltage of 3 phase system
[] .
Most of the time people gets confused between rated voltage and normal voltage. Rated voltage is
the highest voltage of a system for which the system is designed. Whereas, normal voltage is the
voltage which will remain in the system normally. So, in this case, 420kV is the rated voltage and
400kV is normal voltage. Similarly, for 245kV voltage level, rated voltage is 245kV and the normal
voltage is 220kV. For 145kV, rated voltage is 145kv and normal voltage is 132kV.

Unit : kV RMS

Rated frequency
It is the power frequency on which electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed. In some
countries it is 50Hz and in some it is 60Hz.

Unit : Hz

Rated normal current

It is the rms value of rated current which circuit breaker can carry continuously. Or simply, we can
say that, this is the normal current of the system.

Unit : Ampere

Following are some of the standard values of rated normal current-

400 A
630 A
800 A
1250 A
1600 A
2000 A
3150 A pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 3/12

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4000 A

Short circuit breaking current

It is the highest rms value [
explanation/] of short circuit current, which circuit breaker is capable of breaking. Rated short
circuit current sometimes also called as symmetrical breaking current.

On some nameplates, you’ll find that short circuit current is given as symmetrical and asymmetrical
current. The difference is that, Symmetrical current is the AC component of short circuit current
which is equal to rated short circuit current. Whereas, asymmetrical current is the combination of
AC and DC components of short circuit current.

So, you can see above, asymmetrical current is greater than the symmetrical.

Unit : kA RMS

Rated duration of short circuit

It is the time in seconds for which the breaker can withstand/tested the short circuit current. As per
standard it can be 3 sec or 1 sec.

Unit : Seconds

Rated peak withstand current or Rated making current

If the circuit breaker closes during the existing fault, current may increase to a very high value
during the first cycle. Therefore, the breaker must withstand this high current and the mechanical pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 4/12

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forces caused by this current. This current is called as “short circuit making current”. Or it is also
called as rated peak withstand current.

It is generally 2.5 times the rated short circuit current. It is referred in kA peak, as it remain for very
short time.

Unit : kA Peak

Rated short duration power frequency withstand voltage

This is one of the highest system voltages use to check the insulation properties of the equipment. It
can also be called as insulation levels, if we combine rated lighting impulse voltage and switching
impulse voltage (which is a condition based parameter).

Power frequency withstand voltage can be caused by these reasons

1. Phase to earth faults

2. Load rejection
3. Ferro resonance
4. Ferranti effect

And hence, breaker shall withstand power frequency voltage caused by these reasons. IEC has
defined the level of power frequency voltage that can appear across breaker contact. So, for
example, for 420kV CB the power frequency voltage defined by IEC is 610kV rms. Circuit breaker pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 5/12

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has to undergo power frequency withstand test, in which power frequency voltage is applied to the
circuit breaker for 1 min.

Unit : kV RMS

Rated lighting impulse withstand voltage

Lighting impulse voltage is generally generated due to lighting strokes. And of course, breaker has to
withstand these voltages too. Based on the experience and system studies, IEC has defined the
values for this also. For 420kV voltage level, lighting impulse voltage defined by IEC is 1425 kV peak.
Breaker has to undergo test for this also.

Unit : kV Peak

First pole to clear factor

In SF6 circuit breaker, arc extinguishes during current zero. As in 3 phase AC circuit, currents are out
of phase by 120°, current interruption in breaker is not simultaneous. Contact of one pole will open
before the other two. And hence, the power frequency recovery voltage across the first pole to open
is more than the other two. And this is called as first pole to clear factor. It is given as times the
normal system voltage.

So, on the nameplate you’ll find it is mentioned as 1.3 (or 1.5). This means, first pole to open will have
1.3 times the normal system voltage across it, and the pole can sustain that.

Unit : N/A

Rated operating sequence pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 6/12

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This is one of the important parameter of the breaker, it is also known as “Auto reclosing duty”.
Operating sequence denotes the opening & closing operation breaker is capable of performing
under specified conditions.

As per IEC 62271-1 there are two alternatives for operating sequence,
O – t – CO – t’ – CO
CO – t’’ – CO

O = Opening operation
C = closing operation
t,t’,t’’ = time intervals between successive operations

Let me tell you how auto reclosing works. 90% of the faults (like ) on the system are transient in
nature. Which remain in the system for a very short time and then the system goes back to normal.
In such cases, it is beneficial to put the system live again, and here the auto reclosing system comes
into picture.

We’ll consider the auto reclosing duty which is mentioned on our nameplate [#nameplate] i.e. O-0.3
SEC-CO-3 MIN-CO. So, let’s say there is fault on the system the breaker will open then it will remain
open for 0.3 sec. After 0.3 sec, it will close and if the fault is cleared it will remain close. But, if the
fault is still there then the breaker will open immediately. Now breaker will remain in open condition
for 3 mins. After 3 mins the breaker will close again, and if the fault is cleared it will remain close. But
if, the fault is still there then the breaker will open immediately, and now breaker will remain open
until it is closed manually.

Unit : N/A

Rated pressure of SF6 gas

This is the rated pressure of the SF6 gas in the breaker. This will vary manufacturer to manufacturer. pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 7/12

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Unit : Bar or mega pascals or kg/ sq. cm.

Total weight of SF6 gas

This shows the total weight of SF6 gas in the breaker. Again, this will vary manufacturer to

Unit : kg

Total weight of CB
This shows the total weight of SF6 gas in the breaker. Again, this will vary manufacturer to

Unit : kg

Rated control voltage

This is the DC voltage on which closing and tripping coil works. It can be 110V DC or 220V DC.

Unit : Volts

These were the mandatory parameters as per IEC. These parameters you’ll generally find on every
nameplate [#nameplate] of high & extra high voltage SF6 circuit breaker.

Go To Top [#nameplate]

Condition Based parameters

Now, let’s see condition based parameters. These parameters depends upon some specific
condition, which is also given below. If that condition is satisfied, then these parameters has to be on
nameplate of SF6 circuit breaker. pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 8/12

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Rated switching impulse withstand voltage

Condition : Applicable only for circuit breakers including & above 300kV

Switching surges are generally occurs above 245kV voltage level. And hence you’ll only find this
parameter on the circuit breaker above 245kV level.
It becomes important to test the breaker above 245kV voltage level for switching surges. Switching
surges are generally caused by energisation of lines or switching of transformers, etc. For 420kV
voltage level, switching voltage is specified as 1050kV peak.

Unit : kV Peak

DC component of short circuit current

Condition : It has to be on nameplate if it is more than 20%

DC component is a DC component of short circuit current. And if it is more than 20% at the time of
contact separation of CB, then it has to be on name plate.

Unit : %

Rated line charging current

Condition : Applicable only for circuit breakers including & above 72.5kV

This is the highest amount of line charging current a circuit breaker is capable of breaking. This type
of current is generated because of the switching of loaded or unloaded overhead lines. So, for 420kV
CB IEC has defined the rating equal to 600A.

Unit : Ampere

Condition : If class in not E1 & M1 pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2C… 9/12

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If circuit breakers mechanical endurance class and electrical endurance class is different from M1
and E1, then it has to be on nameplate. Let me tell you what is mechanical endurance class and
electrical endurance class.

Mechanical Endurance Class

1. M1 Class
If the breaker is of M1 class which is also called as normal mechanical endurance class, then the
breaker has to withstand 2000 no load operations.
2. M2 Class
If the breaker is of M2 class which is also called as Extended mechanical endurance class, then the
breaker has to withstand 10,000 no load operation.

Electrical Endurance Class

E1 stands for Electrical endurance. Generally most of the breaker nowadays are of E1 class. E2 class
is an extended electrical endurance class which indicate that, the interrupting parts of the breaker
does not require maintenance during its expected operating life.

Please note, E2 class is applicable only for distribution circuit breaker below 52kV. E2 class is not
applicable for breakers above 52kV, this is in line with IEC.

C1 & C2 class of circuit breaker

On the nameplate [#nameplate] , if you see, it is mentioned as M2 & C2. M2 class we just saw. But
what is C2 class? Let’s see that. Breaker with class C1 indicates, “Low probability of restrike during
breaking of capacitive currents”. Whereas, C2 class breaker indicates, “very low probability of
restrike during breaking of capacitive currents”.

So, this was about the condition based parameters. Now let’s look at the optional parameters.

Go To Top [#nameplate]

Optional Parameters pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2… 10/12

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These parameters are completely optional as per the IEC standard. And hence, it can be or cannot be
on the nameplate, depends upon the manufacturer.

Rated out of phase current

If the breaker is used for synchronising two different system, it may happen that the breaker has to
open when the systems are in synchronism procedure. And the current generated during this
condition is called as out of phase current.
This current gives the highest amount of transient recovery voltage across the breaker contacts and
hence it is one of the critical duty to break. Generally, out of phase breaking current is 25% of rated
short circuit breaking current. On the nameplate [#nameplate] you can see the out of phase current
is 12.5kA which is 25% of rated short circuit breaking current I.e. 50kA.

Unit : kV

Rated cable Charging

This is the highest amount of cable charging current a breaker is able to break. Cable charging
current can occur while switching the unloaded cables.
Don’t get confused between line charging and cable charging both are different. Line charging refers
to overhead lines whereas, cable charging refers to underground cables.

Unit : Ampere

Rated single capacitor bank breaking current

This is the highest amount of a single capacitor bank current a breaker is capable of breaking.
Switching of capacitive and inductive current is a bit difficult task for the breaker. Because, voltage
and current in capacitive and inductive circuit is not in phase with each other.

Unit : Ampere

Rated back to back capacitor bank breaking current

Back to back capacitor bank switching is a special application, and not all the breakers are intended
for this. While switching back to back capacitor banks, inrush current is very high and hence there is pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2… 11/12

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a high possibility that the arc will restirke. So, if the breaker is made for back to back capacitor bank
switching, then you’ll find this parameter on the nameplate of SF6 circuit breaker.

Unit : Ampere

So, these are the optional parameters you can find on the name plate of HV or EHV circuit breaker.

Go To Top [#nameplate] pole to clear factor&text=And hence%2… 12/12

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