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A Bonifacio St., Poblacion II, Hindang, Leyte

Midterm Exam in The Life and Works of Rizal (GE 9A)
October14-16, 2021

Name: Excel A. Elecho Course: BSBA-2 Date: 10/14/2021

General Direction: This is a 50-item test, read each direction written in every type of test.

Test I TRUE OR FALSE (10pts)

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is true, and write FALSE if the statement is false. Write your answer on the
blank provided at the end of the statement.

1. Rizal was able to study Italian in Madrid in January 1883. TRUE

2. Noli Me Tangere is a Latin phrase which means “do not touch me”. TRUE
3. Rizal finished around one half of his book in Berlin. FALSE
4. Some of the Filipino customs and practices revealed in the Noli. TRUE
5. Rizal arrived in America on April 28, 1888. TRUE
6. Rizal was impressed by the scientific atmosphere and the absence of race prejudice in Berlin. TRUE
7. Rizal continued writing his El Filibusterismo during his months’ stay in Brussels. TRUE
8. July 31, 1886 was the date of Rizal’s first letter to Blumentritt. TRUE
9. Rizal was able to complete his studies in medicine with the degree of Licentiate in Medicine granted by the
Universidad Central of Madrid on June 21, 1882. FALSE
10. On August 16, Bonifacio and the Filipinos raised the famous “Cry of Balintawak”. FALSE

Test II Identification (10pts)

Direction: Identify/answer the following. Write your answer on the blank provided at the end of the statement.

1. Who is the French ophthalmologist that Rizal worked as an assistant in Paris? Dr. Louis de Weckert
2. What country gave Rizal a very disagreeable impression? America
3. For the second time when did Rizal left for Europe? January 28, 1890
4. What was Rizal’s pen-name when he published his essay Amor Patrio in Dyaryong Tagalog? LAON LAANG
5. Rizal joined the Masonic Lodge Acacia in 1883. What was his Masonic name? Dimasalang
6. The Japanese with whom Rizal had an important dealing. Tetcho Suehiro
7. Who is the Governor General that decided to exile Rizal to Dapitan? Governor General Despujol
8. Who helped Ibarra escaped from prison? His mysterious friend Elias
9. In London, where does Rizal spent much of his time and where he also came to know Dr. Reinhold Ro-st. at the
British Museum
10. When was Rizal arrested? July 7 1892

Test III: Essay (30pts)

Direction: Answer the questions below.

1. Describe Rizal’s observation and experiences in America. (10 pts)

He was undoubtedly impressed by America’s material progress, the drive and the energy of the American
people, the natural beauties of the land, the high standard of living, and the opportunities America offered to
poor immigrants by way of better life. But Rizal’s impression of America was stained by racial prejudice. He
saw the discriminatory treatment of the Chinese and the Negros by the white Americans. He even answered
to Jose Alejandro’s question about his impressions of America that “America is the land of par excellence of
freedom but only for the Whites”.
2. Describe Rizal’s last hoursin prison. (10pts)

We can still see Rizal’s cleverness even in his last hour in prison. During his final hours in prison he
finished his farewell poem which he hid inside his alcohol cooking stove. At the same time, he wrote his letter
to Professor Blumentritt. And I think it is also a bit controversial about how he retracts his anti-Catholic ideas
in his writings and membership in Masonry. And also it is surely dramatic, especially at the part that Rizal’s
ask for forgiveness from his mother that they had to be separated forcely.

3. Explain Rizal’s manifesto to his countrymen. (10pts)

Rizal’s manifesto was about his innocence for the said revolution. Rizal knew that his life was at an
end, but he was satisfied that he stood up for his principles. The manifesto states the evidence that he is not
part of the revolution and how he opposed and fought for it. It also shows that Rizal wanted us to understand
that we can change and improve our self through cautious understanding of life’s advantage and
disadvantages instead of engaging in uncontrolled emotions and disregard for consequences.

Decca F.

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