New Media Journalism

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New Media as a Medium of Journalism


The term media is plural and is a Greek word. Medium is the singular form. Therefore, “new
media” are, not is. Journalism refers to the process of gathering, or reporting, current
information, or news, from multiple sources (including primarily by interviewing people,
reading or reviewing documents, and making direct observation of events, places, or people);
editing and fact-checking that news; and distributing (broadcasting, publishing) that news,
typically via storytelling forms, but also in other forms, as well as interpreting those facts via
analysis or opinion.

So , New media journalism is thus the convergence of new media and journalism into a new
form of news reporting in the digital age.


It is a form of journalism based on the convergence of digital, or computer-based,

technologies and telecommunications, especially but not limited to the Internet and World
Wide Web.

New media journalism is a form of journalism that uses digital and communication
technologies to produce and distribute news content. It emerged in the late 20th century and
has continued to evolve in the 21st century. New media journalism includes chat rooms,
blogs, news sites, personal websites, podcasts, and video opportunities that offer both news
and opinion from individuals and experts. It is also known as multimedia journalism

New media journalism is a medium of journalism that has been made possible by the advent
of digital and communication technologies. It has enabled the creation and distribution of
news content through various digital platforms such as chat rooms, blogs, news sites,
personal websites, podcasts, and videos. This has allowed individuals and experts to share
their opinions and perspectives on various issues, making it a more inclusive and diverse
form of journalism

New media Journalism is a powerful tool that can be used to inform, engage, and empower
the public.

Features of New Media Journalism

Digital: New media journalism is produced and distributed in digital form, which means that
it can be accessed and consumed on a variety of devices, including computers, smartphones,
and tablets.

Interactive: New media journalism is often interactive, meaning that audiences can engage
with the content and with the journalists who produce it. This can be done through
commenting, liking, sharing, and voting.

Hypertextual: New media journalism is often hypertextual, meaning that it includes links to
other sources of information, both within the article or video itself and to other websites and
online resources.

Networked: New media journalism is networked, meaning that it is easily shared and
disseminated across the internet. This makes it possible for news and information to spread
quickly and widely.

Immediacy: New media journalism can be updated and published immediately, which means
that audiences can get the latest news and information as soon as it is available.

Multimediality: New media journalism often incorporates multiple types of media, such as
text, images, audio, and video. This allows journalists to tell stories in more engaging and
informative ways.

Citizen journalism :Citizen journalism, also known as participatory journalism, democratic

journalism, guerrilla journalism, or street journalism, is a form of journalism that is practiced
by people who are not professional journalists. It is a way for people to tell their own stories
and share their own perspectives on events that are happening in their communities.

Social media journalism :Social media journalism is the use of social media platforms to
gather, report, and distribute news and information. It is a relatively new form of journalism
that has grown in popularity in recent years, thanks in part to the widespread adoption of
social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.


Global reach and accessibility: New media journalism is accessible to anyone with an
internet connection, regardless of their location. This means that journalists can reach a
global audience with their work.

Cost-effectiveness: New media journalism is relatively inexpensive to produce and

distribute. This makes it possible for new and independent journalists to compete with larger,
more established media organizations.

Interactivity and engagement: New media journalism is often interactive, allowing

audiences to engage with the content and with the journalists who produce it. This can lead to
more informed and engaged citizens.

Real-time updates: New media journalism can be updated and published immediately,
which means that audiences can get the latest news and information as soon as it is available.

Data analytics and insights: New media journalism platforms provide valuable data
analytics insights that can be used by journalists to refine their strategies and optimize user

Difference between misinformation and disinformation

S.No Topic of Misinformation Disinformation

1 Definition Misinformation is false or inaccurate Disinformation is false or
information that is spread without the inaccurate information
intention to deceive. that is spread with the
intention to deceive.
2 Intent Unintentional Intentional
3 purpose To share information, even if it is To deceive or mislead
inaccurate people
4 Source It can come from any source, including s more likely to come
credible news organizations, well-meaning from organized
individuals, or even bots. actors, such as foreign
governments, political
campaigns, or special
interest groups.
5 Impact negative impact on society more harmful
5 example Rumors, false news articles, outdated Propaganda, fake news,
information deepfakes


Spread of misinformation and disinformation: New media platforms can be used to spread
misinformation and disinformation quickly and easily. This is because there are fewer
barriers to entry on new media platforms than there are on traditional media platforms, and
because people are often more likely to believe information that they see shared by their
friends and family on social media.

Erosion of journalistic ethics: Some new media journalists have been accused of sacrificing
journalistic ethics in order to get more clicks and views. This can include things like
publishing inaccurate or misleading information, sensationalizing stories, and harassing

Decline in revenue for traditional media organizations: The rise of new media journalism
has led to a decline in revenue for traditional media organizations, such as newspapers and
television networks. This has made it more difficult for these organizations to produce high-
quality journalism.

Job losses in the media industry: The decline in revenue for traditional media organizations
has also led to job losses in the media industry. This has made it more difficult for journalists
to find work and to support themselves.

addictive and time-consuming : The new media is addictive and time consuming because it
is always available, designed to be engaging and provides instant gratification

Difficult to focus :The endless stream of information and content available on new media
platforms can make it difficult for people to focus on other things, such as their work, their
studies, and their relationships.

General functions

Informing the public: New media journalism provides the public with access to news and
information from a variety of sources, including traditional media organizations, citizen
journalists, and social media platforms. This helps people to stay informed about important
issues and events.

Holding power to account: New media journalism can be used to hold powerful people and
institutions accountable. For example, journalists can use new media platforms to investigate
corruption, expose wrongdoing, and give a voice to marginalized groups.

Promoting civic engagement: New media journalism can be used to promote civic
engagement and to encourage people to participate in the democratic process. For example,
journalists can use new media platforms to educate people about their rights, to register them
to vote, and to inform them about candidates and issues.

Enhancing community: New media journalism can be used to enhance community by

connecting people with shared interests and by providing a platform for people to share their
stories and ideas. For example, local news organizations can use new media platforms to
build relationships with their audiences and to cover stories that are important to the

Breaking news: New media platforms can be used to break news stories quickly and
efficiently. This is because new media platforms are not bound by the same production
constraints as traditional media platforms.

Investigative journalism: New media platforms can be used to conduct in-depth

investigative journalism. This is because new media platforms allow journalists to publish
their work without having to go through a gatekeeper.

Explainer journalism: New media platforms can be used to explain complex issues in a
clear and concise way. This is because new media platforms offer a variety of multimedia
tools that can be used to tell stories in a visually engaging way.

Opinion journalism: New media platforms provide a platform for journalists to share their
opinions and perspectives. This can help to promote public discourse and debate.

process of new media journalism

Acquisition, processing, storage, distribution and display

Step 1.Acquisition

The first step in the new media journalism process is acquisition. This is where journalists
gather information from a variety of sources, including news releases, press conferences,
interviews, social media, and eyewitness accounts

Step 2.Processing

Once journalists have gathered information, they need to process it. This involves verifying
the information, checking it for accuracy and fairness, and organizing it into a coherent

step 3 Storage

New media journalists use a variety of tools to store their work, including content
management systems (CMSs), cloud storage, and hard drives. CMSs make it easy for
journalists to manage and publish their content to multiple platforms, such as websites, social
media, and email. Cloud storage allows journalists to access their work from anywhere with
an internet connection. Hard drives provide a more permanent storage solution for journalists'

Step 4 Distribution

Once journalists have processed and stored their work, they need to distribute it to their
audience. This can be done through a variety of channels, including news websites, social
media, email, and mobile apps. New media journalists often use multiple channels to reach
their audience and to maximize the impact of their work.

Step 5- Display or Access

Once journalists have distributed their work, it is up to the audience to display or access it.
This can be done through a variety of devices, including computers, smartphones, tablets, and
TVs. New media journalists often use multimedia elements, such as video, images, and audio,
to make their work more engaging and accessible to their audience.

Types of New Media Journalism

1) Web-based newspaper

A web-based newspaper is a digital version of a traditional newspaper that is published online

and can be accessed through a web browser , it is Convenience based and Timeliness too.

2) Social Media platforms like twitter

Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and
receive messages known as "tweets.

3) Podcasts

A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio files that a user can download to a personal
device for listening at a time of their choosing.

4) virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different
from the real world. VR is created using a computer headset that displays a stereoscopic
image to each eye, and sensors that track the user's head movements. VR can be used to
create a wide range of experiences, from gaming and entertainment to education and training.

5)immersive video

Immersive video refers to various video formats that provide a 360-degree, spherical video
experience for the viewer. In a new media journalism context, this most typically refers to
panoramic video displayed on a computer monitor allowing the viewer to use a mouse or
keyboard controls to pan, tilt, or zoom about a full hemispheric view of a news scene or

6)3D graphics,

3D graphics are graphics with three visual dimensions, width, height, and depth. Most
graphics in journalism are two dimensional, width and height. Adding a third dimension is
possible in online or digital environments, and in new media journalism 3D graphics can
provide an additional valuable tool to the reporter’s storytelling palette. With 3D graphics, a
reporter can provide complete visualization of an object central to a story, such as a science
or health story

7)interactive photographs,

Interactive photographs present another storytelling tool for new media journalists.
Interactive photographs are increasingly being used online at sites such as,
where members can post pictures of themselves, friends, or family, and then insert mouse-
over labels onto the photos.

8)situated documentaries

In this application, the wearer walks through a location and sees through the head-worn
display 3D virtual objects that act as story markers. The head-worn display incorporates a
gyroscopic head tracker linked to GPS (global positioning system) and GIS (geographic
information system), technologies that together permit the user to look at an interactive object
for a halfsecond and thereby select it, much as a user on a desktop computer would select an
object by moving the cursor onto it and clicking on it. This system is known as gaze
approximation. It is a particularly useful tool in a mobile computing and communications

9)locative media

Locative media is an emerging form of new media journalism content that extends the
situated documentary into a broader context. Locative media embraces all forms of media
content based on geographic location. Most often, locative media is produced for online
access. It is typically powered through Google Earth, a geographic visualization system made
free to the public by Google


Breaking news:

The Indian Express and The Hindu use social media to break news stories about breaking
news events such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and political upheaval.

The Wire and use social media to break news stories about social and economic
issues such as corruption, human rights abuses, and environmental problems.

Investigative journalism:

The Caravan and The Wire have published investigative stories about corruption,
environmental degradation, and human rights abuses.

The Cobrapost and The Quint have used sting operations to expose wrongdoing by
politicians, bureaucrats, and businesses.

Explainer journalism:

The Quint and The Indian Express have published explainer articles on complex issues such
as the economy, the environment, and technology. and The Wire have published explainer articles on social and political issues such as
elections, protests, and government policies.

Opinion journalism:

The Hindu and The Indian Express have opinion sections where journalists and experts share
their opinions on current events.

The Wire and have opinion sections where journalists, academics, and activists
share their views on social, political, and economic issues.

Revamping journalism by New Media

First, new media are transforming how journalists do their work.

Second, new media are producing a restructuring of journalistic organizations and


Third, new media are giving rise to new media content forms.

Fourth, new media are leading to the reinvention of the relationships between and among
journalists, journalistic organizations, and their many publics, especially these five:
audiences, sources, regulators, financers, and competitors.

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