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1.1This study seeks to comprehend how teachers incorporate the Student Centered Learning
(SCL) method in the educational process. According to Siswono and Karsen (2008), SCL is a
learning model that focuses on the needs, abilities, interests and learning styles of students
with teachers as learning facilitators. In the SCL approach, students have full responsibility for
their learning activities, especially in the form of active involvement and student participation.
The relationship between one student and another is equal, which is reflected in the form of
cooperation in groups to complete a learning task.

SCL highlights the importance of students taking an active role in their learning, believing it can
boost motivation and educational achievements. By adopting this method, the teacher shifts to
a role of guiding rather than simply transferring knowledge, empowering students to assume
ownership of their own learning. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the
implementation of Student Centered Learning by educators based on Karsen's Theory.

The theory suggested in this research is that when teachers integrate SCL, it will positively
affect students' involvement and academic achievements. This research also seeks to evaluate
how well teachers comprehend and implement SCL principles in their classrooms. This study
aims to gather empirical evidence on the efficacy of SCL by observing, using checklists, and
documenting the learning process on video.

In this research, the results concerning how teachers implemented Student Centered Learning
(SCL) were found to align significantly with the attributes of SCL outlined by Karsen (2008).
These features involve granting students independence in selecting learning resources and
methods, along with a focus on engaging, imaginative, and original learning techniques. The
teacher has shown her dedication to SCL principles by motivating students to be accountable
for their learning, an essential element of SCL. This is seen in students' participation in learning
and the use of techniques that promote critical thinking and autonomy.

This research indicates that teachers have successfully implemented an approach that
places students at the center of learning, in accordance with the definition of SCL by Karsen.
The results of the research that has been observed in class Vlll SMP AC - Rahman show that
teachers understand the concept of SCL and apply the Student Centered Learning model in
class VIII SMP AC - Rahman Medan which can be seen in the observation checklist below.

 The following are the characteristics of SCL characteristics carried out by means of cest
 The first characteristic of SCL is the role of the teacher as a supporter who guides
students and helps students to develop the material. In the observation, the teacher
interacted with students to respond while writing the material on the board. The
teacher supports students to develop the material.
 The second characteristic is that the teacher is insightful and accepts criticism to
improve the teacher's ability. Based on the observation, there were no students who
criticized the teacher, but the teacher delivered the material correctly, which indicates
that she is insightful. He also always asks for questions from the students to ensure that
they understand.
 The third characteristic of SCL is that the teacher uses teaching methods based on the
students' situation and students' needs. In the observation, the teacher drew the
students to respond. This is a method used based on students' needs. In fact, students
are active in answering questions.
 The fourth characteristic is that the student is an active figure in the learning process. in
observation, students actively answer questions given by the teacher spontaneously.
 The fifth characteristic is that students are active figures in the learning process who
always provide ideas, both suggestions and criticisms. based on observations, students
actively answer teacher questions spontaneously, but students do not give questions
and ideas. Students only follow the instructions given.
 The sixth characteristic is that students are able to develop learning materials
independently. in observations, students work on worksheets and develop learning
materials independently.
 The seventh characteristic is that students know the learning objectives of each
material. based on observation, students know the learning objectives in each material,
for example when the teacher provides learning material, namely present continious
tense, students are able to formulate and make simple present continious tense
 The eighth characteristic is Students collaborate with each other. in the observation,
students were not in a group, they sat studying individually.
 The ninth characteristic is Students monitor their own learning. so they are able to
formulate appropriate learning strategies to achieve optimal results.
 The tenth characteristic is Students are motivated to achieve the goals they have set for
 The eleventh characteristic is students choose their own group members and discover
how to work in the group.
 The twelfth characteristic is learning materials are used as directions, not as learning
benchmarks, so students can develop the material creatively.
 the thirteenth characteristic is learning is a process of actively seeking knowledge or a
process of formulating knowledge.
 the fourteenth characteristic is students build their own knowledge through the
personal learning process.

This study revealed that teachers have implemented most of the SCL characteristics
described by Karsen (2008). Among them are that through the implementation of student-
centered learning, students are expected to actively participate, always challenged to have
critical thinking, able to analyze and solve problems on their own. Analysis Based on the
characteristics of SCL identified by Karsen (2008), the findings of this study indicate that
teachers have successfully implemented an approach that places students at the center of
learning. This is reflected in the active involvement of students in the learning process and the
use of methods that allow students to develop critical thinking and independence.

2.3 This research shows that teachers have implemented most of the Student Centered Learning (SCL)
characteristics outlined by Karsen (2008), such as granting autonomy to students, active learning, and
the teacher's role as a facilitator. Educators are becoming more aware of the importance of student-
centered learning methods to enhance student participation and learning results, which could explain
the focus of this study.

When we contrast these results with those of other research, we notice both similarities and variations.
The similarities are that many studies show that SCL can improve student motivation and learning
outcomes. However, this study also found that although teachers have implemented SCL characteristics,
there are still challenges in its full implementation, which may not be in line with some other studies
that show more consistent implementation of SCL. These differences may stem from different
educational contexts, the level of teacher training, and available resources. These findings emphasize
the importance of local context and conditions in the implementation of effective learning approaches.

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