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Facts About International Women’s Day

We’ve celebrated International Women’s Day since 1911. From how it started to this year’s
theme, here’s what you need to know about the event, which is held annually on March 8.

For more than 100 years, countries around the

world have celebrated what has come to be known as International Women’s Day. While its
purpose differs from place to place—in some countries it’s a day of protest, in others it’s a way
to celebrate the accomplishments of women and promote gender equality—the holiday, which
occurs each year on March 8, is more than just a simple hashtag. Let’s take a moment to
explore the day’s origins and traditions.

International Women’s Day originated more than 100

years ago.

Clara Zetkin in 1924.

On February 28, 1909, the now-dissolved Socialist Party of America organized the first National
Woman’s Day, which took place on the last Sunday in February. In 1910, Clara Zetkin—the
leader of Germany’s Women’s Office for the Social Democratic Party—proposed the idea of a
global International Women’s Day, so that people around the world could celebrate at the same
time. On March 19, 1911, the first International Women’s Day was held; more than 1 million
people in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Denmark took part.

The celebration got women the vote in Russia.

In 1917, women in Russia honored the day by beginning a strike for “bread and peace” as a
way to protest World War I and advocate for gender parity. Czar Nicholas II, the country’s leader
at the time, was not impressed, and instructed General Khabalov of the Petrograd Military
District to put an end to the protests—and to shoot any woman who refused to stand down. But
the women wouldn’t be intimidated and continued their protests, which led the czar to abdicate
just days later. The provisional government then granted women in Russia the right to vote.

The United Nations officially adopted International

Women’s Day in 1975.
In 1975, the United Nations—which had dubbed the year International Women’s
Year—celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8 for the first time. Since then, the UN
has become the primary sponsor of the annual event and has encouraged even more countries
around the world to embrace the holiday and its goal of celebrating “acts of courage and
determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their
countries and communities.”

International Women’s Day is an official holiday in dozens

of countries.

People around the world celebrate International Women’s Day on

March 8.
International Women’s Day is a day of celebration around the world, and an official holiday in
dozens of countries. Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam, Uganda, Mongolia, Georgia, Laos, Cambodia,
Armenia, Belarus, Montenegro, Russia, and Ukraine are just some of the places where March 8
is recognized as an official holiday.

International Women’s Day is a combined celebration

with Mother’s Day in several places.

Some countries pack two holidays into one day. /

In the same way that Mother’s Day doubles as a sort of women’s appreciation day, the two
holidays are combined in some countries, including Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, and
Uzbekistan. On this day, children present their mothers and grandmothers with small gifts and
tokens of love and appreciation.

Each year’s International Women’s Day festivities have an

official theme.
In 1996, the UN created a theme for that year’s International Women’s Day: Celebrating the
Past, Planning for the Future. In 1997, it was “Women at the Peace Table,” then “Women and
Human Rights” in 1998. That tradition has continued in the years since: For 2024, the theme of
International Women’s Day is Inspire Inclusion. The UN’s theme is “Invest in Women: Accelerate
Celebrating Women: 25+ Surprising
International Women’s Day Facts That Will
Blow Your Mind
International Women’s Day is celebrated to honor the bravery and fortitude of women. To make
this women’s day even more special, let’s check out some interesting International Women’s
Day facts.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s important to recognize and honor the
contributions of women throughout history and around the world.

These important International Women’s Day facts will highlight the progress and ongoing
challenges faced by women and help you recognize the power women hold in our society.

Here are some amazing some facts on women’s day

1. Origin of Women’s Day

The first international women’s day was observed on February 28, 1909, in New York City,
organized by the social party of America. The Soviet Union was the first country to make
international women’s day an official holiday in 1917, just before the October revolution.

2. Evolution of international women’s day

International Women’s day was originally called National Women’s day which was celebrated in
the United States only. It was not always celebrated on March 8th. Initially, it was celebrated on
different dates in different countries until 1913, when the date was finalized to be 8th March.

3. Why International Women’s Day is important

International women’s day is not just about celebrating women, men also play a vital role in
supporting and advocating for gender equality. This day is an opportunity for everyone to reflect
on their role in creating a more gender-equal society.

4. The first computer programmer was… A WOMAN

The first computer program was written by a woman named Ada Lovelace, a mathematician,
and writer, in the mid-1800s. Even in the field of technology, women were the pioneers.

5. Women have also been a part of activism and social justice

Malala Yousafzai, a young activist has become the global symbol for girls’ education and human
rights. She survived the near-fatal shooting by the Taliban in 2012 and since then she has
become a leading advocate for education and peace.

Whereas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought for women’s rights in the supreme court.

6. A woman made the first solo flight across the Atlantic ocean

Did you know women have been flying airplanes for over a century? Amelia Earhart was the first
woman to fly solo across the Atlantic ocean.

7. Women are responsible for some of the most important scientific


Rosalind Franklin’s work on x-ray crystallography was instrumental in discovering the structure
of DNA.

Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel prize and the only person who has won it twice
in different fields (Physics and Chemistry). Her discoveries revolutionized the study of
radioactivity and paved the way for advances in cancer treatment.

8. Women are making significant gains in political representation

Today there are more women than ever before serving in national parliaments around the world.
Kamala Harris became the first woman of color to be elected as vice president of the United

9. The pandemic highlighted the inequalities faced by women

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role that women play in our communities,
as frontline workers, caregivers, and leaders. It also focused on the inequalities that women
face, from the gender pay gap to a disproportionate burden of unpaid care work.

10. Women wore heels to imitate men

Did you know men wore heels even before women? To imitate the men who wore heels as a
symbol of their masculinity, heels were first made popular for women’s attire in the 1600s. Men
soon stopped wearing heels, and ever since then, ladies have been rocking them.

11. There is a purification ritual in which millions of women take part

The world’s largest gathering of women is the Kumbh Mela festival in India, where millions of
women come together to bathe in the Ganges river as a part of the Hindu pilgrimage.
This festival takes place every 12 years and it’s believed to bring good luck and purification to
those who participate.

12. Millions of girls are victims of child marriage, increasing their risk of

12 million girls are married before the age of 18 every year, which implies 1 in every 2 seconds.
Furthermore, girls who are married as minors are more likely to die in childbirth than girls who
marry later.

13. Some countries celebrate women’s day as a combined holiday

International women’s day is a public holiday in some countries such as Afghanistan, Burkina
Faso, Armenia, Belarus, Cambodia, and China.

14. There is a color associated with women’s day

Colors associated with women’s day are purple which represents justice and dignity, green
which symbolizes hope, and white which symbolizes purity.

15. Women have been breaking barriers in sports

The first woman to run the Boston marathon was Katherine Switzer, who entered the race by
using her initials, so that race officials wouldn’t realize that she is a woman.

16. Economic growth correlates with education among women

Women’s day is not just for celebrating women’s achievements but also used for raising
awareness about the challenges that women still face.

A study found that women are more likely to be in formal employment and work in low-paid,
low-skilled jobs, which often lack social protection.

17. DigitALL – United Nations initiative for celebrating women

The United Nations Observance of IWD acknowledges and celebrates women and girls who are
leading the way in advancing transformational technology and digital education under the theme
“DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.”

18. Women have been contributing to technology as well

Hedy Lamarr developed a frequency hopping system during World War II that later became the
basis for modern Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology.
19. It may take another 151 years to close gender parity globally

Despite progress in recent years, women still experience gender-based discrimination,

inequality, and violence. According to reports, It will take another 151 years to close gender
parity globally.

Achieving gender parity is an ongoing process that requires awareness, advocacy, and action to
ensure women are afforded the same opportunities and rights as their male counterparts.

20. The rise of #metoo and several movements inspired by Women’s Day

International Women’s Day has become a significant occasion for women around the world to
rise and speak out against gender-based discrimination and inequality.

Women’s day has inspired many movements and initiatives, such as the #metoo movement and
Time’s Up, which aim to create a more inclusive and equal world for all.

These movements have brought to attention the important issues affecting women, such as
equal pay, reproductive rights, and ending violence against women.

21. Women still earn less than men

Women around the world perform two-thirds of the work done, but earn only 10% of the income
and own only 1% of the property. Research says it will take more than 200 years to close the
gender pay gap globally.

22. Women facing gender inequality in politics

Women make up 50% of the population, but only hold about 25% of parliament seats worldwide.

23. Men in the US stay at home more than women

41% of moms were the only or main providers in their household, which indicates that an
increasing proportion of married women are out-earning their husbands. Because of the high
cost of child care, some dads who earn less than their spouse decide to stay at home.

24. Russia has a larger female population than male

The number of women in Russia was 10.25 million higher than the number of males as of
January 1, 2022, even though historically women outweigh men in the nation.

25. Women breaking gender norms and demanding change in the film
The film industry has historically been male-dominated, with men holding most of the key roles
both behind and in front of the camera.

However, in recent years women are now working as directors, producers, and
cinematographers, breaking down barriers that have prevented them from advancing in these
roles in the past. Women made up a record-breaking 18% of the 250 highest-grossing film

26. Female musicians are challenging gender stereotypes

Women have been making music for centuries, but their contributions have often been

Nina Simone used her music to speak out against racial inequality and injustice, while British
singer Adele has won multiple Grammy awards for her soulful and emotionally charged music.

Women have also made significant contributions in areas like music journalism, radio
programming, and music education. However, many women continue to push boundaries and
challenge stereotypes in music.

These International Women’s Day facts are not only alarming but also mind-blowing, serving as
a powerful reminder of the urgent need to fight for gender equality and empowerment, and let us
continue to fight for a world where all women can thrive.

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