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QUI - 2024


Section 1: MCQs
Câu 2. My father ............................a new house in the countryside.
A. has just bought B. has bought just
C. have just bought D. have bought just
Câu 3. The …………… downstairs in the kitchen.
A. sink B. bath C. hall D. toilet
Câu 4. ..................the conditions are difficult, it’s very enjoyable work.
A. Although B. However C. As D. Because
Câu 5. Nile is..........................river in the world.
A. longest B. the longest C. longer D. long
Câu 6. He bought all the books ....................... are needed for the English course.
A. those B. what C. whose D. that
Câu 7. Did you.................the race?
A. win B. score C. prize D. beat
Câu 8. If I knew the answer,
A. will tell B. told C. tell D. would tell
Câu 9. She looks .............than she was 5 years ago.
A. fitter B. more fit C. fit D. fiter
Câu 10. Tom doesn't like dancing, but Mike......................
A. doesn’t B. did C. do D. does
Câu 11. They ...................... their examinations at the end of the next month.
A. take
B. takes
C. took
D. are going to take
Câu 12. I ran quickly ...................... late.
A. not in order to be
B. in order to be
C. in to order
D. in order not to be
Câu 13. They are going to take their examinations at the end of the ......................
A. next month B. last month C. month ago D. month before
Câu 14. . is sunny, we will go camping.
A. As B. However C. Although D. Because
Câu 15. If Nick weren’t lazy, he .......................................
A. would be punished B. woudn’t be punished
C. won’t be punished D. will be punished
Câu 16. I went to film the school,..............I studied lighting and special effects.
A. who B. where C. which D. that
Câu 17. Coal is still …………… Britain.

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A. mined B. manufactured C. grown D. built

Câu 18. The Queen is said ……………..Australia next year.
A. to be visiting B. to visited
C. . to have visited D. that she will visit
Câu 19. Nina and her friends had a great time, singing and dancing and__________ to their
favorite music.
A. to listening B. to listen C. listening D. listen
Câu 20. I’ll come and see you before you...............for England.
A. are leaving B. left C. leave D. have left
Câu 21. Don't talk to me as if I .........................a child.
A. am B. were C. had been D. was
Câu 22. This is the man …………..I love forever.
A. Whose B. Who C. Where D. which
Câu 23. Linda......................tie her shoes when she was only 3 years old.
A. may B. knew how to C. knew to D. could to
Câu 24. Steve ..............Donna in Boston in 1986.
A. meet B. has met C. will meet D. met
Câu 25. Peter doesn't want ....................... eggs, but he wants some soup.
A. many B. much C. some D. any
Câu 26. Wait here until I ..................back.
A. will come B. Came C. Come D. won’t come
Câu 27. Margaret has …………….. here since February
A. working B. worked C. been working D. being worked
Câu 28. When they had to go, everybody__________ Nina and her mother for the party.
A. have thanked B. thanked C. had thanked D. thanks
Câu 29. ....................... the room been cleaned yet?
A. Did B. Have C. Was D. Has
Câu 30. My father ............................a new house in the countryside.
A. have bought just B. has bought just
C. have just bought D. has just bought
Câu 31. I called you at 8:00am, but you …………….. out
A. have just gone B. had just gone C. go D. went
Câu 32. I will not turn off the computer ........................ I finish this letter.
A. when B. while C. until D. as
Câu 33. The exercises which we are doing ....................... very difficult.
A. are B. is C. has been D. was
Câu 34. Did he.................the meal?
A. Wash B. Cook C. Clean D. eat
Câu 35. Sorry, I can't repay you this week. I'm completely ……………..
A. dead B. destroyed C. broke D. broken
Câu 36. I have been waiting for you...................
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A. for 7 hours B. at 7 o’clock C. last 7 hours D. for 7 o’clock

Câu 37. Let’s..............some music to relax.
A. listening B. listen for C. isten D. listen to
Câu 38. They have been listening to music ...................
A. for 5 o’clock B. last 5 hours C. since 5 o’clock D. since 5 hours
Câu 39. I’ll come and see you ........... you leave for England.
A. Before B. While C. until D. By
Câu 40. I can sell you some bananas but only ……………..
A. little B. a few C. few D. a little
Câu 41. Those students …………….. to London tomorrow.
A. is going B. goes C. has gone D. are going
Câu 42. Hanah............................yet how to spend prize money.
A. haven’t decided B. have decided C. has decided D. hasn’t decided
Câu 43. There is .......................milk in the glass.
A. some B. many C. any D. much
Câu 44. I’ll be really disappointed if I..................the job.
A. wouldn’t get B. get C. didn’t get D. don’t get
Câu 45. I boyfriend in Hanoi in 2002.
A. Met B. has met C. will meet D. Meet
Câu 46. You look very tired. - I ...................... papers all day.
A. had marking
B. are marking
C. have been marking
D. had been marking
Câu 47. We are talking about the writer ....................... books we like so much.
A. whose B. which C. whom D. who
Câu 48. Although he...............most of the money, the Swiss man paid it all back to the bank.
A. spent already B. already had spent
C. already spent D. had already spent
Câu 49. This is the man ............................. I love forever.
A. whose B. who C. which D. when
Câu 50. When my mum got home, ……………..
A. I was cooking dinner B. The dinner be cooked
C. I am cooking dinner D. The dinner being cooked
Câu 51. China has..........................population in the world.
A. largest B. the largest C. the larger D. large
Câu 52. If it ......................solate, we could have coffee.
A. wasn’t
B. not be
C. isn’t
D. weren’t

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Câu 53. She's gone already? And I am only ...................... minutes late!
A. little B. few C. a few D. a little
Câu 54. He fell down when he …………………. towards the church.
A. had run B. runs C. run D. was running
Câu 55. It has been five years since I last …………….. French.
A. spoke B. have spoken
C. have been speaking D. was speaking
Câu 56. Let’s..............somewhere to get some fresh air.
A. got B. have C. take D. go
Section 2: Reading comprehension (MCQs)
Passage 1
1. James Waltham – Chocolate Taster
Whenever I tell people what I do for a living, they can hardly believe that job exists. But I am
not joking! I spend my days at work eating chocolate! Tasting chocolate is an essential part of
making sure that customers get perfect bars of high- quality chocolate from the company I work
Every week I receive samples, small amounts that show what the chocolate is like, from our
factory and I have to check them for taste, texture and smell. I also have to taste the raw
materials we usually use- the nuts, fruit and so on. I spend days choosing the most suitable ones
to go into the chocolate.
Just beside my company office I have a kitchen where I can test and taste products I make and I
keep my colleagues happy by giving them samples! My kitchen is full of machines and
ingredients to play with. It’s wonderful to have a private space I can go off to during the day.
No two days are the same in this job. Sometimes I am at our food lab and others I am out of the
country buying our raw materials and as I have got a young family that can be difficult. But that
kind of variety, and lack of routine, is something I love about the job, although I think is still
comes second to the chocolate itself! The question I get asked most is whether I get bored of
chocolate. I have worked with it for a long time, and I have never felt I did not want to eat it. In
fact, I often go home and eat some more in the evening!
Câu 57. James says that when he tells people about his work, they
A. doubt whether he is serious.
B. wonder why he chose it as a career.
C. think it must be very easy.
D. say they would like to do the same thing.
Câu 58. What is James Waltham trying to do in the text?
A. recommend the best ways to test chocolate
B. suggest different methods of making chocolate.
C. tell readers what makes his job worth doing for him.
D. describe what personal qualities are needed to do his job.
Câu 59. What does Jame think is a disadvantage of his job?
A. He finds it difficult to have a routine with his work.
B. He sometimes feels he has eaten too much chocolate.

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C. He needs to travel abroad some of the time.

D. He has worked with the same product too long.
Câu 60. James says that working in his kitchen involves
A. discussing his opinions with other members of staffs.
B. checking the quantities of ingredients in each bar.
C. making sure the best chocolate- making equipment is used.
D. trying various different preparation methods.
Câu 61. Which one would be an advert for the chocolate company Jame worked for?
A. All our ingredients are bought from local businesses.
B. Every single bar of chocolate that leaves our factory is tested for its taste.
C. A. We check everything that goes into our chocolate.
D. We choose the best ingredients- just chocolate, beans, sugar and milk.

Passage 2
Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a child’s upbringing can give it the
ability to do outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that
it is simply something a person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great
achievement can be developed. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.
It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a
child’s ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right
upbringing and opportunities. As one psychologist says, “To have a fast car, you need both a
good engine and fuel.”
Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of
identical twins that were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They
found that achievement was based on intelligence, and later influenced by the child’s
One case involving very intelligent twins was quoted. One of the twins received a normal
upbringing, and performed well. The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely
supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That twin,
though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better.
This case reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The more favorable the
environment, the more a child’s intelligence and ability are developed. However, there isno link
between intelligence and the socioeconomic level of a child’s family. In other words,it does not
matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect intelligence.
Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One
professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than
ordinary performers, often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians
then needed at least ten years’ hard work and training in order to reach the level they were
capable of attaining.
People who want to have very gifted children are given the following advice:
- Marry an intelligent person.
- Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.
- Start a child’s education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.
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- Encourage children to play; for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a
child who wants to become an outstanding musician.
Câu 62. When encouraging their gifted children, parents should avoid _____________
A. starting their education at an early age
B. pushing their children too hard.
C. letting them play their own way.
D. permitting them to follow their own interests
Câu 63. The remark: “To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel.” in the passage
means that in order to become a genius ________________
A. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard
B. you need intelligence and you need to develop it
C. you should try to move quickly and efficiently
D. you need to have good health and good nourishment
Câu 64. The word “favorable” in the passage mostly means ____________
A. “helping somebody to be more intelligent compared to other people”
B. “under the control or in the power of somebody else”
C. “of high quality or an acceptable standard”
D. “good for someone and making him/her likely to be successful”
Câu 65. The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires _____________
A. an expensive education
B. parental support and encouragement
C. wealthy and loving parents
D. good musical instruments
Câu 66. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _________________
A. studying different twins is a useful scientific procedure
B. educational development depends completely on economic well-being
C. a child’s intelligence is influenced by that of his/ her parents
D. to become successful, a child needs both native intelligence and development
Passage 3
Do you want to be slim?
Do you worry about your family’s health?
Then you should try Fruitibix, the new healthy fruit and nut biscuit. Fruitibix tastes wonderful,
but it contains less sugar than most other biscuits. Each biscuit contains dried fruit and nuts,
including apples, coconut and banana. Sometimes you feel like eating something between meals.
Now, instead of having a chocolate bar, bite into a Fruitibix. It won’t make you fat and it will
keep you healthy.
At lunch time, instead of chips or hamburgers, have a Fruitibix. It contains all the essential foods
for a balanced meal. And if you are in a hurry, and you don’t have time for a proper meal,
Fruitibix will give you energy to keep on going.
So whenever your children ask for something sweet, give them Fruitibix instead of cake or
chocolate they will love the taste and it won’t harm their teeth.
Discover Fruitibix. It’s on your supermarket shelves now!
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Câu 67. Which of these people ought to buy Fruitibix?

A. Mrs. Brown is looking for something special to serve for dessert at a dinner party she is
giving for her boss and his wife.
B. Mrs. Booth’s baby daughter was ill yesterday. She is getting better now, but the doctor has
advised Mrs. Booth to give her liquid food without any sugar or salt in it.
C. Mr. Taylor is going on a fishing trip and he wants to take something to eat with him. Some
kinds of fruit like banana makes him feel sick, but he enjoys salty food.
D. Mr. Green wants something to take with him to the office he is going to be very busy
tomorrow and he thinks he might not have time for lunch.
Câu 68. This is from
A. a magazine article. B. a letter
C. an advertisement. D. a student’s notebook.
Câu 69. Why does the writer say that Fruitibix is useful when you are in a hurry?
A. you don’t need to cook it D. it won’t be harmful to your teeth
B. it is as good as a proper meal B. You can buy Fruitibix everywhere
Câu 70. The writer wants to
A. give advice about healthy living
B. compare this with other source of food.
C. explain why people use this product.
D. persuade people to buy the product.
Câu 71. Why, in the writer’s opinion, should people eat Fruitibix instead of chocolate?
A. Fruitibix is healthier and less fattening than chocolate.
B. Fruitibix tastes better than chocolate
C. Fruitibix contains more fat than chocolate
D. Fruitibix is cheaper and easier to eat than chocolate
Passage 4
Being an older student
At 32, I have just finished my first year at university. As well as attending lectures regularly, I
have had to learn to read books quickly and write long essays.
I decided to go to university after fourteen years away from the classroom. As a secretary,
although I was earning a reasonable amount of money, I was bored doing something where I
hardly had to think. I became more and more depressed by the idea that I was stuck in the job. I
was jealous of the students at the local university, who looked happy, carefree and full of hope,
and part of something that I wanted to explore further.
However, now that I’ve actually become a student I find it hard to mix with younger colleagues.
They are always mistaking me for a lecturer and asking me questions I can’t answer. I aslo feel
separated from the lectures because, although we are the same age, I know somuch less than
them. But I am glad of this opportunity to study because I know you need a qualification to get a
rewarding job, which is really important to me. Unlike most eighteen-year-olds, I much prefer a
weekend with my books to one out partying. Then there are the normal student benefits of long
holidays and theatre and cinema discounts. I often have doubts about what I’ll do after
university, but I hope that continuing my education at this late date has been a wise choice.

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Câu 72. In her spare time, the writer likes to....

A. . go out to parites B. A. do extra study
C. travel a lot D. earn some money
Câu 73. How did the writer feel about her job as a secretary?
A. Her colleagues made her depressed.
B. Her salary wasn’t good enough.
C. It didn’t make use of her brain.
D. It gave her the opportunity to study.
Câu 74. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. complain about the attitude of young students
B. help lecturers understand older students
C. suggest some good methods for studying
D. explain her reasons for returning to study
Câu 75. What can a reader find out about the writer from this text?
A. how long her university course is B. what subject she is studying
C. where she will work in future D. when she left school
Câu 76. Which of these sentences describes the writer?
A. She gets on well with the other students.
B. She is confident about the future.
C. She finds university life easier than she expected.
D. A. She realizes the value of a university degree.
Passage 5
The Clovis Culture
Archeologists have found sites all over North America that contain similar tools dating from a
period about 12,000 years ago. The culture that developed these tools has been named Clovis
after the site near Clovis, New Mexico, where the first tools of this sort were discovered in
1932. The tools are quite sophisticated and are unlike any tools that have been found in the Old
In the years since the first tools of this sort were discovered in New Mexico, archeologists have
discovered Clovis tools in areas ranging from Mexico to Montana in the United States and Nova
Scotia in Canada. All of the Clovis finds date from approximately the same period, a fact which
suggests that the Clovis spread rapidly throughout the North American continent.
From the evidence that has been discovered, archeologists have concluded that the Clovis were a
mobile culture. They traveled in groups of 40 to 50 individuals, migrating seasonally and
returning to the same hunting camps each year. Their population increased rapidly as they
spread out over the continent, and they were quite possibly motivated to develop their
sophisticated hunting tools to feed their rapidly expanding populace.
Câu 77. According to paragraph 2, what conclusion have archeologists drawn from the Clovis
A. That the Clovis expanded relatively quickly.
B. That the Clovis lived throughout the world.
C. That the Clovis were a seafaring culture.

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D. That the Clovis tended to remain in one place.

Câu 78. According to paragraph 1, the town of Clovis _________________.
A. is where the first remnants of an ancient culture were found
B. was founded in 1932
C. is in Mexico
D. is where all members of the Clovis culture lived
Câu 79. It is indicated in paragraph 1 that the tools found near Clovis, New Mexico, were
A. similar to others found prior to 1932
B. rather advanced
C. very rudimentary
D. similar to some found in Africa and Europe
Câu 80. What is stated in paragraph 1 about Clovis tools?
A. They were discovered by archeologists hundreds of years ago.
B. They date from around 10,000 B.C.
C. They have been in use for 12,000 years.
D. They have been found at only one location.
Câu 81. It is mentioned in paragraph 3 that it is believed that the Clovis ______________.
A. lived only in New Mexico
B. spent summers and winters in different places
C. lived in familial groups of four or five people
D. had a relatively stable population
Passage 6
The Postage stamp
The postage stamp has been around for only a relatively short period of time. The use of stamps
for postage was first proposed in England in 1837, when Sir Rowland Hill published a pamphlet
entitled “Post Office Reform: Its Importance and Practicability” to put forth the ideas that postal
rates should not be based on the distance that a letter or package travels but should instead be
based on the weight of the letter or package and that fees for postal Services should be collected
in advance of the delivery, rather than after, through the use of postage stamps.
The ideas proposed by Hill went into effect in England almost immediately, and other countries
soon followed suit. The first English stamp, which featured a portrait of then Queen Victoria,
was printed in 1840. This stamp, the “penny black”, came in sheets that needed to be separated
with scissors and provided enough postage for a letter weighing 14 grams or less to any
destination. In 1843, Brazil was the next nation to produce national postage stamps, and various
areas in what is today Switzerland also produced postage stamps later in the same year. Postage
stamps in five- and ten-cent denominations were first approved by the U.S. Congress in 1847,
and by 1860 postage stamps were being issued in more than 90 governmental jurisdictions
Câu 82. It is mentioned in paragraph 2 that in 1847 _____________________.
A. two different denominations of postage stamps were introduced in the United States
B. it cost fifteen cents to mail a letter in the United States
C. postage stamps were in use in 90 different countries
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D. the U.S. Congress introduced the “penny black” stamp

Câu 83. According to paragraph 2, Brazil introduced postage stamps _______________.
A. before England B. after Switzerland
C. after the United States D. before Switzerland
Câu 84. According to paragraph 1, postage stamps were first suggested
A. in the first half of the eighteenth century
B. in the second half of the eighteenth century
C. in the second half of the nineteenth century
D. in the first half of the nineteenth century
Câu 85. It is indicated in paragraph 1 that Sir Rowland Hill believed that postage fees
A. should be collected after the package is delivered
B. should be paid by the sender
C. should be related to distance
D. should have nothing to do with how heavy a package is
Câu 86. What is stated in paragraph 2 about the first English postage stamp?
A. It was designed by Queen Victoria.
B. It could be used to send a lightweight letter.
C. It was produced in sheets of 14 stamps.
D. It contained a drawing of a black penny.
Section 3: Cloze test
Read the text below and fill each of the blanks with ONE suitable word from the box.
Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees. It.......(16).......of water and sugar. Bees may travel as......
(17) seventy-five thousand kilometres and visit over two million flowers to produce just
half a kilo of honey. The color and flavour of honey depend ...(18).... the type of flower visited.
In...(19)...., there are more than three hundred....(20).....of honey.
The lighter-colored ones are generally milder in flavour than darker honey.
In ancient.....(21)...., honey was the main sweet food, as sugar was very.......(22)... . Honey was
of great......(23) the ancient Egyptians, who used it as payment.
Today, honey is produced and eaten in ....(24)......part of the world. Research suggests that it
prevents tiredness and improves athletic performance. However, honey is not just food – it.....
(25) taken for sore throats and is used in many skin and hair-care products.
Câu 87. A. involves B. contains C. consists D. includes
Câu 88. A. far B. soon C. well D. long
Câu 89. A. To B. with C. For D. On
Câu 90. A. Fact B. Order C. place D. Case
Câu 91. A. differences B. Varieties C. Collections D. Sets
Câu 92. A. Dates B. Years C. Times D. Seasons
Câu 93. A. Distant B. Small C. Rare D. Slim
Câu 94. A. Price B. Cost C. charge D. value
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Câu 95. A. Some B. All C. Most D. every

Câu 96. A. Can B. Need C. ought D. Shall
There’s much more water than land on the .....(16)......of the earth. The seas and oceans cover
nearly ......(17)...... of the whole world, and only one-fifth of .......(18)....... land. If you traveled
over the earth in different directions, you would have to spend .....(19)..... more of your
time .......(20) ...... on water that on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that for every mile
of land .......(21)....... four miles of water.
There’s so much water in the surface of our earth that we ..........(22) use two words to
describe. We use the word SEAS .........(23)...... those parts of water surface which ........
(24).........only few hundreds of mile, the word OCEANS to describe the huge area of water .......
(25)...... are thousands of miles wide and very deep.
Câu 97. A. surface B. Cover C. outside D. Outer
Câu 98. A. Four-fives B. Four fifths C. Four-fifth D. Fourth-fifths
Câu 99. A. Its B. Them are C. It is D. It
Câu 100. A. Many B. Few C. Much D. two
Câu 101. A. Move B. moved C. To move D. Moving
Câu 102. A. There has B. There are C. have D. There is
Câu 103. A. Have B. would C. Must D. Should
Câu 104. A. To describe B. Describe C. describing D. Describes
Câu 105. A. Will be B. Has C. Is D. Are
Câu 106. A. Where B. whose C. Which D. That’s
In the match between Parkfield School and Greenport Football Club which took place at
Greenport ......(16)........ Saturday the Parkfield team beat Greenport by three goals to two.
The last time the two ......(17)........ met Greenport won by three goals to nil, so Parkfield were
making a great......(18)........ to win the game.
In the first half of the game, Greenport .....(19)........ leading by two goals, and
Parkfield’s position looked hopeless. However, Greenport made a number of .......(20).......
mistakes during the second half. This was after their star player, Brown, missed the ball, slipped
and ......(21)........ heavily, injuring his left ankle.
Parkfield then scored two lucky......(22)........ and in the few minutes before the finish,
Prescott shot the ball.....(23)......... the net for them, bringing the score to three goals to two.
Parkfield have ......(24)........ well this season, and their fans have good reason to be
proud. Greenport too, have had good results up to now. Out of the last five games played, this is
the first game they have .....(25).........
Câu 107. A. every B. next C. once D. last
Câu 108. A. dates B. events C. teams D. fights
Câu 109. A. chance B. journey C. competition D. effort
Câu 110. A. made B. were C. had D. seemed
Câu 111. A. generous B. deep C. many D. Careless
Câu 112. A. fell B. kicked C. ran D. bent
Câu 113. A. players B. matches C. teams D. Goals
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Câu 114. A. through B. beneath C. into D. Up

Câu 115. A. played B. Been C. lost D. made
Câu 116. A. beaten B. missed C. won D. lost
I have a brother who is ..........(16).......... me. We ..........(17).......... . Yesterday was an important
day ........(18)............ friends. In the morning ........(19)............ of us had a big exam at the
technical college and then .........(20)........... there was a big meeting at the youth club at 9
o’clock. (That’s where we usually go when we want to ........(21)............ ourselves.) A rich
woman had given us some money and yesterday we ........(22)............ decide what to do ..........
(23).......... . Many people wanted to buy something new for our club, but my brother and I
wanted to give the money to another club that has ..........(24).......... . In the end we decided to
give half to the poor club and ..........(25).......... half for ourselves.

Câu 117.
A. the same age that B. the same age as
C. so old as D. so old that
Câu 118. A. are both 6 B. are 6 the both C. both are 6 D. are 6 both
Câu 119. A. for us and ours B. to us and ours C. to us and our D. for us and our
Câu 120. A. . much B. few C. most D. more
Câu 121. A. the last evening B. last night C. the last night D. last evening
Câu 122. A. meet B. enjoy C. like D. divert
Câu 123. A. would B. must C. should D. had to
Câu 124. A. for it B. for them C. with it D. with them
Câu 125. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
Câu 126. A. keep the other B. hold the other C. keep another D. hold another
The Grand Canyon in the United States is created by the River Colorado. People visit the Grand
Canyon Park to go walking and running but...........(16)............. to look at the view. It is a
wonderful view made ........(17)................. better by the Skywalk. The distance.........
(18)................ the Skywalk to the bottom of the Grand Canyon is 1219 metres. It is a
platform..............(19)........... walls and floor are built of glass .............(20)............ that you can
see the beautiful rocks of the canyon. Up to 120 people are allowed to stand on it at the
same...............(21).......... . It opened in 2007 and since ........(22)................. thousands of people
have used it. You have to...........(23).............. special covers over your shoes to ...........
(24).............. scratching the glass beneath your feet. Walking onto the Skywalk makes you
.................(25)........ like a bird floating high up in the air.

Câu 127. A. completely B. hugely C. greatly D. mainly

Câu 128. A. such B. even C. more D. already
Câu 129. A. by B. through C. from D. for
Câu 130. A. who B. where C. whose D. which
Câu 131. A. therefore B. so C. because D. although
QUI - 2024

Câu 132. A. hour B. time C. day D. period

Câu 133. A. that B. there C. then D. this
Câu 134. A. change B. take C. wear D. dress
Câu 135. A. keep B. avoid C. let D. hold
Câu 136. A. feel B. believe C. wish D. consider

Most people would saythat finding the perfect ring for your partner is difficult. However, John
Greenwood, a Scottish engineer, ...(16).......himself an extra challenge. .......(17)......of taking a
trip to the jeweller’s, John ......(18).......much of last year standing up to his knees in freezing
water. He was looking for tinny pieces of gold ......(19)........the stones on the river beds in the
Scottish Highlands.
Using very ....(20), John worked hard to .....(21).......enough gold to
make not just an engagement ring for his girlfriend, Morag, ...(22)......also their two wedding
rings. “I was out there ...(23)..........weekend and in the evenings before it got dark, in freezing
water”, he said.
Experts think that John was amazingly lucky to find so much gold in such a .......
(24).......time. Many people ......(25).......for 30 years without getting anything
Câu 137. A. had B. gave C. Made D. Did
Câu 138. A. Rather B. Besides C. Along D. Instead
Câu 139. A. held B. spent C. Paid D. Took
Câu 140. A. among B. towards C. through D. against
Câu 141. A. basic B. plain C. easy D. necessary
Câu 142. A. choose B. collect C. pick D. select
Câu 143. A. and B. even C. or D. but
Câu 144. A. any B. some C. every D. most
Câu 145. A. little B. short C. quick D. small
Câu 146. A. follow B. reach C. search D. keep
Section 4: Notices
Câu 147. Gabi wants Jo to

QUI - 2024

A. Come to a business meeting B. Change an arrangement.

C. Cancel a regular event
Câu 148. . Maths Homework
Some of you have told me the homework is a bit difficult. So if you haven’t finished it by
Friday, you can hand it on Monday.
Mr Peters
A. The homework given out on Friday must be returned by Monday.
B. Anyone having problems with their homework may hav extreme time to complete it.
C. Students who wish to hand in their homework on Monday should tell Mr Peters.
Câu 149.
From: Sarah
To: Janine
Janie – my birthday meal’s booked for 6:30 Saturday at Luigi’s restaurant. I know there are
something you can’t eat, so I’ve attached a menu. Tell me if it’s OK.
A. If Janie will be available to go to the restaurant.
B. If Janine wants to see the restaurant menu before Saturday.
C. If the food at the restaurant will be all right for Janine.
Câu 150.
Parkside Pool
Beyond this red line
The water is very shalow
No diving in this area
A. The far end of the pool is reserved for divers only.
B. Part of the pool is not deep enough for diving.
C. Diving is forbidden in all areas of the pool.
Câu 151. . ---------------------------
A. It is dangerous to queue on the other side.
B. Stand in a line if you want to cross to the other side
C. It is safer to wait in a queue on the other side
Câu 152. .
Don’t forget to put your football shirt in the washing machine as soon as you get home after the
match. Add soap powder and turn dial to number 3.
A. Remember where he put the football shirt that he needs for the match.
B. Remember to make sure his football shirt is clean in time for the match.
C. Remember to wash his football shirt after the match.

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A. Pick up your keys at the desk when you arrive.
B. Pick up your keys at the desk when you arrive.
C. When you leave the hotel give in your keys at the desk.
Câu 154. How does Sabrina feel about the Plaza Hotel?

A. She wishes it was nearer the beach.

B. She is disappointed with it.

C. She thinks it has an advantage.

Câu 155.

A. Charlotte needs to arrive in time for Giacomo’s meeting tomorrow.

B. Giacomo can collect Charlotte from the airport tomorrow afternoon.
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C. Giacomo will be able to see Charlotte early tomorrow morning.

Câu 156.

A. Some parts of the bicycle must bechanged.

B. Debbie is selling the bike because she’s too big for itnow.
C. The bicycle that’s for sale was built fora child.
Câu 157.

A. Your ticket could be checked.

B. You can get the change when you pay for your ticket.
C. You need the correct money for the bus.
Câu 158. Students who do not sign up before Friday lunchtime…

QUI - 2024

A. will not be able to do afternoon activities next week.

B. won’t have to work in the afternoons next week.
C. won’t be able to choose their afternoon activities next week.
D. will have to work in the afternoons next week.
Câu 159.

A. Everybody has to pay at least 4 pounds between 12.30p.m and 2p.m.

B. No pizzas are served between 12.30p.m and 2p.m.
C. A pizza costs 4 pounds.
D. Everybody only needs to pay 4 pounds for a pizza.
Câu 160.
From: Sarah
To: Janine
Janie – my birthday meal’s booked for 6:30 Saturday at Luigi’s restaurant. I know there are
something you can’t eat, so I’ve attached a menu. Tell me if it’s OK.
A. If Janine wants to see the restaurant menu befor Saturday.
B. If Janie will be available to go to the restaurant.
C. If the food at the restaurant will be all right for Janine.
Câu 161.
QUI - 2024

A. A ticket is not necessary for Sunday evening.

B. You must book tickets for Sunday in advance.
C. All Sunday evening tickets are already sold.

Câu 162. Why did Sophie write thismessage?

A. to ask Anna to contact her about the homework

B. to let Anna know what they did in classtoday
C. to check if Anna has completed her homework
Câu 163.

QUI - 2024

A. Two ice creams will cost the same as one.

B. The ice cream shop is open for only 2hours.
C. You can get free ice creams all afternoon.
A. This toilet is broken but you can use the one upstairs.
B. Staff are not allowed to use this toilet. They must go upstairs.
C. This toilet has been closed. A new toilet has been opened upstairs.
Câu 165.

A. You can get your membership cards from the Private Rooms between 10am and 2pm.
B. Only members can visit the Private Rooms from 10a.m to 2p.m.
C. Anyone can visit the private rooms from 10am to 2pm.
Câu 166. .

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A. to use this medicine more than three times a day.

B. to take this medicine straight after meals.
C. to wait six hours before having more of this medicine.
Câu 167.

A. After next month the bank will be open all week

B. The bank will have longer opening hours in future
C. The bank closes at 2 pm on weekdays
Câu 168.
Parkside Pool
Beyond this red line
The water is very shllow
No diving in this area
A. Diving is forbidden in all areas of the pool.
B. The far end of the pool is reserved for divers only.
C. Part of the pool is not deep enough for diving.
Câu 169. what should Louise do?

QUI - 2024

A. take some new photos of Suzie B. give Suzie some photos

C. help Suzie find her photos
Câu 170. . Maths Homework
Some of you have told me the homework is a bit difficult. So if you haven’t finished it by
Friday, you can hand it on Monday.
Mr Peters
A. Anyone having problems with their homework may hav extreme time to complete it.
B. The homework given out on Friday must be returned by Monday.
C. Students who wish to hand in their homework on Monday should tell Mr Peters.
A. Pick up your keys at the desk when you arrive.
B. Pick up your keys at the desk when you arrive.
C. When you leave the hotel give in your keys at the desk.
Câu 172. “To order your class photograph, sign below.
£8.50 each, 20% discount on three or more copies (payment to office immediately, please).”
A. There will be a class photo if enough people signhere.
B. Your photo will cost less if you pay the office inadvance.
C. The price per photo is reduced if several are ordered atonce.
Câu 173.

QUI - 2024

A. We regret that there are no tickets left for the early performance of Swan Lake.
B. If you want to see Swan Lake, buy your tickets as soon as possible.
C. Swan Lake is unfortunately cancelled due to disappointing ticket sales.
Câu 174.

A. Tim hopes that Ben will be able to comewith him.

B. Tim thinks Ben should look on the concert website.
C. Tim wants to know if Ben can pay him back today.
Câu 175. Mum,
Could you pick up my skirt from the dry cleaner’s when you collect your jacket? I’ll pay you
back this evening.
What will Sonja’s mother do?

A. Receive money for the dry cleaning from Sonja tonight.

QUI - 2024

B. Fetch Sonja’s jacket from the dry cleaner’s for her.

C. Deliver her own clothes to the dry cleaner’s.

Câu 176.

A. Basketball players are only allowed to practise here if accompanied by a professional coach.
B. Basketball training for groups is cancelled until further notice.
C. A basketball coach is available if a booking is made far enough in advance.
Please wait here while we check your books
A. Do not leave books here for checking without telling us.
B. Do not go away until we have checked your books.
C. Check you have all your books before you leave the library.
A. You must not leave your bicycle by the fence because it will be in the of the entrance.
B. You can take your bicycle in through this entrance free of charge.
C. Bicycle riders are not allowed to enter because they might lean against the fence.

Câu 179.

A. This part of the road will open again on 1st September.

B. We are expecting more traffic on this road in September.
C. Your journey may take longer on this road in September.
Câu 180.

QUI - 2024

A. Guido is preparing a surprise for his parents at their new home.

B. Some of Guido’s relatives are playing golf with him this weekend.
C. As the weather has improved, Guido wants Marc to play golf with him.
Câu 181.

A. This car park is for employees only.

B. Users must lock the car park after leaving.
C. A. People can park here while they are at work.
Section 5: Writing 1
Câu 182. They spend half an hour to watch the news on T.V every day.
- It takes....................................................................................
Câu 183. He started to play the guitar five years ago.
- He has ..............................................................................................................
Câu 184. His step-mother made him do the housework all the time.
He was........................................ ..................................................................
Câu 185. Nick had never been to a baseball game before.
It was ........................................................................................................
Câu 186. Haven’t you got any cheaper televisions?
-Are these ........................................
Câu 187. We haven’t been to a concert for over a year.
- The last time…………………………………………………………………………….
Câu 188. The Dolphins played better than the Giants
- The Giants didn’t ......................................
Câu 189. We stayed in this hotel.
-This is ........................................

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Câu 190. Jessica bought her ticket in advance online

Jessica’s ticket........................................ .............................................................
Câu 191. When did you last ride a bike?
- How long is it………………………………………..........................?
Câu 192. They made him wait for two hours
- He was........................................ ..................................................................
Câu 193. The Dolphins played better than the Giants
The Giants didn’t ...................................... ..........................................................
Câu 194. “What time will they arrive in New York?” asked John.
John sked...............................................................................................................
Câu 195. “Keep silent and concentrate on the lessons, please” said the teacher.
- The teacher ………………………………………..
Câu 196. It is vital that this work is finished by Monday.
-This work ........................................
Câu 197. ‘Why don’t you complain to the company, Peter?’ said William.
-William suggested ........................................
Câu 198. Our favourite place to visit is the lake near our town.
Câu 199. I haven’t seen her since we left school.
-The ........................................
Câu 200. He was driving very fast because he didn’t know the road was icy.
-If ........................................
Câu 201. The storm blew a lot of trees down last night.
-A lot of trees ........................................
Câu 202. The government gave her a scholarship to the University.
- A scholarship………………………………………..
Câu 203. It doesn’t matter to me if a book is long or short.
I don’t...............................................................................................................
Câu 204. Although he was exhausted, he managed to finish the London Marathon race.
-Despite ........................................
Câu 205. She was seriously ill but she enjoyed life very much.
- Although.................................................................................
Câu 206. The cake was so hard that I could not eat it.
- It was ………………………………………..
Câu 207. " When did you leave school?" the interviewer asked me
- The interviewer asked me..............................................................
Câu 208. It’s not worth trying to make her change her mind.
-There’s ........................................
Câu 209. She’s a slower and more careful driver than I am.
She drives ......................................
Câu 210. I have my hair cut there every six weeks.
- The hairdresser ………………………………………………
Câu 211. This room is too small for us to play music in.
QUI - 2024

- This room isn't..........................................................................

Câu 212. I get to work in twenty minutes.
-It ........................................
Câu 213. They received some advice from their neighbour.
Their neighbour ...................................................................................................
Câu 214. Where are you spending your holidays?’ Janet asked us.
Janet asked ........................................................................................................
Câu 215. ‘Don’t walk on the grass,’ the gardener said to us.
-The gardener told ........................................
Câu 216. The weather was so bad that we couldn’t go sailing.
-The weather was not ........................................
Section 6: Writing 2
Câu 217. Last week your English friend, Jack, lent you his dictionary. You promised to return
it by yesterday but you didn‟t.
Write an email (100-120 words) to Jack. In your email, you should:
- apologize for not returning the dictionary
- explain why you couldn’t see him yesterday
- offer to bring it to his house today

Hi Jack,

I hope you're doing well. I want to start by apologizing for not returning your dictionary as
promised. It was irresponsible of me, and I regret not keeping my word.

Yesterday, I had an unexpected work commitment that required my immediate attention,

which prevented me from seeing you as planned and returning the dictionary. I understand
that it's not an excuse for failing to return it on time, and I sincerely apologize for the
inconvenience caused.

To make it up to you, I'd like to offer to bring the dictionary to your house today at a time
that suits you best. Please let me know what works for you, and I'll ensure to be there

Once again, I'm sorry for the delay, and I appreciate your understanding.

Best regards, John

Câu 218. You have just joined a club at your school and you think your friend, Max, would
enjoy going there with you.
Write an email (100-120 words) to Max. In your email, you should:
- Explain which club you have joined
- Suggest Max should visit the club
- Say what you could do there together
QUI - 2024

Hey Max,

Hope you're doing well! I wanted to tell you about this awesome club I've joined at school
called the Grit Club. It's all about pushing ourselves to the limits, overcoming obstacles, and
becoming stronger individuals.

Knowing your determination and drive, I think you'd really enjoy being a part of it too. We
could tackle tough challenges together, push each other to new heights, and inspire others
along the way.

I believe it'd be a great opportunity for us to grow and have some fun together. What do
you think? Ready to embrace the grit with me?

Looking forward to your response!

Best regards,


Câu 219. Write a letter about 100-120 words to your friend to tell him/her about a place you
have visited in your country which is famous for its beauty
You should say:
-where it is in your country
- what it looks like
- why it is important in your country
- and explain why you have chosen this place

Guess what? I recently went to Ha Long Bay, and it was mind-blowing! It's in Quang Ninh
province, and let me tell you, it's like a scene from a dream. The water is this gorgeous
emerald color, and there are thousands of huge limestone islands covered in rainforests.
It's not just a pretty sight though; it's a big deal for our country's tourism. People come
from all over the world to see it! I've always been obsessed with how beautiful it looks in
pictures, so seeing it in person was incredible. You've gotta come check it out with me
Câu 220. You have just spent the weekend away from home. It was amazing and you want to
tell your English-speaking friend about your trip.
Write an email (100-120 words) to him/her. In your email, you should:
- Tell about the weather on the trip days
- Describe the place you spent your weekend
- Who did you go with and what did you do

QUI - 2024

I hope this finds you well! I'm eager to share the excitement of my recent weekend getaway
with you. The weather was simply divine throughout my trip – clear skies and a gentle
breeze, perfect for outdoor adventures.

I spent my weekend exploring the wonders of Cat Ba Island, nestled in the beauty of Hai
Phong, Vietnam. Picture-perfect scenes awaited at every turn: towering limestone cliffs,
pristine beaches, and lush greenery that seemed to stretch for miles. It felt like stepping
into a paradise!

Accompanied by a fantastic group of friends, we delved into the island's treasures. From
exhilarating hikes to snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters, every moment was filled with
adventure. And, of course, we couldn't resist indulging in the mouthwatering local seafood
at charming seaside restaurants. It was a weekend etched in unforgettable memories.

Looking forward to catching up and hearing all about your own weekend escapades!

Take care,

Câu 221. Write to a friend(100-120 words) to tell about your favourite food. You should
base on the following guidelines
- What your favourite foodis
- What it is madeof
- How often you eat that kind offood
- Why you likeit
Câu 222. You are going on a camping trip in the mountains.
Write an email(100-120 words) to your friend about preparation for the trip. Use the plan
below and your own ideas:
- how you will get there
- suggest going together
- ask him/her for advice about things to take



I. Introduce yourself (1-2’: name, age, hobbies…)

II. Topics (3’)
2. A place you have just visited
3. Talk about the weather in Vietnam
4. Describe your hometown
5. A social media you like
III. Discussion (1’)

QUI - 2024


Part 1:
- Listen and choose the suitable picture (B1) – 5 pictures.
Part 2:
- Listen and fill ONE word/number (B1)


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