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1. What is serological test?

2. Mention five (5) examples of serological tests

3. Explain the principle and procedures of performing Malaria rapid
diagnostic test(mRDT)
4. Give the procedures for cell typing (blood grouping) using tile
5. What is the advantages of thick blood smear in malaria parasites
6. Mention other haemoparasites apart from Plasmodium species.
7. Give the procedures for rapid HIV testing using SD Bioline HIV 1/2
8. Explain the advantages of aseptic techniques at hospital setting.
9. Briefly differentiate sterilization from disinfection
10. Explain important precautions in using a microscope 11. Give the
advantages of laboratory safety rules
12. What are the important precautions to observe during

13. Define Clinical laboratory?
14. Why do we study clinical laboratory?
15. Explain the role of clinical laboratory/laboratory medicine in
clinical diagnosis16. Explain the types of aseptic techniques
17. Describe the steps for donning and removing of gloves
18. When do we suppose to wear gloves? And when do we suppose to
remove gloves? 19. When and why do we wash hands?
20.Explaintheadvantages ofhandwashing
21. Mention the parasites found in urine specimen
22. Mention materials found in urine sediments
23. Define decontamination
24. Mention the parasites found in stool specimen
25. Mention four types of physical sterilization methods
26. Define Urine
27. What is laboratory diagnostic techniques? Mention three
categories of laboratorydiagnostic techniques.
28. Define PPE and mention five types of PPE at hospital settings.
29. Define serological techniques. Mention two examples of
serological techniques
30. Define Hemoglobin
31. Mention four hemoparasites that can be examined using thick
blood smear
32. Define mRDT and give three malaria antigens detected by mRDT
33. Define HIV rapid testing. Mention three advantages of rapid
34. Define blood grouping. Mention four blood group types in ABO
system 35.Differentiate serial testing strategy from parallel testing
strategy in HIV rapidtesting
36. Mention two causes of false positive agglutination in ABO cell
37.Mention three causes of false negative results in malaria rapid
38. Describe the current Tanzania national testing algorithm for HIV
testing of childrenand adults (aged >18 months).
39.Describe procedures and results interpretation of HIV rapid testing
using SD BiolineHIV1/2
40. Describe the procedures and results interpretation of malaria
rapid diagnostic test (mRDT)
41. Describe the procedures for collection of blood sample from a
42. Describe the Clinical laboratory safety rules.
43.A patient came into clinics with symptoms of malaria. Explain what
laboratoryinvestigations you’re going to carry out. If laboratory report
showed 1000 MPS/μlof blood. Show the calculations of how could
also be reported per 200WBCs method.
44. Differentiate Fasting blood glucose (FBG) from Random blood
glucose (RBG)
45. Mention the types of Diabetes mellitus
46. Explain how to carryout laboratory examination of urine specimen
47. Explain how to carryout laboratory examination of stool specimen
48. Explain why not all blood group AB are universal recipients and
not all blood groupO are universal donors
49. Explain the laboratory investigations for the hemolytic disease of
newborn (HDN)
50. Covert 200mg/dl of blood glucose to mmol/L
51. Convert 40mg/dl of blood glucose to mmol/L
52. Convert 11.1 mmol/L of blood sugar to mg/dl and mg/L
53. Explain how to perform OGTT (Oral glucose tolerance test )
54. Explain the difference between type 1 and type -2 diabetes
55. Give the normal ranges of FBG, RBG and their corresponding
values during diabetes 56. Explain the procedures how to perform a
glucose test to a patient
57. Explain the significance of glucose estimation
58. Explain the procedure how to perform hemoglobin estimation
59.Explain the principle, procedures and results interpretations for
carrying out Ziel-Nilsen Stain (ZN-stain) or Acid-Fast Stain Bacilli (AFB).
60. Describe the principle, procedures and results interpretations for
carrying out GramStaining.
61.Explain the procedures for Malaria parasites investigation using
62. Describe Principle and procedures for malaria parasites
investigation using Giemsastaining technique
63. What are the types of blood groups?
64. What are the major blood group antigens?65. State Landsteiner’s
66. Describe the procedures for ABO grouping and Rh typing
67. List the blood forward and reverse grouping, back typing, and
serum confirmation. 68. Define compatibility testing
69. Explain the significance of ABO grouping system
70. Explain about etiology and management for HDN 71. What do you
understand by Bombay group?
72. roups in the ABO system, the antigen(s) present on the e cell in
each blood groupand the antibody(ies) in the serum for each, for
73. State the differences in ABO antigens and antibodies in newborns.
74. State which ABO groups could safely receive a red cell transfusion
from donors ofeach of the following blood types: A, B, AB, O
75. State which ABO groups could safely receive a plasma transfusion
from donors ofeach of the following blood types: A, B, AB, O
76. Explain how ABO blood types are determined.
77. Explain what is meant by Bombay group phenotype.
78. Mention the causes of false-positive and false negative results
during ABO bloodgrouping test.
79. Give the advantages and disadvantages of MRDT
80.Mention the cause for false-positive and false-negative results
when performingMRDT
81. Explain the principle, procedures and results interpretations for
AFB technique forinvestigation of Mycobacteria
82. Mention five parasites found in the stool83. Mention five common
warning sign in the laboratory
84. Mention five disease caused by nematodes found in stool
85. Explain principles of HIV rapid test
86. Mention three disadvantages of HIV rapid test
87. Explain HIV rapid test algorithm that is current used in Tanzania
88. Mention five parasites that can be stained by field stain
89. Mention five advantages of thick blood film
90.Define the following terms as applied in HIV rapid test (a)
Reactive(b) Invalid (c)Non-reactive
91.Describe field stain technique as applied in staining of parasites
Discuss on principle and procedures of ziehl stain (ZN) Describe wet
mount of stool specimen
92.Describe the giemsa stain technique as applied in staining of
hemoparasites Mention the clinical signs and complications of malaria
93.Mention the common warning signs and chemicals found in the
clinical laboratory
94.Describe the procedures for carrying out rapid syphilis test
95.Describe the procedures and results interpretation for carryout
rapid hepatitis B and C tests.
96.Differentiate between parallel and serial strategies in HIV
screening using HIV-rapid antibody testing.
100. Mention the common reagent solutions used in the clinical

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