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George Ferman | Health optimization


37 Tweets • 2022-10-28 •  See on 

How to restore fertility.

A thread.
Standard disclaimer that this does not constitute
medical advice.

For the last 70 years, fertility rates have decreased

worldwide with a total over 50% (52.4%) decline.

It is also estimated that between 60 million to 80

million couples in the world are infertile.
If you follow the curve of sperm decline meta analysis,
it predicts that by 2045 we will have a median sperm
count of zero.

We live in so many toxins and are malnourished to the

point that rats would've become infertile in just weeks
in a lot of cases.
The most common causes of infertility in today’s
society seem to be the following and are all of equal

Number 1: Estrogen dominance

Animals that were given larger doses of estrogen

during youth become prematurely infertile.
Estrogen also work against progesterone synthesis
which is crucial when it comes to fertility for women
but also for men.

Without enough progesterone in your system you can

not conceive.

Nowadays estrogens are hidden everywhere with the

main sources of them being

xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens.

Xenoestrogens cause an endless list of problems in

today's society besides infertility such as many forms
of cancer and neurodevelopmental delays in children.

Xenoestrogens are estrogen mimicking compounds

which are not produced by your body
and are structurally or functionally related to human
sex hormone 17β-estradiol and bind the estrogen

Their metabolites are also known to be involved in the

pathogenesis of cancerous illness of breast, uterus,
ovary, testicle, prostate and kidney.
So what should you do?

First of all recognise the things that you should avoid.

These are:
2)Plastic (it does not matter if it is BPA free if it has
3)No fragrances
4)No triclosan
5)No parabens
7)No birth control pills
So you basically need to get rid of all the toxic feeled
shampoos , moisturizers , sunscreens, fragrances,
toothpastes, shaving creams, cleaning products,
polyester clothes and underwear and also all non-stick
coatings as well.
Here are some natural alternatives to all of these:

1)Mineral based sunscreens and deodorants.

2)Olive oil soap.
3)Aloe vera.
4)Coconut oil.
5)For a quick toothpaste recipe try mixing aluminum
free baking soda, sea salt and coconut oil or even
liquid magnesium.
6)ACV for cleaning.
7)Glass “tupperware”.
8)Old school skillets.
9)Stick to clothes made out of cotton and wool.

Now here's how to detox from xenoestrogens in order

to help restore and improve fertility.
1. Avoid as many sources of xenoestrogen as you can
and switch to replace them with natural alternatives.

2. Sweat in the sauna 2-3 times a week in order to

detox from endocrine disruptors like phthalates and

3. Try to incorporate some mild natural aromatase

in your diet such as:
-Citrus fruits (or anything that contains naringenin)
-Olive oil
-Palm kernel oil

4. Get enough beta carotene and vitamin A from

whole foods such as pumpkin, carrots and beef liver
since retinol can aid in bisphenol-A detoxification.
5. Increase your fiber intake from sources such as raw
carrots in between meals since excess xenoestrogen
binds to fiber and is eliminated through the bathroom.

6. Don’t forget that you can support liver detoxification

either with milk thistle.
7. Don’t skip the free range egg yolks and quality
meats also since B vitamins and choline are crucial for
your liver’s detoxification processes.

8. Activated charcoal that binds to xenoestrogens and

dead bacteria besides endotoxins.
Do not take more than 1-3 grams.
9. Up the anti-estrogenic compounds such as the fat
soluble vitamins K2 and E.
(Grass fed ghee/butter and palm kernel oil, EVOO).

Phytoestrogens are present in certain edible plants

being most abundant in soy, they are structurally and
functionally analogous to the estrogen
and have also been classified as endocrine disruptors.

Phytoestrogens can stimulate SHBG synthesis in liver

cells and displace either 17β-estradiol or testosterone
from plasma SHBG.

What you should avoid most :

- Soy/Soy products
- Flax
- Tempeh
- Sesame seeds
- Beer

Number 2: Pesticides and herbicides

Some of the worst fertility disrupters are

organochlorine compounds such as chlorinated
pesticides plus organophosphate pesticides and

Exposure to these pesticides can decrease sperm

health in a matter of weeks and these are in
99% of today's foods.

Glyphosate (health Twitter's favorite herbicide) over

activates TET enzymes which are responsible for
removing methyl groups which can adversely affect
fertility and pregnancy outcome.

So what you should avoid and what you should do:

1)No grains
2)Always peel your fruit
3)Stick to organic if you can and if you can not,
minimize the vegetables that you consume
4)Get in the sauna
5)Use binder such as apple pectins and activated
6)No nuts, nut butters or nut "milks"
7)No tap water

Which brings us to the number 3 cause of infertility:

Tap water and i wish i was kidding.

Tap water is filled with:

1)Choline which destroys the thyroid (which can lead

to lower levels of progesterone and once again fertility
2)Sodium fluoride which is a powerful
calcium chelator and displaces iodine.
3)Heavy metals
4)Birth control pills and medication
5)Atrazine which even in very small doses in pregnant
women causes: the babies to grow more slowly than
normal, birth defects, liver, kidney, and heart damage.
8)Herbicides and pesticides

So invest in a good water filter as soon as you can

Number 4: Oxidative stress / Stress hormones

Both put the human organism in a catabolic state

which makes conceiving and optimal fertility

Plus stress hormones compete for the same

receptors and locations in the body’s tissues with
hormones like LH, FSH (both crucial for male fertility),
progesterone and DHEA.

So what you can do in order to keep these two as low

as possible and not over stimulate the HPA axis.

The body responds to stress through a hormone

system called the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal
(HPA) axis*

1)No alcohol
2)No vegetable and 99.9% of seed oils
3)Eat and do not go on long fasts
4)Minimize blue light exposure and darkness
(progesterone needs natural light in
order to be optimally produced so a red light device
can help in the winter months).
5)No intense dieting (ideally no dieting at all)
6)Do not over train or train on an empty stomach
7)Prioritize sleep
8)Avoid food additives, artificial sweeteners and things
such as high fructose

corn syrup
9)Consider using ginkgo
10)Address excessive serotonin

Number 5: nnEMF

In one study that was done (SO to Tim Ferriss) 12

week old male albino rats were exposed to RF-EMR
from an active GSM (0.9/1.8GHz) mobile phone for 1
hour for a total of 28 days.
After this, their mobile sperm was almost non existent.

So please do not sit with your laptop on your lap 12

hours a day and check this thread for more tools.

Number 6: Malnutrition

The main vitamins and minerals that are need for

optimal fertility are:
1)Vitamin A since blocking the retinoic acid receptor
alpha (RAR-a) makes someone fully infertile.

In many studies full infertility in animals is achieved by

administering an RAR-a antagonist.

A vitamin A deficiency will also lower the production of

pregnenolone, DHEA and

progesterone which are all crucial for fertility as well.

So a biweekly dose of quality organ meats is way

more important than you might think for your fertility.

2)Dietary cholesterol
Jesus christ, do not be afraid of dietary cholesterol.
I once consumed 2 grams of
cholesterol every day for like a month and my LDL
was at 116 (which is LOWER than i'd like).

A lack of dietary cholesterol will severely decrease

DHEA, pregnenolone and progesterone as well
besides harming your Leydig cells.

Zinc is crucial in order to protect seminal fluid from

4)Vitamin E
When vitamin E is deficient one will experience a
significant drop in LH and FSH levels which will
interfere with fertility.
A selenium deficiency will cause infertility in men by
causing a deterioration in the quality of semen and in
sperm motility.

6)Vitamin C
Women with low progesterone levels can benefit from
this mostly and vitamin C is in general a great tool
against oxidative

damage and the effects of stress.

7)Beta carotene
Beta carotene helps to protect egg and sperm DNA
from damage by harmful free radicals.

8)Vitamin D
Women with normal levels of Vitamin D are four times
more likely to conceive through IVF than those with
low levels.
Note: You should not supplement with any of these
except vitamin D (in a liquid form with K2) if needed.

Where can you get these nutrients from?

Organ meats, oysters, red meat, acerola cherry,
berries, camu camu, pumpkin and squash for the most

Last but not least, here are some tools for fertility that
work phenomenally but obviously be careful:

4)Vitamin K2
6)L carnitine
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