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Passport Number: BK 0787664

Study Plan

I am Fouzia Afroz Khan, applicant from Bangladesh; I have completed my Bachelor of Social Science
(BSS) and Master of Social Science (MSS) in Economics from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in the year
2007 and 2008 respectively. Recently, I have received an admission offer to the MA in Economics with
funding from Carleton University. In September 2019, I will be enrolled in 1 year masters’ degree
program and I am really looking forward to explore this life time opportunity.

Since my graduation from University of Dhaka, I have been working in banking and investment industry
in Bangladesh. During this tenure, I worked in different sectors namely Risk Management Division, Credit
Division and Consumer Banking Division. As I grew senior in my position, my role has moved away from
research to operations side of banking. This is when I realized I enjoyed the research aspect of my job
more compared to the current operational responsibilities I have.

As I explored on my own for research –oriented jobs in the national and international market, it became
obvious to me that the first step in this direction is to familiarize myself with the advanced economic
theory and quantitative methods in the field of economics. This realization has driven me strongly to
think about applying to graduate schools in Canada as I believe advanced education in Canada will
facilitate me to have an international perspective.

I became particularly interested in the Economics Department of Carleton University due to its profound
history of teaching excellence. Having spent almost a decade in banking industry, I find the Masters’
program with a focus in Financial Economics as natural segue in my career. I am particularly interested
to learn how to extrapolate different macro-economic variables to forecast and estimate different
measures of financial risks such as market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk in both
developed and underdeveloped financial markets. The excellent faculty pool at Carleton University and
well-structured coursework will definitely prepare me in the best possible way to achieve my career

I plan to return to Bangladesh following the completion of my degree at Carleton University as I want
implement my newly acquired advanced quantitative knowledge in consulting or research role in well-
recognized think tanks or international development organized think tanks or international development
organizations (World Bank, IMF etc.) in Bangladesh that help to shape public policy decision or apply
economic analysis to help businesses to evaluate and implement strategic decisions. In addition to that,
all of my family members and my in-laws live in Bangladesh. My husband also has a strong business ties
in Bangladesh as he runs his family business in Dhaka.

Carleton University has generously offered me a TA ship ($21686.00) for two years and Department
Scholarship ($2000) which will cover part of my Tuition fees. For the rest of the expenses, I am planning
to utilize my personal savings and my husband is also contributing significantly to cover any financial
gap. I will put all my efforts to study and utilize the knowledge that I will acquire in Canada to extend my
own career in Bangladesh.

Please kindly review my application and thank you for giving me a chance to study in Canada.

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