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Environmental awareness plays a significant role in the context of globalization. It aims
to educate individuals about environmental problems and develop the knowledge, attitudes,
and skills necessary to protect and enrich the natural balance in the environment especially
when you are aspiring to become a successful civil engineer someday. Globalization, with its
economic activities and harmonization of laws, has both positive and negative implications for
the environment. The need for environmental awareness becomes crucial in this context, as it
helps in maintaining a healthy environment, preserving natural resources, and addressing the
challenges posed by globalization. It is essential to develop an environmentally sound approach
to development and promote sustainable development principles to ensure a good
environment for future generations .
As a future construction professionals and civil engineers, we should know that the
world is constantly changing. Globalization has brought about a significant impact on civil
engineering projects, and it's essential for us to understand and adapt to these changes. As
future builders, we must be aware that globalization has opened up opportunities for
international collaboration and increased competition. With the rise of global trade, companies
can now access a wider pool of resources and expertise, regardless of their geographical
location. As a result, civil engineering projects can now incorporate the latest technologies and
techniques from around the world. This increased international collaboration has also led to the
standardization of engineering practices and regulations. This standardization has been
essential in ensuring that civil engineering projects meet international standards, making them
more reliable and safer.
However, globalization has also presented challenges to civil engineering projects. One
of these challenges is the need to adapt to different cultural norms and expectations. As a civil
engineering student, we must be aware of different cultural preferences and work styles to
ensure that our future projects are successful. This includes understanding local building codes,
environmental regulations, and societal norms.
Another challenge that globalization has presented is the need for greater
environmental responsibility. With the world becoming more interconnected, the impact of
civil engineering projects on the environment has become a significant concern. As a result, we
must ensure that our future projects are environmentally sustainable and responsible.

In this study, we are aiming to know the importance of environmental awareness of civil
engineering student in today's globalization for our better future. Looking forward for our
future civil engineers to build more renewable and eco-friendly infrastructures which everyone
can benefit. Even though many of globalization’s environmental effects have always been
negative, its growth has increased global environmental consciousness. Thanks to increased
connectivity and rising interest rates in global tourism, people can now perceive the
consequences of natural disasters, habitat loss, and environmental degradation on the
ecosystem more readily than ever before.
Currently, the environment is troubled by many challenges, many of which appear to be
getting worse with time, putting us on the verge of a full-fledged ecological calamity. As a
result, it is becoming increasingly important to raise awareness of these issues and what can be
done to mitigate their detrimental implications. Some important environmental issues are
“Environmental degradation, global warming, overpopulation, waste disposal, ocean
acidification, habitat destruction, forest deforestation, ozone depletion, acid rain, and human
health risks.
Many people think that to protect the environment you need to do something big. But
that is not the only solution. Even tiny individual steps on a small scale can really help to save
our environment. You just need to bring little changes in your habits and lifestyle.
As the world population and economy have grown, environmental pressure has
increased, and many of the world's major ecosystem goods and services have been degraded or
used unsustainably (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). For example, an estimated 24%
of global disease burden is attributed to environmental factors, and for children under 14 years,
this burden is as high as 36% (Prüss-Üstün and Corvalán, 2006). In addition, the global
population living in poverty makes extensive use of goods and services provided from a
common pool of terrestrial and aquatic natural resources. Natural resources are also known to
support an important social safety net during times of economic downturn and constrained
food supplies (WRI, 2005).

In conclusion, the impact of environmental awareness of civil engineering students from

the perspective of globalization cannot be overlooked. As a future construction professionals
and civil engineers, we must adapt to the changes brought about by globalization and take
advantage of the opportunities it presents. At the same time, we must also be aware of the
challenges it presents and work towards finding solutions that benefit everyone involved.

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