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2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2021), Jan.

27 – 29, 2021, Coimbatore, INDIA

Power quality issues and their mitigation techniques

in grid tied Solar Photovoltaic Systems-
A review
Vinod K Chandrakar
Akshay Narendra Deshmukh
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
G H Raisoni College of Engineering,Nagpur
G H Raisoni College of Engineering,Nagpur

Abstract-Renewable energy sources is gaining popularity due to its voltage conditions which can induce reactive power
intermittent characteristics and inexhaustible nature. Despite of this depending upon the depth of the sag. A dynamic voltage
2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) | 978-1-7281-5875-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCCI50826.2021.9402581

fact, utilization of renewable energy comprehensively is still a restorer can help reduce voltage flicker as well as
challenge for the world. As far as Solar energy is concerned, the imbalances occurring due to composite loading or reduced
issues are high capital cost, low reliability when observed
especially from the domestic consumer perspective. Also, in grid
voltage output of the inverter. Different types of filter
connected Solar PV framework, power quality is the major concern designs using R, L, C combination can help get rid of
specially at the consumer end. The issues include sag, reduced harmonics in the grid [6].
power factor, swell, flicker, harmonic, interruptions, voltage Due to problem of resonance with passive filters, nowadays
imbalance, low voltage ride through etc. This paper reviews there is leading power electronics strategies implemented
different power quality problems categorically in general and in with current and voltage control techniques.[7]The
specific along with their causes in grid connected Solar PV system experimental analysis in a rural area of Portugal was carried
framework (GCSPVF) and also summarizes the mitigation out considering various power quality indices and revealed
techniques for the same. that sometimes the system was compelled to operate over
Keywords- Reduced Power Factor (RPF), swell, flicker, harmonic,
and above the voltage limits.[8] The assessment of the
grid tripping, voltage imbalance, Grid Connected Solar PV system impact of PV generation on the distribution system and
framework (GCSPVF) important issues such as reverse power flow and harmonic
distortion are also analyzed by some authors.[9]
etc. were extensively used by authors to study, analyze and
India’s as well as Global energy dependency is suggest methodologies to overcome power quality issues
still majorly dependent on conventional resources of energy arising because of grid interconnection of solar photovoltaic
though policy and technological development efforts are systems [11].
taken up largely to enhance the utilization of all forms of The paper includes Section-II-Introduction to power quality
renewable energy especially solar and wind. At the same and its significance, Section-III-Expected power quality
time, the quality of power is a major concern as grid can be standards, Section-IV- Analysis of power quality problems
observed to be most dynamic system always prone to in grid tied solar PV system framework, Section-V-
various power quality related issues [1].The fossil fuels Summary of various mitigation techniques, Section VI-
based energy generation is not going to last for longer Conclusion and Section-VII-References
duration instead renewable energy resources is the only
option when it comes to sustainable energy
developments.[2]Electricity generation using renewable II.INTRODUCTION TO POWER QUALITY
resources is often taking place in small scale and solar AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE
energy installed on rooftops is the preferred choice.[3]
A. Power quality: It is a measure of the electrical network or
Due to increase in renewable energy penetration to the grid to provide quality power to the customers so that all the
utility, power quality has become the major area of concern parameters are maintained within the permissible values as
for utility engineers as well as researchers. Instead, the most far as possible. A good electric power quality is the steady
popular interface for Solar PV and grid is power electronics voltage supply where the frequency and voltage of the
converter which itself is a source of harmonics. Hence the supply remains within the tolarance band [12]
use of custom power devices into the distribution system are B. Significance of Power quality
gaining popularity amongst researchers to come up with
• Good power quality reduces financial burden both
power quality mitigation techniques [4].
at consumer and utility end.
The major power quality problems present about the voltage
• Improvement in power quality leads to overall cost
regulation problems, voltage sags and swells, flicker issues
effectiveness in overall system performance and
and various authors presented different mitigation strategies
also optimizes cost of operation and maintenance.
for the same major focusing on reactive power problems and
its compensation techniques.[5] • Power quality can enhance the equipment life span
as well as performance which indirectly increases
A modified inverter controller for sag mitigation and low-
production cost and quality.
voltage ride-through condition observed to regulate under

978-1-7281-5875-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

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• Power quality reduces number of tripping Current Isc/IL – THD IEEE 519-
occurrences in the system and improves system harmonics < 25 - 1.5% 2008
reliability and reduces maintenance cost. at > 25 to 50 - 2.5%
• Good power quality is important for maintaining 161 kV > 50 - 3.75%
good health of utility as well as appliances at the systems
load end.[14]
B. Indian standards of power quality[14]
III. EXPECTED POWER QUALITY STANDARDS The following table illustrates the Indian standard of power
quality as suggested by various regulatory authorities
A. Europian and American standards of power quality Table-III: Illustration of standards in India
The following table illustrates the European and American
standard of power quality as suggested by various regulatory S. Power Standard Issuing
authorities N Quality description authority
Table-I: Illustration of standards in Europe 1 Fault 5 cycles and below Central
clearing time Electricity
Parameter Specification Standard Competen (>440 KV) regulation
s s t authority commission
Voltage Freq: +-1% to Europe Angelp 2 Fault 8 cycles and below Central
quality +-4%-6% EN50160- Beggini’s clearing time Electricity
deviation is 2006 handbook (<220 KV) regulation
permitted on Power commission
quality 3 Voltage at 95%-105% of Central
Under and 0.8-1.2 p.u for Council of Angelp distribution specified value Electricity
overvoltage 1 min European Beggini’s side, SDLC regulation
regulators handbook commission
on Power 4 Interruption Restoration within Central
quality in power 6 hrs Repair or Electricity
Harmonics 0th to 100th Council of supply at restoration within regulation
and harmonic,0- European 66/33 KV 12 hrs commission
interharmonic 20%(THD) regulators Substation
s and 0 to 5 Interruption Restoration within Central
6KHz-0-2% in HT mains 4 hrs from alternate Electricity
Voltage 2% under Council of source wherever regulation
unbalance special European feasible. Repair or commission
conditions regulators restoration within
12 hrs
Table-II: Illustration of standards in USA 6. Interruption Restoration within Central
Parameter Specifications Standards due to Power 4 hrs from alternate Electricity
Voltage >1 kV : 5% individual IEEE 519- transformer source without regulation
distortion harmonics, 8% 2008 failure overloading, commission
limits THD otherwise roster
1KV to 69 kV: 3% load
individual harmonics shedingwherever
5% THD feasible. Repair or
69 to 161 kV : 1.5% restoration within
individual 15 days
harmonics 2.5% THD 7 Voltage LV: +-6% DERC and
> 161 kV: 1% individual variations HV: +6% to -9% Gujrat
harmonics EHV: +10% to - Electricity
1.5% THD 12.5% regulatory
Voltage 3% ANSI commission
Unbalance 8 Voltage <=3% DERC
imbalance at
Current Isc/IL – THD IEEE 519-
point of
harmonics < 20 - 5% 2008
at 120 20 to 50 - 8%
V to 69 50 to 100 – 12%
100 to 1000 – 15% 9 Harmonics Yet to arrive at any DERC
> 1000 - 20% standards
10 Frequency 49 Hz to 50.5Hz Gujrat
Current Isc/IL – THD IEEE 519- variation Electricity
harmonics < 20 - 2.5% 2008 regulatory
for 69 20 to 50 - 4% commission
kV to 161 50 to 100 – 6% 11 Neutral Not to exceed 2% Gujrat
kV 100 to 1000 – 7.5% Voltage of supply voltage Electricity
> 1000 - 10% regulatory
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IV. ANALYSIS OF POWER QUALITY ISSUES IN As represented in Fig.3, the broad classification of power
GRID TIED SOLAR PV SYSTEM FRAMEWORK quality issues has been presented under the broader category
of transients, voltage variations, voltage imbalance,
A. Categorical representation of sources of Power waveform distortions and flicker normally occur at the
quality issues [2][11] consumer end.
Transients are short-term power quality issues which are
generated normally due to non-linear loads switching.
Voltage variations are normally associated with the variable
insolation level in Solar PV panels or load variations
occurring at the distribution end.
Waveform distortions are normally associated with
harmonics i.e any other frequency signal superimposed on
the fundamental frequency component.
The net effect of all the aforementioned phenomenon are
flickers at the load end which may impact the functioning of
the load like reduced light intensity of bulb or flickering or
reduced speed of the fan or large motors etc.

Table IV: Generalized causes of Power quality issues

Parameters Causes
Fig.2: Categorical representation of sources of Power Voltage Incorrect load distribution, Non-
Unbalance resistive loads, under loaded and over
quality issues
As suggested in the block diagram in fig.2, there are three loaded system
main sources of issues in power quality in the grid tied Solar Voltage Switching of nonlinear loads
PV systems or any kind of electrical system in general. Interruptions
At utility sources end, lightning, switching and faults are Voltage Sag System faults, Sudden increase in linear
transient conditions which are there for few milliseconds to and nonlinear loads
seconds. But power factor correction systems may be in the Voltage Deregulated power supply, Sudden
system for longer duration which prominently injects Swell switching off of loads
reactive power which may lead to voltage swell in some of Harmonic All types of Power electronics
the cases depending on the system loading conditions. Distortion components
Also, there are internal sources like linear and non linear Short Opening and reclosure of relays and
loads whose switching can induce under and over Interruption circuit breakers
currents/voltages conditions which can cause temporary Long Fault conditions, tripping of circuit
system disturbances. Interruption breakers and relays
On the other side, all types of power electronic equipments As represented in Table IV, describing generalized causes
are the major sources of harmonics in the system whose of different problems associated with power quality
mitigation is normally through a filtering action. parameters. In grid tied solar PV systems, voltage and
frequency disturbance are most common occurrences due to
synchronization issues mainly occurring due to variable
irradiance level and inverter issues. The main causes of
harmonic distortion in Solar PV system is inverter interface
connecting solar PV system to grid. Shorter and longer
duration interruption are mainly due to different protection
schemes and specifically anti islanding protection Voltage
sag and swell occurs mainly due to under and overvoltage
B. Categories of Power quality problems
Table V: Categories of Power quality problems
Power Freq Power System Power Power Factor
Disturbance Transient System
Under or Low Low Increased losses
over Time and high frequency and equipment
frequency time power and high failure
disturbance system frequency
transients distortion

As represented in Table IV,the most prominent disturbance

are power frequency disturbance and power sytem
Fig.3.Categorized problems of power quality transients.It is very challanging to maintain power factor at
point of common coupling where custom FACTS devices

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can play significant role in reactive power compention and system should match with the voltage and frequency of the
maintain power factor close to unity. grid.
C. Power quality issues specific to grid tied Solar PV Also, DC-DC boost converter is also required if the
system[1][4] maximum power point tracking is to be achieved.
Distribution generation in terms Solar PV systems can
The objective of Maximum power point tracking is to
relieve overloading of distribution system avoiding load
operate the PV system always nearer to Maximum voltage
sheading occurrences. Nevertheless, improper coordination,
VMPPT and current IMPPT which will always produce
installation and location may disturb the quality of power
maximum possible power PMPPT=VMPPT*IMPPT as
systems. The major source of power quality issues into the
represented in the diagram below
distribution grid arises due to operation of inverter which is
Pmax1 and Pmax2 are the two different maximum powers
considered to be the largest source of harmonics. There are
produced at different insolation levels 1 and 2 respectively.
some common PQ problems are as follows:
This happens to occur at two different maximum voltages
Vmax1 and Vmax2 which are also known as Maximum
• Flickers: These are rapid power fluctuation Power point Voltages and Pmax1 and Pmax2 are also known as
occurring mainly due to nonlinear loading
Power at maximum power point
• Harmonics: The voltage harmonic contents are
created ordinarily by means of the switching of PE
devices which also create current harmonics
depending on the line impedance.
• Voltage Dips and Over Voltages: This occurs
mainly due to varied solar insolation levels and
voltage imbalances at the grid end due to switching
of loads as well as fault conditions.
D. Monitoring techniques of Power quality[11]

Fig.4: Power Voltage Characteristics

Technical Issues:
1. Efficiency, reliability and cost effectiveness
2. Islanded grid
3. Nature dependence in terms of variable insolation
4. Poor power quality
5. Protection issues
6. Faults in distribution network
7. Reverse power flow
8. Sustained fault duration
9. Bidirectional power flow in distribution network
Fig.4:Power quality monitoring systems Non-Technical Issues
1. Lack of technically skilled man power
The fig.4 represents power quality monitoring techniques
2. Reduced acceptance of renewable energy
which helps in monitoring and analysis of some of the
technologies in society
power quality issues like flicker, harmonic and THD and
3. High installation cost
voltage sag and swell. There are various techniques
4. Lack of awareness amongst technologies
proposed for each category of power quality problem which
are significantly required to be analyzed in order to propose
mitigation strategies for the individual issue and design and
appropriate controllers using custom FACTS device.
Several techniques have been developed for this purpose.
Amongst them, LabVIEW tool, PMU technique,
ADALINE, KF etc. are very effective for harmonic
detection and monitoring. ADALINE technique is also
effective for detection of other power quality issues such as
sag, swell, interruptions etc. HT, and TEO methods are
useful to monitor voltage flicker problems.[11]
E. Grid Integration Issues for small scale PV generation:
For successful grid integration, the output voltage and
frequency of the inverter taking power from Solar PV

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their mitigation techniques are also proposed in this paper.
V. SUMMARY OF VARIOUS MITIGATION India is still working to enhance the installed capacity of
Solar PV projects and hence qualitative aspects of solar PV
QUALITY[11] power are currently shadowed off but will pick up surly in
TABLE-VI:POWER QUALITY MITIGATION near future through Public-Private and People participation.

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